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@BrokenPromise Moderately curious what happen if a MG uses a coin now
@Vocab for the moment, part of the issue is Beacon demands a vow from their followers. That vow causes them to fight Monster girls with the intent to kill. Penny is currently exempt from that Vow due to a deal Laat'AlOfan and The Beckoners have made.
Currently everyone, other then Penny, who is not a part of Beacon views Beacon as the enemy/evil
@FlamelordBeacon is suffering, and Penny is sticking along for the ride.
@VocabI'm open for it, granted Penny has only been around for about 6 months, but that is plenty of time to have a few past encounters.
I think that Ariamis is waiting the some of the new people to get a post up
@BrokenPromiseThat is an interesting thought, and a fun thing to ponder
@Hammerman Penny is currently allied with Beacon, but that alliance is always going to be tenuous as she is a monster girl

Penrose Hospital

Shock was the only to describe how Penny was feeling at the moment. Shocked at the fact she was not only unharmed but seemingly supercharged. Shocked at the fact the person she was fighting was now dead. Shocked at the conflicting feeling of anger, relief and disappointment that came from the realization that her kill was stolen from her, a small bit of red leaked in to her eyes as well because of that, and shocked at what had happened to Lily.

”She’s redlined” Penny whispered to herself as she turned to more fully look at the distraught Maho, recognizing the partial transformation for what it was, mainly because she knew it could happen to her, only on a larger scale.

She felt herself slip in to an aggressive stance as instincts she hardly understood urged her to prove her superiority, but she remained where she was eyes focused on the potential new enemy. Large arcs of electricity sparking off her as she did. She felt hungry in a way that was so hard to explain.

Then Alex stood up, and Penny felt herself relax, if only slightly. ”Be careful, She’s not all there at the moment” She called out to him as he started moving towards Lily but made no move to stop him, assuming that if she did Lily would attack immediately.

She spared a glance at the others and noted the fight that Janet was having with the other two was still going on. Grimacing she hopped it either ended soon, or moved elsewhere as she couldn’t help out at the moment. She wouldn’t feel right leaving Alex alone to deal with Lily while he was injured and she was crazed.

’She moves to attack, I will take her down’ she resolved internally. Unknowingly she slowly began transitioning to assault mode, the thin glowing lines that marked her energy blade ports opening with quiet snaps.

@t2wave@Card Captor@Ariamis
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