Seems we have quite the collecting of Kaiju both new and old at the moment, and the production line seems to be working on a fair few androids as well.
Height: 110-130 Meters cm Length: 260-300 Weight: 100,000-120,000 metric tons
"I love it when they scream"
Name Desary "Dez" Ourobo
Kaiju Name Destoroyha
Gender Female
Age 80 years since mutation. Age Prior to mutation is unknown.
Race Kaiju
Kaiju Sizes Variable: 3mm-130 meters (See above for details)
Faction Mutant
Destoroyah is a sinfully seductive and violently vindictive psychopath. She enjoys bringing pain and suffering to those who unfortunate enough to grab her attention, until they bore her at which point she gladly get's rid of them. She cares for nothing outside her own personal entertainment and her day to day goals can change wildly without reason or provocation.
To make matters worse is the fact she is deviously intelligent and surprisingly patient. Willing to wait out months and years to ensure that her victims suffers as much pain as she can cause them. She understands that she is sitting on top of the food chain and is always willing to prove that to "lesser" creatures.
The flip side to that is she respects strength, in her own twisted way, easily falling in love with those that can demonstrably prove that they stand along side her as apex predators. To this end her heart years for Godzilla, for who else has proven as much as Queen of the monsters?
Finally, Destoroyah will rarely enter a mood that is best describe as hate incarnate. What triggers this mood is unknown but when it strikes Destoroyah will begin devastating everything in sight and leave only destruction in her wake.
History 1954 is a hallmark year, it signaled the start of the Kaiju era with the appearance of Godzilla and were it not for the Oxygen Destroyer, would have likely been the end of humanity. Despite, or perhaps because of, the weapons vast destructive capabilities many are glad to see it lost and many wish to never have it be found again.
Unfortunately for those people, the secret of the Oxygen Destroyer has not been lost completely. For Godzilla wasn't the only thing in the area when Dr. Serizawa sacrificed himself to set of the weapon. At the oceans floor, underneath where the weapon was discharged, was a colony of microscopic crustaceans that dated back to the Precambrian Era. They too were caught in the bast of the Oxygen Destroyer, but they didn't die, for reasons unknown this colony was mutated by the Oxygen Destroyer.
This colony started incorporating micro-oxygen in to their biological processes, becoming something entirely different. The colony quickly become the dominate predator in it's echo system, consuming and growing unopposed. It was at this point that the colony began to merge together becoming one solitary entity rather then a colony of individual creatures.
It took years but eventually Destoroyah became large enough to be captured by human fishermen. The first few bits that were captured, were viewed as an oddity and most were killed in an attempt at eating them. A few were keep as pets and it was those that were housed that lead to Destoroya's next mutative leap.
One of the "owners" of a separated piece lived near the ocean. She was a Kaiju Gijinak who had yet to come in to her powers and worked at a marine biology lab, because of this she received the Micro Destoroyah from a relative who worked as a fisher as a gift. late one night the rest of Destoroyah came to collect it's wayward piece as a way to experiment with it's newly acquired Juvenile form.
The sleeping Kaiju Gijinka ended up becoming food to the voracious creature, but that meal also shifted Destoroyah down a different path for as it consumed the Gijinka it gained a human intelligence. From there Destoroyah, for the most part, slipped into obscurity. She was still low on the food chain at the time but now knew of better food to hunt as well as the various dangers that came from her new found prey.
The first time she reached full Kaiju status she decimated a Tokoyo ward, but vanished before the KGDF could respond. Still it alerted the organisation to her presence, and they do come to blows on the rare occasions that Destoroyah lashes out at the world at large. Through sheer luck she has yet to encounter any of the main forces that the KGDF has to offer. This luck is helped by her propensity to travel often and rarely does she stay in the same country for more then a couple years.
Kaiju Transformation- As a Kaju, Destoroyah is capable of switching from a standard human size to her immense Kaiju size with relative ease. She is more capable them most Kaiju in this regard as her various forms are already various sizes.
Breakdown- Destoroyah is a composite life form formed from trillions of near-microscopic organisms, and as such she possesses vast capacities to adapt and regenerate. This is basis for her many different forms, All of her various "Parts" and "Pieces" are linked together through a collective hive mind. Breaking off "Pieces" takes no effort, but depending on the size of the "piece" shed, can weaken the main body.
Micro-Oxygen Beam- Destoroyah's primary weapon is a destructive ray is fired from her mouth. This beam is capable of vaporizing organic matter and can even penetrating most metals. Forms that have access: All. Power varies depending on form.
Durability- Destoroyah, above all things is resilient to a terrible degree. She is capable of taking frankly insane amount of punishment with no complaint. The drawback how ever is that Destoroyah is relatively slow. Forms that have access:All. Her durability scales relative to her form.
Claws/Tail/Spines- Destoroyah's many forms each are equipped with various means of defense, all are viable weapons in thier own right and as Destoroyah assumes more complex Kaiju forms they become more and more dangerous. Her tail is full prehensile and have a powerful pincer on it's end. The tail is also capable of producing and electrical energy discharge. Forms that have access: All, Tail only has electric abilities from Aggregate and on. Human form is capable of running a low current through her nails rather then her tail.
Wings- Large wings, some where between bat wings and fish fins depending on which form she has taken. They allow Destoroyah to fly at great speeds. Kaiju top speed: 450/MPH. Human Top Speed: 30/Mph Forms that have access: Flyer and above, Human
Inner Jaw- Destoroyah has a pair of extending secondary jaws that can inject micro-oxygen directly into an opponent's bloodstream while also draining a victim's energy. Her human form rather then having a secondary jaw has a set of retractable fangs. Forms that have access: All.
DNA Absortion- Destoroyah can absorb the DNA of creatures she attacks by dissolving their cells with micro-oxygen, allowing her to mutate as needed, so long as she has to proper DNA available. Forms that have access: Juvenile and above.
Variable Slicer- The horn projecting from Destoroyah's forehead has the ability to generate a blade of energy, no know matter on earth is capable of stopping said blade. Forms that have access: Final and Ultra.
Wave Motion Ray- Hidden behind the floral pattern on her chest lays Destoroyah's greatest weapon, used only as a last resort. It fires a highly concentrated beam of supercharged ionized micro-oxygen, similar in effect as her standard Micro-Oxygen Beam, only with several orders of magnitude greater effect. Usage of this attack drains her empty of nearly all energy and she will near instantly to revert to either humanoid, juvenile or micro forms, and be unable to grow to her other Kaiju states with out recuperation. Forms that have access: Final and Ultra.
Freezing temperatures: Such low temperatures render her unable to break apart freely while also hampering her usage of Micro-oxygen as it begins to change from a gas to a liquid.
Micro-oxygen dependency: Due to her unique biology Destoroyah is dependent on Micro-oxygen as her end all, be all energy source. Standardly this isn't much of an issue as she can drain other living entities of their vital essences and convert it in to micro-oxygen, but inorganic compounds can't be effected in such a fashion, and the process leaves obvious evidence, thus she must take care when feeding so as not to attract undue attention.
Other: Her pipe is a in fact a miniture HHO generator, she "smokes" the oxygen produced by it. (Human form) Theme - Seductive Secrets (Kaiju form) Theme - Ultra Violence
Height: 110-130 Meters cm Length: 260-300 Weight: 100,000-120,000 metric tons
"I love it when they scream"
Name Desary "Dez" Ourobo
Kaiju Name Destoroyha
Gender Female
Age 80 years since mutation. Age Prior to mutation is unknown.
Race Kaiju
Kaiju Sizes Variable: 3mm-130 meters (See above for details)
Faction Mutant
Destoroyah is a sinfully seductive and violently vindictive psychopath. She enjoys bringing pain and suffering to those who unfortunate enough to grab her attention, until they bore her at which point she get's rid of them. She cares for nothing outside her own personal entertainment and her day to day goals can change wildly without reason or provication.
To make matters worse is the fact she is deviously intelligent and surprisingly patient. Willing to wait out months and years to ensure that her victims suffers as much pain as she can cause them. She understands that she is standing on top of the food chain and is always willing to prove that to "lesser" creatures.
The flip side to that is she respects strength, in her own twisted way, easily falling in love with those that can demonstrably prove that they stand along side her as apex predators. To this end her heart years for Godzilla, for who else has proven as much as Queen of the monsters?
Finally, Destoroyah will rarely enter a mood that is best describe as hate incarnate. What triggers this mood is unknown but when it strikes Destoroyah will begin devastating everything in sight and leave only destruction in her wake.
History 1954 is a hallmark year, it signaled the start of the Kaiju era with the appearance of Godzilla and were it not for the Oxygen Destroyer, would have likely been the end of humanity. Despite, or perhaps because of, the weapons vast destructive capabilities many are glad to see it lost and many wish to never have it be found again.
Unfortunately for those people, the secret of the Oxygen Destroyer has not been lost completely. For Godzilla wasn't the only thing in the area when Dr. Serizawa sacrificed himself to set of the weapon. At the oceans floor, underneath where the weapon was discharged, was a colony of microscopic crustaceans that dated back to the Precambrian Era. They too were caught in the bast of the Oxygen Destroyer, but they didn't die, for reasons unknown this colony was mutated by the Oxygen Destroyer.
This colony started incorporating micro-oxygen in to their biological processes, becoming something entirely different. The colony quickly become the dominate predator in it's echo system, consuming and growing unopposed. It was at this point that the colony began to merge together becoming one solitary entity rather then a colony of individual creatures.
It took years but eventually Destoroyah became large enough to be captured by human fishermen. The first few bits that were captured, were viewed as an oddity and most were killed in an attempt at eating them. A few were keep as pets and it was those that were housed that lead to Destoroya's next mutative leap.
One of the owners, lived near the ocean, she was a Kaiju Gijinak who had yet to come in to her powers. she had received the Micro Destoroyah from a relative who worked as a fisher since she worked at a marine biology lab. late one night the rest of Destoroyah came to collect it's wayward piece as it had achieved it's Juvinile form for the first time.
The sleeping Kaiju Gijinka ended up becoming food to the voracious creature, but that meal also shifted Destoroyah down a different path for as it consumed the Gijinka it gained a human intelligence. From there Destoroyah, for the most part, slipped into obscurity. She was still low on the food chain at the time but now knew of better food to hunt.
The first time she reached full Kaiju status she decimated a Tokoyo ward, but vanished before the KGDF could respond. Still it alerted the organisation to her presence, and they do come to blows on the rare occasions that Destoroyah lashes out at the world at large. Through sheer luck she has yet to encounter any of the main forces that the KGDF has to offer. This luck is helped by her propensity to travel often and rarely does seh stay in the same country for more then a couple years.
Kaiju Transformation- As a Kaju, Destoroyah is capable of switching from a human size to a Kaiju size with relative ease. She is more capable them most Kaiju in this regard as her various forms are already various sizes.
Breakdown- Destoroyah is a composite life form formed from trillions of near-microscopic organisms, and as such she possesses vast capacities to adapt and regenerate. This is basis for her many different forms, All of her various "Parts" and "Pieces" are linked together through a collective hive mind. Breaking off "Pieces" takes no effort, but depending on the size of the "piece" shed, can weaken the main body.
Micro-Oxygen Beam- Destoroyah's primary weapon is a destructive ray is fired from her mouth. This beam is capable of vaporizing organic matter and can even penetrating most metals. Forms that have access: All. Power varies depending on form.
Durability- Destoroyah, above all things is resilient to a terrible degree. She is capable of taking frankly insane amount of punishment with no complaint. The drawback how ever is that Destoroyah is relatively slow. Forms that have access:All. Her durability scales relative to her form.
Claws/Tail/Spines- Destoroyah's many forms each are equipped with various means of defense, all are viable weapons in thier own right and as Destoroyah assumes more complex Kaiju forms they become more and more dangerous. Her tail is full prehensile and have a powerful pincer on it's end. The tail is also capable of producing and electrical energy discharge. Forms that have access: All, Tail only has electric abilities from Aggregate and on. Human form is capable of running a low current through her nails rather then her tail.
Wings- Large wings, some where between bat wings and fish fins depending on which form she has taken. They allow Destoroyah to fly at great speeds. Kaiju top speed: 100/MPH. Human Top Speed: 30/Mph Forms that have access: Flyer and above, Human
Inner Jaw- Destoroyah has a pair of extending secondary jaws that can inject micro-oxygen directly into an opponent's bloodstream while also draining a victim's energy. Her human form rather then having a secondary jaw has a set of retractable fangs. Forms that have access: All.
DNA Absortion- Destoroyah can absorb the DNA of creatures she attacks by dissolving their cells with micro-oxygen, allowing her to mutate as needed, so long as she has to proper DNA available. Forms that have access: Juvenile and above.
Variable Slicer- The horn projecting from Destoroyah's forehead has the ability to generate a blade of energy, no know matter on earth is capable of stopping said blade. Forms that have access: Final and Ultra.
Wave Motion Ray- Hidden behind the floral pattern on her chest lays Destoroyah's greatest weapon, used only as a last resort. It fires a highly concentrated beam of supercharged ionized micro-oxygen, similar in effect as her standard Micro-Oxygen Beam, only with several orders of magnitude greater effect. Usage of this attack drains her empty of nearly all energy and she will near instantly to revert to either humanoid, juvenile or micro forms, and be unable to grow to her other Kaiju states with out recuperation. Forms that have access: Final and Ultra.
Freezing temperatures: Such low temperatures render her unable to break apart freely while also hampering her usage of Micro-oxygen as it begins to change from a gas to a liquid.
Micro-oxygen dependency: Due to her unique biology Destoroyah is dependent on Micro-oxygen as her end all, be all energy source. Standardly this isn't much of an issue as she can drain other living entities of their vital essences and convert it in to micro-oxygen, but inorganic compounds can't be effected in such a fashion, and the process leaves obvious evidence, thus she must take care when feeding so as not to attract undue attention.
Other: Her pipe is a in fact a miniture HHO generator, she "smokes" the oxygen produced by it. (Human form) Theme - Seductive Secrets (Kaiju form) Theme - Ultra Violence
Rather poor post is away, but wanted to get something out rather then toil away in frustration as I did yesterday. Never the less Violet is now at the train station.