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“And that is where I think I will start off this training session, with the basics” Kakashi spoke up as Airi took a step back. Already glad to see that his impulsive choice to add her in to his training was paying off. ”But not with what the academy considers basics” he added seeing the looks of disappointment and outrage across all of his genin. “The basics I’m going to cover are what I consider the basics” He said with an eye smile.

And over the next six hours he lectured his team on his six basic tenets of being a ninja. Three were easily guessed; Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and Taijutsu, but he also talked about Awareness, Planning, and Stealth. In addition he broke down each tenet further in to what he considered the core principles of each basic tenet.

He started with Stealth, which he broke down in to three parts; hiding movement, hiding objects and hiding emotions. Hiding movement was obvious, moving from point A to point B without being seen. Hiding objects covered all manner of sleight of hand, with drawing tools from pouches unseen or pickpocketing being a focus. Hiding emotions was also self-explanatory, but he stressed the difference between hiding emotions and discarding them.

Awareness was next which he broke down in to internal and external awareness. Internal awareness was having a good feel for what went on inside, the feel of ones heartbeat, what kind of thoughts you tended to have and context for one’s own emotions. External awareness was paying attention to the world around you with all the senses you had at your disposal.

Planning came next which he broke down in to short term long term and predictive planning. Short term planning, he also dubbed improvisation, dealt with patching together a plan with little to no information, or when you suddenly find yourself in an unexpected situation. Long term planning is self-explanatory, but predictive planning was the art of getting in to an opponent’s mindset and predicting what they were going to do, and how to work that in to your plans and fights.

He then moved on to Taijutsu, which he split in to weapons, unarmed, and physical health. It was a rather straight forward segment in which he talked about the various ways one can fight both with and without a weapon, and the various benefits and drawbacks associated with each. He also talked about the need to keep in optimal shape, and various exercises and dietary methods to achieve such.

He then moved on to Genjutsu in which he coved distractions, imagination, and mental health. Distractions could be used to aid every and all actions and talked about the pros and cons of various techniques that could be used. Imagination was the key to keeping people from being able to predict you easily as well as opening up new avenues to use what you had in unexpected way. Mental health he talked about the importance of stress management, and knowing your own limits.

Lastly he covered Ninjutsu which covered control and adaptability. Control was using the right amount of effort to achieve the maximum result you were aiming for. With adaptability he covered the benefits of keeping ones skill set flexible and able to change to fit every situation.

Throughout all of this Kakashi was having his students exercising, be it jogging laps, sprints, pushups, sit ups, basic chakra control, accuracy, weapon drill, unarmed drills, or anything else he could think of that would be beneficial. Much of the time he would just be supervising them as he continued to inform them about his thoughts about the basic requirements to be an efficient ninja. Occasionally he would correct their posture, and near the end of each segment he would allow them to ask questions that had about what he had talked about, and twice he gave them a thirty minuet break to rest, get some water, and eat something while he talked about the more nuanced topics of predictive planning and mental health.

The question that Kakashi deemed the most important was “What about Chakra?” to which he answered “Nothing I have said, nor will say exclude Chakra. Chakra is simply a tool for a ninja, and all of the basics apply to it as much as anything else. And if you are asking about advanced Chakra techniques, will get to those later for now we are talking about the basics.”

To wind down he made three clones and sent each of the students off with one to a different side of the training area, explaining that the next hour was to be for more personalized training. This was to give each of them a chance to ask more questions if they wanted, as well as to get some idea about what each student wanted to learn more of.

The original let out a breath as his clones lead the genin off. It had been a long, long time since he had talked so much, but hopefully it would pay off. He was also surprised just how painful it had been training them, everyone but Sakura remained him about his past in painful way, Naruto was the spitting image of his dad but his personality was a mix of Obito and Kushina. Sauske reminded the masked nin of himself when he was much younger and Sakura was nearly an insult to the title of kunoichi.

“So any observations for me so far Airi?” He asked as he leaned up against one of the post as he watched his students from afar. He attempted to sound like his normal self but a little bit of his mental exhaustion still bleed in to his voice.
Expect it to go up some time Saturday.
@FamishedPants your post has given me the opening I've been looking for to get Penny back in to this. Thank you.

That said your plans are going to get interrupted.
That is a advanced version of the Sharingan, Itachi showed a version of it as well the few times he showed up when they were hunting for Tsunade. Unless you are talking about the images where he has two Sharingans in which case I can't explain what happens there as it is near the very end of the series.
“Now now, no need to be rude Naruto.” The silver haired ninja said as he sat down on his chosen post, his nonchalant demeanor entirely unruffled “This is my friend, and former colleague, Airi Mae” He explained as he gestured to her “She is a retired Chunin, and she opened her bakery after the hospital stint that caused her retirement” his tone was light, if a touch melancholic, as he explain the basics of who Airi was. “I offered her the chance to come along to today’s training as something of a secondary point of view for me.” He finished smoothly giving his students a moment to think about what he said.

As an incredibly experienced Ninja, one who has ran the gamut of jobs from D ranks to unlisted Black ops, Kakashi was nothing if not an expert of self-control. He had been through war, natural disasters, and had lost nearly everything that was important to him. To surprise him could easily be considered a career defining moment for he had encountered it all in one way or another.

All of that serves to highlight just how important the surprising and brief flash of longing that Kakashi had felt at his student’s accusation that he and Airi were dating. The masked Nin hadn’t really had many relationships of the romantic sort, the price of being a prodigy, but now the idea had been formed about such a thing happening between him and Airi. Kakashi carefully placed that idea off to the side, fully intending to examine it later but he couldn’t deny that he was drawn to the concept.

“And no, we are not dating Naruto” Kakashi added as the blond genin opened his mouth to say something. Kakashi noted and dismissed the sense of loss that came with the statement, not wanting to get caught up in the implications just yet. It was the same reason he noted but put aside Airi’s reactions, after all it could be simple embaressment.

Naruto just pouted at being shot down before he could speak, but quickly went back to grinning.

“What do you mean by secondary point of view Sensei?” Sakura asked her head tilting in curiosity as she split her attention between Airi and Kakashi trying to understand what he meant.

“It put it simply I have been training mainly jonin, with the occasional chunin, for the entirety of my teaching career. You lot are my first genin team, so to make sure I don’t overlook something I’ll occasionally have Airi dropping in on our training” Kakashi explained with an eye smile as Sakura nodded in understanding.

It wasn’t his first plan, neither was it his second plan, really he had decided it just barely on the spot. Still he had a good feeling about it, so long as Airi was alright with his sudden improvisation. Plus It would help her get back in to the swing of things easier when she was more easily able to get back in to training, and give him the chance to snoop around without being as suspicious.

"I don't get it" Naruto said after a moment

"You are such a dope" Sasuke sighed "Basically he got someone less used to being a ninja then him to point out all the things that he is so used to doing that he forgot that they weren't taught at the academy"

He can't turn it off, ever, so he covers it to mitigate the Charka loss as much as possible. At least that has always been my understanding of the situation. There could be some pain involved as well due to it being an implant.
'Sall good
Still on his back I would assume, after all she did ask not to be dropped.
Kakashi nodded his agreement to Airi’s assumption that Naruto might take the painting lessons to the opposite extreme and instead paint more graphic graffiti across the town, and in truth was completely fine with that possibility. After all he was curious just how many people realized just what Naruto had gotten away with and wouldn’t be very surprised if no one caught on to the realization that the kid had slipped past Jonin and Anbu to desecrate a national monument, in broad daylight, wearing neon orange, and the brat didn’t even know how to stick to walls using Chakra yet. “Here is to hope we can succeed where even Iruka has failed” was all he had to add.

He just replied with a soft smile at Airi’s soft thank you, glad that his message was received loud and clear. He also absently noted that it was the second time she had blushed with in the past twenty minutes, but he would put that aside for later, when he was out snooping to figure out more about those ‘Issues’ she was having.

“Oh, don’t apologize” he jovially as they neared the meeting point he told his team earlier “If not for you I would likely be even later, I lost track of time remember?” he said with a tilt of his head, knowing full well that he would be just as late, if not more so, tomorrow.

With a burst of speed Kakashi covered the last stretch of their journey in the blink of an eye. Rather than appearing in front of his team, he instead was at the top of one of the trees overlooking the memorial stone. Around which his new team waited.

Naruto was pacing, obviously frustrated and grumbling insults under his breath, and would occasionally send a glare at Sasuke, which was promptly ignored by the Uchiha. The dark haired genin had chosen to lean up against one of the posts and was busy scanning the nearby trees, hoping to catch a glimpse of their elusive Sensei. Sakura was less obvious in her frustrations, she was sitting down at the post next to Sasuke, but the twitching of her eye told Kakashi all he needed to.

He let out a small sigh of disappointment at his team, but didn’t hold it against them really; they would learn to make better use of their time while waiting for him, eventually. Instead he jumped down from his tree top vantage and landed on the unoccupied post. “Yo” he said evenly with a little wave to his students.

“YOU’RE LATE!” Was the the shouted replies from not only Naruto but Sakura as well. Sasuke just leveled a glare at Kakashi, which was summarily ignored.

“Yeah, Sorry about that, I lost the key to my house and had to get a replacement” he said sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

An unrepentant shrug and nod was the masked ninja’s response to the accusation that he didn’t have a plan. It was true enough at the moment; he would build a plan after he built up some trust with the team. “Most plans don’t survive contact with Naruto from what I hear anyway” He added as his excuse, which could be true considering so few people could catch the prankster if he didn’t want to be found.

An eye smile was given in response to being called out at his blunt antics; a small part of him relaxed as well as she took his question in stride, glad that it wasn’t a touchy subject for her. Passingly he wondered if it had ever been, but dismissed the thought as he paid attention to her answer.

“A Medic, huh?” he said thoughtfully “It is a noble aspiration, and too few ninja have the patience to pull it off” he said softly ignoring the phantom pain in his covered eye “And honestly, of the ones I have worked with, those that had a specialization change after an injury tended to be the better ones as well so I’m sure you would do great” he explained. His tone was still soft but it carried the great amount of respect he held for the medical corps. He had been tempted to become a medic after the loss of Obito, but then… Rin… Kakashi just didn’t have the hands for it, not after that.

Kakashi wasn’t blind to the longing Airi had, and once again he was keenly away that she was shying away from something. Though now he had a few more clues as to what it might be, as well as a few ideas as to whom he would be able to get the information from.

Shaking his head lightly to clear away all the excess thoughts “Don’t mention it” waving the thanks away with a gesture “and that would be appreciated, I even have a good idea on how to bribe him to be a good student for her” he said with a chuckle thinking of how Naruto might want to learn more about
Sealing considering how it had impacted the young boy’s life.

“In return let me know if I can be any help with any of those factors, hmm?” he added with a look. One that many of his teammates were used to, it was the one that said that they were in this together, no matter what “this” was.

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