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Sad but true
I take it you didn't notice Ariamis' post?

-Moving Forward-

Within the nest of blanket set off to one side of Penny’s lair the once again young child laid curled up in a loose ball. The rest of her lair was in disarray, with what amounted to her things tossed haphazardly around. Her phone could be seen lying in a hundred pieces not far from the makeshift bed. The only sound was the soft sniffling coming from the cyborg.

She had been, yelling, raging and just venting all of her pent up emotions that she had been ignoring and shoving to the side since she had changed, and now she was just laid there emotionally spent. She had been at it since Thalia had left. The fox girl had woken up not long after Veronica had departed, and after recalling her transformation had bolted. Penny had called after her, even and tempted to chase after but fear had granted Thalia speed enough that she escaped Penny.

Numb Penny had made it back to her temporary home; she had slumped down in on her bed just starting at the walls as she tried to come to grips with what had just happened. Slowly everything else that she had been ignoring started to pour through. It had taken hours to burn through everything, and now after she had expelled everything she just felt raw.

Thalia’s leaving as she had hurt Penny, who had only just started coming to grips with her new sense of self. Her decision last night to join up with the Ebon mint now seemed utterly pointless but it was too late to change that decision. She once again had no friends to call upon, as she wasn’t sure just how forgiving Alicia was going to be. The one good thing was that she had been able to reign in her venting enough that she didn’t end up leveling her house.

As she was wallowing in her own misery, she was startled by the sound of rolling thunder, a few moments later it came by again. Eventually Penny’s curiosity caused her to sit up. There lying where he shattered phone had been sat an odd looking, and rather futuristic, eyepiece. It sat there emitting the sound of rolling thunder.

Cautiously Penny picked it up, immediately noticing that it was made of the same material that she was, and a moment it later it changed to match her color scheme. Glancing on the view screen, she saw that there was an incoming call.

“The Unmaker”
“Accept” “Decline”

With a sigh Penny put on the eyepiece, as she somewhat assumed it was a replacement for her phone. The moment that she did, she felt something click, inside of her and then the sound of thunder was echoing inside of her head rather than chirping out of her new accessory. It took her another moment to realize that she had interfaced with the eyepiece, and that she could interact with it with a simple thought. Resolving to fiddle around with it later she accepted the call.

“Thine’s Plan To Seige The Hidden Castle Is In Danger Of Losing It’s Transport" Came the sudden booming voice of Laat, it still echoed out from her new communication hardware despite also hearing it in hear mind.

Penny was stunned for a moment before she realized what was being said “Who? What? Where?” she quickly asked as she surged to her feet.

“The Information You Request Shall Arrive Momentarily, Start Thy Trek Eastward.” was the equally quick reply a moment before the call ended. Immediately Penny started off in the stated direction. Her exhaustion was quickly forgotten in the scramble.

As she was racing east there was a chirp once again from her eye piece and a map layout pulled up showing her where she was heading. Gritting her teeth Penny poured everything in to making it to her destination.

Even at full speed it took Penny nearly twenty minutes to reach her destination, but since she was taking the high road, as it were, she was only peripherally aware of the growing melee down on the streets. Still she nearly lost her footing when she first saw the pirate ship, as she hadn’t truly believed Lily when she mentioned it.

Looking around The mechanical girl didn’t note any obvious threats to the floating ship. Thus, figuring that either she was early, or more likely that the threat was already on board the ship, with a running leap Penny launched herself from the roof she was sprinting across to the floating ship. She landed with a hard crash before she stood and started to scan the deck, it wasn't hard to notice the other person on the ship with her.

'Now, friend or foe?' Penny mused as she turned to face Silhouette.

And Penny make her return! A little slap dash on the post but I'm apparently on a time limit as I've got plans for today that I don't remember making.
Eh, everyone proceeds at their own pace.
“And that is where I think I will start off this training session, with the basics” Kakashi spoke up as Airi took a step back. Already glad to see that his impulsive choice to add her in to his training was paying off. ”But not with what the academy considers basics” he added seeing the looks of disappointment and outrage across all of his genin. “The basics I’m going to cover are what I consider the basics” He said with an eye smile.

And over the next six hours he lectured his team on his six basic tenets of being a ninja. Three were easily guessed; Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and Taijutsu, but he also talked about Awareness, Planning, and Stealth. In addition he broke down each tenet further in to what he considered the core principles of each basic tenet.

He started with Stealth, which he broke down in to three parts; hiding movement, hiding objects and hiding emotions. Hiding movement was obvious, moving from point A to point B without being seen. Hiding objects covered all manner of sleight of hand, with drawing tools from pouches unseen or pickpocketing being a focus. Hiding emotions was also self-explanatory, but he stressed the difference between hiding emotions and discarding them.

Awareness was next which he broke down in to internal and external awareness. Internal awareness was having a good feel for what went on inside, the feel of ones heartbeat, what kind of thoughts you tended to have and context for one’s own emotions. External awareness was paying attention to the world around you with all the senses you had at your disposal.

Planning came next which he broke down in to short term long term and predictive planning. Short term planning, he also dubbed improvisation, dealt with patching together a plan with little to no information, or when you suddenly find yourself in an unexpected situation. Long term planning is self-explanatory, but predictive planning was the art of getting in to an opponent’s mindset and predicting what they were going to do, and how to work that in to your plans and fights.

He then moved on to Taijutsu, which he split in to weapons, unarmed, and physical health. It was a rather straight forward segment in which he talked about the various ways one can fight both with and without a weapon, and the various benefits and drawbacks associated with each. He also talked about the need to keep in optimal shape, and various exercises and dietary methods to achieve such.

He then moved on to Genjutsu in which he coved distractions, imagination, and mental health. Distractions could be used to aid every and all actions and talked about the pros and cons of various techniques that could be used. Imagination was the key to keeping people from being able to predict you easily as well as opening up new avenues to use what you had in unexpected way. Mental health he talked about the importance of stress management, and knowing your own limits.

Lastly he covered Ninjutsu which covered control and adaptability. Control was using the right amount of effort to achieve the maximum result you were aiming for. With adaptability he covered the benefits of keeping ones skill set flexible and able to change to fit every situation.

Throughout all of this Kakashi was having his students exercising, be it jogging laps, sprints, pushups, sit ups, basic chakra control, accuracy, weapon drill, unarmed drills, or anything else he could think of that would be beneficial. Much of the time he would just be supervising them as he continued to inform them about his thoughts about the basic requirements to be an efficient ninja. Occasionally he would correct their posture, and near the end of each segment he would allow them to ask questions that had about what he had talked about, and twice he gave them a thirty minuet break to rest, get some water, and eat something while he talked about the more nuanced topics of predictive planning and mental health.

The question that Kakashi deemed the most important was “What about Chakra?” to which he answered “Nothing I have said, nor will say exclude Chakra. Chakra is simply a tool for a ninja, and all of the basics apply to it as much as anything else. And if you are asking about advanced Chakra techniques, will get to those later for now we are talking about the basics.”

To wind down he made three clones and sent each of the students off with one to a different side of the training area, explaining that the next hour was to be for more personalized training. This was to give each of them a chance to ask more questions if they wanted, as well as to get some idea about what each student wanted to learn more of.

The original let out a breath as his clones lead the genin off. It had been a long, long time since he had talked so much, but hopefully it would pay off. He was also surprised just how painful it had been training them, everyone but Sakura remained him about his past in painful way, Naruto was the spitting image of his dad but his personality was a mix of Obito and Kushina. Sauske reminded the masked nin of himself when he was much younger and Sakura was nearly an insult to the title of kunoichi.

“So any observations for me so far Airi?” He asked as he leaned up against one of the post as he watched his students from afar. He attempted to sound like his normal self but a little bit of his mental exhaustion still bleed in to his voice.
Expect it to go up some time Saturday.
@FamishedPants your post has given me the opening I've been looking for to get Penny back in to this. Thank you.

That said your plans are going to get interrupted.
That is a advanced version of the Sharingan, Itachi showed a version of it as well the few times he showed up when they were hunting for Tsunade. Unless you are talking about the images where he has two Sharingans in which case I can't explain what happens there as it is near the very end of the series.
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