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@Ariamis @Rune_Alchemist

The return trip to Penrose was an odd one for Penny, mainly because she was awake the entire time. She hadn’t trusted Dan, if anything her trust for him had gotten lower once she had gotten proof that he was a manipulative self-serving fish. Hence why she had forced herself to remain awake for the return trip, not that the trip was very enlightening, it felt like she was falling upward. All the while a Technicolor nightmare churned around her.

Penny wouldn’t be able to say for how long it was she was falling, time didn’t feel like it was flowing correctly here, but she knew that the end was near before it came. She could see a point quickly coming closer, and from it she could feel her Lair, her Sanctuary.

Just before she reached home a Voice would thunder from beyond
”It Begins!”

Penny’s Lair had always been something of a point of pride for the robotic girl. It was the first proof that her life was starting to change, and that she might not have to keep up a life of wayward wandering at the whims of a jackass.

The outside of the building hadn’t been touched during the renovations; it still looked like an abandoned Warehouse. The windows were boarded up and the doors looked rusted shut and it seemed like it was going to collapse at any moment, but that’s because Penny had wanted it to look like that, as the first line in its defenses was to not look like a Lair in the first place. It was why so few people knew where it was to begin with, really just Thalia and Chloe.

The inside was a different story, gone was the massive piles of discarded junk and dilapidated shelving units. Penny had taken all of that and had reinforced basically everything. The floor, the roof, the walls, all of it had a layer of reinforcement with the metal that Penny used to live around.

That had opened up the inside space, which Penny had made loose rooms by placing dividers here and there. The places were marked more by what was found within them then by anything else. One area held a couple of boxes of food and water. Another only had blankets and pillows, as she hadn’t yet gotten around to making cots for it. One had doors and a ceiling so you could get some actual privacy if you needed it, though it was smaller than the others.

It was apparent that it was still a work in progress but it had the beginnings of what Penny had wanted to build; a place for the lost to seek shelter.

Penny would emerge from the Beach with a nary a sound. One moment she wasn’t and then she was standing exactly where it was she had been when she had been abducted. But things were different, she could tell. For one there were a lot more girls here then had ever been, but it was more than just that. Penny’s HUD was displaying a date and time that didn’t match up with what it should have for her being gone for only a few days. A quick search of the local news told of repeated natural disasters, with an equally quick search of the local Glimmer feed giving even more bad news. The store opening up was a bit of good however.

She needed information, badly, then she needed to get more supplies as it sounded like Penrose was a war zone.

But first things first, a quick text was written up
Chloe, I just made it back to Penrose and things aren’t looking good. Let me know how you are.

Next she skimmed the faces of everyone she could see, before calling out ”Cindy!” her voice cut cleanly though the chatter as most of the girls turn to the new presence. “The Hell is going on?” her voice was serious as she marched towards to self proclaimed Queen.

-=Ǝ In The Lion’s Den E=-


Waking up had been a chore, his bed was nice and warm, and he could tell the outside was cold and inhospitable. It was the Despair that suddenly kicked him in the side of the head that pulled Kyle out an about, and from there the world only got more and more gray. He had spent what time he could console his parents. While his mind raced trying to piece things together. Everything he had painted this as a disaster on every level.

Eventually he convinced them he had to go see his friends to let them know that he was okay. He promised them he was okay and that he had his phone on him and would call them in an hour. The moment he was out the door however he was gone in a flash of light.

The same instant he reappeared back in Beacon HQ, already in his transformed state. His phone was out as he walked, his cane held under one arm, as he was sending out text to everyone he knew in Beacon. The texts held the same few lines: Are you okay? What happened? I’m at HQ, do you need help?

He hoped that he got a response from any of them quickly. The Feeling of Penrose wasn’t a very pleasant one right now, and he could use a pick-me-up. Still he knew where he was headed; after all he had worked alongside the Ascendancy before.

Thus he wasn’t one to keep the silence when he strode into Hall of Luminous Valor “Ladies” He would say before giving a small bow “Perhaps I can be of some assistance?”
I think all things have a magical aura, just one of the mutations for Monster can make theirs stupidly large.
Hey, welcome back to the mad house Hero

I haven't forgotten it, and I still have his write up on hand if he does show up, but you must admit that it would be odd to have tossed it in when there is no current magical girl that follows him out and about.

Also, I get the feeling that Penny's wealth will vanish quite quickly once the shop opens up with its new goods.
Yeah he would be willing to help since the curse had been going on for a while. I was tempted to add his profile to my post, but I wasn't sure if he would be showing up again.

both of them once again up for approval, though I don't know if Kyle will see much play just yet. Not the best and dual wielding characters.

.:⋮Ending with a Bang⋮:.

“Called it” Penny would say aloud, even if she was mostly talking to herself in regards to having been right about thinking that Dan had been trying to keep them here forever. She couldn’t say that she disliked this little enforced vacation, but that had a lot to do with Chloe. Everything else was either alright or a detriment.

With that in mind, Penny walked over towards the Twins on the Stage “Anything I can do to help?” She would ask them. Not seeing any reason to keep piling on the aggression towards Dan. Plus the chance to destroy a miniature world wasn't something she wanted to pass on, she might not need to break things anymore but that didn't mean the action didn't have appeal anymore.

-=Ǝ Heart of the matter E=-

Aurelio was a bit torn if he was to be honest. This Beach had been one of the better surprises that he had encountered in his time as a magic boy, and while the air tended to filled with friction when the various cliques started to bump into each, for the most part it had been a place of Joy and Comfort.

That said, “I must say that I’ve enjoyed the break you’ve been able to give us” Aurelio would say smiling “But, it would be a remiss if, we stayed here forever. The outside world is filled with danger and terror, yes. That’s why Beacon needs to be there. To help those that are in danger and the shield those that are afraid.” He would explain as he strode towards Dan “I would enjoy the opportunity to return, however, as you have quite the gift when it comes to making an atmosphere of fun.”

He would extend a hand for the Dolphin to shake “Until then, it has been a pleasure”


.:⋮Offers and Projects⋮:.

Cindy had watched the recent match of Penny versus Kimble on a television fitted to the cafe, and thus knew of the outcome by the time it was time for the next match. She spent some time talking with Sylvia, and happened to notice that Penny was looking at her after her previous conversation. “Ah, hello there Penny. Would you care to join us for a drink or two?” She offered with a friendly smile while sitting by the counter. “I can pay for you if you don’t have enough magical coins.” Sylvia nodded. “Oh, this is excellent timing; I need to go talk with Kimble, so Penny here can keep you company. Until we meet again.” And with that, the silver-haired girl left the bar, leaving the two in a cozy corner of the establishment. “So, what would you like to have?”

Penny pondered over the invite for a moment, she had been looking at the two of them out of surprise more than anything, not expecting anyone from Beacon to have a chat with Cindy. Regardless she shrugged before moving to to join Cindy in her corner.

Penny had no reason to turn down the offer, and she had been wanting a chance to apologize to the lightning based monster girl for how rude she had been when they first meet. Still the day was proving itself to be an interesting one for the robotic monster girl, as she had just spent a fair bit of time chatting with an Assassin and now it seemed she was going to be doing the same with a Queen.

Quite the turn of events so far.

“I’m just taking ice” Penny would reply, holding up her pitcher of mostly crushed, and mostly melted, ice for emphasis. “So don’t worry paying for mine” After turning down the offer for a drink she’d reach in and grab up one of the larger pieces of ice that still remained and start to grind it down slowly with her fingers.

“Before we move on I wanted to say sorry. I was kinda short with you last time we met, it had been a rough morning but that’s no excuse.” Penny said with sincerity, as she did feel bad about it, but one could tell her heart wasn’t fully in it as she was still drained from forcing her emotions down earlier.

Cindy nodded, and gestured for Valerie, a couple of coins extending between her fingers.. “She will be having a pitcher of ice.” Valerie sighed, rolling her eyes in mild irritation, but then conjured a bright smile. “Coming right up! Whatever our customer wants...even if it’s ice...” she muttered to herself as she went to the back. Cindy turned back to listen to Penny’s apology, and lifted an eyebrow in slight doubt. “Your apology...Is accepted. I admit, I understand how such feelings, as passionate as they can be, can lead one to act rashly.” She circled her index finger around the ring of her cup. “But it seems you have moved on, so we will leave it at that.” She smiled courteously. “So, have you considered my offer?” She would ask as she sipped on a straw. “We could use a strong fighter like you among our people.”

Penny let out a slight chuckle. It seems that no matter the time or place politics was always going to be just around the corner for her. “I’ll admit; not really, but to be fair it’s not because I’m uninterested. I just think it’s rude to accept help from someone just to bail right afterwards. Beacon helped me get out from under my prior Patron, bastard that he was, and membership with them was one of the conditions, something that I wasn’t opposed to.” Absently she picked out another cube of ice to crush as she spoke “I’m more than willing if it comes to helping you and yours out, but I can’t say I know you well enough that I would be willing to just abandon Beacon after they helped me out like they have” To say nothing about the ever growing tangle of deal’s, affiliations, and groups Penny was wrapped up in.

Cindy nodded, and took a sip of her drink. “So it is a matter of trust,” she stated, and happened to glance at Valerie who returned, a big bowl full of small ice cubes in one hand, and a glass of juice in the other. “Here you go; ice, and a free drink on the house. Please give it a try,” she added, before bowing courteously and heading back to work. Cindy made an amused giggle. “That poor girl thinks the problem is with the selection, when clearly you just want something to sublimate with your bare hands.” Her smile seemed to be genuine, though it changed to a frown as she looked at the cup before her.

“From what I have gathered, the Beacon has changed it’s stance on hunting corrupted girls, but have not eliminated the activity completely. They have a history of committing genocide on innocent people, and will do so as soon as they run out of scapegoats to blame. However, unlike the Puchuu who would cower behind their slaves, I am willing to take action against injustice, and ensure peace within Penrose. That is my duty, as leader of Penrose. Penny, are you truly happy with those people?” She then asked, having place a hand on the table. “Do they respect you, and treat you as an equal? Or do they actually see anything else but an abomination or freak, sent to die first on the frontlines so that proper magical girls have a better chance of survival?”

Penny was quiet as she considered Cindy’s word and despite her face remaining calm a red glow would start to emanate from her eyes until she let out a sigh and dropped her head into her hands. “It’s not just wanting to break something, but also the fact that I just don't trust the Dolphin” She would stall before lifting her head to look at Cindy as she spoke.

“Happy?” She would echo before bobbing her head side to side “With the work, mostly. With the people? A few are good people and some are good friends, their tech department even helped me improve my legs” She added with a small smile, which hardly lasted before she had a frown of her own “But respect and equal? Something tells me you already know the answer to that one. The really sad thing is that I’ve been on the receiving end of a pitch like this one before” She let out a sigh as she grabbed a handful of ice crushing it easily “It still rings just as true now, as it did then. Back then I made a stupid mistake and I’m not feeling up to doing so again” The Black Coin deal was still the most idiotic thing Penny had felt she had done.

“So” She would add before Cindy could reply “Rather then jump head first in to it, I’m kinda curious as to what exactly you’d be having me do.”

Cindy clasped her fingers together, and leaned back on her seat. “As a matter of fact, I do have a job that would require your help. However, as you have stated, I would first like for us to get to know each other better. Not just in social terms, but also in how we operate.” She took a sip. “There are many monster girls in Penrose who are, by all intents, homeless. They are afraid of settling in to any single spot due to the threat of Beacon looming over the populated districts. One of my first imperatives has been in the building of safe and comfortable shelters. Unfortunately we don’t have many Metal specialists in our forces.” She then smiled. “But you are a Metal specialist, yes? I hear you have even constructed a walking fortress.”

At this revelation Penny couldn’t help but shake her head and laugh softly. “Yeah I’m a Metal girl, also have Lightning Spec.” She would confirm “But I haven't built a walking fortress, but I did earn a rolling one. Earth Bastion, it’s the titanic battle ship you might have seen off the shore. It’s mine, and I mean mine. Not sure how but it’s bonded to me, not loaned out through a patron.” She would say as she leaned back into her chair a smile starting to form for the first time since she entered the bar “And if you want to set up shelters you’re going to want to start near the abandoned factory district on the west side. Most full monsters have learned to avoid the area, and it’s far outside of Beacon’s normal patrol paths. Plus a lot of the building there share piping between them, old oil pipes I think, so some of them have built in bolt holes if needed or an easy way to move around between the buildings”

“I know all of this” She would continue her smile just widening even as she snagged a few more cubes of ice to grind away at absently “Because it’s where my Lair is. Which I just so happened to have spent the last week and a half renovating to turn it into a Sanctuary for destitute Dark Magical girls and Monster girls.” Penny's smile was nearly smug as she explained, but the earnest look in her spoke to her joy at this turn of events “So as I said, I might not be up to joining you just yet. But I am more than willing to work alongside you, especially for this.”

Cindy clapped her palms together; a radiant smile was on her lip, and a warm, crackling glow colored her cheeks. “Oh, that was yours? I assumed it was a battleship Dan had made to prevent escape over the seas. I any case, this news is most excellent.” She leaned towards Penny, having offered her a hand. “I look forward to you working for us, but…” She seemed to be in thought.”Do you accept a Red Coin as payment?” She happened to ask, and took one of the ice cubes from her bowl and put it in her drink. “I would like to show my appreciation for what would be a contracting job in the human world.”

Penny accepted the offered hand still smiling “I haven't bothered trying escaping with it, something tells me all I’d find is endless water or would just wrap around back to the other side” She’d explain before sitting back to ponder the payment. It wouldn’t take long before she shrugged “Sure, I’ve seen the results of a Red before sounds like a decent payment.” It was something that Penny had wanted to get a hold of before her encounter with the White Coin. At the moment there was still something that the Red Coin might be able to help her with but all together it wasn’t something that Penny wanted as strongly as before. Still never know when one might need an Ace up their sleeve.

Cindy stood up, and offered a hand to Penny. “Wonderful. Then we are in agreement. Once we are back in Penrose, I will send workers to the location you have specified and begin working. Now, I must be off; the next Keijo match is about to begin, and I must admit, I am intrigued to see more of this ludicrous sport.” She then left the cafe, having paid for their drinks to Valerie on her way out.

“See ya round” Penny would call out as Cindy left before settling in. Letting out a quiet sigh as she let her thoughts drift back to why she had wanted to come here in the first place. Unsure for how long she would have her solitude she started to try and work through her internal issues.

But first “Could I get some more Ice please?”



.:⋮Rough Waters⋮:.

It was early into the second day of the Vacation and Penny was bored. The mood of the island was mostly excited, most of the others seemed to have gotten caught up in the hype for Keijo, but even with the success of her new outfit Penny wasn’t really interested.

Instead she was browsing the shop again, looking at the non-magical things while she contemplated how to spend the day. Currently she was eyeing one of the surfboards, wondering if it would be worth the effort of trying if she was just going to sink when she fell off.

It was there when she noticed Kimble also browsing the wares; she seemed to walk along the borders of the shop, passing by the doll shelf more than once or twice. Penny noticed that even if she tried to hide it, Kimble’s attention was focused on the Alicia doll. “Nnyeh...” She whimpered quietly, and opened her palm; she had a single Gold Coin, and not much else.
“It’s so expensive...”

At first Penny didn’t pay too much attention to the wandering cat girl. But as she noticed Kimble lap the shop, yet again, she stopped to watch, curious as to what it could be that was on the other girls mind. Learning that it was the doll of Alicia that had the normally chipper monster girl down was confusing, at least until she heard the quiet complaint Kimble had.

Penny just stayed back and processed what that meant, but after a bit she would give a small shrug and short shake of her head before she start walking over to the other Monstergirl “You’ve got it bad, don’t ya” she’d say as she came up next to Kimble an understanding smile on her face.

Kimble looked a bit surprised upon hearing Penny speak to her, having not immediately recognized her due to her change in bikinis, and tried to quickly hide her hands behind her. “N-Nyah? I was just...browsing...” She averted her eyes, her cheeks puffed like a child who made a weak attempt at lying. “Oh, who am I kidding? I’ll never get the Mistress doll.” She pointed towards the item, a pair of puppy dog eyes, or in this case, kitten eyes, on her face.
“It’s so many Gold Coins. I usually stay at home, so I don’t get many opportunities to earn money, nyah.”

“Well…” Penny would start as she turned her attention to the small plush of Alicia. “Can’t fault you for taste.” She continued as an idea popped into her head. “And I might be able to help you get closer to the five gold you need for it.” Penny would offer turning back to Kimble as she did.

“The dolphin mentioned that Gold Coins were a participation prize for Keijo,” Penny would explain. “I honestly don’t see the appeal playing it, but If you want however we could set up an exhibition match between us.” And if along the way to the arena, the two of them talked about their mutual friend all the better.

Kimble’s mouth opened as she briefly processed the suggestion Penny gave to her, followed by a gasp. “Thank you so much, Penny!” She hugged the busty girl, causing one of her fluffy ears to tickle the crevice of her chest. “I was hesitant to participate because nobody else didn’t seem to want to try it, but this is perfect! Let’s go, nyah!” She removed herself from her, and waggled her tails as a sign of utter joy, taking her hand and pulling her towards the domed building like a kid in Disneyland. “So you are Mistress’ friend, right? How long have you known her?” She asked numerous questions about Alicia, including what kind of person she was, her hobbies, and even the type of food she likes. “Also also, is she allergic to anything? I am allergic to catnip, nyeh.”

Penny was caught off guard by the sudden affection, but other than a small cry of surprise didn’t really react other than to tentatively return the hug, during which Kimble might have noticed that Penny was notably colder than yesterday. Internally she let out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding, glad that her modification to the swimsuit was working.

“Yeah, Alicia was one of the first people I met in Penrose in fact,” she would explain as she allowed herself to be pulled along by the joyous catgirl. “And while that was only a few months ago feel like it has been a lot longer.” Penny did her best to answer every question thrown at her, something she guessed at, which she was up front about, but having spent a fair bit of time hanging with Alicia felt she had reasonable answers.

“No allergies that I am aware of. Yours sounds like it come up a lot unfortunately,” she sympathized with Kimble, being allergic to catnip while being a cat girl likely ended up poorly. “And before you ask her favorite color is Orange” Penny would preempt the other girl, shaking her head at the enthusiasm Kimble had towards learning more about Alicia. “Reminds her of the fall season.”

“I don’t mind it,” Kimble answered. “Catnip isn’t that common, and I can smell it from far away.” Kimble kept nodding at the various answers, skipping on the yellow brick road like Dorothy in the land of Oz. “Orange, nya! Thanks for letting me know, Penny. You’re a good friend!”

“I take it you’ve had a thing for her since she helped you out?” Penny slipped in the gap of questions being tossed her way. “And is calling her Mistress a holdover or just a personal thing?” she would add on, honestly curious about that particular verbal tic.

They were now at the gates of the arena when Penny gave her a set of questions. Kimble hopped on top of one of the statues’ heads, crouching on it and resembling a cat about to pounce.
“Mistress is Mistress,” she answered, as if that was obvious. “She means a lot to me, nyah!”

She hopped off the statue, and continued her way to the counter, where Dan was accepting applications to the tournament. “Welcome, welcome! Will you two participate in the competition?” He asked, and Kimble nodded enthusiastically. “Nyes! I want my first round to be against Penny, too!” Dan hesitantly nodded. “O-Ok, but are you sure? Penny here would be more suited for fighting someone like Amaryllis or Ronja...” Kimble reached her arms down the desk, pouting. “No, I want to fight her. It is fine, nhh.” Dan sighed. “Sure kid, but, don’t push yourself too much,” he warned, giving a look at Penny especially.

Oddly enough Kimble’s assessment of Alicia did make sense to Penny, or at least she thought she understood it. Some people were just important, and defied normal explanations. Idly she wondered if that situation was a monster girl thing.

Her musings were interrupted by Dan, and she returned his look with one of her own, one that was thoroughly unimpressed. “Shouldn’t judge by looks alone” Penny would say as she filled out the registration information “Kimble’s more than capable of surprising you otherwise.”

Handing over the paper Penny would ask “Any other rules we should know about, other than what you said the other day?

Dan took the paper with two fins, and sent it fluttering away in the shape of a butterfly. “Nothing much, really. The match has a time limit of five minutes, and if neither side has won before the end, the match is considered a defeat for both sides. Other than that, what I’ve stated applies.” Dan next clapped his fins together, and a portal began glowing. “Now, off you go. I’ll announce the fight to begin, and then you can start!” He then hovered up into the air, and flew right through a portal. “I’m so excited, nya!” Kimble enthusiastically meowed, and leapt through the portal.

With a sigh Penny followed after “Here goes nothing” She’s mutter to herself as she did.

When Penny followed her through the misty archway, she found herself in a coliseum, the middle of it sunk into a water-filled pool. She was standing on one corner of a circular platform that floated slightly above the surface of the water; it was made of stainless steel on the bottom and sturdy but pleasant polystyrene on the top, and resembled a gigantic coin with Dan’s face on the bottom side. Kimble was crouched down on the opposite side, peering down at the water-filled pool and the ring of seats; she waved at somebody in the audience.
“Mistress! Look, I’m gonna do Keijo, nya!”

Dan popped up in the center, dressed like a wrestling referee. “And now, the moment you’ve waited for; a match of the century, right here at Isla Paradiso!” A spotlight appeared over him as he pointed towards Kimble. “Here in the west corner, we have the Dust Devil, the Fanged Speedster, a genuine animal of a contender who can land a slam faster than the blink of an eye! It’s KIIIII-MBLEEEE!” He shouted, adding a rumble to his voice. Kimble bounced around to the noise of clapping that could be heard in the audience, happy as can be for the attention.

“And in the east, we have the heaviest of heavyweights with kilograms in the triple digits, may I present to you the Titaness, the Juggernaut with power to crack diamonds with her buttcheeks, PEEEEE-NYYY” Once again clapping could be heard, including Kimble who smiled as she hopped in place, immersed in the hype. “Woo, Penny!”

Dan waited for the noise to settle down, and continued. “These two good friends are now about to butt heads, and settle things in a showdown for the ages. Contestants, at the count of ten! One, tw-TEN!” He shot up in a blast of sparkling water, and Kimble’s cute cat-smile turned feral, with fangs bared on her lips. “Nya-ha! Prepare yourself!” She launched forward, carried by green winds as she aimed to slam her butt right at Penny’s collarbone. “I’ll prove myself to Mistress, and earn her love! And then, we’ll be together at last, nyah!”

Almost from the moment she had stepped out onto the arena Penny had her head in her hands. Yes, it had been her idea, and yes she was here willingly, but did it have to be so cringy? Her own introduction doing nothing to diminish that belief. Shaking her head she focused on her opposition, after all she had an idea of what was coming next and even with the skipped countdown Kimble’s feral assault was what Penny had been expecting. Having already seen the normally docile cat girl very quickly turn savage during the volleyball match.

Penny dropped to the floor to avoid the incoming attack, but just as quickly as she was out of danger launched herself back up ready to hip check Kimble out of the air if her repost landed. “That’s a nice dream and all” She’d remark mid-counter “But without talking to her are you sure it’ll lead anywhere?”

Kimble bit her lip, and managed to make just enough of a curve in her trajectory to only take a glancing hit from Penny’s hip check that nonetheless created distance between the two. “Nyah! I have!” She answered, and the green winds intensified around her, forming small whirlpools of wind around her limbs. “Last night, I confessed my love to Mistress!”
She dove down to the middle of the platform facing away from Penny; having landed with all four of her limbs. “She is going through a lot, but she was still so kind and understanding! That is why I will win, nya! I’ll show Mistress I’m dependable!”
She then launched much like a leaping feline but in reverse, aiming to strike at Penny’s lower body; now she moved even faster than before, as she had eliminated some of the air resistance slowing her down.
“Cat Pounce Special!”

Penny had to hand it to Kimble, she knew how to go after what she wanted. Granted a lot of these heartfelt declarations lost their impact due to the ridiculous nature of Keijo, but hey credit where credit is due.

Diving over Kimble’s attack, Penny rolled to a stop a few feet from the edge. She had learned what she wanted to, said what she wanted to, it was time to end this. “That sounds like her alright, but you are going to need more than what you’ve shown so far.” Penny taunted lightly as she opened her arms showing that she was both wide open and untouched “Give me your best shot.”

Kimble hissed as her high-speed slam was once again dodged with a jump. She flew in a circle around, causing a miniature storm wind to pick up. “I’ll give it my everything! Because Mistress...She told me she wants to do lots of fun things with me, nyah! She even brought me to her cottage when I fell asleep!” Her hair was now flowing behind her, picked up by magical winds. “But enough is enough! Even if it’s impossible, as long as Mistress is there to cheer me onnyah, I won’t give up!”

She charged forward, her sharp teeth grit and pupils turned slitted like a cat’s. And then, she and quickly spun around and began performing attacking faster than the eye can follow, dealing out a rapid onslaught of bullet-speed slams.


To those in the crowd it likely looked as if Penny was being overwhelmed by the ferocious attack, as her body jerked this way and that due to the rapid fire rush, a look of shock on her features as she was pushed closer and closer to the edge of the arena. Near a fitting end for a Heel that seemed to look down upon the feisty feline.

But the truth of it was that Penny hardly noticed the assault raining down on her.

She was stuck on what Kimble had said, and about what it meant. Kimble had confessed, Alicia had been kind and understanding, and now Alicia wanted to spend time with Kimble.

Her quiet realization would be lost under Kimble’s battle cry. “Oh...”

Between one hit and the next Penny did what she had been planning since the start, and subtlety hopped backwards, allowing Kimble’s attack to knock her off the platform and into the water with a mighty splash. No one would notice the look of heartbreak that would cross her face as she quickly sank to the bottom.

Kimble grimaced as her rear clanged against Penny’s metallic frame; much like repeatedly punching an iron sheet would lead to bruised knuckles, so did her attack quickly leave her pained in the behind. Deep inside, she knew it was hopeless; Penny was the strongest and sturdiest fighter she ever knew, and would likely brush off her slams. However, she did seem to slightly move, so Kimble did not let up, and eventually she tipped over, causing a wave of water to erupt from the pool under the platform. The catgirl fell to her knees and elbows, panting heavily from the strain; she pushed herself to the very limit with the last attack. “Nhh...Nhh...I...wonhh...”
Dan’s eyes widened in cartoony fashion, and he floated down to the stage. “I...I can’t believe it. Against all odds, Kimble has scored a miraculous victory!” He lifted Kimble’s arm up. “Congratulations! You are now one step closer to becoming the Keijo champion, and may proceed to the next round.” Kimble nodded, making a low purring sound, and slowly crawled over to peer over the edge. “Pennyah...Are you okay?”

At the bottom of the pool Penny would let out a tired sigh, yet no bubbles came out. The action was ingrained, most of her mannerisms were, but the act of breathing had long since stopped being a requirement for the robotic girl.

‘I should have expected something like this’

She was very, very tempted to just stay down here for a while. She couldn’t do that though, not only was there going to be other matches, but it wouldn’t surprise her if there were cameras in the water, and she didn’t want someone watching as she came to terms this latest surprise.

With another breathless sigh, she pushed herself to stand, hardly noticing the added pressure from being at the bottom of the pool, and began climbing up a ladder built to the side of the pool that reached the bottom. It wasn’t that she didn’t know how to swim, and more to do with that she couldn’t. Too heavy, too dense, for her human frame to support itself in water.

Kimble’s lips wavered as she waited for a short moment for a response, and then saw what looked like Penny moving in the bottom. “Pennyah! You’re safe! Oh, thank Beacon! I was worried!” Dan smiled. “She’s all right folks! Because she is a robot, even if she can’t swim, she is in no risk of drowning. By now she has reached the ladder, and will soon join us.” Even if Kimble had no obligation to wait for Penny to come back, she still waited, her tails waggling erratically to show her worried state. Finally, as the beautiful girl surfaced, the crowd clapped, and Kimble went over to help her get back up. “Penny! I was really worried, you know!” Kimble hugged her, even as a towel was given for her to dry up; she flicked her ears in reflex upon having cold water on her, but nonetheless she kept to her familiar antics. “Looks like I caught you by surprise, right?” She asked, a cute cat-smile on her face, only to turn into lip-biting one as she crouched down and placed her hand behind her. “I practiced that move a lot, nya, and I succeeded in making my butt move super fast. But it hurts to use, nyeh.. Maybe I’ll need to get a stronger butt too.”

“Sorry, sorry, I’m fine. Learned yesterday that I sink like a stone” Penny apologised as she half returned the hug before accepting the towel that was offered to her “Didn’t mean to worry you. You definitely caught me by surprise at the end though” She would agree with a sheepish smile. Though her smile was just a touch brittle and she was referring to something rather different than what Kimble was. “I don’t really have any advice for using that technique in Keijo, though I think I might have been one of the worst matchups for it, so you should be good for the rest of the tournament” came her explanation before giving a tired shrug.

“Anyway congrats on your win, but I think I’m going to take a break from all of Keijo and head to the juice bar” Penny would say, giving a small wave with her fingers before turning towards the exit. “I’ll try and swing by later to spectate some of your matches though” she say over her shoulder as she walked away, carefully measuring her step so it didn’t seem like she was running away.

Because Penny wanted to break something, anything almost, just render whatever she could get her hands on into rubble due to the hurt, but it wasn’t Kimble’s fault. Penny knew that cat girl hadn’t meant anything hurtful by what she said, likely didn’t even know that Penny had confessed her own feelings to Alicia once before as well, so she was going to step away as quickly as was polite.

“Thanks for cheering me on, Penny! I promise to make you and Mistress both proud of me, nyah.” Kimble spoke with a purr-like sound to it, and nodded as Penny turned to leave. “Okay then! See you later, Penny!” She waved at her, ignorant of the events that she had put in motion with her innocent, yet painful revelation.

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