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Shamelessly stealing Broken's method for my NPC's sheet

.:⋮A stolen moment⋮:.


Penny wasn’t offended by the near hostile reaction of her girlfriend; a loss of time was easy to see as a loss of control and Penny knew that Chloe needed a sense of control, knew better than most just what it was like to be denied that corrupted, twisted, need. “It’s alright” Penny would say as she gently wrapped her arms around Chloe again, her grip as light as she could make it so that the Spirit mage could tell that she could leave if she wanted. “T̷h̸̨ey will not touch you!” She'd promised with a surprising amount of venom as her eyes flashed dangerously. She would not suffer to let anyone take Chloe away from her.

Penny would take a moment to calm down before she would answer “And Better now.” A half smile on her face as she looked down at the girl in her arms. “I arrived in my Lair when I returned. Spent a while just reading the news feeds while I watched the girls and boys there, piecing things together. Eventually I noticed Cindy, and got confirmation that this isn’t just one of my nightmares.” She would explain leaning back into the couch as she spoke. “Also got a call from Amaryllis, there are already some monsters causing havoc. Liches from what I got told. It’s a mess all around.”

“There is so much to do and so little time right now.” Penny would say after a moment of just enjoying the moment of stolen relaxation. “Seems it would be best to get you and Cindy in contact, you both seem better than me at this whole setting things up for the corrupted girls, hell even this Vi-chan is better at it then I am” she would say with a self-depreciating chuckle before moving on ”Afterwards I was going to go out Hunting the liches, as I realized that I might be a security risk for the Lair. Beacon tends to keep tabs on its members, but I never really looked into if they can track me through the Spark, or just via phone line.” She would explain with a shrug and a sigh.

It felt like she needed to be in three places at once right now. She needed to figure out if it was safe for the Sanctuary for her to be there, needed to go get supplies from Brittny’s shop, needed to go hunting to take care of the Monsters that were acting up. Yet she could only do one thing at a time, it was more frustration then normal for the robotic girl.

“Think I would be able to take you to the Lair if I opened the door out of here first?” Penny asked as it would make things a lot easier if she could.

-=Ǝ Center Stage E=-


‘Tough crowd’ Aurelio would muse to himself as her found himself staring down a rather imposing great sword, or it would be imposing if he was worried in the slightest that he was about to be attacked. He had committed no crimes, had broken no tenants. Still, with smooth grace he re-positioned his cane so that it was planted on the ground in front of him his hands folded over the handle.

“Now, now. Is that really necessary?” he would ask Dawn casually his cheerful demeanor not phased in the slightest though a single brow was raised in question. He had to admit the amount of Determination coming from the warrior threatening him was rather impressive. Before he could get a reply or any foot hold in the room really, Rebecca would step up and begin giving a rather casual and lackluster request to join the Ascendancy. One that the magician could tell was false, if for no other reason than the amount of Fear pouring off of the girl next to him.

He tucked that little piece of trivia away under his hat however, and returned his attention back to Rachel when she once address him, and only barely managed not to roll his eyes. “Sylvia didn’t take us anywhere. Sylvia didn’t abandon Penrose or Beacon. All of us were abducted by a Lesser Force.” He would state loudly and clearly to everyone assembled in the room, before returning his cane to under his arm with a flourish and starting to follow after Rachel.

He doubted that anyone in the Ascendancy would really trust his words, but at the same time his words weren’t really meant for them. They were for the regular boys and girls in the room, the ones who knew Sylvia, Sally, and Alicia. It was to help reassure them that those they trusted didn’t disappear for no reason, that they hadn’t been abandoned.

The fact that it was true would be heard by any Light users in attendance and with luck spread far and wide.

Just before Aurelio exited the room after Rachel, he would turn back towards the assembled Beacon members with a concerned look on his face as he let his gaze wash over all of the rank and file who stood on the edges of the room. Suddenly he would crack a lopsided smile, grab his top hat and give a deep bow to the room.

From his hat a flock of doves would spring forth, all of them radiating Comfort, Compassion and Peace. They would fly around the room once or twice before vanishing, at which point Aurelio would stand back up and don his hat once more, a large friendly smile on his face. With a wave to them all he returned towards following Rachel off into the other areas of Beacon.

.:⋮No Brakes⋮:.


She knew what Cindy was going to say before she said it. She had seen the news feeds, and the comments of Glimmer side of things helped fill in the gaps. That didn’t make hearing it any easier. “I am going to turn that waste of plastic inside out the first chance I get.” She would say through grit teeth, before she forced a deep breath and shunted her frustration, fear and even curiosity about how Cindy’s touch felt to the side.

They could be dealt with later; right now she had more important things to take care of.

“I’d be glad to help” She would say as she walked with Cindy towards the hole in the ground that once used to be a simple bolt hole and now lead towards the other layers of the Lair. “Also more thankful then ever no one from Beacon ever asked to see my home. What’s-” Penny would cut herself of mid word and mid stride, her eyes flickering with light as she accepted and processed all the electronic messages that had been sent her way.

“Shit” the robotic girl would say after a moments of silence. “We’ve got a few issues, and some good news.” She would explain to Cindy “Seems a trio of Monsters, liches I think, have begun to make a move. Friend of mine sent out a call for help which means they aren’t simply small time goons.”

Taking a sharp turn Penny started walking towards a door that likely gave many people a lot of questions as it lead to nowhere as there was just wall on the other side. “Also got a text from Thalia, we had a chance to talk back at the Beach so were on better ground, but I don’t think anyone has told her the full story about what is going on, which is bad as her Monstrous side has made a name for itself killing Beacon members.” Penny would go on her left eye once again flickering rapidly as she composed and fired off responses to everyone that had contacted her.

“Good news is that I might be able to get some information from inside Beacon. I am a member, technically, and got contacted by one of the others that had gotten dragged away with us. He’s currently at HQ, and should be able to tell me if they can track me” She placed her had on the door knob of the door to nowhere and started focusing “Also Chloe is back” She would add with a soft smile “She’s got a small group of girls with her, and wants to bring them here. She can help.” In her mind Penny could feel the turning of a key in a lock and shortly after she would turn the handle on the door. Turning to look at Cindy Penny finished her update “I’ll be back in a few minutes, with Chloe and the others, afterwards I’m likely going to go hunting after the Monster problem. If you can get that Red Coin we talked about for me by the time I get back it would be appreciated, something tells me I’m going to end up needing it sooner than I expected.”

With her piece said Penny would open the door and walk through it, as at the moment it didn’t lead to nowhere but Chloe’s apartment. Chloe was the only person that Penny hadn’t sent a reply to, because it was faster to just meet up in person.

“Chloe” Penny would call out as she entered the apartment making a direct line to her girlfriend once she saw her sitting on the couch. She would move to give the smaller girl a gentle hug once she was close enough “Everything’s gone to hell a bit hasn’t it?” she would ask her voice trembling slightly as she spoke. The reality that one of her nightmares had come to life was catching up to her in one of the few places she felt truly safe.

More ideas for your characters? Or more ideas for more characters? As I can help with either
I figured, Danganronpa is the only thing that I am aware of that has Despair as major topic as well as a fancy art style.
I'm assuming that is a danganronpa reference? Because I can change it to that. Most of the time I'm just going off my own instinct of what color an emotion should be.


@Ariamis @Rune_Alchemist

The return trip to Penrose was an odd one for Penny, mainly because she was awake the entire time. She hadn’t trusted Dan, if anything her trust for him had gotten lower once she had gotten proof that he was a manipulative self-serving fish. Hence why she had forced herself to remain awake for the return trip, not that the trip was very enlightening, it felt like she was falling upward. All the while a Technicolor nightmare churned around her.

Penny wouldn’t be able to say for how long it was she was falling, time didn’t feel like it was flowing correctly here, but she knew that the end was near before it came. She could see a point quickly coming closer, and from it she could feel her Lair, her Sanctuary.

Just before she reached home a Voice would thunder from beyond
”It Begins!”

Penny’s Lair had always been something of a point of pride for the robotic girl. It was the first proof that her life was starting to change, and that she might not have to keep up a life of wayward wandering at the whims of a jackass.

The outside of the building hadn’t been touched during the renovations; it still looked like an abandoned Warehouse. The windows were boarded up and the doors looked rusted shut and it seemed like it was going to collapse at any moment, but that’s because Penny had wanted it to look like that, as the first line in its defenses was to not look like a Lair in the first place. It was why so few people knew where it was to begin with, really just Thalia and Chloe.

The inside was a different story, gone was the massive piles of discarded junk and dilapidated shelving units. Penny had taken all of that and had reinforced basically everything. The floor, the roof, the walls, all of it had a layer of reinforcement with the metal that Penny used to live around.

That had opened up the inside space, which Penny had made loose rooms by placing dividers here and there. The places were marked more by what was found within them then by anything else. One area held a couple of boxes of food and water. Another only had blankets and pillows, as she hadn’t yet gotten around to making cots for it. One had doors and a ceiling so you could get some actual privacy if you needed it, though it was smaller than the others.

It was apparent that it was still a work in progress but it had the beginnings of what Penny had wanted to build; a place for the lost to seek shelter.

Penny would emerge from the Beach with a nary a sound. One moment she wasn’t and then she was standing exactly where it was she had been when she had been abducted. But things were different, she could tell. For one there were a lot more girls here then had ever been, but it was more than just that. Penny’s HUD was displaying a date and time that didn’t match up with what it should have for her being gone for only a few days. A quick search of the local news told of repeated natural disasters, with an equally quick search of the local Glimmer feed giving even more bad news. The store opening up was a bit of good however.

She needed information, badly, then she needed to get more supplies as it sounded like Penrose was a war zone.

But first things first, a quick text was written up
Chloe, I just made it back to Penrose and things aren’t looking good. Let me know how you are.

Next she skimmed the faces of everyone she could see, before calling out ”Cindy!” her voice cut cleanly though the chatter as most of the girls turn to the new presence. “The Hell is going on?” her voice was serious as she marched towards to self proclaimed Queen.

-=Ǝ In The Lion’s Den E=-


Waking up had been a chore, his bed was nice and warm, and he could tell the outside was cold and inhospitable. It was the Despair that suddenly kicked him in the side of the head that pulled Kyle out an about, and from there the world only got more and more gray. He had spent what time he could console his parents. While his mind raced trying to piece things together. Everything he had painted this as a disaster on every level.

Eventually he convinced them he had to go see his friends to let them know that he was okay. He promised them he was okay and that he had his phone on him and would call them in an hour. The moment he was out the door however he was gone in a flash of light.

The same instant he reappeared back in Beacon HQ, already in his transformed state. His phone was out as he walked, his cane held under one arm, as he was sending out text to everyone he knew in Beacon. The texts held the same few lines: Are you okay? What happened? I’m at HQ, do you need help?

He hoped that he got a response from any of them quickly. The Feeling of Penrose wasn’t a very pleasant one right now, and he could use a pick-me-up. Still he knew where he was headed; after all he had worked alongside the Ascendancy before.

Thus he wasn’t one to keep the silence when he strode into Hall of Luminous Valor “Ladies” He would say before giving a small bow “Perhaps I can be of some assistance?”
I think all things have a magical aura, just one of the mutations for Monster can make theirs stupidly large.
Hey, welcome back to the mad house Hero

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