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Update as I kind of vanished on you. I ended up getting sick, not Covid, but still put me down for a bit, that plus thanksgiving meant that free time has been in short supply.

I'm working on a post, but my brain is pseudo fried still and I'm having a bit of difficulty coming up with anything more then "And they worked on fixing and learning about guns for the rest of the day" I'm wanting something else to happen but not sure what at the moment. Ideas would be welcome.
Overtime work weeks make it very hard to find time to sit down and write, I'll try to get a reply to you in the next few days.

-=ƎOne step at a timeE=-

Aurelio, Aurelio and Aurelio all kept to their respective tasks as the slow grind of the assault continued on. No longer afforded the luxury of thinking over what it was he was stuck doing he just kept on doing what he did best, supporting his side of the conflict.

Rage stayed near Kimble as burning red started to leak off of him. “Eyes on the prize, thinking is going to get rough.” He warned as he placed a hand on her shoulder from that point of contact Kimble would feel the fiery Rage that was the core of this clone’s existence flow into her and from there it would flow into her windstorm granting it the strength of their Anger. In fact, Kimble’s cyclone would start to draw in the anger of everyone on the battlefield or at least everyone that Aurelio had marked with his Magician’s mark. For everyone else, the wind would seem to ignite as swirls of red blead into it along with blistering heat.

Disgust would give Hyun a quick check to make sure she was alright before tailing after the Remorhaz, tossing blob of acidic sludge at things the semi-controlled monster was about to hit, weakening the targets to make the beast rampage even more effective. He would drop everything to try and intercept the blast of magic headed towards Hyun however. Even if it meant giving up its life.

The real Aurelio stayed in his cloaked state, but let all of his other illusions drop. The amount of support he could give and still stay relevant was not an easy line to walk. But with two Emoti-clones out and about he had to be careful about not expending too much Mana. Still he stayed with the Pack of Canaries doing his best to shield everyone he could without burning himself out which was much easier said than done. Neverthe less he made sure to stay in communication with Elora, giving her updates on what all of him was up to and an idea of how their side was doing with his Marks. If she needed him to move somewhere to act, he would.

And yet further still in the background of all of this there were still a few Clones simply evacing those who couldn’t be expected to assist anymore.

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Viva turned her attention towards the floating girl as she slowly let her own twisted smile play across her lips “You’re not too bad on the eyes yourself.” She would reply giving Varjo a slow once over. “Shame we can’t play with each other too well, I only bite if you ask~” her smile was all teeth which would shift to being a maw of razor-sharp fangs for a moment. Viva always enjoyed those who never hid who they were, the air of danger surrounding Varjo acting more as a siren call for her then a warning.

Regardless she turned her attention towards the other members who were going to be joining her for this foray into chaos creation. The boy, got a simple once over but an appreciated look at his wings. The last girl, Alma, Viva had to hold back from licking her lips at the appraisal. She was everything that Viva loved in a woman, but now was not the time for play. Later perhaps.

Instead she would force her attention towards Seppa “You wouldn’t have anything else on offer for loan would you?” Viva would ask with a raised eyebrow “Something to manipulate water or ice would be rather helpful down in the sewers after all” She would add. It was a valid point but only half the reason why the dark nurse asked. Her weakness to flames needed something to address it, as she wouldn’t be surprised to learn of at least one girl within the Sanctuary that was capable of wielding such an element.
It's always interesting to think over the life lessons people like Slade would teach. As he see's nothing wrong with lying or cheating or stealing. Revenge is fair game, as is taking matters into his own hands. would definitely be a warping experience, and likely clashes with some of the lessons that Jinny has been taught already.
‘A Speedster?’ was Slade’s first thought as he learned a bit about Jinny’s tormentor. They were a rare breed, the best known one was obviously The Flash, but there were a few others that Slade knew of. Mainly small time assassin’s or runners and none of which came close to the Hero. Still it had him wondering. Just who was this Wally West? Because yes he did know the names of everyone in Jinayah’s class, and no he didn’t care how that may make him look on paper.

He made a mental note to look closer into the kids family when he had the time, but overall let it lie for the moment. “There is nothing wrong with outing people for what they are doing.” He would say instead “The trick to it is to make it so that people don’t know that it was you who let the secrets out. As for several reasons people don’t like associating with those that are willing to air out their secrets.” In school it was viewed as being a tattletale, on the streets it was viewed as being a snitch. But in the underworld being an informant was a very lucrative business. Assuming that you had something to tell, and a way to keep from being tracked down. People liked their secrets to stay theirs after all.

“And if he keeps giving you trouble you could always work on tying his shoe laces together. He has his speed, and you can use that against him if you are careful. Your eyes might give you away however” Slade would add using a shined part of the disassembled gun to draw attention to Jinn’s glowing eyes.

He left the comment about boys being annoying alone, because honestly he was too old to want to wade back into that mire. He would thank her for the compliment however.

Slade did at last pause in his work, however, at her request to learn how to do what it was he was doing. Turning a bit more attention to her as he contemplated the request. He knew that she was endlessly curious about how things worked, and the only reason he had punished her for the toaster was because she had damaged it when she took it apart, so he had needed to buy a new one. But to learn how to put a gun together? That strayed close to a border he wasn’t sure if he wanted to cross with her so soon.

Guns were the basis of his work after all. Yes he was partial to swords if he was able to choose, but far more often than not a firearm was his primary tool. It just made him wonder how long it would be before he was teaching her about his job, and how she would feel about that. After another moment of contemplating it he would answer “I can teach you how to put them together if you want.” He would give her an assessing look as he spoke “But know that it will be a year at least, and quite possibly more, before I teach you how to use one.”

“If you are alright with that I can begin with the basics” He would wait to hear her answer before moving on.


“It’s a good thing I cleared my schedules for today I suppose.” She would grumble to herself as she headed out to see what was going on.

“I didn’t know you” Penny would reply to Belladonna softly, waving off Goblina’s question as she did. “But I’ve known others of our kind who revel in the twisted mentalities we are sometimes cursed with.” Vixen came to mind, as did Chloe. “Because of that I needed to know, if you were like them or like me. Because I understand. The need that digs into the back of your skull slowly driving you mad. I used to have it as well, not for flesh, but to break. What didn’t matter I just needed to destroy, be it people, promises, or peaceful nights.” Understanding would leak into Penny’s eyes as she spoke. She often wondered how many other truly understood how painful it was to fight against the instincts and drives that becoming a monster could impart. In this moment though she knew that it was a trail that the two of them had shared.

Penny stepped forward as she spoke, slowly, gently, and rested her hands on the chains that bound the wolf girl. “You’ve been starving yourself. I know because I’ve been there.” The weeks and months that Penny did her best to keep the ever present urge to shatter something in check were not so long ago that she had forgotten what it felt like to be trapped by them and something told her that she never would truly be free of the fear of that twisted desire returning. “Because of that I can’t sentence you too death for losing control. That is simply not fair, but neither can I simply release you. You have endangered everyone here by drawing Beacon’s attention closer to us.”

The other truth was that Penny’s options for judgment were limited. Death, Exile, Other. That’s all she was capable of at the moment, as there wasn’t any space for imprisoning people here at the Sanctuary. To say nothing of how cruel it would be to imprison Belladonna for this if what she was saying was true and Gods did Penny hope that she was telling the truth.

But before I render Judgment, I have one more question for you.” She would go on to say just as gently “Is what you are now worth dealing with the hunger? Purification is an option if you want it, but I will never force it upon you or anyone else that resides under my protection” Regardless of the answer to that question Penny had an idea for what she could use as a sentence. Along side a few ideas to help Belladonna if she preferred to stay a Monster girl, but those were for later.

<<Pricking of a Thumb>>

The door to Viva’s chosen room swung open at Reaver’s soft knocking. The room on the far side of the door a far cry from the drab spare room it used to be. Posters of horror movies, or scantily clad models littered the walls, while all the upholstery had also been changed out for a more gothic color pallet. Yet in contrast there was also what looked to be an operating table pushed up against the wall with a skeleton laid out on it, alongside various bottles of chemicals dotted across every open space.

The joys of hammer space. Makes settling in a breeze.

Viva herself hadn’t been the one to open the door, she just hadn’t close it all the way. She was sitting in front of the operating table carefully measuring out dosages of chemicals into various glass vials and beakers and would glance up at noticing the door swinging open.

“Time to go?” She would ask in confirmation before placing stoppers in the various vials she was done with. Before vanishing them into her hammer space. “Good timing just got done refilling my vials” She would remark before standing up and stretching. She would saunter over to Reaver a slight sadistic smirk eking on to her face as she did. She was looking forward to oncoming carnage after all.

“Tell me, would you like some assistance when you end up facing against Penny?” She would ask as they started their way towards the meet up. “I’ve got some drugs that should be able to give you an edge, if you want them.”
Yeah, it was a bit spooky them all getting it if I'm honest. The reason is I've got two friend groups, both of which I'm the only one not in the group that isn't living with the rest of them, and both of the groups got hit one weekend after the other on weekends that I had decided against going to hang out with them. Almost seemed like the virus was stalking me.

I've been doing better. Work has lightened up due to new building finally getting up and running. At the same time I've been forced into a pseudo quarantine as all of my friends have had to go into such do to Covid. Which sucks, but its given me more weekend so its not all bad.
Yeah, Wally and Barry both got their powers in the same way. Lightning bolt strike that threw them into chemicals. Barry was an accident, Wally was an accident on purpose as he wanted to be like his Uncle Barry. Only Jay Garrick, the first flash, has it as a innate power.

But as mentioned these are comics, so even that is up for grabs depending on which comic your reading.
You got it right, Wally is Kid Flash. Only issue, and it's a minor one, is that he's not actually born with his powers. At the same time this is a comic based RP continuity is only as important as we need it to be. So he's got some super speed now, and can get full kid flash speed later on.
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