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.:⋮No Rest⋮:.

Penny wasn’t surprised at the loss of focus; back to back speeches could get boring for anyone. Though having to come up with them on the spot did keep them a bit more interesting than it otherwise would be. She bowed her head as the crowd applauded her, mentally leaving herself a reminder to talk to Dina about getting them all a trip to the Beach when they both had a moment.

She also took a moment to memorize the people who seemed the most reluctant about losing access the White Coins. Penny would make a point to talk to them all later, in private if possible.

Still she was looking forward to a bit of, not relaxation, as with the assault going on she wasn’t going to be able to relax, but some quiet. As her luck would have it however just as she had gotten situated Snoopy would Ping her about the disruption. “It’s a good thing I cleared my schedules for today I suppose.” She would grumble to herself as she headed out to see what was going on.

Quietly she would listen as everything was explained to her, and overall the entire situation she found herself with wasn’t one that she was particularly happy with, especially since Amaryllis had vanished. “A few questions” She would reply to Goblina before she strode towards Belladonna. Penny would nod her appreciation towards Ashlyn and the other guards who stopped the crowd from throwing more things. It meant that Penny didn’t have to do something more drastic.

Penny would stop just outside arm’s length from the Wolf girl, meeting her crazed look with one of cold detachment. “Is it you need fresh meet, or is it you need human meat?” Penny would ask after a moment, her tone was one of neutral curiosity, not judgment. She simply wanted to know. “And did you attack them purely because you were hungry?”

Her voice wasn’t loud; she had no need to project her voice as she normally did when she was giving a speech after all, but she wasn’t bothering to hide what it was she said either, it was just at the moment the only person who Penny cared about hearing her was Belladonna.


The battle was well and truly stated. The raging blizzard, the howling tornado, and the general chaos of combat. A situation that Aurelio was not all that familiar with if he was being honest, he had assisted Strike teams on occasion or assisted with the more skirmishing type conflicts that would pop up in the Cities, but this all out conflict wasn’t something he knew how to properly commit to. Still, with so many people marked with his Magician’s mark it wasn’t hard for him to tell where his allies were.

Loath as he was to label some of them as such. Really every time he thought he could despise Justine more she proved him wrong. Her blindly sacrificing kidnapped girls to clear the way disgusted him to his core.

Regardless, he was a support specialist, and if there was anything he could do it was provide support. A task made all the more simple because of all the chaos and snow being thrown about, as he was already wearing white. Add in a touch or two of Illusion and finding him easily became an impossible task. Because the real him was translucent, easily over looked with his colors and all the chaos. Meanwhile an Illusory copy of him stayed with the group every now and then tossing out small magical blasts from his cane that wouldn’t do anything but could serve as a distraction.

It was this copy that Victoria attacked. “Pretty sure I remember that” His illusion would reply as it ducked and weaved away from the attacks be thrown at it. “Sad to hear we couldn’t have meet again under better circumstances.” It would go on to say conversationally not bothering to lash out in retaliation.

Meanwhile the Real Aurelio was busy. His mana supply wasn’t endless and he needed to keep enough for later, so he was very careful about what magic he did spend and on whom he spent it. His Priorities were rather straight forward. Starting with Beacon, then the ‘Canaries’, then came Sakura, afterwards were the mysterious ‘Business partners’, and lastly Justine. No, he wasn’t holding this entire mess against the Vampire, just everything out here. Regardless the air was suffused with Determination, so that was the basis of how he helped. Using that Emotion he would conjure small momentary barriers, to deflect what attacks he could see and who’s target didn’t.

But he knew that it wouldn’t be enough alone. So every now and then Aurelio would conjure up a Clone, one with just enough mana and emotion to heal up those that got hit badly, or drive off an attacker for a moment. If he hadn’t slipped in his Mark during the Teleport over, this would be a impossible task, yet even now it was still a difficult one.

Lastly he kept as close an eye on the Canaries as he could, any of them who ended up to wounded for him to easily heal he pulled out of the fight. A clone was sent to keep them down, Apathy was good at that, before teleporting them back to Beacon HQ. The first time the Clone would go with to Explain what was going on, but after that he couldn’t justify the mana expenditure.

All in all, the fighting had just begun and already he wanted to go home.

Then the Remorhaz’s popped up. “That is not fair” He grumbled, before taking a deeper breath and conjured two copies. One dyed red, one dyed an oily green. Disgust went towards Hyun Long, Rage lept towards Kimble and the real Aurelio stayed hidden under his illusions, but focused his attention, and his shields, towards the Canaries.

Rage would announce their presence with a crimson crescent of energy aimed at the creature’s head as they landed near Kimble.

Disgust would fling out a dark green net that seemed to ooze slightly seeking to ensnare the next Remorhaz as they strolled up behind Hyun.

And the true Aurelio would conjure up several bright green barricades in between the Canaries and the third Remorhaz. Hoping the enthralled girls would be able to kill it easier if he focused on keeping them alive.
CPS and the like, plus Proto-cadmus most likely. There is only so much that Money can displace from those in power after all, especially Slade is a known element to the Military since they are the one who trained him at first.

Still the better option to have a paper trail for the less illegal things for now. As Slade and Jinny can always go about scrubbing those records later. Could be an interesting bit of Bonding later on in life.
Blerg, that was hard to write. No particular reason why, just the words didn't want to come easily.

Either way, the ground work for the evil school is being laid. Will be interesting to see how it comes about.
Jinny would easily be able to find Slade. In all the months she had of experience with living with him he was always within one of three places when she got home from work. Either in his office working on some digital project, in the living room maintaining some of his equipment, or in the basement putting together additional training equipment.

Today it was the living room and on the table in front of him were a handful of disassembled handguns that he was in the process of cleaning and repairing.

“No” Was his simple response to his niece. Attention barely wavering form his task of cleaning all the parts in front of him “For a few reasons, the largest being the the way I went about gaining legal custody over you, as currently there are one or two government groups keeping an eye on you and me making sure that I am taking adequate care of you.” For the most part Slade was sympathetic to Jinny’s plights about school; he himself had felt much the same way about schooling when he was younger after all.

“School is one of those things that they are monitoring, so for now you are going to have to keep going.” He would add as he started to methodically put the weapons back together. A passing thought had Slade wondering if it would be too much to shadow this Boy for a while. In full gear. “That being said, School is only in session for a few more months and once it is done we will have more options.” One of those options was different schooling. Of which rumors of a villain academy that had recently started up had been making their way to him.

To be fair those rumors had more to do with the fact that they were offering up the services of their graduates then that they were looking for more applicants, as otherwise Slade would likely be plotting who he needed to kill. There were no professional connection between him and Jinny, but that was only a matter of time.

“So for now consider it an extended training regimen for patience” He would say wiping the oil off his hand with a nearby rag so he could ruffle Jinayah’s hair.

He would turn back to his work but would still ask “About this boy. How is he being mean to you?”


Penny would give the people a moment to speculate amongst themselves, using that time to relax as she felt the tension in the room dwindle. It wouldn’t fully fade, but the hostility would go which was really the most that Penny could ask for.

And even then before she could say anything Dina would be whisked away by Dan, something she didn’t bother to hide her sigh over. “That was Dan” Penny would say glowering at the spot the dolphin had appeared and vanished from “Dina’s Patron. She’s fine” She would reassure the populace before they could start freaking out.

“But onto the matter at hand.” She would gesture with the Shine spark again “The reason I would prefer to return this, and the reason I will not destroy it or damage it, is because the sheer fact that I can own this proves Beacon wrong.” She let the statement linger for a moment as she returned the Shinespark to where it was hidden within her. “I am a Monster-girl that is an undeniable fact. I am one of the few that even has the capability of shifting into a full monster for a time; that too is a fact. But the Spark doesn’t reject me. The Spark which is a tiny fragment of the Beacon of Humanity doesn’t deny me. Me. Someone who’s magic is distorted in such a way so that I can never be truly purified.”

She once again drew her gaze across everyone present, a grin slowly stretching across her face as she spoke. “I am living proof that the fundamentalist at Beacon are wrong. So I will not damage or destroy this spark, I will not give them the satisfaction of being proven right. After all if a Destroyer can choose to preserve this small spark, what could the rest of us do?”

She would start walking towards the Plant girl as she spoke “All of us. All. Of. Us. Have the potential for great things, and it is my opinion that we, the Dark and the Monster, simply take everything to greater extremes. Our heights are higher, but our lowest are lower. More than the Solo’s and the Normal’s we need community. To help us all temper our extremes.” She would reach down and offer a hand to the girl who lashed out at her, for she held no ill will towards her, or any of the girls who turned against her or sided with Dina. They all simply wanted some place to feel safe, and from what they could tell Penny had threatened that.

“So I will always defend those of us who need it, I will always side with us over those that seek to destroy us, or abuse us.” She would say after she gave a soft hug to the plant girl and a smile to let her know that Penny had forgiven her. “Because when we come together there is no limit to what we can do.”

Penny would rest a hand on the Plant girl’s shoulder for a moment longer before turning back and walking towards the other end of the Sanctuary. “That doesn’t mean that the gifts we have are always kind.” Her destination was those who had moved towards the Purification supplies she had brought out. “I can’t blame anyone for wanting to get back some semblance of who they used to be, because I’ve been there before. I remember with sharp clarity the nights spent dreaming of regaining my humanity.” She would pick up the lone White coin that was laid out with the potions; it was one of only a handful that she had gotten from Janet and Jenna directly, because she still didn’t trust the supplies that had been passed along by Mariette. “I’ve undergone purification,” She would say holding the coin above her “My nature, my magic, denied it from working correctly. But I will never deny the opportunity to those who want it for themselves. We have lost so much already, I will not take this away as well.”

“The potions will cleanse you of all corruptions, and the Coins will do the same. The Coins will also sever your connection to your Patron, though it will forge a connection to Beacon. For now I will be keeping the Coins locked up. If you fear your patron enough that you would choose Beacon over them, I will be willing to give you one, but for the moment that would mean you have to leave the Sanctuary, for our safety as much as your own.”

The Coin would slip into her hand, to be hidden away within her. “Because there are still those in Beacon that fear us.” She would turn back towards the small stage she had raised out of the ground “Most of Beacon still does in all truth. Dian has a good point; to publically withdraw at the moment does nothing but place under the spotlight. To call a Beckoner, one of the Patrons that guide those in the Beacon, here and now would place us on a timer. So for now, I will wait. For as it stands Beacon at large doesn’t know of our location. They think we are hiding out near the suburbs, or some such location. For better access to ‘prey’” Penny didn’t bother hiding her sneer at the blatant discrimination within that assumption.

“They know of me, and my nature, but they don’t know that I’ve built this place. They don’t know of my connection to it, my title, my promise to all of you.” One last time she would meet the eyes of everyone present. “I do not hide any of that out of shame; I would gladly shout it from the rooftops if you all wanted me too. But while it is a secret, I can listen and learn. I can watch them, and keep us safe. I have eyes in all of their systems, I can find out where it is they are looking for us, where it is safe for us to be and where we should avoid. Until our Home is ready for us, until the Bastion is ready for us, I will keep my title hidden from them. Because all of you deserve the right to feel safe, and I feel this is the best way to go about doing that.”

“One day, hopefully soon, we can carry ourselves openly. Until then I have no problems hiding in plain sight with a target on my back to keep you all safe, because that is more important than just about anything else.”

Up in rafters of the Sanctuary Snoopy was hidden quietly observing all that went on below. Nothing Penny was saying was a lie. But there were those that had proven that they weren’t above stirring the pot to get things done, Nuncio for example. And there could be others, agents of the Mint hidden away, or other organizations or factions. They were the ones that Snoopy was keeping an eye out for.

Once again Penny’s capability to multi task was proving to be perhaps her most powerful capability. As from the moment Dina was taken away by her Patron a small part of Penny started monitoring that situation. It was less than two percent of her over all attention, but that was all she really needed considering all she had to monitor was cellphone signals.

But even with that limited amount of information Penny could tell that the whole assault was already a mess. She knew of Ronin already, and could sense the division of Beacon’s forces, which considering Aurelio was there had a good guess as to where Justine was going to be as well.

She knew that Dina and Mariette were in close proximity, plus Lily which meant Alex. If she pushed her attention a bit she could scan contacts and with that she would find Sil. Fresh phones were rarely so empty after all, which meant that the Cradle was also a part of things.

To say nothing of all the other signals that Penny had no context for figuring out who or why. For the first time Penny was regretting not going, Alicia was going to need all the help she could get. But it was too late for her to change course now. All Penny could do was hope and pray that her friend made it out alright.

[‘Hey Jenna. Message was delivered, was much more divisive than expected. Fall out was minimal, but bridges were nearly torched for a moment.

Cindy’s not made any friends, and has possibly lost some. Coin’s were a massive bust, but potions were a small hit. Will update you as things progress, still very fluid at the moment.’]

-=Ǝ Opening Act E=-

Aurelio simply smiled wider in response to Justine’s apparent kindness, even as he suppressed a shudder at how she felt. More and more it was becoming clear to the young man that the Vampire in front of him was one of the rare few that he would have no conniptions about circumventing his Vow for. Which wasn’t really a surprise, if he thought about it, Her patron was antithetical to Aurelio’s stance when it came to life after all, or was it Aurelio was antithetical to theirs?. Either way that quite revelation steeled his resolve and hurt his heart at the same time.

He also took solace at the righteous anger that was flooding Alicia; After all no one from Beacon seemed to be enjoying this mission so far. ‘Wonder why the Beckoners agreed to it?’

Still he kept to himself, much the way he had before. Watching and keeping tabs on how everyone was feeling as best he could unobtrusively. It was strange to be the knife in the dark.

“Welcome to the show” He would greet Sakura after he procured a candle and lighter. No need for a mirror as he could simple conjure up some mirrored sunglasses if he needed, or at least he hoped that such a trick would work. ‘Hmm, things to contemplate at another time.

Aurelio would be the last one to place his hand on the table, still he was silent, but for the first time since he arrived the grin that was on his face was truly a genuine one. Because the 'teleportation table' trick gave him a great opportunity. Using the cover of Sonia's magic Aurelio would tag everyone with a Magician’s Mark through the table, using Sonia’s magic as the carrier. Sympathetic magic was a staple of Empathetic magic after all. Granted if he had tried to do anything more complex than the Magician’s mark it would have failed, but that was beside the point.

Arriving at the front of the mansion he would give a quick look around for any hostiles. Not seeing any he would bow towards Kimble lightly “Thanks for the catch” before stepping off the Wind storm to land next to Hyun, he was spinning his cane through his fingers already but his magical focus lacked any distinctive glow.

Ready as he was for what came next, Aurelio still hated the fact that he was here, but it was far, far, too late to back out now.

@Ariamis,@twave & @AtomicNut,@PlatinumSkink




There was once a boy. A boy who dreamt to be a big hero. A boy who soon learnt that heroes were a thing of stories. A boy who… came to resent the meaning of the word “mediocrity”. A boy who sought to be an outlier. Because he had no mother. In a sense he was special.

Except he was not. He soon learnt that made him a target for being shunned and bullied. He still believed that he could make a difference. Except he could not.

How could he, if the night was full of terrors? The boy had a father. A father whose job was making the dead talk about their demises. A work that had a brush with the monsters that lurked beneath. Mediocrity and monsters. He could not bear it.

The boy then heard a voice. A voice that told him the stories were real… but they had a catch. If one was to be a peerless warrior, they must pay their price in bloodshed. The boy did not look back at his father, whom he saw wrecked and twisted.

He had come to regret it.

And now he had a mother. And now he had been a murderer. The magical world had taken him away. And yet… He desired to see his father once more. To tell he had not died truly.

Was such a thing allowed for Reaver? Perhaps not. But would not hurt to try. Besides… that could expose the certain oddness he felt about his mother figure. Viva was his mother, that much he believed, but it was so bizarre. So close to his dark impulses, yet so detached at times.

He guessed he needed confirmation.

And that’s why he was here, on the way to his old home. With her in tow.

In contrast to her son Viva was much more settled into her thoughts and her perspective of herself. Yet she seemed to be much more unstable at the same time, her words said that she was looking forward to seeing her husband again. To spend time with him and Reaver as a family.

Yet, she would always become cagy when she spoke about it. As if she was just barely keeping herself from running as far away as she could. She also seemed more than willing to let Reaver take point in leading the way to home, even as she would often offer detours that they could take. Her heart and mind were at odds with being a family again, but it was impossible to tell which was which.

Reaver stopped. “So how do we go about this? It’s not like father will ever believe us with our current appearances.” Reaver said, his arms folded. “We probably should expect being shot and having to prove our identities.” he said in a whisper, just outside.

“Not sure that getting shot will do much at the moment. Unless he gets in a good shot.” Viva would reply with a whisper of her own. “I could use my magic to get us looking like we used to. It won’t last forever but it might give us enough time to explain things.”

“Better than nothing.” Reaver sighed, giving his mother the go ahead.

With a nod Viva would step closer and place her hands on the side of Reaver’s head. The sensation that came next was bizarre. A rush of cold would suffice his body before he could feel muscle and bone bending and stretching and folding in on itself he would even lose his eyesight for a moment as his eyes shifted as well.

The process would take a few minutes as Viva was working on one area at a time, making sure her sculpting would last for as long as she could make it. Once she was done she would step back to examine her work. After giving it a nod she would turn her magic on herself. It would take less time for her to change how she herself looked, as her body was already amorphous, but it was just as odd to see as it had been to feel as Reaver could see her skin buble and roil as underneath it all she built a skeleton system and muscles that would be needed to make herself look like she once did long ago.

She would pull out a hand mirror from her Hammerspace once she was done with herself to check and make sure that she had gotten it right. “Everything looks like it should, I think” she would say, turning around the mirror for Reaver to get a chance to examine himself. “Ready for this?”

“We’re creeping closer and closer to monsters…” Reaver muttered before nodding, slightly disgusted at the display, before flexing his fingers. He was again his weak, nerdy self (safebooru.org//images/1627/ed538db467… ).

“You say that like it’s a bad thing” Viva would remark with an eye roll. She never cared for her humanity when she was a human so why should she care about it now? She gave herself one more look before tossing the mirror back into the Hammerspace. She didn’t mind how she looked now, but she had grown to prefer how she looks now.

“..Showtime.” He said. “But uh… better if you knock.”

“Right” Viva would nod, hoping that her voice didn’t sound as nervous as she suddenly felt. Casually as she could she would walk up to the front door, take once more calming breath then raise her hand to knock assuredly on the door.

The door opened so slightly, as the sight of a man eyed Viva at first. The door immediately closed, as one could hear a surprised gasp… and the cocking of a gun behind it. Once again, the door opened. “What kind… of prank is this.” said the voice of Edward Turner, visibly shaken and jaded.

Carefully Viva would meet the eyes of her somewhat estranged husband, her eyes glinting hypnotically as she pushed a tiny amount of magic into them. “No prank, no deception. We came back, Ed.” She would say softly “We can explain this I promise.”

“Sure, why not, knock yourself out. Might as well get eaten or bullied by a monster, nothing ever matters anymore.” Edward said, with a feeling of defeat. Reaver’s black heart tugged for a second, seeing how broken his father was at this point.

I should have not become a magical boy. What did I do? He admitted, a brief damning. But… then he just exiled the thought to the darkest corner of his mind. It was late, too late already for him.

Viva was momentarily taken aback at the defeated sounding man in front of her, but easily rallied and moved to enter the house. “Let's get something to drink for all of us and then we can sit down and explain.”

Edward looked with a pained expression to the flesh doppelganger of her late wife, before sighing. “Sure, I got whiskey… and whiskey…” His eyes then rested on the shorter figure of the two. “...great, there’s two of em. Well… it’s not like it’s any different after all. Except he’s alive, and not in a freak suicide cult site. Whatever.” Edward said, as he led the two inside.

Reaver had to refrain from biting his lip so hard that it would bleed, as he clenched his fists. Regrets over murder were something he could stall… but this, this was literally hitting the few parts of his heart that could still feel something. If this kept up, his commitment would waver.

Viva’s eyes narrowed when Ed turned his back. She got it that Ed was depressed since they had both left him, supposedly by dieing, but this was still a bit much in her opinion. She wondered if she was going to have to use her Coercion more forcefully, but set that thought aside for now. No need to rush this since they were still being let in. “Whisky’s not a bad idea, but not too much otherwise we might be having this conversation twice” She would say with a bit of levity, hoping it would drag her husband out of this funk a little.

“I do need a freaking drink indeed.” said Ed, as he led the both of them inside the house, before pouring three glasses. His eyes rested on the gun that was beside the bottle for a little while, before refraining to raise it. “So, spit it.”

Reaver for the most part, grew awfully silent, trying to endure this scene. He drank his shot in one go, trying to maintain his face sound while his internal self was screaming once more.

Viva would take the drink but would simply swirl it around in her glass as she thought about how to start. After a moment “Magic, for all that people like to claim otherwise, truly does exist. And along with it dozens upon dozens of other creatures and purveyors of it. Some of those that dole it out don’t ask the people they force it upon, and Magic changes a person when they first get infused with it.” She would say softly before draining her glass in one smooth motion. Handing it back for a refill.

“It took a long time to find you and Will, and even then it came down to luck that I did. You had moved by the time I was able to make it back to our old home. Because I had gotten lost in the Overcity.”

It was at this point when Edward let out a small chuckle. “Uhuh. Magic is real. Yes, that would explain it.” Edward said as he handed a refill to Viva. “Anything is possible with magic these days. As if normal criminals weren’t enough.” He admitted, as he took a sip from the beverage thoughtfully.

“Well, I’d probably need a demonstration.” Edward said, taking the words as truth.

And then grabbing the gun he had, and in a fluid motion, shooting himself in the neck.

Reaver’s eyes went wide as he vaulted over the table, witnessing how his father was bleeding to death. He sprung to action, as he summoned his power the best he could, trying to heal the gunshot wound.

Viva was slower to respond, mainly because she let out a sigh and drained her second glass before moving. It wasn’t to say that she was uncaring of Ed’s situation, not entirely at least, but more that she knew that he wasn’t in danger. Not so long as she could get to him before a minute elapsed and even then he was in more danger from lack of oxygen to the brain than the blood loss.

She would step around the table, her disguise unraveling as she went, maintaining it would mean that her skill at healing her husband would drop, and that wasn’t something she was willing to risk at the moment. “Move aside and don’t worry” She would say calmly to Reaver as she pushed him to the side so that she could work. The wound looked grisly, but it took hardly any effort for her to reach out and practically unmake it. The skin and bone, damaged by the bullet, twisting and reforming Ed’s neck with inhuman ease.

That was the easy part, the hard part would come next, as Viva carefully worked her reinforcement to help along the restoration of the blood that had spilled out everywhere. “That was rather foolish you know.” Viva would say, oily looking light glinting off her hands as she worked her magic. “Healing magic, while it does exist, it isn’t a universal talent that people have. You could have easily been taking your own life and there would have been nothing that we could have done to save you” She would explain as she continued to pass her glowing hand over her husband, making sure that her efforts to heal him weren’t failing.

"Saving me huh." Ed said, croaking at first. "I am not sure if I even want to go on. I tried to be a caring father and husband. My wife, a cannibal, flees from me, and my son decides his life is worth trading for magic in a suicide cult magic. And then two doppelgangers who may or not may be them decide to play house with me, after some magical girl mumbo jumbo nearly killed me in this goddamn city." Edward added. "It's clear this world is so fucked up it won't make a difference if i am alive or dead."

Reaver, usually willful on his own, was completely nullified, merely watching as the exchange went by. He was right. This world was shitty.

“I didn’t run away” Viva would say as she focused on her work, even with something as simple as blood restoration she had to be careful with her primary magic. Otherwise who knew what kind of consequences there could be. “Wil might have joined the magical community willingly but I didn’t. Most patrons aren't kind enough to ask first from what I’ve seen and if you are having difficulty believing we are who we say we are now, after learning of the truth yourself, would you have even considered it back then?” She asked dryly, as she gave Ed one last check over before sitting down next to him.

“That is all besides the point” She would add before she let out a sigh and ran a hand through her hair. “We are here now, and we would love to stay and be a family again. But we won’t force you”

"Stay or leave. Whatever. It doesn't matter. My family is dead for me." said Edward, before tossing the keys. "I need to rest. Please allow me. Or don't. Who cares." The man said, before dragging himself off the table and towards his bedroom.

Reaver eyed the situation and blinked. "At least he is not kicking us out." He said bitterly

Viva watched Edward leave, absently catching the keys tossed her way as she did. “That’s about the only good thing so far” She would agree with her son once her husband was no longer in ear shot. This whole situation was a bit outside of her norm, building people back up wasn’t something she often cared about doing after all.

“That being said, if he’s been here in Penrose all this time and has only now reached his breaking point I think we can still manage something out of all of it. Mother knows that the city’s been hit hard” This city was crazy she had to give it that, all sense of normality liked to slip away when it came to the magical aspects of it’s community.

She would turn to Reaver as she stood and pulled out a mop from her Hammerspace “Do you think he’ll handle it better if we camp out in the living room or simply move into the spare rooms?” She would ask before setting about cleaning up the blood. Reaver knew Ed better at the moment the Viva did.

At the same time as she asked him, Reaver would feel an itch starting to spread though his skin as his magic started to revert the changes that Viva imposed onto him.

Reaver breathed. He felt very conflicted about this. One part of him wanted to scream and start killing everything in sight and then feast on their remains in frustration… the other part wanted to be done with it. He knew it. He was no longer the once boy.

“Out of sight, out of mind.” Reaver said. “We could move in the spares.” The boy said… as if he had aged ten years overnight.

Viva would nod in understanding, before a wicked grin stole across her face. She opened her mouth to say something but just as suddenly she closed it with a snap and shook away her almost words. She did say she would try and tame her impulses after all.

“Feel free to turn in” She would say instead as she stated to clean up “I’ll take whichever room you don’t pick, once I’m done here”
By all means. Also digging back into titans stuff reminded of the fact that H.I.V.E. exists, which has room for potential use at some point later on down the line
That is sounding like a yes to it currently being pre-titan's era, which should be easy as I've been intentionally not mentioning them so far.

and digging into more deathstroke stuff, not a whole lot of allies that he has that I think would be good for a five year old to meet up with
And a post! Didn't quite mean for it it get as big as it did, but hey not complaining about it.

Did have a question however, but did you want to have the teen titans to already active in the RP? I'd assume yes, as otherwise it's not quite the Teen Titans, but wasn't sure if you also wanted a time skip to happen at some point so that Jinny could also run into/against the titans.

Which could still happen even if they are active at the moment, because Comics and what not.
The walk down to the kitchen to place the picture was simple. Affixing it with a magnet so that it hung in the middle of the fridge was no challenge. The trip back to his room to pick up the car keys and wallet was easy. It was when he caught his reflection as he started back to Jinny that he felt the foundation of his control rock.

He didn’t look any different; he knew that, he was still well groomed. Still wore higher end clothes despite their casual appearance, and his expression was still the same relaxed unreadable expression he had worked to perfect. Yet for whatever reason the sight of his eye patch nearly made his violently ill.

‘Never again’ He remembered swearing. The feeling of loss staining his hands as a life most precious slipped away from him.

‘Never again’ He pledged as his eye was destroyed by the woman that once held his heart and still held some measure of his love.

‘Never again’ He promised himself visiting a rain slicked grave, knowing that as time went on it was just becoming more dangerous to try for that dream again.

He chuckled softly to himself as he pulled himself out of the mire that was his past. “Should have known not to bet against myself” he would mutter, shaking his head. Things changed, he would need to get in contact with one of his clients soon.

Slade was only a few moment’s behind Jinayah in reaching the kitchen, he had checked her room first after all. “Well someone’s eager” He would remark with a soft smirk. After that it wasn’t a difficult task at getting them into the car.

Contrary to what she might have been used to Slade made sure to seat her in the passenger seat next to him. Both because without a car seat it would be safer if she was in arms reach in case something went wrong, and because it would be easier to stop her from poking at anything telekinetically if she was with arms reach as well. Not that he expected much of the latter today, but still.

He tuned the radio to a random music station, pop music from the sounds of it, and set off. Their destination was a shopping center near the downtown of Jump city. Plenty of stores to choose from, as well as food places to pick. Though in all honesty those were simply side benefits, he had a contact that worked in that area.

Might as well get started on getting the right papers in the right places to get Jinny under his care legally, as it was only a matter of time until people started asking where it was she vanished off too, assuming that the league hadn’t already paid off those people, not counting the various capes of course.

Even when he was technically on vacation work never seemed to end. Oh well, at least he enjoyed his work.

Twenty minutes later they would pull up at a Big Belly Burger just across the street from a shopping center, and all in all it was a nice average day in the city.
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