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Slade kept his silence as he watched his young charge puzzle her way though this new information. He smiled a bit himself at her soft remark, they were rather alike in that regard it seemed.

As she raced out of the basement, Slade stayed where he was, going over the notions in his head that needed to be revised. Updating plans, and tweaking beliefs. After all things were going to change, he had been training her before that was true, but now? Now he could raise her as a protégé. As they were going to be staying on the same side of the equation, no need to kept some of his secrets to himself anymore.

He was part way though planning out what to do with this house when Jinny came back down. Mental timer clocking the whole trip at just over a minute and a half. And he couldn’t help but raise an eye brow at what she had brought down with her. That surprise went nowhere when she put forth her offer. One that was both audacious and insulting. Anyone else would have been shot after such an offer, but not Jinayah, after all she didn’t know.

Plus, it was Jinayah asking.

He would close his eye for just a moment, and when he opened it again there would be a subtle shift in his demeanor. Warmth, compassion, humanity. All of them became absent from him. His gaze sharp and analytical. Seeming to take Jin apart simply because she was in his line of sight. Because for the first time she would meet Deathstroke. Not a different person, just a different frame of mind.

“It will take years.” He would say after a long moment. He did have to consider the job seriously before accepting it after all. “Many of the people you want dead have been training all their lives. And bringing you up to their level will take time, as will tracking them all down.” Information that was to be expected, obstacles that could be encountered. “And successful completion of this will ensure that you will never be able to quietly leave.” He would reach out to place his hand on top of the piggy bank. “But once it is complete, the number of humans on the planet who will be able to take anything from you will be only a handful.” And even the nonhumans that could do such would be limited if Slade had his say.

“But that is what you are asking for isn’t it?” He would go on to say taking the money. She already had her chance to back out, he wouldn’t insult her by asking again.

“So you are aware, you have just purchased a contract on The Kiretsu no junjo” Because the list of those responsible for killing Jinayah’s parents started at the Heads of the Guild, and to kill them most of the guild was also going to have to be taken out. “That was who you Mother used to be affiliated with.”

"This means we are going to have to up your training." He would add, not that that wasn't the plan already. HIVE wasn't exactly going to be a lighter work load either, and Slade wasn't going to let Jinny simple pass her classes there. But now with a goal, it might be easier to push her towards excellence. "The school will help with that. Any questions?"
They are going to have some of the most ridiculous stories to tell. Assuming that they find other people they trust enough to tell.

Jinny once held him at knife point. Slade accepted a contract for the contents of one ceramic pig. They are both slightly sociopathic but were worried what the other would think about that.

Is great and silly.
20+ an hour is a decent rate I feel, which might even be going up if I get the promotion I've put in for.

And it seems I am both wordy and still in a writing mood, as a reply is up. I blame the fact that I spent most of my shift thinking about it
Slade was many things. Pragmatic, resourceful, and in a lot of cases pessimistic. It was a good way to not end up dead in his line of work after all, hard for things get bad when you expect and have prepared for things to go wrong after all. But even with that kind of way of thinking Jinayah still managed to surprise him.

The icy demeanor she held, her dreams, and dare he assume willingness, to kill those that had wronged her. It was utterly… Facinating. And then to add to it that she had already been being trained, not that he was entirely surprised, it did explain some of the reason she had picked up things so quickly after all, but still… ‘I fear I have done you a disservice’ He would muse silently ‘I underestimated you far too much’

“You are close, in regards as to why the killed your mother. It wasn’t that they didn’t want her to have a life, it was that they didn’t want her to have one outside of them.” A small but important difference. It wasn’t that Yumiko had a life and a family; it was that Yumiko had one outside of the guild. It was that she held something more important to her then the guild. That was her crime.

“As for Revenge,” He knew that they, that he, was getting side tracked with this point but he was curious. Jin hadn’t out right stated it, but he was sure that she yearned for it, especially if her dreams were any indication. “One day perhaps. But I can assure you that right now most of them would kill you.”

“So far, all that I have taught you, and what I can assume you Mother was teaching you are simply the basics. The foundations. Any who had not mastered those were likely already killed by your parents that night.” It was blunt and perhaps a bit cold, but also likely true. Slade hadn’t seen the assault, but he didn’t need to. Yumiko was not a simple nobody, the fact that she had been left alone for as long as she was proof well enough.

“But that brings us back around the HIVE Academy. Infiltration is the act of getting into a location without being detected. Whether that means being a ghost that moves through the shadows, or just another face in the sea of them. Wetwork is killing people. Assassination. Be it with blades or rifles.” In contrast to Jinny’s stillness, there was an energy about Slade. A passion hidden just behind his relaxed posture.

“You are likely correct in that you are already in my world, but I will ask you one last time if you want to embrace it. You already know risks of being involved in it, already know that once you step into it like this it will never truly let you go. Your last chance to turn back.” Slade would like to say he wouldn’t judge Jinayah for her answer one way or another, but that would be a lie. He already knew she had the capability for it after all, but he honestly didn’t think she had the mentality for it before today. He had expected that one day, at some point in the future, she would have broken away from him and joined with the capes. Putting the skills he had taught her to use ‘Saving’ people.

But this? This coldness? It changed things, and Slade very much wanted to see where it would take her.
I am Quality Assurance, and I work in the manufacturing area of the company. Me moving to 12's is a by product of them shifting manufacturing to 12's. Most of my job is double checking other people's work, some times at a desk some times not depends on the work I am checking.

As for how Slade is going to react something along the lines of "I... was not expecting this... But I think this a good development. Right?"
\o/ Huzzah to us!

I will do my best to keep things rolling, but I've finally been moved to my new shift so I'm working 12 hour shifts for the next few days so I might not be able to reply easily until Sunday.

On his phone is both the face webpage of H.A.E.Y.P., the one that that the most of society will find, and the true webpage of H.A.E.Y.P., the one where it goes into more of what it is they actually teach. So information about what kind of school they pretend to be and what kind of school they actually are.
No worries about the length, sometimes there just isn't much room to work with, and discussion can definitely be like that. Makes getting replies back and forth easier for a bit though.

I feel you there, I've not read a comic in a long time either. But I've a friend who is collecting them, so I hear a lot second hand. The confusion came because I was trying to figure out where Robin would be about now, and when abouts the Titan's would start being a thing. The fact that it wasn't an easy question to answer was not what I was expecting.

I know what you mean, granted as I said 2020 didn't make it any easier to notice time slipping away, but still. Most RP's tend not to last to this point, especially with the rough patch I had, so congrats to us.
Slade waited, and watched as Jinayah started slotting things together. Watched as the more important pieces of what he said came together. He expected more, but that was his own fault, he had forgotten for a moment that Jinny was still a child. Regardless of how much training he had given her, regardless of her past experiences.

It made the fear in her eyes hurt that much more.

A deep breath, in through the nose, the only indication of his unease. “The KGB, the Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti, or the Committee for State Security. Was the Russian Intelligence agency. They go by the FSB now, but thatt’s not changed much about them.” Answers for questions. Granted it wasn’t answering the more burning question that had posed to Slade, but he was not too proud to acknowledge that he was stalling in some small way. “And the Triad is the largest Chinese crime syndicate on the planet.”

Yet now there was nor more questions to use as a buffer. “I am a mercenary. People, anyone with enough resources, can choose to purchase my skills and talents towards accomplishing something that they want to have happen. Mainly people hire me for assassination, but that is hardly the only thing I have been paid to do.”

“And the business I take part in is connected to why your parents were killed, but not because of what they did, But because your mother left. The guild she used to be a part of didn’t like that, and after years of trying and failing to bring her back into the fold they decided she was a loose end.” Slade hoped he didn’t have to say what happened to loose ends in the underworld. It was perhaps the most vivid memory Jin had after all, and he knew it could be a sensitive subject.

"I was never planning on hiding this from you forever, because that it would be impossible, but I bring it up now because a decision needs to be made. My actions these past few years have drawn eyes form those who do the same work I do, because they don't know about you, and eventually they will come looking for answers."

Slade would reach into his pocket and pull out his phone, bringing up both the public webpage for H.A.E.Y.P. and their darkweb counterpart. "I want to get ahead of that and the school I was thinking about would help" He would gently toss his phone to Jinny. "But" and it was an important distinction "I wont force you into the world I live in." And he would do his best to uphold that, if Jinayah wanted to leave before she was dragged any deeper in. The thing was at the end of the day, it might already be too late.
Three things.

One, I am very much in a writing mood, so thank you for the reply. All my other RPs are waiting on the other side at the moment, and I was about to do something drastic.(Go outside and interact with people) Also noticed that the father hadn't had a name yet so he is now Edgar. Unless you have a different name for him and then I can edit it.

Two, went diving in to wiki's to figure out where we are timeline wise and got reminded why comic timelines are so insane and janky.

Three, just noticed that this RP is nearly a year old. Honestly doesn't seem like it has been that long, but 2020 was quite the year so I'm not all that surprised so much time slipped away.
Slade nodded along with Jin’s summary of how school had been for her so far. It wasn’t hard to see why she would assume everything would be the same at the new school, even if she had yet to hear anything about what school it was that he had in mind. “Perhaps” He would allow, it was after all, possible that H.A.E.Y.P. would prove to be no different then any other school in some regards, but he doubted it. “and fair enough we can talk about the school I have in mind later.”

He took a moment to gather his thoughts as he met the determined look on his niece’s face. This conversation had a lot of potential to hurt after all. “I never officially met your father actually” He would answer after a short moment. “We saw each other a handful of times, but never spoke and had never been formally introduced.” He would shrug at that admission. It wasn’t a personal thing, more of a safety thing. That and the fact that Slade was still a hired killer and Edgar was a police detective. Granted he did marry Yumiko, so perhaps they could have gotten along, they would never know now.

“But I did meet your mother on a business trip.” He would go on, a wry smile tugging at his lips. “It was in Russia, years ago. I was after a target for the KGB, a matter of state secrets having gone missing.” He would explain his gaze not leaving Jinny’s as he spoke “Yumiko was doing much the same, though she was looking for a target from the Triad if I remember correctly. Never learned if it was a revenge contract or a retaliation one. But then again I never asked.”

Slade would wait only a beat or two before continuing, he knew what he was saying wouldn’t make much sense without more context but even then, he did not doubt that young Jin’s ability to infer some truths from what he had said already. “Our targets were hold up in the same building, though different floors. The protection around her mark assumed I was after them, and vice versa for my mark’s protection to her. We teamed up because there was no reason not to, and every reason to do so. She saved me from getting shot through the leg, and I stopped her from getting her arm cut off.”

It was nostalgic to think back on those times now that he was. Back when he was younger and foolish. Back before he became a living legend.

“It took some time after that meeting for us to actually exchange names, but we often ran in parallel back then.” Thankfully they also never seemed to run against each other, as it would have been a shame for Slade to have had to kill her back then.

But sometimes that was just how business went.
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