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Penny didn’t bother wasting the effort it would have taken to roll her eyes at the hostile replies that were thrown her way. She offered them an easy way out, offered them a chance. There was no promise of her doing it again.

Instead, she leapt forward to meet Reaver a small trail of electricity flowing from her raised fist. At the same time the rest of her hidden limbs would unveil themselves and lash out at the projectiles closing in on her. The sword was battered away and the spear captured.

Just before the fight could begin in earnest Reaver vanished, space warping and whisking him away to places unknown. The action caught Penny of guard, but that didn’t stop her advance, a hard step and a violent pivot had the mechanical monarch turning towards the other active combatant, her intention painfully obvious as she started leveling Seppa’s own spear at her as she charged.

The next surprise was one that Penny had more warning towards. The scream of Metal rang loud and clear to her and there was only so much that she was willing to risk without forewarning. It was because of that she halted her advance as the spear self-destructed a thin cloud of dust rising to obscure the actual damage as Seppa ran off.

The instant Seppa had broken the line of sight the dust cloud would be banished. Revealing Penny practically untouched. The spear, or more accurately it’s fragments never came close to touching the Queen of Penrose. The weapon was contained in a few layers of Reinforcement barriers, the spell she stole from Reaver coming in surprising use to contain it. With a gesture the barrier dropped and the acid fell freely as the fragments would remain in the air suspended by Penny’s magic.

She would then turn to face those that had arrived just before things went sideways. And it was only due to Melisa’s presence that she didn’t assume that they too were enemies, still her spider limbs were poised and ready to strike. Or at least most of them were, one of them quietly dipped its tip into the acid to gauge just how potent the solution was.

“Seems you showed up a bit late for the action” Penny would say after a moment of examining both the mutated tiger and the unknown girl. “Care to explain why you came here?” She would ask as Snoopy disconnected from his dock and took to the skies.

Penny doubted that whatever plan it was that the Mint had they were still going to go along with it seeing as one of their agents ran as soon as Reaver vanished. Which meant that they were a distraction. So she hopped that Snoopy might be able to find some trail of the main squad so that she could try and piece together what the plan was for next time.

Reaver’s phone signal suddenly appearing in close proximity to the Rest of Beacon’s at the Mansion mission was logged by the small portion of Penny still tracking the movement’s of that local, but it wouldn’t be until later that Penny would truly register that, or what it meant.


Honestly had it only been Mariette and her crew showing up to face down with Justine. Aurelio would have been fine with being ignored. Heck even more and more people teleporting into the main room to turn it all in to one giant dust up while ignoring him would have been fine. He just wanted to cast his spell and go home.

It wasn’t a complicated spell, but it was a powerful one. A large scale, self-sustaining, self-reinforcing spell of Hope and Love. He had gone through the build of as he had walked over here all that was left was to set it off. Or at least that had been the plan.

Leena’s fanatical Null Field, kind a made his spell utterly unusable. Or at least it wasn’t capable of being large scale anymore, and he was just a few steps short of either panic or a break down, he wasn’t sure which. Then Jenna showed up and he thankfully took her support, opening his mind as best he could to ease it. He wasn’t a Psychic but Empathy worked in similar circles at times.

The mental support let him get his emotions fully under his control as well, which if he was being entirely honest the Void spell helped with that as well by banishing any lingering emotions in the air away so that he didn’t have to fend them off anymore as well as keep his head.

’You’re a life saver. Dinner is on me next time I swear.’ He would think as he refocused on the chaos in front of him. Three things stood out to him, and in any normal circumstance he would have made a few clones and went to assist at all the locations at once.

First was Alicia, and her rapidly approaching cat problem. Second was watching the spunky sparkster taking a spear for Lily. Lastly, that Justine was, more so than any other moment, vulnerable.

It took less time for him to decide what to do then it did for him to recognize and process everything he had seen.

Turning to Jenna, he ran his hand along his cane the unsettling black glow vanishing and being replaced with a warm white. He then handed her the Cane, now charged to release the entirety of his earlier spell in one go. Two if she was careful. No words were said, but none were needed due to the telepathic link.

It should kill Justine, or turn Alicia into an avenging Angel. Both useful outcomes, but Aurelio had something more important to take care of. After all Kindness had to come first.

After passing off his Final Act he would turn and race towards Sakura, ignoring everything except for the soft shuddering of this dimension. “I hope you’ve still got a trace on us” Aurelio would mutter into his com, hopping that Elora was still on the other side “As it feels like this place is falling apart.” Skidding to a stop he would rub his hands together bringing forth a soft blue glow just under his skin. Without any further ado he set about healing Sakura. Trusting in Jenna and Alicia to be able to handle things in the fight.

<<Hath no Fury>>

Viva for her part had merely stayed quiet and watched the others interact once she was done talking. Noting things that caught her interest, such as Alma’s cup size that coin that Ilmarinen seemed so fond of, and that Seppa liked her things to stay hers.

“I, for one, can hardly think of a reason anyone would stay mad at you for too long” Viva would say with a smirk. “I’m interested in seeming more of Seppa’s toys as well. Especially if they are anything like this one.” She would continue on, hefting the Axe that had been loaned out to her to emphasis her statement.

After that conversation died off for a bit as they all waited for the meat of the mission to be found. Viva spent her time idling staring at everyone there with eyes grown under her hair, wondering how Ilmarinen’s wings would taste.

She was rather annoyed at the change of plans, but didn’t do much more then huff about it, and was readying to leave when she was ensnared by the shadowy tendrils. She struggled against them for a moment before stopping and leveling an unamused glare at Varjo. “Kinky” She would say with a fanged grin that was decidedly more feral then playful. The Axe in her hand would vanish in a small flash of light as her body suddenly melted into a puddle and oozed out of the dark tentacles grip. Just as suddenly Viva would be reforming and jumping away from the three of them.

“But you forgot to set a safe word.” Viva would say as her revolver materialized in her right hand, as a few vials filled with green liquid appeared in between the fingers of her left. “Mind explaining the sudden, but supposedly inevitable, betrayal?” She would ask leveling her gun at Varjo.

@BrokenPromise, @DarkwolfX37 & @twave, @Ariamis, @AtomicNut & @Flamelord
And one reply for you.

Would have gotten one to you sooner, but the holidays were more festive then I had expected. Which was a present surprise.
Slade took a moment to observe his niece as she worked off her excess energy. They had never gotten it confirmed, but the man had always assumed that it was a byproduct of Jinyah being a Metahuman. In the end it never bothered him, and if anything, it helped get her though some of the more rigorous parts of training. Which now more then ever he could see the type of figure she would grow into.

Untested she might be at the moment, Slade was confident that there were few other children across the world that were as well trained, and of those that were a threat to her only one was trained to kill. Yet it wasn’t the other children that he was most worried about, it was his associates.

“Jinayah” He would greet in return at last. Still cataloging her stance and movements. They were good, but there was always room for improvement. “I wanted to talk to you about schooling, and in a larger sense what direction you wanted to take your life in.” Absently in the back of his mind he toyed around with teaching her more directly in the art of knife combat. “That and answer more directly some of your questions that I’ve been dancing around”

He would pull a stool over to the edge of the training area as he spoke. It would be up to Jinayah if she wanted to keep working out while they talked.
No one really knows the inner workings of the Hive academy, or much about it at all, at least as far as I am aware. What we do know is that it started as a school to train up and coming villains/mercenaries and at some point was taken over by a psychic cult leader and turned into his personal army. Lots of room for things to go all sorts of ways.

Regardless glad that I was able to bring the hype.
Okay, got thoughts in order and figured out at least a frame work for the next arc. Time to start the Hive academy.

Was a but vague on how many years have passed, so you can pick the exact amount of time, but I was thinking between two and four. Placing Jinny between seven and nine. Reason is I'm acting under the assumption that the Hive Academy is a multi year school, and this gives us plenty of room to extend or shrink it's time as needed.

This will also give us access to some minor toons for us both to take control of with the Hive five and other students as well as Teachers and the Headmistress as this will be before Brother Blood takes over.

Other ideas within this arc are shadowing other villain's and running into other sidekicks, and witnessing the Teen Titans getting put together.

Slade is also going to be going to Hive academy, but he's going there as a teacher, as from what I remember Hive is a boarding school on paper.

Yeah. Thoughts?
Slade could appreciate the logic behind his young niece reasoning. It wasn’t quite true, after all there was no age limit on when someone could use a firearm, just an age limit on when one could own one. But it was more that there was going to be associations to guns. While they weren’t the weapons used to end Yumiko, there was plenty of evidence that they had been used at the assault on the house.

Never the less he would let out a small chuckle “With some things, learning how it works is more important then learning how to use it.” He would say cryptically, because the truth of the matter was it didn’t matter if she asked how to use it. He had already thought her enough of the basics she that she could use one entirely without his help if she tried.

“This is a Colt M1911.” He would go on to explain as he pulled all of the parts of one of the guns in front of him and smoothly put it together. He would go on to dismantle it once again, explaining everything as he went. For as much as he was slightly wary of how close they were to his Job, he was never one to teach half-heartedly.

Time continued to move ever onward as it was want to do, and years would pass by. Different schools were attended, both of public and private, but never boarding. Training and teaching continued, the Summers used for more intensive regimes. With martial art’s being added in slowly. Slade was fully aware that she would be viewed as his protégé and successor when she started to gain more notoriety. Something that was getting harder and harder to avoid as his growing distance from the underworld was becoming more pronounced as time passed and more people started to wonder why.

He still performed jobs, still maintained his lethal excellence, but he was accepting less, or turning down more lucrative ones. Because he didn’t trust anyone else to watch out for his Niece. Money wasn’t a concern, he was too well invested for that to ever be the case, but the increasing scrutiny was starting to becoming a hassle.

But at his desk he was staring at a webpage that might be able to solve that issue. Grated it would solve it by pronouncing the reason to the underworld, but at the same time it would help protect Jinny, as well as further her training. Because on his desktop was the home page for the H.A.E.Y.P. Institute.

It would mean that he would need to actually give an answer to some of the more, pointed questions that Jinayah had asked him over the years. He had never lied to her, but that also didn’t mean he was fully honest with her. But it might be time for her to see a bit beyond the curtain as it were. At least before it was ripped away entirely.

With a nod to himself he would send the page to he phone before standing up to go seek out his niece. It was time for a discussion about her future once more. This time with an option he hadn’t brought up before.
Not sure if I want to do a kidnapping at the moment, though it would be funny to set it up as a noodle incident to reference back too. Originally I wanted something to happen so that we didn't have too many time skips back to back, but that does seem to be the only avenue open at the moment.

Eh, if that's what's needed to get this moving again I'll stop worrying about it. Any preference for how long of a skip this time?


Penny had no idea what it was Reaver was hoping to gain from his attack, but even then, she wasn’t going to play around. Her gait never changed from a determined stride as she closed the distance, the thrown spear was met with force as one of her hidden limbs unfurled and shattered the magical weapon while it was still in flight, all in one smooth motion.

The unfurled leg stayed poised to strike as she growled out a reply “Reaver.” her tone was laced with a surprising amount of venom and hate and her eyes were already glowing a vibrant red. All together she looked only a half-step away from starting a massacre. At least until she cut her attention towards Seppa. At which point she left off a scoff “Just Mint” before shaking her head as most of the hate and tension would suddenly vanish from her posture.

“Closer to a new coat of paint” She would reply as her eyes regained their dark gold color. She would come to a stop about ten feet from the two of them before cross her arms. “That and getting rid of toxic influences. Something I see you haven’t done” She would add with a pointed look at Seppa “I’ll ask upfront. Is there any point in asking you to backdown?” Penny would ask Seppa, Reaver she could guess at. Besides there was a chance that he might still be in contact with Chloe, and that wasn’t something she was willing to forgive.


The Relief at getting his request allowed was a wonderful reprieve from the nightmare that was the battlefield for Aurelio. At last, an end was in sight, for him and hopefully others as well but one could hardly blame him for being selfishly glad that his involvement in this was nearly over.

“Keep an eye on my signal as well if you would” Aurelio asked as he performed a few more passes of healing to help keep Hyun stable while Beacon locked onto the remote marker. “I’m probably only going to be getting one or two spells of before things go south”

Afterwards he would sit back for a moment as he fished out the lone candle he had taken earlier. He stared at it for a moment as he ran though his plan, but then he let out a soft chuckle as he looked up at Sally. “I’ll try my best” he would promise before shrugging “But honestly, I’m pretty sure I’m her worst nightmare.”

He would then move to stand, but would pause part way. Turning he would place a soft kiss on Sally’s brow and let an honest smile grace his feature’s “We should hijack one of the auditoriums rooms and fill it with blankets and pillows when we get back and have a movie night.” Aurelio would offer before finishing he movement to stand. He would once again regard the candle with a look before chuckling again and lighting it with snap of his fingers. Though the flame would be a vibrant white, notably magic in nature rather than normal.

With a flourish of his cane Aurelio would venture in the beast’s den, his head held high and a warm smile still on his face. He looked for all the world like he was at the top of his game, but his cane still pulsed with its unsettling black glow and his gloves hid the white knuckled grip his hand on it and the candle stick.

But he still walked forward into the mansion with his lit candle, the flame a lit spark of his feeling for Sally. A physical manifestation for his hopes, and a torch to help guide and protect him.

“Alicia” He would say as he moved towards the fight with Justine and Mikayla, hoping that she still had her comm and could hear him. “I’m starting the Final Act now as otherwise it’s not going to happen. Be ready for it.” And with that he would turn off his comm, and put all other distractions off to the side. It was show time.

With a whispered prayer(“all the worlds a stage”) and a simple illusion to displace where it was he really was, he stepped into the battle field of the two greatest foes present. And called out “Excuse me ladies! Mind if I interrupt?”

@AtomicNut, @Flamelord & @PlatinumSkink, @Ariamis, @AtomicNut


“Purification is real, I can promise you that, but I will never force it upon anyone who doesn’t want it.” Penny’s voice Echoed with some unnamed power at that declaration. Her Gravity adding weight to that Promise. Freedom to choose who you were was something that Penny cared for very strongly. She would turn her attention towards the table she had been sitting at earlier, before she was called to act as Queen. The potions she had set out were still there. Some had been picked up, but no one had used one yet.

“You, and anyone here, are free to the potions. You will never have to pay for one, you will never have to work for one, and you will never have to take one. They are there for those of us who need them, and it will never be my place to determine who needs one.”

In the back of Penny’s mind, she registered one of the camera’s she had set up around the permitter of the Sanctuary go off line. What had caused it Penny’s couldn’t tell but that didn’t bother her. Many of the camera’s were old or little better than simple webcam’s that she had set up. One shutting off wasn’t much of an issue.

Penny gave Belladonna one last warm smile before a more serious look settled across her features. “You stand accused of murder, and of endangering the safety of the Sanctuary. Both of these things you have admitted to.” As she Spoke Penny’s voice would seem to fill the room even though she never raised her voice. “High crimes, but you are not without extraneous circumstances. Loss of control of a blackened desire that was forced upon you.”

“Verdict is guilty. Judgement is Service.”

A second camera went out, not far from the first one. Still Penny didn’t react to it, at least not openly. She was watching for it now. Once could be happenstance, twice could be coincidence. But if it happened a third time? That was simply enemy action, and Penny knew that she had enemies.

“Service is as follows; Mandatory hours spent towards the maintenance or operation of the Sanctuary and mandatory work done in the name of the Sanctuary.” Penny kept her gaze locked onto Belladonna as she explain the broad terms of what it was she was being sentenced to.

“Do you accept this judgment?”

Overcome with emotion Belladonna could only nod and let out a quite “Yes”

“Then you no longer need these” Penny would reply smiling once again as she broke the manacles around the wolfgirl’s writs open. “Come on, me, you, and Goblina will go over the de-“

Mid-word, mid-step, and mid-action Penny would stop. Her attention snapping outside the building. A Third camera just went down. Slowly her head would turn towards the direction of where the third camera went down.

“Goblina.” Penny would call out her voice suddenly very cold “Take Belladonna and let her know of some the tasks that need to be taken care of around the Sanctuary. When I get back, we can go over the details.” She would step back and around as she spoke moving towards the exit. “Monica, get the guard roused and ready. Someone is taking out my camera’s. I don’t know why. Be ready.”

And before anyone could ask for more information Penny would leave; she wasn’t heading towards the last camera that had been taken out however she was moving ahead in the line. Towards the next camera in the pattern.

The few girls who saw her face shortly before she walked out the door would have flinched out of her way on instinct, because Penny looked ready to murder someone.


A small fact not widely known was that Pain was a lot closer to an emotional response then most people knew, it was why it was possible to hurt someone’s feelings for example. It was also a key reason why Aurelio always tried to avoid large scale conflicts. In small amounts pain wouldn’t register. After the ambush and counter attack for the ambush? Just standing in the wreckage of the front door hurt.

That just made every little bit of pain he was feeling seem that much greater. Minor wounds in the long term but each one felt like they had been torn into him by dull rocks. Part of why he was able to keep going was Shock. His magician’s mark’s being snuffed out in mass was clogging his ability to processes his emotions. It was a Bad state for an emotion mage to be in, but a full-blown breakdown would have been worse. One which he only narrowly avoided.

“Yeah I’m still kicking” He would say with a strained smile as he kneeled down next to Hyun a sputtering blue glow suffusing his hand as he tried to focus on healing what he could. And it was that sputtering glow of magic that told anyone looking just what state it was he was in. After all due to his Eternal style he still looked immaculate. The soft glow of Compassion kept flickering in and out with splotches of Depression and Frustration mixed into it, and at the same time his cane seemed to be glowing an uneasy black.

“Elora” He would say as he did his best to keep his magic stable to heal Hyun, even as he knew that he didn’t have enough stability in himself to fully heal her here and now. “I’m compromised and Hyun needs emergency attention.” His voice was strained and everyone nearby could see tears starting to pool in his eyes “Permission to trigger the Final Act and then retreat”

He would flinch, violently, as Taihei fled. The surge of raw Fear nearly overpowering him in his delicate state. “Please” he would plead over the comms as he struggled to keep himself together for just a bit longer.

Victoria’s clone was summarily ignored, entirely. She wasn’t attacking them and she wasn’t a target as far as Aurelio was concerned at the moment, but that could easily change if she turned hostile towards them.

<<Creeping death>>

Viva would give the axe a few experimental swings to test the heft of it, slow enough not to trigger its frosted enchantments. Melee wasn’t her preferred range to fight in but she was passable, regardless the icy effect of it was exactly what it was she wanted so she wasn’t going to complain too much.

She would nod her thanks to Seppa, noting how the girl had brightened up at the positive attention towards her weapons. “Have fun Reaver! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t” Viva would say with a wave but her attention would quickly turn towards Varjo as the two of them trailed after Alma, hand in hand “I arrived shortly after the Ascendency did if I have the timeline right.” She would answer “I used to be a Solo and I was working on a task for a Patron that brought me here.” Viva would explain with a sharp grin. This task of the Mint’s might even help her standing with Mother now that she thought about it, break this den and step in to help Penny with her next one.

“The task didn’t go as expected, but I still ended up impressing them enough to get my wish from them, though I do agree that it’s a shame that we never met before this.” She’d continue with a chuckle “There was only one other person who seemed to enjoy things like I do but alas she seems to have vanished.” She would give an exaggerated sigh; Chloe was such a great find. It was a shame they only got to share one mean and one night together.

“Seems like things are looking up though~” she’d finish with a wink towards Varjo.

@Ariamis, @Flamelord & @PlatinumSkink, @Ariamis, @AtomicNut & @Flamelord
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