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Lots of text below. Only Penny is a PC, all others are being listed as they are major NPC's that I will be running, for one reason or another.

Let me know if there are questions or issues.

Sadly, life decided that I didn't get to have the free time needed to fill out my sneak mage Argonian. so I suppose I'll have to bow out.
Akatosh sneaky mage Argonian should be up from me in a day or two.
I'll admit to a bit of interest in this as well, I always enjoyed Oblivion more than Skyrim after all.

.:⋮Tis the Season⋮:.

While Connie led her gathering of girls off to the after party. Penny would slip away from the pack with only a quiet word to her girlfriend. Snoopy would stick with MDP to ensure that Penny would easily find her way back, while the Queen herself went off in a different direction.

It wouldn’t take long to find her quarry, Rachel wasn’t a subtle person after all. Still, Penny would call out as she approached, “Rachel, a moment if you would?”

Rachel was at another corner of the lodge, her arms crossed and a tired look on her face.
“...If this is about the tournament, drop it,” she answered. “I made myself clear on that matter.”

“No, that wasn’t why I wanted to talk to you.” Penny would say with a shake of her head. She knew that for whatever reason the Inquisitor had for holding off on destroying the beach, Rachel wasn’t likely going to be forthcoming about it any time soon. “You do have my thanks for that”

“But In truth I just wanted to give you this” Penny would go on to say, holding out a small piece of metal. It was the size and shape of a business card, which was fitting since it more or less seemed to be one. As it had a phone number, and what looked to be an IP address cut into it. “In case you want my help for something.” Penny would explain. “I know that the Ascendency isn’t in need of my assistance, but on the off chance.” She would give a half shrug. “There isn’t a lot we agree on most likely, but keeping that Mirror out of Mint or Horror hands is one of them.”

“And if not that perhaps as a sparring partner. Won’t lie, I am a bit disappointed that we didn’t get to clash in the tourney, granted it’s neither of our preferred areas of combat but .” She would go on to say with a small smile. “I’m curious as to how I stack up.”

Rachel took the metallic card and took a cursory glance at it. “I see.” She placed it in her pocket, and looked at Penny with another of her trademark stern looks. “Our objectives seem to align, I must admit. But don’t get used to it. Still, I appreciate the gesture.” She then rolled her eyes upon hearing her remark on future sparring. “You stack up alright..” She gave a small smirk, and adjusted her glasses. “But whether you stand up when you’re knocked down is a different question altogether.” She turned away. “In any case, consider your invitation accepted.”

She stood silent for a few seconds, before she spoke again. “Merry Christmas, Penny. Goodbye.”

“I chose Hope for a reason” Penny would say as she too turned away, a small smile visible. “Merry Christmas Rachel, and Happy hunting.” With that said Penny would walk away. Her destination was the after party. As much as she wanted to get right on tracking down the Mirror, she didn’t have the contacts or resources to really get started on that. Other than calling Mariette directly, which didn’t seem a good idea. So instead, she would put her efforts towards something that was potentially equally important. Recapturing the holiday spirit.

When Penny did make it back to the party, she stayed close to MDP. She would still mingle though, freely and happily. The end of Dan’s party was a flop, and her own actions before that could easily be seen as a stumble. But so long as she didn’t give up there was always Hope.

Penny knew that better than most, and here she would do her best to help everyone else feel it as well.
When Jinny got back to Mikron, almost before it in fact, it would be easy to tell that the pintsized mechanic was holding back laughter. He, like at a few of the other students in the room, had found Jinny’s plight humorous. It was a villain school after all. But Mikron was trying to hold in his laughter, not because he was afraid of Jinny. No, he keeping his laughter to himself because Jinny had earned a bit more respect from him. That is if the glimmer in his eye was to be trusted.

“I did tell you that I hadn’t had a chance to check the alignments” He would say amusement coloring his tone. He would let that linger for a moment before his mirth was more contained. “That said. You did good newbie. Gave myself a concussion first time I tried taking the damn thing for a spin.” He would admit with a shrug. It was better than it exploding in his face like the models before that.

While they were talking Mikron would glance over at the harness before tapping twice on his watch. The harness would suddenly sprout four insectoid like limbs before it started skittering back over its creator, who would start putting the harness back on.

Most of the students would go back to what they were doing. One however made her presence known. “Really Gizmo? Hazing the new students already?” Came the amused question from above. And hovering above the two was a taller dark-skinned teenager. She had light brown almost honey-colored eyes and her black hair was cut short. She was wearing a black and yellow stripped shirt and snug fitting black pants and heeled boots. None of that was the most striking thing about her. That went to the two large insect wings that were growing out of her back, the very same wings that were allowing her to keep afloat above Jinny and Mikron.

“Piss off Bee” Mikron would retort without looking up, though his annoyance was easily noted.

“Now why would I go and do that?” ‘Bee’ would ask as she zipped around the two of them before touching down off a bit to the side. “Not every day that a new student is able to walk away from one of your toys while it’s still in the testing phase without injury.”

“That was one time!” Mikron would snap back “And the jet pack isn’t in the testing phase, it works. As you saw” He would go on to saw crossing his arms. “Crud munching teacher wouldn’t let me use the engineering room to check the alignments.” He would tack on mulishly.

Bee just leveled a look at Mikron, but didn’t push any further. Instead, she would turn her attention to Jinny. “You got guts kid.” She would say with a smile. “Callsign’s Bumblebee, how did Gizmo here convince you to try out his latest model?”


Rachel’s statement of choosing not to destroy was one that Penny was glad to hear, though her relief wasn’t so readily apparent. It was more felt in her aura than anything, a shifting away from the unyielding feel to one softer. That and a smirk at the obvious tsundere retraction. Though Penny wasn’t one to point that out.

Instead “Trust me, I’ve got plenty more where that came from” She would reply with a thankful nod. “Couldn’t go all out in the ring, for a few reasons, tracking down the Mirror isn’t so limiting.” She would explain before shifting off to stand on Rachel’s other flank. Penny was a member of Beacon after all, it was time for a united front.

“I don’t think it’s Mariette” Penny would say after hearing Sally’s recollection. She too didn’t detect any falsehoods, but now wasn’t the time to announce that. “Too many of her crew is missing. And her worry is genuine. Plus something else when we aren’t in the open.” She would explain. That didn’t remove one of Mariette’s followers, or Asengav’s followers really, but the distinction wouldn’t help at the moment.

Who might have done was up in the air for the moment. And Penny had that thought in the front of her mind as she once again surveyed everyone, though her serious demeanor would soften upon seeing her girlfriend. Penny would offer an open hand to MDP, a silent invitation for her to join if she wanted. As she did a realization struck her.

“I’d be willing to bet on the Mint.” Penny would say turning back to Rachel. “This is exactly their M.O. disrupt a stable situation, and start playing everyone against each other. If they get something useful out of it even better. That’s how they’ve always acted in Penrose so far.”
“Perfect!” Mikron would say quickly slipping off the harness and handing it over. Once Jinny was strapped in, something Mikron would help with, he would go on to pull out what looked like a game system a controller from one of the pockets. He would then quickly tap out what seemed to be a code of some kind on it and in response Jinny could feel and hear the gravity diffuser unfold. Oddly enough, or perhaps fittingly, the harness got notably lighter with the emergence of the gravity diffuser.

“Right” Mikron would say handing the controller to Jinny. “Triggers control forward thrust, bumpers are the reverse thrust, and joysticks will orient the pack itself. Left down button resets to neutral, and right down button sets it to stable hover until you hit the thrust again.” He would explain pointing out the controls as he went. “Anything goes wrong. Center button shuts it all down.”

“Got that?” He would check, before stepping back with a grin. “Then take it away.” It would be notable, though not worrying, that he would step even further back before Jinny would take off. There was also a mix of mischievousness and sharp-eyed anticipation on his face as he waited and watched.

.:⋮Defcon 3⋮:.

The walk back to the feast hall felt like a long one. It wasn’t, Penny knew that for certainty as she checked the chronometer in the corner of her HUD, but it still felt like it. Part of it was because she could feel her thoughts shifting. The damage she sustained from her mimicry systems going haywire had changed things. She was still herself, at least as far as she could tell, but the underlying runtimes had been altered. Wither this was due to the near brush with death, the repairs, or something all together different she wasn’t sure.

But that was only one part of why it felt like a long time.

Another part was the fact she refused to let herself rush over there. She kept her gait measured and even the entire time. Even as she focused ahead, and her thoughts plotted out who to look out for and who she would need to talk to. She forced herself to act calm, demanded of herself that she remain on an even baring. As otherwise she would have torn apart everything in her way.

Everything that had happened was far from what she preferred, but it had been workable.

The last part, and the truest part, was because Penny was gathering herself. Dan’s realm, even for all that she disliked about it, was a place that she allowed herself to relax. That was no longer something that she was indulging in. Each step closer to the feast hall she would silently refitting her thoughts. Stepping more and more fully into the role of Queen that she had picked up. She would have allies and friends in the room to assist. As well as enemies and foes to dispatch if she got the chance.

The vacation was over.

Because of all that Those in the hall would be able to sense Penny a fair bit before she entered the hall. Her presence, while never a large one, was acutely felt in the air. Weighted and charged. But it wasn’t hostile, a fight wouldn’t solve anything. Yet.
Still her gaze carried weigh to it when she cast it across the hall. Surveying all those that were still here. “Time to get to work” She would mutter to herself.

First order of business. Rachel and the Ascendency. A Horror’s artifact was now in the wind. So regardless of how they felt about each other it was time to work together.

In the mean time Snoopy would fly elsewhere. Mariette was also here and Penny wanted eyes on her until she had a chance to talk to her. As she was the next priority.

Nykannis would be one to approach if circumstances allowed, but the crazed scientist wasn’t important at this moment.
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