Avatar of Shin
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 104 (0.03 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Shin 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Wow, my last status was e d g y .
8 yrs ago
Life is being a jerk? Time to get back into RPing.
1 like
8 yrs ago
Shin(TM), now with somewhat less deadandinactive!


For the first time in years, I actually have too much free time on my hands.

Most Recent Posts

Yay! That was quick! I'll try to have my CS up today or tomorrow. Thinking of some sort of light to mid-weight assault, amphibious and guerilla warfare sort of affair. If that sounds alright to you.
Ahoy, can't guarantee by any means of future prediction that I'll still have the time to participate by the time this starts, or even by the time the OOC opens up, but I'm very interested. Fingers crossed this takes off, it's been actual years since I had a good mecha RP!
Yeeeeesh, sorry to hold things back, I wanted to finish my CS and finally let things get on the road ASAP, especially since it didn't have much left to do, but my birthday rolled around, along with a lot of assignments, so I was alternating between work, celebration, work, partying, sleep, more sleep, work and now rest before more work, to pick up with a last bit of celebration tomorrow. BUT. Mark my words, I will get this done, or my name isn't Max- uh, Shin Shin.
<Snipped quote by Shin>
>>rough virtual history is empty

*self faceplants*
Definitely needed sleep that night, I hadn't even noticed I forgot it, even as I was constantly thinking about it while writing other sections. I'll get to it after I finish a last minute philosophy essay, due tomorrow. So expect me around... 6 AM GMT +1:00? ;____;
FINALLY DONE. My fingers hurt, my keyboard is slippery from finger oils and my eyes hurt... Hope she's up to snuff!
...that was a drug joke. 'Cause Eris is into that stuff and snuff is... yeah...
I'll go get some sleep.

I'm not dead! I almost was, I ate some absolutely out of date mushrooms Friday night and I'm only recovering now (they were delicious though, somehow), so Eris will be up tonight or heads will roll! My head!
I really need to get some sleep, but I worked this out. I'm not feeling perfect about it, I think I can improve it in a lot of places, so here's what I got so far. There's a lot of missing sections, but there's always tomorrow and I figured I'd at least get some very welcome advice before moving on.
Take 1.

*slams head against the table in the middle of class*

You literally chose the name I was meaning to use for my character, Enyo. Well, you beat me to the punch, you snooze and spend a few days being moody and contemplating turning your life in a whole new direction, leaving all you love and trying again, you lose.

ANYWAY. My character WILL be up tonight, I'm feeling better. If ERIS, and I'm totally reserving that name isn't up tonight, I'll save you guys the trouble and shoot myself. ;_;7
<Snipped quote by Shin>

@Gowi , Magic Gowi Ball, will I find happiness?
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