Age: 25
Height: 5’5
Weight: 115 lbs
Likes- The occasional cocktail and anything maple!
- Drawing whatever inspires her
- Writing in her journal, be it online or in a rather ancient looking book
- Prefers the outdoors than the city, though the city also has its perks
- Both the shape and the actual butterfly with its many vibrant colours
- Music, and a wide range of it
Dislikes- Heavy drinking or drinkers
- Peepers/stalkers
- Being stranded somewhere, alone
- Scary things
- Death in every shape or form
- Country music, heavy metal
Party TrickEven in the midst of disaster and chaos, should it ever break out, Aika strangely is able to become a beacon of calmness - sobering even the most drunken sort. Not everyone appreciates as she is sometimes called “Buzz Kill”. She also has this strange ability to discern spirits from another realm.
Profession: Owner of the Lotus Inn and private published writer.
Bio/PersonalityAika was born into a Japanese/Canadian family, formerly born in Japan but then her family moved into Canada shortly after for a business deal. Being raised in an English speaking country she picked up the region’s accent which slightly differs from American tongue.
When she was just a small child going to elementary school, she was picked on for being “different”. Even by the adults. She figured she just couldn’t fit in and was disliked due to it. There was a much older boy that would bully and stalk her for 2 years before she mustered up the courage to tell her parents. Shortly after that she was whisked away to another public school after she pleaded against private classes. She wanted friends. They even moved entirely into a different place of residence and much closer to the school she attended as they could muster. Every once and a while Aika would get a call from a friend and warn her not to go to certain places, as “they” were looking for her.
Growing up in a rather broken home, her mother emotionally left the building and her father, well… his anger always got the best of him. His career didn’t help much either as it seemed to be the driving force. However, this was important for shaping her life and becoming the woman she is to be. Aika always helps those around her, even those who don’t have their best interest at heart. Her appearance isn’t to be fooled by innocent nature, she’s smart and not naive - even though she may seem like it at times. There is a method to such things, the light always shines through darkness.
Throughout her years, her circle of friends dwindled and soon found herself alone due to choices she made and sacrifices that had to be done. This path took her to a place where she is now. An owner of a spring which she turned the place into an inn. Serving both those seeking physical rest and those seeking rest from a realm which is unseen, though she does not promote it, people just seem to “find” her in confidence.