Avatar of Shizune


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Coming back from a long hiatus. Looking back at my old messages and character sheets wishing I were that creative again. :(
6 yrs ago
I feel that the word "roleplay" has a sexual connotation attached to it. So when I'm in the middle of writing a post and a friend asks what I'm doing, I tell them it's "collaborative writing." xD
6 yrs ago
Just made my first doctor’s appointment, by myself. Adulting is weird.
6 yrs ago
Hubble can send images to earth 350 miles away but I can’t even get cell service from a tower 3 miles from me.
9 yrs ago
My dryer is magical. I only own ONE pair of knee-highs and when I got them out to fold, there was a mysterious 3rd sock.



Most Recent Posts

You still use Internet Explorer?

You must like it nice and slow.

You sure about that, tough guy?

[1] "All Choked Up" by Say Anything.
[2] "Fall For You" by Secondhand Serenade.
[3] "Sakura Uta" Jigoku Shoujo (Hell Girl) Soundtrack.
[4] "Little Trinketry" Valiant Hearts Piano Cover by AtinPiano.
[5] "The Hikikomori Song" by Burnette Drive.
[6] "It's Cool, We Can Still Be Friends" by Bright Eyes.
[7] "Swing Swing" by All American Rejects.
[8] "Gravity" by John Mayer.
[9] "Anyone Else But You" by The Moldy Peaches. (Juno Soundtrack)
[10] "I'll Kill Her" by SoKo.

More music to the pile. cx
Five minutes into Netflix & Chill...

[1] "When a Heart Breaks" by Ben Rector.
[2] "Valley of the Dead" by Nicole Dollanganger.
[3] "Sadness and Sorrow" Naruto Soundtrack.
[4] "Ghosts" by Nicole Dollanganger.
[5] "Last Man Standing" by People in Planes.
[6] "If It Kills Me" by Jason Mraz.
[7] "Out of Time" by The Rolling Stones.
[8] "Barren" by Nicole Dollanganger.
[9] "Use Somebody" by Kings of Leon.
[10] "Sukiyaki (Ue o Muite Arukou)" by Kyu Sakamoto.
In My Weeb Art 9 yrs ago Forum: The Gallery
You're absolutely amazing! :D
My name is Shizune, and I'm currently craving ONE thing in particular.

I've been getting into the Walking Dead lately (started watching it last week, and I'm already on Season 3). I've fallen in love with the show, and I've tried so desperately hard not to roleplay about it, but I can't stop myself. So here I am.

I really want to roleplay something post-apocalyptic, preferable with zombies in a TWD AU.
However, we don't have to do it in The Walking Dead style. We can totally just make up our own little zombie story.

OR, we can scrap zombies altogether. AS LONG AS THE RP IS POST-APOCALYPTIC, IT'S COOL.

I have a character set up already, or two.. but she's not entirely super developed so-far, being that I just created her 10 minutes ago.
Anyway, this is all I'm really asking for at the moment.

Here's what I can do, in this RP and in general:
- I CAN post every week. I can post every day. Hell, I can post every second. It just depends on how I feel.
- I CAN compromise, be it with characters or the whole zombie thing.
- I CAN and prefer OOC banter. It makes me feel more comfortable and helps me to not abandon the RP. I love getting to know you!
- I CAN post up to 6 paragraphs, again, depending on how I feel. My minimum is 1-2 paragraphs, but then again, I give what I get and I'm very adaptable.
- I CAN roleplay via IM, but I only do it over Skype. Only because it's the only IM-based thing I own.
- I CAN roleplay in thread, but I very much prefer PM.
- I CAN do romance in this roleplay, but it should happen naturally. Given that we're in an apocalyptic setting, our characters would have more to focus on than getting in each other's pants, so be realistic. Also, if it happens, it happens. Don't tell me that you want to romance my character... because I'd much rather it be a surprise. c: I like surprises! If no romance happens, that's completely okay!

Themes in this roleplay:
- Gore. Zombies are very ugly, stinky, gorey creatures. And if we don't have zombies, there are going to be other things that wanna kill you. Obviously.
- Violence. This one is pretty obvious as well.
- Satire. Who said the apocalypse has to be all bad? Throw some shits 'n giggles! Our characters are gonna need it to keep a grip on their sanity.

Things I WANT in this roleplay:
- Doubling, but it's not required. I get it, doubling is a rather arduous task, and it can get annoying. But it makes the RP a bit more spicier. If you don't want to double, I really don't mind. c:
- Character death. It's gonna happen, don't try and dodge it, because not all of our characters are indestructible. However, I ask that you keep ONE main character that lives throughout the entirety of the roleplay, unless we decide otherwise.
- Drama! This is great, I love drama! Especially if the RP gets dull, please throw in an attack! You don't have to ask to attack my character, either, if that's what you want! The only thing you need to ask about is killing my character. But yes, add some drama to keep the RP interesting. c:

Please ask questions, I am not entirely thinking clearly right now, so I may have missed some things.

If you're interested, please PM me, or feel free to post here. Whatever works. cx

Ta-ta for now!
May or may not be interested in a Naruto RP, depending on the plot.
Also, I'm only on season 2, about 4 episodes away from season 3.

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