@Shorticus Am I little scared to hear what Celtic music you were listening too...There's plenty that exists that isn't fake sounding at all, especially genre mixing like Celtic metal or rock. Even stand alone, I'm not sure if I've ever heard fake Celtic instruments beside maybe like electronica used for pop or rap songs. o.
How can I put it...
THIS is a traditional Nordic music excerpt I can find pretty easily. It sounds natural, because it IS natural. It's traditional. It's got real instruments. Love it.
But when I type in "Celtic music" into Google, or try to find Irish music, or w/e... I get synthetic stuff that's made from what was ORIGINALLY normal stuff. Like: someone took a sound program that has the sounds they want, then just put it together and decided
that makes this Celtic music. Which, okay, that piece isn't horrible. But then we start to get to, say...
THIS GUY. I want to punch this guy and his brother. Holy moly, they muck up my searches for REAL Celtic music so much.
It sucks doubly hard because I'm running a roleplay based around Irish-inspired clans.