Avatar of Shoryu
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  • Old Guild Username: Shoryu
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Name: "Typhus"
Gender: Male? One could argue it being inapplicable due to biological mutation.
Warframe: Typhus
Appearance: forums.warframe.com/index.ph.. [I couldn't actually get the image, it's right click protected XD but it's at the top of the article]

What Typhus looks like under the suit is a mystery, but the knowledge that there are countless parasites inhabiting his armor implies it to be anything but human.

Primary Weapon (If any): Torrid
Secondary Weapon (If any): Tysis
Melee Weapon (If any): Jat Kittag
Sentinel/Companion (If any): Helios
Archwing (if any): Typhus Wing [The idea is essentially a Parasite infested Itzal, It functions no differently, just fits Typhus' theme. I can of course replace it with a plain Itzal if preffered]
Archwing Primary (if any): Velocitus
Archwing Melee (if any): Centaur

Personality: To say that Typhus views things differently than others is a bit of an understatement, and as with much about him this too is thanks to the Parasites within his suit. Altered senses, torturous origins, confusing past, the inner workings of his mind are a mystery to those around him, the seemingly only certainty being that he held Shinto in high regards for one reason or another. While he is not outwardly hostile to any who do not threaten him, he is often apathetic towards the idea of frivolous interactions and keeps to himself, yet will still engage in such interactions if invited. One thing of note is that his interpretation of 'frivolous' seems to change on a whim, and aside from periods of frequent meditation he has been known to ask seemingly random questions of others at the strangest of times, perhaps hinting at a hunger for knowledge, perhaps some form of instability, or maybe something deeper.

Syndicate(s) (if any): Red Veil, Cephalon Suda, and Sanctuary/Simaris

Faction Preference (If any): He considers each side with Neutrality as long as they stay out of the way of his objective. The Corpus can be expected to be of use if they profit from it, and the Grineer can be expected to at least point their guns at a more hated enemy first... sometimes. The infested? Well, they make for exotic snacks. All of this said, there are certain individuals in each faction that he will gladly see eviscerated in most imaginative and violent manners.

I've seen that design before and I do like it. There is one slot open, while there have been multiple applications, I'm going to look them over after work today and pick one. So go ahead and make Typhus, but don't be disheartened if you aren't accepted into the RP.

Oh cool :D I shall hop on that then.
I could certainly join in on this >3> Fallout is always great, and though I'm not big on pokemon there are a couple I could work with. I was also in the previous 'Fallout P' I think.

It'd be funny if you left out the 'a pokemon fallout 3 crossover' and someone showed up thinking P meant pony XD
Oh hey, I... Don't know if this is full already or not, I came across the Interest check and it looked empty, then found the OOC and I still see one slot left.

I wanted to ask a question first, though it may not matter if I happened to be just a little too late to join in. Can 'fan-made' warframes be used if they are sufficiently 'not gimmicky pieces of crap or OP macguffins'? Like Typhus, who's practically all but already in the game forums.warframe.com/index.ph..
I would be insanely MAD if I don't admit and sound my utter interest in this concept. I really haven't been this interested in an RP pitch since an advanced RP called Soup Factory something.


Though there is one little thing I didn't really like, the mention of other fandoms, I mean you got a pretty great-possibly immersive- world here. Populating it with pokemons, Marios and Clouds will take away the awesome Ultra Fantasy-Scifi feel. I am sensing Planet of the apes (original classic ones not the Mark Walberhg or Franco rubbish, sorry) , Bulletstorm, The Last of Us and oddly Star Wars.

My suggestion: big no to cheesy and famous fandom characters.

Well, I was mostly using them as examples of the variety. In the reality of the RP they wouldn't literally 'be' a cartoon/game thing come to life, so much as a more real-world like rendition of it. Like if for 'some' reason someone did turn into cloud, that would only amount to being a really fit blonde dude with spiky hair.

Also, I feel like I would be a bit insulted if someone went and tried to be mario, though the changing atmosphere doesn't really typically do human things. Granted, I probably do need to refine things a bit more, I just wanted to get this out here and see who'd show interest before I dragged out the starting process too long and risked burning myself out before even starting.

Oh, silly me, I totally forgot to include the minute possibility that someone might just not be transformed.
Interested, let me ask, how "green" is this world, as in, how is the wildlife going? Did it went full desolated land with the explosion? Will we be seeing the aging buildings slowly being covered in plants and wildlife?

a good question!

Starting off, the 'green' aside from the slight tint in the air would be situational. Considering that a good number of chunks basically got pulled back in a different position, there's bound to be tree's and other greenery buried 'under-ground' now, but there's still be some above ground if a somewhere managed to not get flipped over. Think of it like a 3-D jig-saw puzzle, but all the pieces were kinda forced into place and some of them are just kind not how they were originally intended to fit into it, some places will most definitely appear quite desolate and life-less due to it just being the 'stone side' of a chunk, while other's may still show off forest bits that will be spreading quickly.

The Explosion essentially 'shattered' the earth and scattered the chunks, it wasn't firey or anything, mostly scientific... well, things that I won't go into detail on until they become Relevant IC, but I do have sufficient information planned to explain that kind of stuff. Of course there will be new volcanoes in some places too.

Over-time though.

We can expect the new atmosphere to be healthy, and occasionally 'dangerously healthy' for plants as well, and expect them to start popping up in size-able numbers and growing fairly fast, as well as some plants adapting to new conditions. Setting up a long-term settlement is going to be a royal bitch until everyone figures out how things work, unless we get lucky and end up finding a spot that just 'works' really well.

I do actually intend to use a bit of chance for some things I'll define once I have enough people to justify the effort of filling out the full details of an OOC, such as our specific starting location and the types of sections that surround it in whichever direction, who knows! Maybe we'll end up with what's left of L.A. Next sitting next to New York with Moscow thrown into the middle of it, unlikely, but maybe. Perhaps chance will set us up with a choice location to move to once we've managed to not die long enough to find eachother, or combine groups, or... who knows what? A lot is going to depend on who joins in and what plans/ideas they have for themselves!

Man, it'll be amazing if this goes on long enough to re-design the world as a whole :D
It's funny, did you know that 'Apocalypse' in literal definition bears the meaning of a revelation of secrets?

So, This is no Apocalypse scenario, Tis a Cataclysm, A Massive and violent event that greatly transforms the earth's surface and life as we know it... What survives it at least.

Now I can't reveal 'all' the details of the RP as there are some choice bits that would either be important to stay unknown to our characters and maybe players, or might change drastically depending on the course of the RP, which I will need the opinions of interested individuals to decide on. I'd like everyone joining in to have a vested interest in the RP and be able to enjoy the RP for the long-run, as even after it starts much of the progression will depend on participation of my fellow RPers... I have ideas but I'm afraid I'm not up to being the sole person in total control of the RP, and I would really love it if things were setup in such a way that if I end up disappearing for whatever reason it can continue at a healthy pace in my absence.

With that in mind what I 'can' most assuredly tell you is this:

The world blew the fuck up... No, literally, you ever see those cheesy end of the world movies where someone has a choice to make based on listening to their boss or the super nerd who knows what they're talking about, and in the end they wise up and do the smart thing and end up saving the world? Well in this case that guy was kinda dead cause the boss shot him, and the boss didn't like smart guys telling him he's wrong cause it challenged his imagined authority, so he fucked up.

Basically, what 'everyone' knows no matter where they were if they survived is that the entire planet was shattered by whatever caused it. we're talking chunks dozens of miles wide blasting off into space, though some people might actually only have been able to see the 'suddenly no atmosphere' part of it. Then something green sweeps over everything and it all gets pulled back together, the Atmosphere re-asserting itself if a bit thin and in recovery, and no explanation as to why. Granted, while everything got pulled back together it was hardly seamless, many of those chunks weren't aiming 'out' when pulled back... To say that the Geography of earth changed is a bit less accurate than saying it looks like a completely different planet now.

Indeed, there are some places that managed to stay vaguely like they were before, albeit 'demolished' cities and the like, but there are countless new mountains and water formations, underground openings, so on and so forth. There is also magic in the air. Literally, the air is tinted very slightly green, and it's doing things, changing people and creatures, warping evolution in ways that would make countless scientists roll over in their figurative graves, and yet these changes all seem to relate to things people already knew about, if only fictionally, before the Cataclysm.

The period in mind for this RP?

The Early Days /or/ Rebuilding: The survivors are few, compared to 8-10 Billion at least, but a few million scattered about is still enough to rebuild if given a few centuries. The hard part is coping with their remade world, learning to survive again without losing people to the still re-stabilizing planet or the new creatures surfacing in the wake of the Cataclysm, or perhaps even more importantly is learning to cope with their own changes as the strange energy polluting the air seeps into their bodies and transforms them both slowly and quickly into something else.

The obvious Implication here is playing a group of incredibly lucky survivors who didn't get wiped out and happen to be in a location where they can find eachother fairly easily, perhaps a randomly chosen city that happened not to be put back in place upside down, yeah? They of course would have to deal with the changes being forced on them by the 'new' Atmosphere, as well various other creatures coming into being because of that very same thing, and eventually other survivors. Of course, they are still only human at heart, and while some instincts may change or be acquired alongside the physical changes, there is the very real possibility of becoming a monster on the inside, or running into such individuals.

One can expect the usual gamut of troubles, rival survivors, undead, mutants, poor souls who went mad from the changes, and other much less usual elements that I may not clearly define right off the bat.

The General starting time-frame for this one would ideally be between the first day and a week after the Cataclysm, depending on group preference and if some want to start off already changed.

For those curious, the mention of the various changes relating to creatures known about before the cataclysm is a hint to the variety of options you have for things to change, as well as currently 'classified background details' relating to the Cataclysm itself. No, it is not that the world has been infected by 'video game', bad, don't even go down that road.

The variety is quite broad even within the limits of OPness. Werewolves and vampires, Ponies or changelings, Elves and Dwarves, Griffons and Dragons [lets keep starting sizes moderately low please], Demons and monsters, Trolls [yes 'those' trolls], Anthros, Freaking pokemon, perhaps even just partial conversions, just to name a handful of broad possibilities. Use your imagination and common sense and ye shall see countless options.

as a note, This is not a multiverse RP, you cannot 'be' a specific character, you might physically resemble some, such as Lucian from Underworld, Twilight 'OCD gon blow shit up' Sparkle, or hey if you wanna get freaky, maybe the Patriarch from Killing floor, or Parodies like 'Edmund Dashie'. However, It would be a purely physical change with no accompanying 'magical knowledge that lets you be a master of your new abilities'. For example, you could be Samus physically, but that doesn't come with a power suit, acrobatics knowledge, or years of experience fighting monsters.
Your overuse of single quotations completely blows apart the importance of absolutely anything and everything that you said.

0/10 unreadable

my how mature of you, judging opinion of grammar instead of content. The 'Grammar-nazi' style of your icon speaks for itself here doesn't it?
Sure, some consider it bad taste to advertise things like this randomly in a forum, but I'm afraid I can't just pretend it isn't happening.

I suppose it's a good thing that it 'would' apply here as well, because this passing would make it legal for 'corporations' to track everything you do, our system of government wouldn't even matter, if anything you do uses any form of copy-wrighted material, that includes even RPs using images, or videos, or parodies of media that belong to someone else, you can be 'banned' from the internet entirely, or even thrown in jail as a 'Felon'.

That's to say nothing of everything else... Personally, I think a healthy unified global government would be a 'good' idea, if done 'right'. Letting 'whoever has the most money and is entirely out for expanding their own already billion and trillion dollar bank accounts' Run everything is 'not' doing it right.

These bitches are looking to make 'land of confusion' a reality, and they are refusing to learn from the millions of people telling them 'NO' everytime they try to do shit like this, and have instead been using things like Sopa, net neutrality, and I bet even the 'Gay marriage legalization' reactions, as a distraction while they try to pull this off behind our backs. They are going to incredible lengths to make sure as little information reaches the public as possible, and have out-right banned senators who've gotten to see it from ever speaking of the contents of the TPP Chapters, but more than a few freely express how disgusting what they're doing is.

Of course, I could keep saying more, and clarify everything I've watched, but I'd be here all day, and I have other places to bring this up, preferably while they're still not allowed to track and arrest someone for talking down about them.





<Snipped quote by Shoryu>

>-> I guess he leaped like a true man!

heh "STRONG JUMP!" Bonus points if you know the reference!

I wonder if I should edit my post since that implies he's not actually 'up there' now >3>
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