MAN!... There's so many Agilities... literally, all of the agilities! XD I might have to flip a coin as to whether I apply with a heavy hitter or the 'intelligence/power' I had first thought about.
Well, this is interesting enough that I might join in, if there's still room of course.
Also, holy crap, how many people picked the same 'Agility and power'? Is everyone going to be Dodgy and powered up? Snrk.
Also, @blaze the GM, just curious... how far does your 'explosions' power go? Like, point at someone and they explode? making touched objects explode? 'throwing' explosions like fireballs? does he fart fire too?
YO!, this thing going well? I might be curious about joining up, I like RPs that have wide-open possibilities like you suggested, I may just PM a few possibile ideas tommorrow sometime after I've slept XD
@Necromancy Thanks for letting me know. Will keep the door open, if you want to jump in later.
@Shoryu That is a very in depth character. Way too powerful, way too complicated. I'm looking for B-list heroes just starting out their careers, possibly with a comical hang up of some variety. The heroes no one calls on because they're immediately discounted or completely unknown. The Other Guys.
Approved characters so far include an otherwise average accountant who is thus far unaffected by blunt trauma, and another that can extend his fingers to moderate lengths because of a magical octopus.
It is an excellent character, but doesn't quite fit the setting.
Yeah, I had a feeling, oh well, so much for comical god hand face punchery XD
If we want comical B-list foolery, I could always full-derp and make someone who summons PONIES!... No, I'm joking, that would be silly and completely counterproductive! XD
Maybe I should use Richard the warlock instead >3> Then again, he might be a bit too comically 'gorey'... Huh, then again.
Hmmmm, I can't help but be reminded of... what was that movie... Not super bad, totally different kind of super... Oh, 'kickass' XD Where not much 'super' is actually going on.
BAH!, Finally, I got interupted again half way through, and it got to be too late in the day, i'll finish up in the morning... it'll also give a chance to point out if I need to scrap and change it XD
Name: Shaemus O'Roich
Identity: Not... sure... maybe he doesn't bother having one.
The sword would actually be a nice example of his 'Caladbolg' move. He can be considered a surprisingly tall Irish-man
(How your Hero is perceived)
Powers: Mystic - The God/Devil Hands Mystical arms that he possesses, capable of performing unnatural feats that can grow in intensity as he builds momentum [or rather, an arbitrary indicator of how active the arms are, and thus how much power they can put out][just as a note, If you know of the game 'god hand', That's the kinda stuff that can be done.] Right God Hand Energy Constructs - Obviously the ability to construct objects out of solidified energy [Generally theme limited and only remain while in contact with his body, or for short distances if imbued in a throwable object, unless a great deal of energy is used of course.] Physical Enhancements - dependent on how active the arm has become, This grants him immense strength, durability, and speed in his right arm, and to a lesser degree in the rest of his body. Anti-Demonic - While active, The god hand resists nearby demonic influences, allowing the user to bear an unnatural resistance to a variety of 'dark powers' and demonic abilities, as well as being more effective at striking the sources of such things. This also causes conflict with the Left Devil hand, and disables most of it's own bonuses [also preventing Stacking and OPness XD]
Left Devil Hand - Is actually properly sealed and unable to be just 'opened for the hell of it', but it's general differences are as follows. It bears relatively similar power to the God hand, save that instead of shiny stuff and golden light, it glows red and turns things black. It leans more towards strengthening the whole body instead of the individual arm though, essentially meaning it has more over-all defensive and balanced offense potential than the god-hand, but the God-hand can put much more damage... Well, unless the devil hand is unleashed already, the God hand becomes inactive, like a stubborn child that doesn't want to play with the weird kid from down the street! Hrm, It also has a greater ability for projecting energy or creating more complex constructs, instead of just out-right melee blasts, at the expense of somewhat less out-right melee power. Where the god-hand produces more out-right power as it 'revs up', so to speak, the Devil hand will spread further changes to the rest of the body, eventually resulting in a rather demonic, if temporary, form.
Relic - The Deistic/Devil Braces - A pair of braces designed to suppress the power of the god hand and devil hand. The right one being silver and ornate in appearance, appearing as if it is just scale style armor along the right arm, while the left considered of thick black shackles at the wrist and bicep, with a chain wrapped around the arm connecting them. Either one will seem to mysteriously 'vanish' when one arm or the other is released, and will return at a moments notice when re-sealed.
While both Braces are sealed, he still retains a moderate amount of physical enhancement, with the ability to call on weaker versions of either arms 'special moves' in a limited capacity, but otherwise he is much more vulnerable... of course, he also won't accidentally blow a door off it's hinges instead of opening it. The Deistic Brace responds to the wearer's sense of danger, and will remove 'itself' if it detects he is under sufficient threat to need additional power. It is yet unknown what would make the Devil brace remove itself.
He's not supposed to remove both braces, and really doesn't quite 'know' how to do that, but theoretically the 2 different powers would clash quite spectacularly within him, with currently unknown results.
This is only here for gimmick's sake, because he'd totally do it, and it fits his theme XD
I might actually fill it out if I don't find out I need to change a lot after I wake up!
Show boating Fighter! [he might be neither a slouch nor a professional martial artist, but he definitely knows how to put on a big show.] Awesome Wise-cracker [maybe not a skill to some people, but he makes an art of ticking off his enemies] Internet Junkie [Hey, do you know what a Brony is? What about a Whoovian? ooh ooh, or a Poolean? How about Richard the warlock? oh yeah, he's a laugh n a half!]
The Brother's Cello and Reezo Diaz [both contacts XD] - Cello and Reezo are two members of a certain clan of mystics keeping watch on the godhand, or were at least, and his source of information on the god and devil hands respectively, as well as a number of creatures from either side of the spectrum expected cause problems for whoever has one or the other.
Background: I'll... fill this out better in the morning when my brain is up and running again... But the simplest bit is he has the god-hand, and the Devil hand is there to be sealed under both it's brace and the over-bearing power of the god-hand being right next to it... s'kindof an experiment since they got tired of one or the other getting stolen.
CRIPE! Are two characters allowed? >n> Out of bloody nowhere I was assaulted in my brain with an idea for a second that is currently threatening the first idea for most interesting to play here XD If not, I may have to flip a coin for this one.
Are you familiar with the 'god hand'? No, it's not god's hand and it doesn't let someone make reality their bitch XD but it 'is' an awesome and entertaining toy to have in a fight.