Man, ya know, it kinda sucks when you get the idea to use an awesome character you're sure you'd have a lot of fun with... but then you realize you don't want the spoilers of finding out what all their awesome gear and such are by a later point because you haven't gotten there personally yet and it ruins the fun on another front... for some people at least.
Quick question! Would there be possibility of extra-dimensional connections that don't actually directly affect 'the world' per se? As in they are 'available' to a character [probably because otherwise they lack much of their actual power, or just for comedic purpose], but they won't get that character 'out' of 'this' world.
Like, say, big boss somehow still having a codec connection to his base, in another freaking universe or whatever, and somehow able to teleport in/out equipment from there and maybe call in artillery? XD he'd be the type who's 'power' is all in his gear. That may or may not include temporary support from his NPCs troops, vehicles, metal gear, who won't stay around long-term.
This question actually kindof ties in with invisible's question about the overlords minions too XD Just... big boss's minions tend to be fewer than a legion and more dangerous... But he doesn't have any magical powers to throw around XD
@Shoryu It was just natural lightning that coincidentally happened to come down on them. His sword is powered by electricity, hence the "electricness". He still can't manipulate electricity.
ahhhh, dat some coincidence XD I figured it had been water guided or somethin :P being indoors and all.
I actually don't know much about Raiden - I've bought Revengeance a couple days ago, found that it was cool - and he was a cool character, and decided to join as him. All of my knowledge - or lack thereof - comes from the internet. Please excuse any misconceptions and foolhardiness on my part. .-.
I will edit it now.
As for you, Shoryu, I'm just going to go on a limb and say that this is happening in the midst of Revengeance.
I think after the intro chapter of revengeance he gets his upgrade to nano-paste and such. Of course, he was already somehow body slamming Metal gear Ray even in that first chapter XD
Also, I don't know why Raiden did the lightning thing in that one scene either. I never played MGS4, but he does seem to do a lot of 'electrical things' with his sword when he's using it in revengeance, no lightning bolts and such, but he sort of 'is' electrical now I think.
Also, Have fun with that game bro :D I played the hell out of it for a month or so and it was 'REALLY' entertaining... I eventually went as far as using the Wooden sword to beat everything down because... well, once you get parrying down it gets really freaking easy. Course, it's been a long time since I played, so maybe my edge will have worn off and it'll be fun again :D
I kindof hope he gets his own weapons from the game XD They're awesome, and part of the hilarity... Seriously, playing through as 'suit' raiden with just the wooden sword was a fun gimmick.
On a side note, with two characters allowed, a thought has just occured to me...
Dirty Dan... what would you think if Raiden were to meet 'Big Boss' again? XD Just, not the one with tentacles. I'd fore-see a 'you call the Thunder and I'll bring the rain' pun being made at some point.
Of course, Commander. Hopefully he finds a way to store and maintain capsules of White Blood, if that's possible.
Am I missing something? What's white blood? I thought He upgraded to nano-paste or whatever in revengeance and it came in a blue gooey substance that he absorbed through his 'not-skin', the spines of his enemies, and also nano-paste packets... I didn't actually read the CS though since I only just got back to the computer and just 'browsed' the characters. Is he pre revengeance raiden?
I'm not complaining by the way, just being curious about it. ^.^
and on a side note to the GM, should I assume everyone can only have one character? or two? I unfortunately suffer from a terrible case of chronic 'too many ideas' syndrome, but if we can only have '1' then I'll just solve my dilemma by making a list and using a randomizer to pick it for me. Chance always adds a nice flair of challenge to RPs for me... of course, hopefully nobody will have any big gripes about the results of the coin-flip.
Also, if the GM suddenly reached the 'not here anymore' point right before I posted this, Then I shall assume the answer is '1' and go about my silly chance game to save time.
Holy crap... We got a time stopper who can punch through bodies, some touhou, and the cyborg who can body slam a 500+ton metal gear... I go to sleep and get up to work on a character and this is what's been happening. This is going to be exciting >3>
The Team Fortress 2 people aren't really OCs considering they have set backstories as well as a lot of personality, no. Also generally god-tiered characters are something I'm really skeevy about, even if they're nerfed.
Heh, the idea was that 'away from their natural medium' they would no longer be able 'qualify' as god-tiered, But I understand anyway, it was just a question from standard curiosity.
It still leaves so many possibilities >3> I shall just have to wait to see what I am inspired to have the most fun playing once the OOC is up!
I have a myriad of interesting characters I could use...
Richard the warlock for one Maybe Gene the god hand Oh, or If I really wanted to stir shit up... Twilight Sparkle the Neurotic OCD Princess Book-nerd.
PFFF... This is what I like about multiverse scenarios, anything is possible [barring breech of GM set rules of course] and no matter what one person or the other picks, it's always bound to become something wild and uniquely entertaining. I get to really exercise my imagination and step outside of the standard comfort zone I get used to interacting with the usual single world RPs.
Hmmmm... Would 'TF2 Freaks' fall under the label of OCs? Being that they are customized versions of the game's classes?
Hmmm, what about 'story-wise' god characters that are nerfed? such as one who's source of power is related to something from their world specifically, and being away from their natural location would drastically reduce said power to a far less godlike level?
Name: Nicholas Tesla [Fake Name] Alias': Adela Diaz [Real name] DJ-Hidalgo/Noble [Stage Name] Jerry Smithson [Disposable back-up name] Loki [Street Codename]
Nicknames: Adel, Addy, Loki, Nick, Nico, Lightning Bolt Gender: Male Age: 35 [looks 25 and is playing the role of a jet-setting Internet College Student] Place of Origin: Northern California [fake persona] Somewhere in Cuba [expensive family's are great for concealing records] Occupation: DJ and Drug Factory
Known EVO Abilities (If Applicable): Unknown Brand of Transformation [I couldn't figure out a fancy name for it XD]
Nicholas has exhibited the ability to transform his biology, though the limitations of this are not expressly known as of yet, records of the following have been collected:
Human Shape Shifting - where in he spends roughly 5 to 60 Seconds changing any number of natural human features, depending on complexity and how much pain he'll put up with.
Chemical Production an Storage, As well as the ability to safely touch or ingest them without ill effects. He has also been observed projecting certain chemicals in a spray or gas.
Defensive mutation? - On the rare occasion that he has been observed cornered by a threat, he has demonstrated an ability to produce some form of biological armor and weaponry. So far Claws, Chitinous Armor, an Flexible Tendrils have been observed. The armor has been seen deflecting several street quality rounds, but is projected to do little against Military grade ammunition.
The full extent and potential of his abilities are unknown, but it is known that he seems to have a huge appetite after having used any noticeable amount of transformation. It is likely to operate on a very limited supply.
Well, I realize that may have done him up to sound a bit excessive, so lets explain things a little better here.
Aside from the above observations, other details of his power that he may or may not know himself are described here.
Adel's actual power is the ability to alter his biology with an unknown limit on just 'how much', though he has discovered through some unfortunate Trial and error that it is not a 'safe' ability. It is very dangerous to just 'tinker' with his body without knowing exactly what he's doing, he could very easily transform a vital organ in a way that makes it stop functioning, or grow a bone out of the wrong place, something he has already done.
This power also uses up a large amount of biological energy gained through eating, giving him a huge appetite, and easy exhaustion, after using a large amount of power.
An important note is that while the actual transformations require this burn of energy to power them, any functions afforded once a successful transformation is completed do not suffer such a drain on his energy, though they typically have their own limitations.
Naturally, the more complex and unnatural a change is, the harder it will be to perfect the process, though in the same vein, the more similar a change is to what 'already is' the easier it will be, hence why changing his skin, hair, and subtler features is relatively safe, with Height and Proportions a fairly close second in simplicity.
Thus far he has practiced a number of chemical production methods, many of which relate to his past with the Cartel. He has also practiced natural human related ones that emulate basic shape shifting effects.
For those who don't want to read all that bigger info:
Biological modification Huge Appetite Persistent transformation High limit, High risk progression Requires an understanding and practice to make new functions safe for use
Current Practice List: Human themed shape shifting Height and Proportion shifting [moderate] Chemical production [Drug an house-hold related] Chemical resistance [Only to those he can produce or practice with easily] Thorough Biological Study of the Human Body and Chemicals related to his family business.
Current Persistent effects
Physical refinement - Strength, Flexibility, Speed improvement, no higher than anyone who'd trained some [for instance, could still be out-grappled by a normal police officer] Metabolic improvement - So he can digest faster and handle lots of food without getting sick. Chemical Glands - Back of mouth, store a few ounces of choice chemicals, usually drug or household related. Can be used to spit or spray the chemical in question. Keratin Glans - Replace sweat glans on fore-arms, hands, neck, Back, and Lower Legs. Secrete hardening Keratin substance that in high enough concentration imitates armor and claws. Mobility Tendril - In the palms/wrists of either hand, can reach approximately 20 feet at max, used for grabbing, pulling, or swinging.
Psychological Profile & History: [hider=history] Nicholas Tesla, Born Adela Diaz of the Diaz Cuban Crime Family, is the very definition of a walking Enigma.
when his mother was pregnant, all signs to it being a girl, even the ultrasound, and everything had been prepared for such... and yet, what came out was a male. when he heard about this later, after he'd learned about his power, he considered this to be the first manifestation of it, even though he never used it conciously until his late teens.
It turns out, his father was a real asshole and refused to change any plans... Like some kind of impotent Child he insisted on holding all the plans for a daughter and would not allow anything to be changed, and with a man like his father one generally did not question his excentricities, more so out of a sense of self preservation.
Speaking of that, He was not the only one acting like an impotent child.
Adel knew very well that he was a male, and once he was old enough to really understand things better, he made sure to take every chance to discard his father's plans and do things his own way. Granted, he wasn't all that concerned with gender norms, but like any Diaz he had little patience for someone trying to control his life, it was a common joke that it was in the blood and that was why the family even existed these days.
Oh sure, he played nice when 'daddy' was around, he was sufficiently warned about him being a dangerous man, but whenever he wasn't around Adel made full use of sympathetic siblings to get the experiences and lessons 'he' wanted... He ultimately had it fairly easy thanks to sufficient deception, but it was inevitable that it would be discovered in time.
Luckily, nobody especially liked his father and nobody was compelled to do him any favors like warning him about the boy's discarding of the plans, so he was well into his teens when it was finally discovered, and as far as he was concerned, he was free to decide for himself how to run his life, and awash in testosterone he made sure it was known.
He'd been keeping other secrets of course, like discovering his powers a year prior, and decided to make a mind blowing performance by tromping into the middle of a meeting 'as' a woman dressed masculine just as the ultimate spit in his father's eye as he made it known.
Naturally, the old man lost his ever loving shit threw a right royal fit over this, then made the mistake of demanding Adel use this new power for any number of functions that he needed done, several of which were suitably disgusting in nature. All it really did was Give Adel more ammunition to use against him, so he played along, even putting on a pitiful show of the battered child... Until the next day, when he turned up gone and not hide nor hair could be found of him.
He simply 'vanished' it seemed, though he had actually let some of his siblings know what he was doing.
That is to say, He evacuated the bloody country made his way to America where he spent the next few years tinkering with his abilities and posing as a different person every couple of years while keeping subtle contact with the family member's he actually liked.
It was several years before that contact revealed to him that his father had died, suitably from pissing off someone else with those unique powers, and there would be a funeral soon... Hating the man as he did, he'd still learned family values from his brothers and sister and he could at least show up to pay his final Respects. It was one of the few times he actually took his real appearance in the past decade, he also learned many things about his father then, like how he'd been named Adela not just because they'd planned for a girl and his father was an uncompromising asshole, but also because he was incomparably self centered and chose the name because it had belong to some high profile female figure in the past and it made him feel 'higher' than her to have produced someone with the name.
Though not a tear was shed by some it still ended up being a turning point in his life.
His eldest brother had naturally ended up inheriting the family business, and despite his father's insistance that no 'female' would be a part of the family's shadier business Adel had gotten enough sibling tutoring to be unsurprised when his brother approached him with the interest of bringing him back into the business, and his powers with him.
Reluctant as he might have been, he was also far more willing to work for his brother than his father, and ultimately spent an extra year in Cuba practicing as a chemist, and was not alone on the return trip to America. Interestingly enough, he returned with his sister in tow, along with a number of enforcers tasked with crushing a smaller gang's drug den off in [I haven't decided which city yet TnT] an making a foothold for the Diaz's to expand from.
Adel went on to invent a College Student name Nicholar Tesla, a budding Chemistry and Electronics major, as well as a cover job as a DJ hosted in Clubs his family 'sponsors' to help them supply the trade. [/hider]
First Known Manifestation (If applicable): He has several theories about his true 'first time', one being that on some primal level he used it right in the womb to swap genders, or maybe the doctors really did just screw up on the ultra sound.
However, the first 'public' use of his power was when he stormed into his Father's meeting room masquerading as a female counter-part, causing no small amount of uproar, nevermind a little backlash in spies in his Father's cabinet, not that he knew about that part.