@ShoryuA shame Warhammer's practically dead now. 40k was hit by a bunch of poorly concieved new codices (especially the AdMech/Skitarii ones which really should've been one book and were only split because money) and the less said about what happened to my beloved Fantasy the better. :(
Memes aside though, Creed might've been pretty fun, although I'd rather go with Yarrick in terms of Guard characters. XD Although if I had to pick anyone from 40k it would probably end up being either Trazyn the Infinite or Nemesor Zahndrekh. ...And if Fantasy wasn't dead there's a whole host of guys who'd be fun from there, really.
If I'd wanted to be daring enough, I could've 'crossed over this crossover' and made a crossover of two canon characters to put in here... like 'oh no, they got glued together when they pulled in' D:
Also, yay contrast! There's not much more contrast you can get than Big-boss compared to Twilight sparkle, save for them both being good people and preferring non-lethal methods... Maybe deadpool, since he kills without a thought XD
on a side note, I am always open to actual criticism and willing to work with people, I'm just also not shy about trying to prove I can just be a responsible player too XD