@Dead Cruiser Shouldn't be too much of an issue as long as - as Shoryu's suggesting - permission is obtained from the gm and/or the other player before shenanigans are enacted.
For Twilight in particular, if it's that much of a problem you could handwave in something about magic not working the same here as in her homeworld.
This is mostly directed at, from a quick scan of her spells after reading the recent posts, the Transmorgification and Stasis spells, though I'll look over again and see if there's anything else I'm worried about.
There doesn't seem to be any way to avoid those, and I'm in general pretty strongly against any spells that force transformations on other characters.
What he said :D Hell, I already did essentially, setting up big spells to fail or not be as strong as she's used to. It's kindof like when someone lists 'space-time manipulation' as a power, It's not a limitless infallible version of it, there's probably limits that weren't listed, or maybe simply require the RPer in question to remain responsible.
Really, I was considering going into much more detail about more exact limits and such, but I didn't want to make there be an unnecessary extra half a novel to read XD
@VitaVitaAR It's also worth mentioning that the Book thing can be used to one hit kill.
For a moment I thought you meant like 'using books to hit people' being a one hit kill XD
But this and lots of other stuff is solved with the element of 'they weren't originally made to be used on humans/undead/whatever else is in this RP' and would have a muted effect or maybe complete failure.
There's also another element, sortof similar to Dio's limitation. Twilight just wouldn't consider using those spells in that way... at least, not yet, but this RP doesn't seem the type to push grim-dark psychological shifts, so she probably still won't.
@Shoryu Also, it bothers me how a lot of Twilight's spells can be used on others and basically qualify as one-hit kills, with no apparent limitations. And at least one qualifies as reality-warping, which goes against the rules of the thread.
Hence, the addition of the bit about seemingly powerful spells failing and back-firing on a regular basis, as well as some clarifications like the transmogrification probably not working since she'll be pretty unfamiliar with most creatures involve in the RP XD
Basically, anything powerful I might, 'might', use a randomizer to implement a 'chance' of success... Or, more likely, I'll just leave it up to GM/target player discretion if they're ever successful.
Reimu is pretty much either going to laze around in an unmotivated manner, or go around fighting everybody until she finds a way home. I figure she'll find some place away from everybody to hang out, if it's the former.
This is just me offering my 2-cents because I've also always loved playing as faust XD
Faust never seemed too bad in a game... Granted, some limits are probably still needed to be imposed, 'most' of what he does seemed fine... Except for the apparent materialization of a nuclear explosive XD
For those who don't know youtube.com/watch?v=PhzfURLVTik this is an example of stuff he does... I can see how it has the potential to be OP, but it's not too hard to tweak I think.
Faust is also gloriously tall, like freaking huge, and I swear a certain something that is very pink could be very similar to him XD
Warning!: Meta has been hijacked... *Name: Princess Twilight "Purplesmart" Sparkle *Universe: MLP:FIM *Appearance:
she tends to be 'good' to a fault, always happy and friendly and completely unabashed about making friendly gestures, though is at least wary of people's personal space, and ever the type to be embarrassed by anyone using her royal title... That said, She's also decidedly neurotic, suffers from a strong case of OCD with easily en-flamed anxiety issues, Though Her friends are usually a great grounding element that keep her less desirable issues down to a manageable degree. When they flare up she has been known to display mood swings, non-physical aggression, and a habit of turning to experimental or dangerous spells to solve a problem. That said, she has been getting much better since she stopped being such a Recluse, and is far less likely to do something harmful when suffering a fit.
She is also known to have an unflinching love for books and knowledge, information, experiments, trials, check-lists, normal lists, books, magic, books, studies, and more books, and frequently flies off on a tangent when talking about something interesting. However, She has a bit of trouble accepting knowledge that defies something she knows as a scientific fact, but is not quite as incapable of changing her mind as 'some' people are.
Oh, she's also a stickler for grammar...,,. .,.,.,., .,., And she is incredibly displeased with the quality of this CS.
Magic, Thaumaturgy, Thaumatic Manipulation, ugh, 'dat sperkly ting dem 'orn-'eads do!', There are all kinds of different ways of identifying the fundamental force of our world and the manipulation there-of. But it would be silly to go into a long-winded scientific explanation of just 'what' magic is... Besides, nobody ever understands the whole thing, they always zone out, fall asleep, or politely point out that there's too many big words!
SO! Lets simplify it to save time, and for the sake of everyone else's mental health. Lets just say that Magic is Magic, and there's a defined list of things that can be done with it which can be updated with newly devised or learned spells.
Yay lists!
As a note, some spells will likely behave differently with many things in this RP, being that they were designed for one species and not the other. Or more simply, expect seemingly powerful spells to fail at random or even back-fire.
As it stands, only canonically seen spells will be considered in this list.
Telekinesis - For her, a well used ability that has been present all her life, she can easily lift vast amount of weight, including an approximately 4 story tall giant bear along with a water-tower full of milk. It does not appear to be usable to move herself though, or perhaps it simply take an inefficient amount of effort.
Teleportation - One of her biggest signature spells, used with remarkable frequency and able to be rapid fired while under desperation. Conservation of motion still applies, and 'teleporting to the ground' certainly won't save her from a deadly fall. She can teleport other individuals as well as groups, but obviously the strain on herself is magnified by the numbers and mass of those involved. She also needs familiarity with a location to teleport to it without line of sight, and often takes extra time to use a 'sensory' spell to tell her that she won't be teleporting herself into a wall, rock, or other fatal object.
Cloud walking - causes clouds and cloud-like things to react tangibly to the enchanted individual or object.
Glimmer wings - gives the vict-subject wings that appear to resemble a butterfly's, though they are incredibly easily to break they are strong enough to keep the receiver aloft for hours on end.
Time Travel? - Or maybe more of a closed loop spell. It sends her back exactly 1 week and only lasts for about a minute... Experimentation would be needed to make it do more and she is far too worried about the ramifications to even try.
Transmogrification - Just what it sounds like, turning thing into another, people into plants, animals into fruit, pumpkins into carriage, ponies into dragons... Not all of it's uses are 'positive' in nature, Luckily, she has a full range of dispelling charms to counter something bad she might do while angry, and on that note-
Dispelling - The pencil eraser of mages the world over, the vital ability that allows one to under their magical screw ups, or perhaps counter-act those of another. She has a variety of these, from disguise busters [which may or may not work] to mind protectors and un-summoners.
Dark magic - A reverse of her usual magic, driven by darker emotions like anger, hate, jealousy, and so on... She rather dislikes ever having to use it, but remarkably it can be of 'good' use at the right times... Still scared shitless of it though.
Concussive shots - Simple bundles of magic that release physical force upon impact... which can apparently be rapid fired if someone 'cycles her tail', but who knows how the hell 'that' works?! freaking ponies.
Shields - You don't grow up as the little sister of a shielding specialist without picking up some tricks, though they're not nearly as strong as his.
Pseudo stasis - A spell that paralyzes and levitates a target, or several, though leaving vital functions and speech intact.
Book portal - One that lets her move herself, or someone else, 'into' a book, literally onto the page to interact with the information.
Come-to-life - A spell to bring inanimate objects to life, figuratively speaking. It's more of a programmed form of animation, things with wheels will roll, swords will dance, dolls will hobble around, but ultimately it would require more refinement to be able to, say, create a golem.
The Moustache spell - ... Yes, that is a thing, a spell that lets her zap a moustache or beard onto someone's face... It's really quite silly.
Augmentation - Simply setting magic into her body to enhance a certain function, striking power, agility, flight... She's not much of a fight, so she has to make due with her real skill, magic!
Alicorn beam - One of her least used spells actually, being that it is mostly an aggressive spell and she abhors fighting without a good reason, and it's destructive ability is generally too much to be safely used if there's an ally near her target. That said, and with some calculations, it has roughly the destructive potential to demolish several houses in one sweep.
Pocket Dimension - Where else would she pull random stacks of paper, quills, books, and other nerd stuff? More for comical effect than to be an actual power, but hey, storage.
It's only natural that when thrown into an unknown and potentially dangerous situation, that one will adapt new tools with which to face it... That said, anything of the sort will not just 'suddenly appear', save for perhaps smaller tweaks to previously mastered spells, and will sit back and wait for GM approval like good little mcguffins!
Flight - Moderately practiced, more likely to use magic to augment it if she needs to be airborne in an emergency.
pony power - That is to say, hooves that make for great natural weapons, if a bit less 'hard' than what humans might be used to finding on an equine. There's also the horn, teeth, senses magical and physical, weird alien flexibility, other pony things. More importantly, as an Alicorn, she has a range of natural enhancement for herself, though she has trained only a little with it all, improved endurance and strength still prove to be invaluable.
Knowledge Sponge - So say that Twilight is an intelligent individual would be an understatement, even without her magic she has a dangerously sharp mind, filled with information ranging from arbitrary to life changing.
Super brain - well, not in a 'powered up' sense, but in the sense of having a photo graphic memory, an unnaturally high ability to process information very quickly that has a similar effect to slowing one's perception of time, except her brain is keeping up with massive amounts of input, and unfortunately the instability that can come from one's mind out-running their body.
Planner - She is already a notorious planner who has proven able to turn a jumbled mess of unorganized workers who are chronically late, into an organized work-force so effective they practically put the old boss out of a job.
Singing - ... Maybe it's just a pony thing, but she seems to have a spontaneous urge to break out into song.
Magic surge - Listed here because it is not a 'power she uses' but rather one that uses itself. If she loses control of her magic, or perhaps during times of extreme threat, her magic tends to overload suddenly, like a desperate security system that starts flinging random powered up spells this way and that. She hasn't had one since she was little, but it's still worth noting.
Flame on - There's no certainty for why it happens, but when she gets extremely angry Twilight has been known to burst into flames... literally, somehow not immolating herself in the process. It hasn't happened in a long time either, but who knows how bad it might get 'now'.
Immortality - Keep in mind, there is a difference between Immortal and Invincible. In essence, she can't die from old age, gets to be highly resistant to biological poisons and infections, and... otherwise, she doesn't really know what she gets out of it. For all she knows she'll stay dead if killed physically. She's not old enough for the 'plight of the immortal' cliche just yet.
*Brief Bio: She was born into a fairly well off noble house in Canterlot, and held a close relationship with her parents and brother, as well as books... However, while she was still young she ended up gaining the attention of their Nation's resident 'immortal ruler' during an entrance test for the school sponsored by the same aforementioned ruler.
With this, she spent much of her life living in the palace and studying under her, admittedly becoming something of a studious recluse until she discovered an old legend and ended up being sent off to 'make some friends'. This turned her life in a complete 180 and began a journey filled with many incredibly dangerous foes and just as much synergistic magical mcguffin to make them easy threats to take care of, and gained herself a place amongst immortal royalty, and she even encountered a couple of trips to other worlds.
Luckily, it only went on for a couple of years and let her escape the impending existential crisis of wondering if she'd ever have peace in her life. Unluckily, 'that' only lasted a couple of years before she was whipped off to some other world to face a new trial... alone. In an unfamiliar place without her friends to depend on and no access to special harmonic mcguffins, how is she going to handle it now?
She'll probably scream at Discord in irritation first... that's got a good chance.
*Equipment: Nothing but her body and her brain... oh, and a bunch of books, lots and lots of books, and quills, and paper, and ink.
NOTE! My profile is likely to contain spoilers about the game 'Undertale', which apparently many people will encourage you 'not' to encounter if you can help it... Just warning everyone, though I will 'try' to keep em down a bit. :D @Grey Star
*Name: Undyne, The Heroine that NEVER gives up! *Universe: Undertale *Appearance:
Though it is not made clear how tall Undyne is, Judging by the main character not being a freaking 'infant', and Undyne, along with many of the other characters funny enough, being seeming close to Twice the main character's height, I will be assuming that she is 'very tall'... lets say, around 7-8 feet range.
*Personality: She is a strong willed and Confident warrior, Well trained Captain of the Royal Guard, and... A shameless Weeb, even if she has no idea what that word means. Thanks to a friend of hers, she has a deep fascination with Anime, and things related to it, Explosions, unrealistic feats of strength, Giant robots or other mechanized things, so on and so forth, and she also adores... well, not so much 'showing off' her strength, as simply never holding back. She has a very gung-ho and unrestrained out-look on life, whether it's punching tomato's and using a spear to cook, or demolishing an entire house by throwing an enemy through it, Hot-blooded is a great way to describe this Fish chick.
That said, she also bears a deep seated desire to protect anyone she calls friend, as well a strong adoration for the king who trained her, and will pretty much never back-down from a challenge, short of being dragged away... or for the sake of someone weaker than her who doesn't deserve to be caught in the inevitably gloriously destructive crossfire.
Energy Spears - She is able to summon an indeterminate number of energy spears, able to wield them either by hand, or remote guide them, even dozens at a time. [Note, whether or not they can be modified in size, shape, and ability to explode or not is up to the GM!]
Soul power - As a monster, she has the ability to claim the souls of humans, and possibly other creatures, to gain a massive boost in power, and possibly other benefits. This, however, requires her to come out victorious in a soul battle, which may or may not even be possible in this new world, and likewise risks her own soul should she lose.
Determination - As one of the few monsters naturally possessing determination, She is a miraculously difficult to kill monster, and with sufficient purpose behind that determination, can easily shrug off normally fatal wounds, and is even capable of entering a desperate last stand as 'Undyne the Undying', granting herself a drastic increase in her already comical strength... Whether or not she can survive this long enough for someone to keep her from dissolving into a puddle of goo, is far from a certainty though.
Soul Resonance? - This may or may not be a real power, or a colorful interpretation of her own determination borne of her anime obsession. During heated battles against evil things or when the fates of friends are at stake, she often refers to being able to feel their hearts beating in sync, as if there is some form of connection between them all that lets her feel empowered... Whether or not it actually 'gives' her any power, or just inspires her beyond all reason, is a point of uncertainty.
No but seriously, She is strong enough to shatter boulders with her bare fists, wear full plate armor with little encumbrance, and leap obscenely high or long distances [STRONG JUMP! HAHAH!] in addition to falling those distances without hurting herself, All without sacrificing basic flexibility [though the plate armor can get in the way of that.]
Intense Training - Having spent a number of years training under the monster king himself to become the captain of the Royal Guard, She has a great deal of experience in the variety of things expected of one at such a rank, including magical and physical offense and defense, though the majority of her magical defenses are inherent or built into her armor. As the Captain, she also needed some form of leadership experience.
Claws and teeth - Have you SEEN those chompers?! This chick could probably take yer arm off!... To be more serious, She has claws and teeth which, as a monster royal guard, she is most likely adept at making use of where relevant.
*Brief Bio: I'll just... link this wiki page here undertale.wikia.com/wiki/Undyne So it's all up to the reader if they want to spoil themselves that far.
*Equipment: NONE! Aside from her Royal Guard armor holding various enchantments to add to her durability, she doesn't fucking NEED any equipment! Who needs help to 'throw' heavy objects that explode?! Pansies! That's who!... Though, she would 'love' to get her hands on a giant mecha or some kind of comically anime like weaponry!
*Others: She also has a love and great skill as a cook... somehow! though it often ends in destruction even when it does make something good.
There we go, all done! And guess who won the character lottery? XD
Warning!: Meta has been hijacked... *Name: Princess Twilight "Purplesmart" Sparkle *Universe: MLP:FIM *Appearance:
she tends to be 'good' to a fault, always happy and friendly and completely unabashed about making friendly gestures, though is at least wary of people's personal space, and ever the type to be embarrassed by anyone using her royal title... That said, She's also decidedly neurotic, suffers from a strong case of OCD with easily en-flamed anxiety issues, Though Her friends are usually a great grounding element that keep her less desirable issues down to a manageable degree. When they flare up she has been known to display mood swings, non-physical aggression, and a habit of turning to experimental or dangerous spells to solve a problem. That said, she has been getting much better since she stopped being such a Recluse, and is far less likely to do something harmful when suffering a fit.
She is also known to have an unflinching love for books and knowledge, information, experiments, trials, check-lists, normal lists, books, magic, books, studies, and more books, and frequently flies off on a tangent when talking about something interesting. However, She has a bit of trouble accepting knowledge that defies something she knows as a scientific fact, but is not quite as incapable of changing her mind as 'some' people are.
Oh, she's also a stickler for grammar...,,. .,.,.,., .,., And she is incredibly displeased with the quality of this CS.
Magic, Thaumaturgy, Thaumatic Manipulation, ugh, 'dat sperkly ting dem 'orn-'eads do!', There are all kinds of different ways of identifying the fundamental force of our world and the manipulation there-of. But it would be silly to go into a long-winded scientific explanation of just 'what' magic is... Besides, nobody ever understands the whole thing, they always zone out, fall asleep, or politely point out that there's too many big words!
SO! Lets simplify it to save time, and for the sake of everyone else's mental health. Lets just say that Magic is Magic, and there's a defined list of things that can be done with it which can be updated with newly devised or learned spells.
Yay lists!
As a note, some spells will likely behave differently with many things in this RP, being that they were designed for one species and not the other. Or more simply, expect seemingly powerful spells to fail at random or even back-fire.
As it stands, only canonically seen spells will be considered in this list.
Telekinesis - For her, a well used ability that has been present all her life, she can easily lift vast amount of weight, including an approximately 4 story tall giant bear along with a water-tower full of milk. It does not appear to be usable to move herself though, or perhaps it simply take an inefficient amount of effort.
Teleportation - One of her biggest signature spells, used with remarkable frequency and able to be rapid fired while under desperation. Conservation of motion still applies, and 'teleporting to the ground' certainly won't save her from a deadly fall. She can teleport other individuals as well as groups, but obviously the strain on herself is magnified by the numbers and mass of those involved. She also needs familiarity with a location to teleport to it without line of sight, and often takes extra time to use a 'sensory' spell to tell her that she won't be teleporting herself into a wall, rock, or other fatal object.
Cloud walking - causes clouds and cloud-like things to react tangibly to the enchanted individual or object.
Glimmer wings - gives the vict-subject wings that appear to resemble a butterfly's, though they are incredibly easily to break they are strong enough to keep the receiver aloft for hours on end.
Time Travel? - Or maybe more of a closed loop spell. It sends her back exactly 1 week and only lasts for about a minute... Experimentation would be needed to make it do more and she is far too worried about the ramifications to even try.
Transmogrification - Just what it sounds like, turning thing into another, people into plants, animals into fruit, pumpkins into carriage, ponies into dragons... Not all of it's uses are 'positive' in nature, Luckily, she has a full range of dispelling charms to counter something bad she might do while angry, and on that note-
Dispelling - The pencil eraser of mages the world over, the vital ability that allows one to under their magical screw ups, or perhaps counter-act those of another. She has a variety of these, from disguise busters [which may or may not work] to mind protectors and un-summoners.
Dark magic - A reverse of her usual magic, driven by darker emotions like anger, hate, jealousy, and so on... She rather dislikes ever having to use it, but remarkably it can be of 'good' use at the right times... Still scared shitless of it though.
Concussive shots - Simple bundles of magic that release physical force upon impact... which can apparently be rapid fired if someone 'cycles her tail', but who knows how the hell 'that' works?! freaking ponies.
Shields - You don't grow up as the little sister of a shielding specialist without picking up some tricks, though they're not nearly as strong as his.
Pseudo stasis - A spell that paralyzes and levitates a target, or several, though leaving vital functions and speech intact.
Book portal - One that lets her move herself, or someone else, 'into' a book, literally onto the page to interact with the information.
Come-to-life - A spell to bring inanimate objects to life, figuratively speaking. It's more of a programmed form of animation, things with wheels will roll, swords will dance, dolls will hobble around, but ultimately it would require more refinement to be able to, say, create a golem.
The Moustache spell - ... Yes, that is a thing, a spell that lets her zap a moustache or beard onto someone's face... It's really quite silly.
Augmentation - Simply setting magic into her body to enhance a certain function, striking power, agility, flight... She's not much of a fight, so she has to make due with her real skill, magic!
Alicorn beam - One of her least used spells actually, being that it is mostly an aggressive spell and she abhors fighting without a good reason, and it's destructive ability is generally too much to be safely used if there's an ally near her target. That said, and with some calculations, it has roughly the destructive potential to demolish several houses in one sweep.
Pocket Dimension - Where else would she pull random stacks of paper, quills, books, and other nerd stuff? More for comical effect than to be an actual power, but hey, storage.
It's only natural that when thrown into an unknown and potentially dangerous situation, that one will adapt new tools with which to face it... That said, anything of the sort will not just 'suddenly appear', save for perhaps smaller tweaks to previously mastered spells, and will sit back and wait for GM approval like good little mcguffins!
Flight - Moderately practiced, more likely to use magic to augment it if she needs to be airborne in an emergency.
pony power - That is to say, hooves that make for great natural weapons, if a bit less 'hard' than what humans might be used to finding on an equine. There's also the horn, teeth, weird alien flexibility, other pony things. More importantly, as an Alicorn, she has a range of natural enhancement for herself, though she has trained only a little with it all, improved endurance and strength still prove to be invaluable.
Knowledge Sponge - So say that Twilight is an intelligent individual would be an understatement, even without her magic she has a dangerously sharp mind, filled with information ranging from arbitrary to life changing.
Super brain - well, not in a 'powered up' sense, but in the sense of having a photo graphic memory, an unnaturally high ability to process information very quickly that has a similar effect to slowing one's perception of time, except her brain is keeping up with massive amounts of input, and unfortunately the instability that can come from one's mind out-running their body.
Planner - She is already a notorious planner who has proven able to turn a jumbled mess of unorganized workers who are chronically late, into an organized work-force so effective they practically put the old boss out of a job.
Singing - ... Maybe it's just a pony thing, but she seems to have a spontaneous urge to break out into song.
Magic surge - Listed here because it is not a 'power she uses' but rather one that uses itself. If she loses control of her magic, or perhaps during times of extreme threat, her magic tends to overload suddenly, like a desperate security system that starts flinging random powered up spells this way and that. She hasn't had one since she was little, but it's still worth noting.
Flame on - There's no certainty for why it happens, but when she gets extremely angry Twilight has been known to burst into flames... literally, somehow not immolating herself in the process. It hasn't happened in a long time either, but who knows how bad it might get 'now'.
Immortality - Keep in mind, there is a difference between Immortal and Invincible. In essence, she can't die from old age, gets to be highly resistant to biological poisons and infections, and... otherwise, she doesn't really know what she gets out of it. For all she knows she'll stay dead if killed physically. She's not old enough for the 'plight of the immortal' cliche just yet.
*Brief Bio: She was born into a fairly well off noble house in Canterlot, and held a close relationship with her parents and brother, as well as books... However, while she was still young she ended up gaining the attention of their Nation's resident 'immortal ruler' during an entrance test for the school sponsored by the same aforementioned ruler.
With this, she spent much of her life living in the palace and studying under her, admittedly becoming something of a studious recluse until she discovered an old legend and ended up being sent off to 'make some friends'. This turned her life in a complete 180 and began a journey filled with many incredibly dangerous foes and just as much synergistic magical mcguffin to make them easy threats to take care of, and gained herself a place amongst immortal royalty, and she even encountered a couple of trips to other worlds.
Luckily, it only went on for a couple of years and let her escape the impending existential crisis of wondering if she'd ever have peace in her life. Unluckily, 'that' only lasted a couple of years before she was whipped off to some other world to face a new trial... alone. In an unfamiliar place without her friends to depend on and no access to special harmonic mcguffins, how is she going to handle it now?
She'll probably scream at Discord in irritation first... that's got a good chance.
*Equipment: Nothing but her body and her brain... oh, and a bunch of books, lots and lots of books, and quills, and paper, and ink.
*Name: Big Boss... It's all that most people get to know him as *Universe: Metal Gear Solid *Appearance:
*Personality: 2 years old Spoilers possible
Big Boss had an innate desire for conflict, mostly because that was the only thing he truly knew, having been exposed to combat at a fairly young age. Big Boss often viewed subjects from a military perspective such as using environmental landmarks to set traps, and identifying with aspects of other countries, such as France, by their armed forces and national anthem. However, he was tolerant to people who believed in peace; even if his Outer Heaven vision involved giving the soldier a place where he would always be needed in the world, he had nothing against people who aspired for peace.
He was also compassionate and forgiving towards his enemies, to the point of even attempting to save them if they were in need, as evidenced by his saving the Outer Heaven Resistance survivors of the Outer Heaven bombings despite the latter attempting to take down his organization earlier, as well as forgiving Kazuhira Miller after he admitted that he was in on Cipher's plot and Ocelot for blinding his right eye. Consequentially, his compassion to both his allies and his enemies resulted in his soldiers being genuinely loyal to Big Boss, serving him out of respect.
Big Boss was opposed to killing people who were unable to defend themselves. In addition, Big Boss disagreed with mercy killings, feeling that there was always another reason to live.
During his youth, he was also willing to sacrifice himself for his country if need be, although why he defended America came into serious question after he was forced to kill The Boss in a conspiracy that showcased to him how even the best of soldiers are expendable to the government. While Big Boss did still have some respect for his country, he wasn't going to live his life the way The Boss had, as a tool for corrupt political aims, and anything he did would be done out of loyalty to himself rather than a country.
The cornea and lens of Big Boss's right eye was damaged, and the eyeball itself ruptured, due to the muzzle burn from Major Ocelot's revolver in Operation Snake Eater. From then on he adopted the use of an eyepatch.
Perhaps the biggest effect had on Big Boss's personality was when he was forced to kill The Boss, who was akin to a mother figure to him, during Operation Snake Eater, an action that haunted him for the rest of his life. Even six years later, he preferred to go by the codename of Naked Snake rather than Big Boss because he felt that he was still inferior to The Boss, and in his final moments, told Solid Snake that he was already dead from the moment he killed her. It wasn't until ten years after Operation Snake Eater that he was able to find some closure to the event and go by the title of Big Boss.
Big Boss was implied to be disillusioned after killing The Boss, misinterpreting her final message as The Boss wanted absolute freedom for all. His disillusionment was pushed further at the end of the Peace Walker Incident when Strangelove said that The Boss laid down her gun and wanted to live in peace. Big Boss at this moment believed that The Boss betrayed him and everything she stood for as a soldier.
In his later years, Big Boss was shown to be a wisecracker, such as asking whether a uniform Snake procured was a girl's high school uniform, or whether he was moving house after he located a cardboard box.
Big Boss was fond of smoking cigars, and would do so even while undertaking a sneaking mission. He also ended up irritated whenever people either erroneously refer to his cigar as a cigarette or act as though they are the same thing, as evidenced by his reaction to Para-Medic and Sigint's statements about his cigar in 1964. Big Boss also drank alcohol, although he had enough restraint to keep himself from doing so during a mission. He also showed fluency in some foreign languages, such as Russian and French, and was shown to know at least a bit of Spanish.
During the time of Operation Snake Eater, Naked Snake was a fan of dog sledding.[50]
Big Boss did not like spy-genre films, specifically the James Bond films, feeling that they didn't portray agent life realistically at all, to the point that he couldn't help but compare himself to Bond negatively even when he knew it was fiction. Because of this, he once got into an argument with Major Zero, who was a big James Bond fan. Zero assumed that one of the primary factors for his distaste was related to Bond's interaction with femme fatales. He also generally did not watch or follow pop culture aspects such as movies, although he was convinced by Para-Medic to see two movies during his missions in Tselinoyarsk: A Fistful of Dollars and Jason and the Argonauts.
Having a large appetite, Big Boss was willing to eat anything he could capture during his missions into Tselinoyarsk, sometimes not even caring if they were poisonous as long as they at least tasted good. This caused Para-Medic to either scold him if the animal in question was not something to eat, or jokingly call him a cannibal if he was eating something like snakes or jackfruit. During the San Hieronymo and Peace Walker Incidents, he decided not to hunt any animals (although he did jump into the water to eat a raw Arowana fish while searching for the AI lab in Central Heredia during the Peace Walker Incident), as he and his men had plenty of food to eat in either case.
Due to a combination of both his training under The Boss and his drills in FOX, Big Boss was resilient to varying levels of torture and serum-based interrogation to prevent him from talking. Though if his comrades/friends are threatened he will submit to interrogation as when Cunningham tried to kill his comrades to make him talk.
Big Boss possessed no qualms in utilizing unorthodox tactics, such as hiding in a cardboard box, or considering the idea of shooting down a hornets' nest on an unsuspecting soldier during the Virtuous Mission.
Although Big Boss was very intelligent, there were times when he was very slow to catch onto things that were very obvious. For example, when EVA explained why Major Raikov got special treatment from Volgin, Big Boss still did not understand. On a related note, Big Boss, at the time of the 1960s, also didn't completely understand the concepts of sexual orientations other than heterosexuality: regarding Snake's objective to impersonate Major Raikov in Groznyj Grad, EVA heavily implied that the GRU major was homosexual, though Snake remained oblivious to it, once even asking if Raikov and EVA had broken off a relationship, much to EVA's irritation. Later on, while fighting Volgin, Para-Medic also attempted to hint that Snake should exploit Volgin's bisexual relationship with Raikov by donning the Raikov mask and land a free punch, but Snake expressed confusion. Throughout Operation Snake Eater, he showed little to no understanding of EVA's allusions to a young Ocelot's supposed "infatuation" with him, to EVA's exasperation. He eventually managed to have some understanding by the time of 1974, briefly reacting in shock upon learning of Strangelove's attraction to the same sex from Cécile, although he later speculated that Cécile may have enjoyed the experience. While discussing Dr. Strangelove's nickname, Big Boss assumed that she acted in the movie, causing Strangelove to call him "stupid."
During his days as a CIA agent and mercenary, Big Boss indicated that he held several beliefs in myths and the supernatural, in conversations with his comrades:
He stated that thinking about vampires gave him nightmares, in a radio conversation with Para-Medic regarding vampire bats. For this reason, he would rather she didn't utter the name "Dracula" when speaking to him (as she was quite the movie buff). His fear of vampires was also noted by a female soldier in the Militaires Sans Frontières.[58] Big Boss revealed to Huey Emmerich that he believed in Santa Claus, going so far as to argue for his existence. Their conversation related to NORAD, and was in reference to an annual event called "NORAD tracks Santa."[59]
Despite his beliefs, there had been instances where he was unfamiliar with some supernatural creatures, a notable example occurring during Operation Snake Eater, regarding the Zombie facepaint, where he expressed unfamiliarity with the concept of zombies.
In the early 1970s, Big Boss received a snake-shaped scar across his chest, similar to that of his mentor, The Boss. Although its appearance suggested that it was self-inflicted, the scar was actually a fake, and was used to store a jigsaw on his person in case he needed it in an emergency situation. Nevertheless, the shape and placement of the scar served as a visual testament to Big Boss's passion, and even obsession, with The Boss.
One of Big Boss's flaws was his tendency to underestimate people in regards to accomplishing a task. In one instance, during the Peace Walker Incident, he allowed Chico to sell a photograph of the Chrysalis UAV and pass it off as a UFO photo, believing wouldn't be successful, and another was during Solid Snake's mission in Outer Heaven, where he sent Snake into the fortress state believing that he wouldn't get far, in an attempt to spread misinformation to the West. Both times, this led to potentially disastrous consequences. The first time, Chico managed to sell the Chrysalis photo to a magazine, which, along with other supposed evidence, convinced Prime Minister Gairy to request that the UN set up an agency to investigate UFOs, potentially drawing the ire the CIA. The second time resulted in Solid Snake gaining information on TX-55 Metal Gear and ultimately destroying it, causing the loss of Outer Heaven and Big Boss' command of FOXHOUND.
Big Boss intended to become an instructor after the events of Operation Snake Eater. In his later years, he eventually served as a combat instructor, working to reintegrate former child soldiers into society. However, he eventually came to believe that soldiers on the battlefield could never be reintegrated into society.
Through years of training and experience, Big Boss developed heightened levels of endurance and reflexes, surviving prolonged periods of pain, torture, and narrowly evading numerous near-fatal incidents.
He also seems to have developed a habit of taking selfies with people he's got in a head-lock...
While not 'super powered', he does have a bionic fore-arm.
Some might also considerable his inexplicable ability to survive and often destroy both monsters and machines many times his size with vastly more firepower than him, without getting himself annihilated, might well be a 'power' unto itself.
He is said to possess 'the genes of a soldier', in the sense that he is naturally biologically inclined to be a terrifying threat to face on the battlefield.
He has an enormous well of combat experience to draw upon in a variety of scenarios ranging from one on one encounters, to vastly out-numbering scenarios, and right on to fighting giant monstrosities and individuals with clearly inhuman abilities, and has even taken on what essentially amounts to a dragon. (some people don't count crossovers, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm counting boss's beat down of that Rathalos)
While his body is well worked and he is certainly strong, he is still recovering from the muscle loss of a 9 year coma. That recovery is going remarkably well, but still has further progress to make. However, in his prime, he was shown to be able to stop a giant AI battle fortress from crushing him, and even stop a metal gear from stomping on him. (I know, I don't know how either, but he fucking did it XD)
He has impeccable reflexes, muscle memory, and intense levels of training gained over the years, as well as skills and experience with a massive variety of weapons, vehicles, and unarmed techniques, and even anti-interrogation techniques and a mind blowing amount of endurance, apparently enough to survive electrocution torture on multiple occasions.
He also possesses impressive leadership skills, and has shown remarkably propensity for not only inspiring his allies to put their lives in his hands, but even turning enemies into allies, whether subordinates or even new friends.
Oh, and he has an entire army at his beck and call, Soldiers, a huge armory, APCs, Tanks, Helicopters, AI machines, even a pet Metal gear with a bloody rail-gun, a nuke, and interchangeable parts... Not that it matters at the moment since he can't seem to get a connection to them. Poor boss. Good thing he's familiar with going solo.
*Brief Bio: yeaaahh.... Big boss' backstory is so big I might hit the character limit, so if anyone is curious enough for the full story, here metalgear.wikia.com/wiki/Big_Boss SPOILER WARNING!
For the RP, though, we can assume he was in the middle of a mission during the phantom pain time-line before being whisked away here... I'll probably expand on it in his introduction.
AM MRS-4 Rifle M3: [AM Multi-purpose Rifle System model 4 Mod 3.] A customized version of the standard carbine, equipped with a red dot sight, a magnification device, and under-barrel grenade launcher attachment 10 clips
Sz.-336 SMG: [Sodomka zbrojovka Type 336 Submachine Gun.] A submachine gun using small-caliber handgun ammunition. Has a short effective range, but its extremely high rate of fire offers formidable power in close quarters. Consequently, it consumes ammo rapidly, so reloads must be timed carefully. Equipped with a suppressor and light. NOTE: Loaded with non lethal Riot rubber bullets
Wu Silent Pistol: [Windurger No.2 Silent Pistol.] A special pistol that fires small-caliber tranquilizer rounds. Produces little gas or recoil, enabling its built-in suppressor to maintain its function indefinitely. To further limit noise, its rounds have a low muzzle velocity, resulting in a short effective range.
Venom Snake's Bionic Arm: As seen in the image, replaces the missing portion of his leg arm from the elbow down. Contains a built in Tazer unit in the hand, micro rockets in the wrist that let him 'launch' it at a target, a miniature sonar device, and 20 feet of cable to retrieve the hand without chasing it down, as well as allowing him to continue controlling the hand while in-flight and even grab targets or objects with it. It's also great for sockin a bitch in the face... And yes, It makes 'the sound' when he punches people with it.
Combat Knife: Exactly like it sounds
Body: If you don't think his body counts as a weapon, then you don't know big boss.
Flare Grenades Frag Grenades Smoke Grenades Stun Grenades C-4 Blocks Fulton Balloons Stun Mines Rations Curry Mate [tea] Medical Kit Phantom Cigar Cardboard box Spare Suppressors Raw Diamonds Hidden Jig-saw Wire I-droid Night Vision goggles - which for some reason detect body heat too Stealth Camo [a device that lets him 'blend in' with a surface he is pressed against. Any actions taken short of turning his head or a crawling level of speed will disrupt the effect.]
Soliton Radar - a special device detecting targets within 10 meters and their orientation. Currently only detects human-like targets, and ceases to work when the user is under stress.
The Sneaking Suit - aside from the obvious from it's 'name', The suit also hides the wearer's body heat and protects them from harsh weather or temperature changes.
@Shoryu He can just bring in Kaz himself into the City if you want that, but no, generally he can't contact his home dimension.
GAHAHAH!, Kaz would kick his ass! Be like 'WHY'D YOU BRING ME INTO 'THIS'?!' XD That wouldn't do any good anyway, Kaz is better at management than fighting... then again, if we end up with bases being a thing, Kaz might be a big help xD
@Invisible Man He can get at most 12 minions at any time.
@Shoryu A system of C4 will have a Contribution system where if you do particularly good in an event, you can ask to bring in a small amount of either buildings, supplies, weapons or mooks from your home universe. Or you can just scavenge whatever you find in the patchwork City and say "Finders Keepers".
Heheh, mooks. Good thing boss trains his 'mooks' to be properly useful in a fight XD
So, no communication things then? XD Getting messages from Kaz about the goings on would be hilarious. Hell, Metal gear already has some crossovers from monster hunter and fatal frame, but I can do without.