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[dunno how this double posted... I added it as an edit, not a whole post XD]

on a side note, I find that amusing too.
@Dead Cruiser Shouldn't be too much of an issue as long as - as Shoryu's suggesting - permission is obtained from the gm and/or the other player before shenanigans are enacted.

For Twilight in particular, if it's that much of a problem you could handwave in something about magic not working the same here as in her homeworld.

This is mostly directed at, from a quick scan of her spells after reading the recent posts, the Transmorgification and Stasis spells, though I'll look over again and see if there's anything else I'm worried about.

There doesn't seem to be any way to avoid those, and I'm in general pretty strongly against any spells that force transformations on other characters.

What he said :D Hell, I already did essentially, setting up big spells to fail or not be as strong as she's used to. It's kindof like when someone lists 'space-time manipulation' as a power, It's not a limitless infallible version of it, there's probably limits that weren't listed, or maybe simply require the RPer in question to remain responsible.

Really, I was considering going into much more detail about more exact limits and such, but I didn't want to make there be an unnecessary extra half a novel to read XD

@VitaVitaAR It's also worth mentioning that the Book thing can be used to one hit kill.

For a moment I thought you meant like 'using books to hit people' being a one hit kill XD

But this and lots of other stuff is solved with the element of 'they weren't originally made to be used on humans/undead/whatever else is in this RP' and would have a muted effect or maybe complete failure.

There's also another element, sortof similar to Dio's limitation. Twilight just wouldn't consider using those spells in that way... at least, not yet, but this RP doesn't seem the type to push grim-dark psychological shifts, so she probably still won't.
@Shoryu Also, it bothers me how a lot of Twilight's spells can be used on others and basically qualify as one-hit kills, with no apparent limitations. And at least one qualifies as reality-warping, which goes against the rules of the thread.

Hence, the addition of the bit about seemingly powerful spells failing and back-firing on a regular basis, as well as some clarifications like the transmogrification probably not working since she'll be pretty unfamiliar with most creatures involve in the RP XD

Basically, anything powerful I might, 'might', use a randomizer to implement a 'chance' of success... Or, more likely, I'll just leave it up to GM/target player discretion if they're ever successful.

Reimu is pretty much either going to laze around in an unmotivated manner, or go around fighting everybody until she finds a way home. I figure she'll find some place away from everybody to hang out, if it's the former.

EDIT: Are those black holes I see? @Shoryu

Since they do no damage I figured they were, like, intangible minor gravity wells, pull but not enough to demolish things.

but black hole works too XD

This is just me offering my 2-cents because I've also always loved playing as faust XD

Faust never seemed too bad in a game... Granted, some limits are probably still needed to be imposed, 'most' of what he does seemed fine... Except for the apparent materialization of a nuclear explosive XD

For those who don't know youtube.com/watch?v=PhzfURLVTik this is an example of stuff he does... I can see how it has the potential to be OP, but it's not too hard to tweak I think.

Faust is also gloriously tall, like freaking huge, and I swear a certain something that is very pink could be very similar to him XD

NOTE! My profile is likely to contain spoilers about the game 'Undertale', which apparently many people will encourage you 'not' to encounter if you can help it... Just warning everyone, though I will 'try' to keep em down a bit. :D
@Grey Star
WOO! Faust always was my favorite one in that game XD
There we go, all done! And guess who won the character lottery? XD

@Shoryu He can just bring in Kaz himself into the City if you want that, but no, generally he can't contact his home dimension.

GAHAHAH!, Kaz would kick his ass! Be like 'WHY'D YOU BRING ME INTO 'THIS'?!' XD That wouldn't do any good anyway, Kaz is better at management than fighting... then again, if we end up with bases being a thing, Kaz might be a big help xD
@Invisible Man He can get at most 12 minions at any time.

@Shoryu A system of C4 will have a Contribution system where if you do particularly good in an event, you can ask to bring in a small amount of either buildings, supplies, weapons or mooks from your home universe. Or you can just scavenge whatever you find in the patchwork City and say "Finders Keepers".

Heheh, mooks. Good thing boss trains his 'mooks' to be properly useful in a fight XD

So, no communication things then? XD Getting messages from Kaz about the goings on would be hilarious. Hell, Metal gear already has some crossovers from monster hunter and fatal frame, but I can do without.
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