Avatar of Shoryu
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  • Old Guild Username: Shoryu
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dat timing XD
Twilight Sparkle - On her way out


She paused to look back to the admittedly rather unusual, to her anyway, human that had brought up her offer of sharing a room. His behavior 'was' odd, but hardly enough to really put her off, afterall, very VERY few could compare to Pinkie Pie in oddness.

After a fairly long moment of thought she pushed a small smile and nodded "Yes, I was offering to share a room with someone... Having a companion is bound to be better than being alone... Just don't freak out if you hear me crying myself to sleep or something, I've been holding in a break-down that I need to get out before I can think straight again, ever since figuring out I was dragged away from my friends and into some Sociopath's private dimension and even our own resident mad-pony Reality breakers couldn't so much as poke a finger through after me." Goodness, but it was weird being in a muddled state and still being able coherently explain things like that... well, it wasn't for her, but by average standards it was.
Jeeeeeeezus it's been a while.

I'm really, really, really sorry about vanishing. School got ahold of me and completely killed my creative drive for a while there.
I should've popped in earlier to say something, but forgetful as I am, well. I forgot.

If you'll still have me, I'll read through the IC and whip up a post today. If I do decide to drop out later due to these sort of things, well-- I'll make sure to tell y'all. (Or at least tell GS and Screw in skype.)

luckily, boss didn't leave you laying in the dirt at least :D but considering the emphasis the RP has been putting on resisting even the smaller and logically sound forms of auto-affects, He left it at that XD
Huh, that's a good point isn't it?

Do our groups even 'have' capable healers at the moment? If this is a glaring lack in our crew, you can bet little Twilight will do her damndest to get ahold of some proper healing spells! possibly a spell book from one of the Viewer's games. She might've already had some, if it weren't for the strictly canon requirement, though common sense would've said she'd have to have some way to treat lesser injuries sustained when messing around with volatile magic or bursting into flames of her own accord, I suppose I figured not to chance it.

Heh, or maybe Boss can call in the magical healing rations of 'Because Kojima said so!' XD ... never did get why those things 'healed', unless they were, like, nano-paste snack cakes... heh, reminds me of 'cyberpony cakes', full of energy and materials great for cyborg digestion, or beating your enemies head in like a deadly 50 pound Frisbee XD
<Snipped quote by Shoryu>

It seems that Twilight Sparkle has a bro.

heh. heheh. hehuhahuheheheh... and other goofy sounding laugh noises! XD
@Shoryu: It hasn't been that long. Please be patient, @Rin hasn't been able to get a post up. You don't need to just say everyone has frozen. :/

Well, Then I apologize if RPs repeatedly run off without me if I wait several days to a week for someone I interacted with to post again while everyone else is much more active, while either unable to act IC until they show up, or ultimately forced to abandon that conversation to avoid situations where the RP is 'several' rounds ahead by the time I get tired of being 'politely patient'. Which has actually happened already 'twice' since this RP started.

I can't help people taking a few days or a week of for one reason or another, or the ones who lose interest and leave without telling anyone, or the ones who just up and lose their internet for a while. I can only devise some way to avoid that making 'me' get dragged out with nothing to do for a week or 2 and falling behind myself, or making someone else wait that long who is trying to interact with 'me'. It's just one of the unfortunate difficulties faced by RPs with large numbers of people, and we have only to learn ways to cope with the cutting of the fat until the time comes when the only people still participating are the ones who have no intention of vanishing for weeks on end.

just a note, I am not referring to Rin with the 'weeks' part, it's only been 4 days and i can understand if something has delayed them, but the RP did also just take a sudden shift to time-skip setup, and Twilight is not in the most observational state of mind at the moment, considering other events since her arrival, she's quite ready to be short on patience and just move on when a delay happens, especially when a big robot is talking to her and a giant image of something starts telling them that they're all here to play his game. 'I' didn't personally say she'd frozen, it was from the character's point of view and fueled by her current state of mind, Big boss's view of the situation would likely be considerably different. ^.^
Twilight Sparkle - Chi Bao Zi - Mahora


Again... It... It happened again! WHY WAS THIS HAPPENING!?

It was almost starting to seem like everyone she spoke to suddenly froze and stopped responding and it was REALLY starting to wear on her admittedly already questionable sanity... Granted, it wasn't especially unexpected with the strange giant man who exhibited Pinkie like abilities, she always acted weird or oblivious whenever she asked about those strange powers of hers. but still! "whu... why does-" and that was about when someone very heavy approached and addressed her in a manner other than screaming like they'd seen a monster... though she wasn't sure if it was potentially aggressive or not considering the question...

The things she 'did' know:
It was a big mechanical something that had addressed her
It didn't seem especially confrontational or accusing in it's question
It also seemed like it should be vaguely familiar, but she couldn't put her hoof on why.

Either way, she found herself providing it her full attention, being that it was huge and could squish her probably, and thoroughly considering the question "Hmmm, decepticon?..." She began mumbling quietly to herself as her eyes wandered off in thought "Decepticon, Decepti-Decep-Deception? Deceiver?... Ohhhh! that's such a simple connection to make." She straightened up and even managed a little smile, perhaps subconsciously grateful to be distracted from the absurdity of things she'd been trying not to panic about, yet again!... woe unto the thing that fails to pull her musings away from insanity inducing inexplicables "No, I am not a 'decepticon', I am Twilight Sparkle, a pony, an alicorn, and a princess too. I actually find deception deplorable outside of necessary circumstances that my tenure as a leader have unfortunately made apparent, but being a deceiver as a person is undesirable, and-" turns out, someone wanted to interrupt their short lived conversation with shouting about 'sentai' and what it is, and somehow it clicked "Color coded?! huh, aside from the giant robots my friends and I would fit that description too. We've fought some giant monsters and stuff before. There was this one Centaur-"

Then 'it' showed up.

Her expression cracked, an ear flick here, an eyelid twitch there, even a few locks of hair springing out of place. Naturally, all eyes had gone to this titanic image speaking out to them all. She listened, and as she did she could feel herself nearing the end of a certain rope, one that seemed to be burning itself shorter with every new mind boggling thing testing her grip on sanity... She felt compelled to challenge this faceless entity that thought to play with their lives.

Unfortunately, with said faceless entity having fled their view before any form of replies could be directed at it, this led to her talking to herself "*angry horse noise* Someone Fancy's themselves a chess master and assumes we're all toys in his hands then? Good luck with that, I was 'raised' by an immortal Chessmistress, she tells the freaking 'sun' what to do!... I should've expected this as the next step... Beat up a giant centaur monster that wants to suck up all the power in the world, have a vacation, Boom! Pocket dimension playhouse! I almost want to sic Pinkie on him, but that might be too cruel a punishment even for 'this'... Then again, now he interrupted the food chance, and-" She paused suddenly, perked up, calmed down, smoothed out her mane, and took a deeeeep breath... Then put on a potentially frightening smile as her horn lit up with a purple light, a similar color surrounding one of the keys on the tray, then she started to calmly trot away with the key in tow while calling out in a much more calm tone of voice "If anyone would like to share a room... I find the company of others very 'calming', at least when they don't scream and freak out or freeze up mid conversation."

As she wandered off she also spread that telekinetic light over a large section of grass, which was suddenly cut free of the ground and bundled up to make a back-up snack...


Big Boss - Chi Bao Zi - Mahora


Ironically... Big boss might be one of those present who had the most experience with someone 'playing' with his life, as many soldier's unfortunately get to experience as pawns on some faceless organization's chess board.

However, 'Un'Ironically, He had broken away from such things and set himself up as the leader of his 'own' not so faceless organization, and had spent years allover the world leading them go far above and beyond the petty obsessions of most nation restricted groups, literally saving the world several times.

This was nothing new to him, though the context in which it has taken place baffled the mind, his position in it means little more than an irritant at the moment. People like this 'viewer' always get what's coming to them, whether by his hand or another is ultimately irrelevant, being an impotent ball of rage about the whole ordeal wasn't going to serve anyone positively though.

That said, he did have some more immediate concerns though... Not the screaming man who was somewhere nearby, probably getting in a fight, nor the strange girl who had something from under her hat steal a piece of food from another woman who looked like she could kick a moving tank and win. Of all the individuals here, many of whom clearly 'could' be dangerous, and some of which who had demonstrated certain abilities... That strange colorful equine put him the most on edge, he didn't care if she was essentially a talking animal with unrealistic anatomy, or even some kind of royalty from another dimensions. What bothered him was the evidence of psychic ability of some sort, and one could hardly blame him given recent revelations he had acquired prior to his ending in this place.

Still, she didn't seem violent about it, even if she seemed a little unstable, so he had only gone as far as setting one hand on the tranquilizer pistol on his hip, before withdrawing it with a sigh 'why can't I ever have a combat experience that doesn't involve someone with psychic powers? Controlling bees was one thing. ricocheting bullets and invisible snipers? I can handle that still. Even facing down a river of the dead. But these... 'psychics'? I never seem to be able to find a way to stop them from just coming back, or bringing back other things I 'have' stopped... And now, Inter-dimensional faceless madman playing a 'game' with us. I should have brought my rifle, I have this feeling that there's going to be something I'll rather take-out from a 'long' distance."

He stopped his thought process finally and rose from his seat, simply giving a wave of his metal hand "I'll be fine without a key miss... and for fair warning to the rest of you, try not to sneak up on me while I'm smoking." He didn't even introduce himself properly before he removed himself from the little food-joint, didn't get any food either. Instead he simply made his was off to one of these 'dorm buildings' that had surely been indicated and set himself up in a corner of their entryway before pulling out a small black cylinder that he began to 'very' slowly smoke from.
Right here, @Shoryu.
Should I edit it to be in the same post as Fawful's cs?

OH! DERP! My bad XD I forgot... about... the second page... I'm 'still' used to the old days of RPGuild where I could set the number of posts on each page and had it set to 50 XD
@Sir Screwloose

I just noticed something XD I don't think you put Wreck-gar's CS in the character tab yet. Went to take a refresher peek and couldn't find it. ^.^
Who is in Mahora?

all the good guys... generally being the people who have included 'MAHORA' in their post headers XD I hope you read the previous posts a little to know what was going on around there and where everyone is :D
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