Avatar of Shoryu
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  • Old Guild Username: Shoryu
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    1. Shoryu 11 yrs ago
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Hmmm, I can't promise that I'll be able to stick around, yet, there are certain things interrupting me too frequently at the moment, but if nothing gets in my way for long enough I'd actually probably take Estelle :3 It's ironically fitting for me actually.
Too bad there's nobody here already D: Dark souls is awesome!

To clarify, that means i'm interested >3> heheh
Now, some people might have been around on this site long enough to remember the last time I did this, and if they were then they'll recognize 'this'

Well, more recent Disturbed songs have ignited the fire once again!

Yes, I'm talking about remaking an old RP based off of this Disturbed Animation once again. Though it wasn't quite 'that' simple last time, and though it's different along with our era this time it still isn't quite that simple.

I'll be honest, I'm hoping to 'get' the motivation to put all the effort into this 'from' people expressing their interest, so for now i'm just going to give a really short version.

Then and now, the basic idea is that the entire world has suffered a corporate take-over, several different incredibly wealthy business giants conspired to bring all of humanity under-heel, trapping the little people in a perpetual life-style of struggling to survive while every effort they make serves the already rich and empowered.

Each company, or rather 'empire' now, has it's own themes, like anime-themed soldiers, high technology of a certain type, recreated magic, rampant genetic modification, so on and so forth, and generally be based on some huge company that 'exists' today, though it doesn't necessarily have to make sense, like the 'KFC' empire... that'd make little sense, but that's part of the fun. This ranges from the obvious like Microsoft taking over the internet and claiming all forms of communication to innact mass brain-washing campaigns, to the less 'widely liked' themes like, say, Hasbro forming an army of animatronic ponies to subdue their peasants with, or the more controversial, like a business run by Third Wave Feminazi's actually managing to gain any sort of real power, and we all know what 'those' psychopaths would do.

Of course, there comes plenty of oppurtunities on the players side, We've got to stand a chance at a successful rebellion now don't we?! It won't be easy of course, but, and the final list of things depends on the group that arranges to 'do' the RP, ranging easily from simple defectors that stole the specialties of their former empire, to, saaaay, 'actual' ponies turning up to try and save the little people from the fake ones, or even some alien race coming across the oppressed earth and deciding to actually intervene, [nevermind the possibility that one of the empires could already be working with 'another' alien race... X-com anyone?!]

ANYWAY! Most of that depends on the opinions of everyone who shows interest... Seriously, I want opinions, suggestions, even additions if you feel like putting things together yourself to contribute to the RP! Don't just appear and say 'interested', because that won't sound very invested in the RP ;3

As for how many people... I'm not actually sure. I don't want to over-work myself and burn out, but if I can get some CO-gm's, we could actually split the work and handle more people, or perhaps just man different portions of the RP alltogether, in different areas of the world and what not.

Generic warnings: Vulgar language, suggestive themes, controversial philosophy, fandom content that some people might have unnecessarily strong problems with, Things that 'sensitive proffesional whiners' would classify as hate-speech [when it really just disagrees with them], possibly memes, and a variety of other elements of modern society being utilized for the sake of a role-play about how fucked up society could potentially become in a few decades.
Already working on some races >3> Imma start with one I actually 'made' over a decade ago XD Then I'ma work on a few others that come to mind.
OOHH! MY! GAW! I read through the intro of this after expressing some interest before, had some laughs, some inspiration, some ideas, so on and so forth, then got near the end and saw 'this'

Sean Dowall, 28-year-old Irish joiner. Ex-British Army and a fan of a good weekend drink, Sean was the tactical leader of his friends. He knew the best pubs at the best times, the best bets at the bookies at any ground with any player, and he had zero filter. Sean was promoted from joiner to Human Liason to the CIR the next day.

Now... it's not a 'perfect' comparison, but the similarities blew my mind... 'my' name is Sean [not Dowall though], I'm actually 28 years old [though by 2025 I'd be 37 XD], only half irish and no official military relation in 'my' generation, am also the tactical leader of my friends, with zero filter... Like I said, not 'exact', but holy shit the coincidental similarities blew my fucking mind! and to top it all off, I have actually spent time philosophizing about the position of a 'world' leader and what would be neccesary for anyone who was actually 'in' that position... considering the state of some 'factions' in our civilization these days I'd damn sure agree with Thv'ar, it can't be someone already holding direct affiliations with a specific group.


anyway! Off to finagle some race sheets together for presentation!

oh, on a side note... Being that we're doing all of this from the human angle, is this going to include the obvious bull-shit that would arise from certain political groups of 'today' gnashing their little harpy claws at alien society too? XD ... I mean, ya know, the ones that 'wouldn't' have had to be wiped out in one form or another in order to preserve 'not going around killing everyone'.
I'm certainly seriously considering it! >3>

Though I shall warn thee! I have a habit of over-achieving when I get really into something... I'm liable to make several races... Or hell, just a whole list and see which ones the group decides to make use of XD

On a side note, 'space dragons' could be anything from the general 'dragon-like species in space' to literal 'space' dragons, some big ancient buggers big as a Dreadnought literally flying through space >3>

*claps hands together and pulls them apart in an arc* IMAGINATION!... PFFFahahaha!
Oh goodness, Dare I get involved?! I've done some rather variety work before on aliens species before >3> Fluffy space raptors, wobbly gooey things, space dragons, space whales, I even made 'Equestrians' believable in a space-faring scale once. [I said 'equestrians' because there's not a single 'species' involved in that one]

Just to clarify, I like to work the experience of not-so-obviously-human-like species in space, not 'because furry!', but because random 'kinda looks human but it's not because X random trait is present' has been done to DEATH by EVERYONE before.

It's so much more fun to explore the functions of entirely different creatures than it is to say something like 'these dudes look like humans but they're not... caaauuuse... oh! they've got gills, yeah, that's totally it... oh, and these funny looking lines on their faces! that too!'
*grumble grumbles* Hello! I expressed interest recently and did some Pming things, Just wanted to apologize for not getting in a CS already and generally not communicating much in the OOC. I'm afraid things just keep on interrupting me lately when I try to settle in and focus on this, so I just wanted to say not to feel inclined to wait for me before starting. I'll be trying to get shit done so that I can avoid interruptions long enough to get started, but if it takes too long then hopefully I'll be able to work out a way to join in the middle of things. ^.^
Heyo! I've always had a thing for 'magic in modern times' kind of settings, so I'm pretty interested, but obviously I should check and see if you've already enough/too many people before I go pledging to join in ^.^

And on a different note, is there an option to devise magic that isn't on the list in the OP? one would imagine new things would pop up pretty frequently in a world so full of magic XD
BLARG!!!!... I derped and lost track of 'days' reading a painfully attention getting story XD time to catch myself up!
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