Christian Korb
”Will there be anything else?”
“Already finished, sir.”
NameChristian Jacob Korb
Nicknames"Butler, Snob, OCD" and the like are more, derogetory names, otherwise he prefers Master Korb or Christian
BirthdayApril 4th 1994
AppearanceStanding a solid 5'10, Mr. Korb does his best to look good, he was raised learning how to do so. His dress style is very classy, with outfits planned days in advance and only using dull greys, tans, and blacks to dress up in. Almost every article of clothing he wears has a button somewhere on it, and his clothes are always free from wrinkles.
Skills- Former Servant- knows how sorcerer high society works
Near perfect balance- Years of being forced to carry glasses of wine up and down stairs makes you good at balancing objects in hand, as well as yourself
Weaponization- Given his past, he’s decent at turning mundane objects into useful weapons, it just takes good technique.
Can read a body like a book - years of having to guess what his master wanted, Christian and all the other butlers and servents learned to read body language better than english and adapt to the situation
Stealth- Don’t wanna wake up the master late at night when planning a rebellion
Good under pressure- If he were pure carbon, Christian would probably be a diamond by now.
Efficient- Christian knows how to use the least amount of effort for the maximum result, applies to fighting as well.
Likes- - Steak
- Potatoes
- ..Food in general really
- Keeping his space clean
- Rap/rapping/rhyming
- Sleep
- The rain
Dislikes- - The rich
Cleaning up someone else’s mess
Tedious orders
Habits- - Obsessively clean, be it himself, his clothes or his living space
Mouthing songs/whispering songs, rarely singing/rapping audibly
Memorizing the schedule’s of any sorcerer he is around enough
Hobbies- - Rapping/writing raps/singing/writing songs
Day dreaming/giving stories to people he doesn’t know
Collecting rings
Fears- - Mentalists
Getting his old job back
His own inadequacy in comparison to the sorcerers
PersonalityChristian would love to say his need for everything to be tidy was due to OCD, but sadly it’s a case of trauma related to the unclean. His obedience is comparible to a dog, even when after her escaped his former master, it’s an old habit that will likely never die. He literally lives to serve others, but when he isn’t doing that his mind run wild, creating worlds, songs, stories, characters and everything else intangible. He can often be found cleaning his weapons, his room, his clothes and everything under the sun without being asked, and if asked would resent the asker, but begrudgingly take on the task. Other than that he seems to be fairly nihilistic, but in a good sense. Nothing matters, so just keep on living because it’s better than not. He doesn’t take criticism harshly and and simply treats others the way they treat him.
HistoryAlmost a butler at birth, Christian began his training to be a servant as soon as he could walk and talk. He was assigned away from his family, never even knowing his parents’ names or if he had siblings. All he knew was that he lived to server a mentalist named “Master Thaume.” Master Thaume was a rich man, but not in politics, he made his money on the buying and selling of servants he trained in his own home, Christian being lucky enough to be one of the ‘half decent’ members of his training group got the ‘privilege’ to stay and work for him.
The next few years of his life from ages 12 (when he finished training) to age 20 were hell. He was up at 5AM and wouldn’t be in bed until midnight every day of the week. His time was spent making schedules for his master, preparing daily checklists for the other servants, chefs and maids, even doing some of their work himself. He was also in charge of punishment, having to beat and whip his coworkers while under the mentalists’ control, because Master Thaume couldn’t get his hands dirty.
All that finally stopped when he heard about the Griffons the first time. He was bringing food out to Master Thaume and his wife when a news story showed the queen killing off four members of the rebel group, and it inspired him. He served the food and hatched a plan after he was well away from the man who could read his mind. He and the other servents would smother Thaume and his wife in their sleep that night, disappearing to find the griffons. It took him 3 months to do so, but he’s been with the group almost half a year at this point, and has no plans of letting their cause fail.

Theme SongThe Loser Wins - AtmospherI ain't the only one that walked away
Look around, everybody gone today
You all alone with your empty chest
So bury the bones with any regrets
and keep those skeletons piled in stacks