Avatar of Shoryu
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  • Old Guild Username: Shoryu
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I'm pretty sure @Western Robot hasn't said anything about participant limits yet, so this should still be open. You should check out the links provided in the OP; they explain how the rolling is done.

I've already been reading up >3> I love chance based systems as long as they aren't just, ya know, falling apart at the seams.

Also, I noticed 'two' gender fields in the CSes, and I'm a bit busy at the moment to read through the pages of chat to see if it was already answered but... does this stuff turn dudes into little girls? or am I interpreting that wrong and it just makes them look younger but still male? [funny enough, there could be interest character quirks to either one... I can imagine some guy getting turned into a little girl without expecting being pretty angry... ]
OH! I did miss the existence of an OOC >3> I shall re-ask here then :D

When I first saw the name of this RP immediately I was struck with the comical image of some hapless 'dude' ending up accidentally magicked into a frilly outfit that's just embarassing!

Anyway! Is this still open for more people? I'm interested, but I didn't want to prepare and read through all the posts if it potentially had no room... that said, I actually really like 'chance' in things >3> So this interests me pretty well, and either way i'll probably try out the rolls for it and see what happens XD... RNGesus is usually kind to me... so now that i've said that it'll give me something rediculous and embarassing! :D

Woo :D I'm just reading up on stuff at the moment from my laptop, cause i'm on call for helping move stuff when needed, but once all is said and done i'll read up and more thoroughly and work on stuff :D

Yes, come on in.

On a side note, that thing in your signature, 'godsquadgaming'... I read a fanfic once called 'the god squad'... It was 'painfully' silly...
Huh, it seems like my post didn't appear when sent from the other computer... strange... Anyway!

When I first saw the name of this RP immediately I was struck with the comical image of some hapless 'dude' ending up accidentally magicked into a frilly outfit totally unfitting for him XD... of course, I also remember that those animes occasionally had at least one 'magical boy' anyway, of course usually dressed appropriately XD

Anyway! Is this still open for more people? I'm interested, but I didn't want to prepare and read through all the posts if it potentially had no room... that said, I actually really like 'chance' in things >3> So this interests me pretty well, and either way i'll probably try out the rolls for it and see what happens XD... RNGesus is usually kind to me... so now that i've said that it'll give me something rediculous and embarassing! :D
Is this still open? >3> The concept sounds interesting, but I figured i'd ask before I go 'preparing' for it ^.^
I adore Xcom, and I haven't gotten to do an RP on it yet >3> Whether Enemy within 'or' Xcom 2 >3> But some questions!

First, are we members of the same squad? Or is each player controlling a different squad 'around' the character they designed?

Also! You mentioned the classes from Enemy within! What about the long-war mod classes? >3> variations from Xcom 2 that could believably exist early in the war too? [I still gripe a bit about the lack of melee options.] Psionics and mecs? or is it literally 'beginning of the war' period?
I actually had some shit come up. Something futzed up with our Internet provider and we were down for a good while, in 'addition' to fighting a spring flea infestation and our fucking air conditioner breaking down at the same time! >n<

In shorter, Shit been busy as hay-el round here!
Hmmm, if we don't get a little more people I may just have to go do a straight up Fo:E version and see what happens... maybe I'll try on two different sites.
First thing I'll address in anticipation of 'why the hell?' moments... Why shoe-horn ponies into it?... It's simple >3> I like them [when looked at from a scientific/alien stand-point, rather than a kids cartoon/plaything standpoint.], There's an entertaining variety of species that it can drag into this, and throwing their variety, and some scientific imagination on their alien biology, into the mix will lead to some interesting mutations amongst the infected versions. Not to mention, because magic is awesome, and Dying light devolves into a zombie slaughter-fest already as it is, and even makes references to some super-natural and extraterrestrial elements being in place, so why not take it even further?!


The basic gist of this is that the events of Dying light [which don't need to be spoiled or known for this to be fun :P] happen differently. The bad guy wins, the bad 'guys' clean the slate, and naturally the out-break turns into a pandemic that's spreading like wild-fire, things start going to shit on a relatively global scale, then the cliche 'the nukes come out' happens, and you can imagine what comes next.

Now, we can either place this 'right after the bombs', where resources will still be plentiful enough to be worth raiding random buildings, or a few years later where groups have come together and solidified little hold-outs of their own, or big ones in some cases, and are more focused on surviving 'eachother' while 'producing' their own supplies.

Either way, supporting some form of Settlement or hide-out is going to be part of it, as well as an abundance of mobility, parkour fun, action, adventure, drama, the usual bits of goodness you can expect to see from zombie apocalypse RPs.

I realize this is pretty short and rushed for what it's planning to be, but I'm in a bit of a hurry right now to get it posted before going to handle other things IRL. Rest assured, i will fill out a lot more information for the actual OOC if I get some interest, at least a small group, but more won't hurt.

Some points I'd like opinions on, as well as some addition bits of info.

-Time periods after the bombs, I'd like opinions on this from the group.

-Player's can invent their own factions, and in-fact contribute all kinds of things to the RP itself to flesh it out, and those players will be responsible for those groups they've created, though it's more likely they'll still have a main character working with the 'player group' :P

-Location, I'm thinking New york personally, nice big place, plenty of people, loads of resources to work with, plenty of people who'd go loony in an apocalypse, and of course loads of stuff on the map to use for an RP. I'm open to suggestions for other places though, if you think you can sell the group on them. And hey, nothing says we'll never travel!

-chance! Now, I'm not talking rigid DnD chance systems, no sir! But there'll be times I'll feel inclined to roll something for a bit of inspiration, like whether or not something risky fails spectacularly, or succeeds amazingly, as well as points I'll feel neutral on... It's entirely optional, but sometimes a point on a scale of 1 to 100 can give you an idea suddenly. Either way, it won't be used for everything, and probably not even 'frequently'.

-Questions! Ask all you can imagine, i'll answer them when I return!

-oh, and the standard 'meet the casual standards of the website' disclaimer. No offense, but this is going to be an 'active' RP, and we can't have anyone making it boring with repeated posts whose sole purpose is making it someone else's turn. I'm not gonna say 'always post big', because I know how dialogue heavy moments can be. there won't be a hard turn order, but unless you're actually interacting only with someone who already posted, you should probably wait for a couple of other posts... Of course, you can also collaborate with someone to make a multi-person post to cover many smaller time-wasting posts in a single big one. :D
just as a note, I was kind of assuming the wyvern had passed by and flown away from us, given the mention of the wind 'rushing by' and the wyvern flying towards 'inner lands'.

of course, I could be wrong, or over-thinking it and confusing myself.
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