Avatar of Shoryu
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  • Old Guild Username: Shoryu
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Asta, Paragon of Change

Goodness, how sudden they were interrupted by rather an impressive beasty! "How terribly rude to interrupt such pleasant, and interesting, interactions and introductions!... heehee, that's a lot of inters." It almost seemed as if he'd been completely oblivious to everyone else's words, or he'd forgotten them the moment the big dragony thing showed up and blasted past the group... speaking of which, he quickly charged a couple of steps out of the cluster of strangers and skidded to a stop, showing a bit less of 'the loon' in how smoothly he pulled the obscenely large bow from his back, slammed it's pointed lower end into the ground with one foot against it, whipped out a boney thing that looked like a miniature lance, and proceeded to draw the net-work of strings back while taking aim towards the flying beast...

Only to stop this a moment later and relax the strings "Aww poo, too far already. Why do big things always get to be 'fast' too? Dragon's and wannabe dragon's are so unfair!" He replaced the 'arrow' somewhere within his odd white stuff and toddled on back to the edge of the group before proceeding to clap his hands together once, nice and loud. "Right then! Introductions! You all can call me 'Asta', and I shall be you're friendly comic relief at 'least' until one of you tries to stab me!" What a segue... of course, he probably wouldn't be the first anyone had heard of who tried to cope with being undead through laughter. "Now, not to be the voice of reason or anything, but does anyone else think the big flying lizard had a problem with that bell? or what it was 'doing'?... Oh, wouldn't it be exciting if it got in the way of those lords you mentioned going to look for?! I bet it'll stay close enough for me to shoot it 'then'."
Asta, Paragon of Change

A sound soon came from somewhere behind the newest arrival, a strange sound.


Of course, a simple glance would reveal the source to be some poor fool walking right through the nastiest muddy muck of this rank and rotten swamp that hosted such an interesting gathering, the fetid mess that others would have avoided like the plague, for it may very well contain exactly that. Yet they continued to trudge through the knee deep muck, repeatedly and with noticeable effort extricating their leg from it, only to bury it back within only a single step farther, yet they somehow managed to make good progress despite it's thickness... perhaps it was the wetness that seemed to be leaking off of them into the muck and softening it up for them.

*Schlop*-*Plop*-*Schlop*-*Plop*... *thnk*

Finally something that wasn't mud seemed to meet the mud covered boots and they glanced down, or seemed like it, the strange eye-like helmet made it difficult to tell, then let up a cheer in a most delighted tone "Huzzah!" They rose up at last, perhaps standing upon a submerged root, and then began to trudge along it until finally passing the surface of the muck entirely, where-upon they leapt up, grabbed one of the branches of the very same gnarled tree, and swung 'just' far enough to land on more solid ground. At which point the wettened muck on their boots began to ooze away and get left behind as the newest stranger approached the bonfire gathering.

Without a hint of hesitation he wandered on into the group, smelling strongly of excessive sweating and BO, which was most likely nothing compared to the ever present stench of the swamp, and walked right up to the bonfire itself before stopping and... well, stopping, he almost seemed to not even be breathing under that unusual out-fit, the wetness even ceased... Then suddenly he spoke at last "Goodness, but I feel like I've walked into a gathering that I'm late for! What could bring such a fascinating assortment of strangers together in this most unusual, and unclean, of places?"
Ho ho! I am posting at last... I really did mean to do so yesterday, but it's ironic the strange things that'll pop up to take up your day... Did you know that bamboo can sneakily grow it's way up under the siding of your house?! I sure didn't! but now I do!
oh, de timing! I shall get an IC in soon as well :D Along with putting my CS in the proper place. Goodness, one busy Day and the IC gets a nice running start. ^.^
I will allow your character for the time being, unless someone decides to disagree and throw in a veto by tomorrow.

Wunderbar! :D I shall cross mine fingers >3>
oh my, much to read :D lesse, in order...

It's not so much changing how souls work, as it is changing how 'he' interacts with them, and I suppose in the same way how it changes the effect they have on 'him'.

It's not impossible to say he 'is' something else as well, given the theme of 'change' with him with the whole 'replacing things that fade away' element, he practically 'has' become something different. No 'god eater' mind you, but... something I never really bothered to 'name' different because it's just easier to say he's a different kind of undead :P

The whole premise assumes that, as undead in the souls universe, things are fading away from them, memories, souls, personality, at least this has been my observation with all of the NPCs who have actual stories, each one slowly loses a bit more as time goes on, and it seems as though you're the only one who doesn't... then again, 'the chosen one' isn't 'us' and they don't seem to have anything defined to lose but souls.

If we included this mechanic, then ironically, she might be similar in her own way, but if she doesn't go about it the same way he does, or does so in a way that simply replaces 'her' with more of 'herself' then she'd practically still be just undead, if one quite capable of not going hollow.

This is of course assuming that his philosophy is the same as hers and vice-verse, which it might 'not' be.

I wouldn't personally describe it as a 'keep moving forward' philosophy, so much as a differing philosophical view on undeadening/hollowing, things like that. He actively replaces what is naturally fading away from him with new experiences, new souls, and so on, welcoming the 'change' rather than struggling to hold on to what 'is/was/isn't anymore'.


And yes, it's much too common that people resort to screaming and insulting, especially in the modern age when raving lunatics are free to verbally assault you and call disagreeing with them a hate crime or 'internet violence'... But oh god, I'm not going to get political up in 'here', I rather leave that bit of entertaining rigamarole to youtube!

And you're both right, it would be cool to have in a game, good luck there XD The RP version generally depends on 'me' to utilize it in a fair and balanced manner that doesn't break the flow for other players, and probably anyone else feeling free to call me a shit if I go over-board with it :3...


I'll admit, it's also a cool way to experiment with gains/losses depending on what he fights a lot of, or when he chooses to avoid fighting something because it might be 'unhealthy' for him in some way... Technically, I could also do the same if I were to replace his absorption gimmick with a skillset in Soul forging, so he can deliberately store up and refine those effects/armors/weapons [not unlike his role in a previous RP would have 'been'], which would take longer ontop of the other balancing factors, as well as utilizing other limiting factors, like having to deliberately replace something he's got equipped/attuned already.

Also @darketernity, I suggest starting sooner than later XD if we've got a few lively people interested in wrecking face, all the better. I'd say bump the Interest check and kick off the IC once the currently active are done with their CSes :D.
... I guess that means me, since everyone else is done it seems. XD

As for combat, I'm also for a lot of combat. 'too much' would be 'almost all combat and nothing else' XD I enjoy a healthy balance of exploration, fighting, interaction, and so on :3 I also enjoy base building, settlement/kingdom management, and things like that >3> We could totally pick a spot to use as a 'home base' for us to have less combaty times in XD
Huh, had no idea they were planning a boss to do anything even similar to this idea when I came up with it. I started this idea I think a year ago in a different dark souls RP way before DS 3 was done yet XD

On a side note, I don't actually picture 'most' of the bosses as so OP, given that we kindof kick their asses... a LOT!... but no, I would not like to copy the abilities of a 'god devouring boss' because that screams mary sue-fest right there.

From my point of view it's an entirely different thing though, one 'eats the gods to gain their powers' and the other simply follows a philosophy of 'letting' the old fade, perhaps recreating some elements that might be key to staying 'him', but always replacing old with new over-time. Even if he did somehow do something like Aldrich, it would fade over time as everything about him does, not to mention that absorbing a boss soul and gaining a 'larger advantage' from it, is still designed, at least in my head, to pale in comparison to actually 'being a boss'.

That said, in 'RP' I would not picture bosses the same way as in the game. In a way, we're all on the same level as bosses [save for the 'giant monster/god slayer/eater/inherently over-powered bosses] in that from an RP perspective you're not whittling away at a health bar, but just trying to break them successfully. Like Ornstein for instance, We wouldn't need to 'beat the fuck out of him' to win like in the game, he seemed more like a nimble but dangerous style, so it'd likely be more about managing to get in 'that good hit' that manages to turn the tide... I hope that makes sense XD

But again, I 'can' normalize him and just keep the philosophical angle but throw out the absorption side of it :P just means some things will have to have been 'made' rather than 'formed'...

Also, sorry if this is long-winded, I actually rather like debate, especially when it's a mature debate with someone who's actually thinking instead of screaming obscenities and slurs [curse those youtube feminists]

Hmmm, what about 'this' perspective?

All undead, every player, every NPC [i think?], absorbs souls to get stronger and sortof maintain their mental integrity [neverminding the theme of those who try 'too hard' often being the ones who go insane first.], the idea here basically translates to the same thing, Asta absorbs souls to get stronger too, just in a different way rather than just boosting stats with soul reserves, and a way where the only permanent strength he can gain has to come from either powerful souls or from an abundance of similar enemies.
'i'll' be honest... I've never gotten to play blood-borne 'nor' do I know who Aldrich is XD... unless he's a dark souls thing I missed somewhere... and I always thought that Dark souls lore was rather 'enigmatic' and 'unexplained' officially... at least, that was the feeling I got last time I seriously looked into it, like they designed the lore to inspire speculation and imagination on the parts of the players.

And just for some helpful clarification, it's not like 'goose one spider and he can suddenly spit poison' kind of absorbing, it basically assumes that the qualities of souls he absorbs [everyone does that anyway, this just implies that his has a themed effect on him] can influence what he can do, but have to be of sufficient volume, and will fade over-time [say, a week or a month depending on how much], or maybe become unusable if diluted too much with conflicting souls. [which we know could happen quickly given the volume of enemies that show up sometimes XD]

-Edit-Hmmm, Actually, I just had a thought. If I were to put it in terms of the game's actual system, it would be harder for him to 'level up' as the more souls he gathers the easier some would slip away because he doesn't desperately cling to what he has like most of the characters I've seen 'do'... As if he's less at risk of 'hollowing', yet it's harder to get 'stronger' as well... at least, alone it is, heheh. -end edit-

There'd be a limit to how much could be held, not unlike attunement slot limits, and all of the easily acquired non-boss versions come with equal debuffs/weaknesses [say, the spider example from above, it might make him more flammable himself.] Though also in a way it replaces the majority of weapon/armor availability that other's would have, as well as the spells... I was trying to make sure it'd even out around the same level as Dark souls can normally be at, just in a different way.

It's mostly designed to explore a conceptualized philosophical approach to being undead. [Which to my knowledge is something dark souls tried to inspire, making the players imagine all the 'what ifs' because it never truly explained anything with surety itself.] I mean, I can put him down as a normal undead and just roll with his 'quirky ideals', I actually only included the absorption idea because it kindof fit with his Philosophical theme of replacing 'his' old with a new 'him', in a way, which made since that it could be influenced by something he might be replacing it 'with'.

... If that makes sense. XD

You are right however, it could easily lead to being over-powered if not properly handled, hence the limits and idea of it replacing most of the 'easier variety advantage' that other undead might have, and 'if' I get to use it I fully intend to make sure that it is sufficiently balanced, and would fully expect to be called out if I ever go 'too far', though I'd still try to avoid making that necessary in the first place.

... It's also kind of fun, I'll admit, >3> playing the quirky loon and seeing the reactions of other characters... Jesters and Fools and all that, and combining that with exploring an interesting concept that fits his theme.

I posed an idea for a philosophy based alternate path one could take with undead/hollowing, and it was suggested I share it with the group and see what the 'group's' opinions are on it, so here is that info-dump + character.

I was curious of a 'new' type I've been using in recent dark souls RP, though I wouldn't call it so much a 'curse' as a philosophical re-imagining of the hollowing process, and I'm not sure how it may or may not tie in with 'this' RP of yours, but in the past it has worked well and appealed well when I've asked about it, So I figured I'd try and salvage it once more for this RP :D

The basic concept looks at the various characters who, if you progress their stories successfully, seem to lose themselves and 'hollow' more and more the harder they try to hold on to their past, and asks the question 'what if someone let that past go and filled 'themselves' with 'new', new memories, experiences, new portions of 'what makes us what we are'. Would they, rather than hollowing and going mad or feral, simply 'change' as they progress onward?

It also uses the concept of some of the creatures in Dark souls and their 'quirks', along with the typical undead pattern of absorbing the souls of their enemies, and imagines that as the original 'soul' fades, which I 'think' has been alluded to, this particular style of existence would, instead of manipulating those absorbed souls to be used to strengthen the original, would literally replace the missing portions, most likely leading to strange mutations related to the particular creature, though also dependent on how strong that creatures 'soul' was. [i.e. normal hollows would still be pretty much fodder, but if he 'farms' them he might very well begin to emulate those twisted lost souls. Where-as a 'boss' soul would yield a more profound effect on him, both physically and psychologically, yet would likely make him stronger for it... that is of course assuming 'he' is given the boss soul, but he could still gain 'something' from the residual.]

Ultimately, this equates to replacing the standard spells, as well as some armor and weapon availability, in exchange for somewhat 'quirkier' alternative spells, and natural armor and weapons... and of course, not descending into a mumbling moaning mess of mindless hollow.

All that said, in terms of 'play' it equates to a limited system allowing him to, instead of learning or needing 'the right stats', or attuning, he can gain new abilities, strength, weaknesses, and potentially detrimental traits based on the creatures he fights the most. The general system I work with is that anything that isn't a boss that is either sufficiently strong, or that he absorbs from in large enough numbers, will grant him a new ability or improvement [like casting conflagrate without a pyromancer flame or 'limited charges'], but also a new weakness or balancing negative to the change [Like that conflagration cast burning his arm as much as it does the enemy.], all with limited, albeit long, periods of persistence through which it will fade away just as everything else in his past does.

That said, Boss souls are a different matter, being vastly stronger than normal monsters they'll grant some improvement or ability without a major debuff aside from relevant weaknesses that said boss 'had'. [Like, for instance, if he absorbed 'duke's dear freya' he might be able to produce poison and have chitinous armor, along with relevant resistances and immunity to his 'own' poison.] That is, 'again', assuming he actually 'gets' the boss soul given that this is a group RP, but something lesser could still come from that residual.

below is the character I used for those other RPs, and now that I think about it in the 'curse' sense, it kind of forces him to walk a path of seeking dangerous enemies to face in order to avoid being 'over-filled' with the essence of the land's endless hollows which would ultimately lead to the same fate as any other undead that went hollow the normal way.

all of 'that' said! I am okay with relegating him to simply being a remarkably eccentric, but otherwise standard, undead... and just to note, the 'additional skills' at the bottom were added in the last RP because it called for those, being based on setting up a new settlement and each one needing something to contribute in the sense of NPCs providing services XD... those may or may not be at all relevant here, heheh.

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