Name: Gregor, The Iron Hide
Age: 28
Gender: Male

Weapon: Simple bastard sword and tower shield
Armor: Heavy black iron armor making him slow, relying on his armor and toughness to survive rather than speed.
Curse: Undead - nearing hollow
History: Gregor Fought in the armies of Berenike known for their extremely heavy weapons and armor. He fought the undead that constantly wandered into Berenike. He fought long and hard, he was eventually killed by a dozen hollows. some time later he dragged himself out of his own grave, he began to wander searching for purpose. he died over and over again slowing losing what humanity he retained.
He is forgetful sometimes even losing track where he is or who he is with. When confronted he fights with tenacity and brutality, while shruging off blows that would stop lesser warriors.