Under her armor, she has bright red hair with pale skin. Freckles dot her face in various places, and her eyes are the color of emeralds. She stands at roughly 5'11", quite taller than most other woman do. She has a lithe, slender build with obvious muscles. Often times, her face is adorned with a friendly and jovial smile, and her demeanor is the same.
Weapon: Alia has two weapons she uses on a regular bases. An elegant but well constructed and durable spear, and an equally elegant and durable long sword. Shields aren't something she has ever been fond of, as she believes they engender passivity and reduces ones agility in combat. Many of the knights from her homeland had such beliefs, and focused more on activeness in combat, instead of relying on slow moving shields.
Armor: Durable, but light plate made of steel, polished to reflect the sunlight beautifully. It was given to knights of the highest caliber in her homeland, far to west. While it isn't made of the strongest stuff possible to allow for more mobility, it holds its own in regards to defensive abilities.
Curse: Unkindled
Brief Bio: Born and raised in a land far, far to the west, Alia has been a knight almost since birth. Unfortunately, an event where a person she loved was afflicted with the curse of the undead and imprisoned, caused the knight to lose faith in her country. Since then, she has taken to wander the land...and eventually, she died. At least, she vaguely remembers dying from, and an intense heat. But when the bells toll, Ash seeketh embers...
Appearance: Standing at just over 6'1", Ansgar plays well to his already naturally long reach, having a fairly lean and thin build. Wiry muscles make up his strength beneath his attire, which is fairly light and indicative to an evasive stance over a sturdy, taking blows head on one. His garb does not indicate a formal army standing, at least by most standards, but it was the standard for men of his guard unit, so he continues to wear it proudly.
Weapon: Currently uses a humble halberd, well worn from use as a guard before serving as a soldier in his kingdom's army, led in an attempt to link the fire of his realm and stave off the darkness, and undead, and the style he wields it in lends itself well to other styles of polearms. He favors the weapon but, when pressed, does carry a dirk for handling opponents he can't in close quarters, due to the size of the polearm and the problem it creates in confined spaces.
Armor: Ansgar's armor doesn't cover any joints, and it is meant to provide lightweight protection to what was considered critical areas in his time. Each piece is made out of sturdy black iron, trimmed down from true black steel, although it still imparts the resistance to flames, or perhaps they became that way during his time fighting, one could not readily say. But, beyond the greaves, gauntlets and shoulder pads, one hidden under his tattered cloak, he relies on mobility over sheer, raw armor.
Curse: Unkindled
A Brief Tale: Ansgar was from a kingdom centrally located in his time, focused on commerce and lacked any single, massive capital, instead being split up into many smaller fiefdoms. Each fiefdom maintained its own guards, and Ansgar remembers having served the one that tended to lead the kingdom, before an outbreak of undead conincided with an upsurge of demons assaulting from the north. Ansgar was part of a grand army sent to stop the demons, and the last thing he remembers, fighting alongside undead and human alike, was a blistering heat unlike what the demons could muster. Ansgar knows he died that day, and yet, the tolling of bells is not something readily resisted.
Weapon(s): {Listed Below} “Requiem” – a Bastard Sword that is wielded single-handedly with the right hand. Llanowaar is extremely proficient in swordsmanship, especially when switching from single to two-handed stances.
Armor: Ser Llanowaar utilizes a complete set of hard-boiled, reinforced leather armour which is stained and scarred from previous battles. A single, tarnished steel pauldron rests over his right shoulder; while old furs rest over his left attached to his ragged cloak. His hood is always drawn over his face, keeping true to his illusion of being a forgotten knight.
History: In the lands of the north-western woodlands, lived an order of knights dedicated to the ideals of the Great Wolves. Living solely to eradicate those who would harm the enchanted forests and the creatures who lived amongst the wood. A simple knight once lived here with his family, going about his daily tasks only to return home to his wife and children. Until one day, the forests grew darker and gloomier than what was the norm for the season. The smell of ash and flames filled the air, forcing the knight to take up arms to investigate the disturbance of the woodlands. What he discovered, was his brothers and sisters in arms decimated whilst burning at the stakes made of the trees they were sworn to protect. Outraged at his failure to save his allies, he turned his attention back to his home and family. Hurrying as fast as his destrier could gallop, he arrived just in time to watch his family being murdered and also burned at the stake. Filled with intense rage, he immediately dismounted and assaulted his family's murderers with the ferocity of a mad man. And when the bloodshed was over, the knight fell to his knees in sorrow and cried out to the heavens for salvation. The knight received his answer with a blade puncturing through his back and through his armor. Spatting out blood, he turned his gaze to his killer and was met with the burning eyes of an unknown warrior. His adversary's body burned in a slight glow, giving an indication of glimmering embers. Before his eyes closed for what he believed to be forever, the knight overheard a mention of his enemy serving the "Cinders" and wanting to become one with the "Flames."
Where he wandered to, he could not recall, due to the dark and coldness he felt in the emptiness of nothing. Then, a light appeared in the shape of a maiden's hand. Reaching out for it, the knight found himself in the middle of the burned forest that was once his home. His armor and body remained untouched; while his wound remained open but did not trouble him. Looking before him, his eyes were met by the hooded figure of a woman. Her hair was as silver as any coin and her skin was an icy white, but her voice sent chills to his very bones. She spoke of what had occurred and what would come to pass if the Lords of Cinders were not stopped; simply ending the world as they knew it with flames. The maiden then told the tale of returning the knight from the darkness to act as her champion to eradicate the flaming lords and their followers: the Unkindled. And in return, he would be reunited with his slain family and comrades forever so long as he acted as her sworn champion. Without hesitation, the knight moved into a kneel and unsheathed his blade to be laid at her feet. With his solemn swear, he devoted his life to her service and to end the reign of the Lords of Cinder. From here, he has wandered the world's lands in the pursuit of the flame lords and their servants with the fervor of madness. This knight's name: Ser Llanowaar the Hunter of Unkindled.
Appearance: Artyom Barkov, third son of Count Barkov of the Ori River, was rather average looking compared to his two elder brothers. Pale skin, tired looking blue eyes, well kept short brown hair and a rather slender body shape, Artyom looked more suited to the role of a lawyer or judge then a Count like his father. The curse of undeath has resulted in the dark mark that he has been forced to bare in the middle of his back, a symbol of his fate as one of the undead.
Weapon: Currently favors a solid looking shield combined with a well made longsword.
Armor: Artyom wears the plate armor of a minor noble; rather plain looking but effective at the job that it is being asked to do in trying to keep its wearer alive.
Curse: Undead
Minor History: The Ori River that ran through the lands of the Barkov family was believed by many to have been blessed by the gods and thus the waters were considered holy. In an attempt to deal with the undead plague in his lands, Count Barkov (Artyom's father) would slay those afflicted with undeath and dump their corpses in the river to let the holiness purify and purge the taint while carrying the body away. While it quickly became clear that the river's holiness didn't cure undeath, it did get the undead out of his lands (And no longer his problem) and thus the practice continued.
So many corpses were dumped in the Ori River that the waters turned crimson with blood. The Ori River was renamed the Blood River shortly afterwards.
Name: Melissa Maris Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance: Weapon: Pryo gloves in both hands. She uses them both simultaneously for different spells or to use both for the same spell to power it up. Armor: Desert Sorceress Set Curse: Unkindled Brief Bio: Melissa loves fire and burning things. She craves power and more fire! Not that she just goes around burning random places and people, but if threatened she will not hesitate to burn your face off with a Sacred Flame. She isn't afriad to let her figure distract either.
This, however, ended up to be the death of her when she picked off more than she could chew against a mighty warrior, who simply just overpowerd her with raw strength. The bell tolls, however, and has brought her back from the grave. She has other plans, however. She has learned nothing from her death, she barely remembers it happening, and simply seeks more fire. More power. More firepower, if you will!
Armor: Heavy black iron armor making him slow, relying on his armor and toughness to survive rather than speed.
Curse: Undead - nearing hollow
History: Gregor Fought in the armies of Berenike known for their extremely heavy weapons and armor. He fought the undead that constantly wandered into Berenike. He fought long and hard, he was eventually killed by a dozen hollows. some time later he dragged himself out of his own grave, he began to wander searching for purpose. he died over and over again slowing losing what humanity he retained.
He is forgetful sometimes even losing track where he is or who he is with. When confronted he fights with tenacity and brutality, while shruging off blows that would stop lesser warriors.
Name – Astavyastamaina Marpunu [He just goes by Asta][And yes, that is a made up name, he made it up himself! it even has a meaning.] Age – Unknown Gender – Male Sexuality – Undefined Land of Origin – He doesn't remember where he came from before. Covenant – Marpu yokka margam [The path of Change] Title of Government - None yet! Appearance – He's a rather odd looking person, seemingly not an inch of his body is actually visible, fairly tall and covered from head to knee's in a strangely fibrous looking white material that appears to be done up in a cloak of sorts. There is clearly something worn under it, as there are thick leather sleeves protruding from it, though they look needlessly wide and they terminate in a pair of gauntlets that are attached to the sleeve's outer edges and almost seem as if they are sealing them. These gauntlets appear to be made of some form of chitinous material, as if they were made from the pieces of some over-sized bug monster, the boots might be similar, though there is some slightly obscuring mist lingering at the base of his cloak that blurs the view beneath it.
More note-worthy still is the helmet, also wrapped in the strange white stuff and comprised of a large green orb whose surface creates the illusion of a giant eye that turns in whichever direction it is viewed from.
Personality: Personality – Asta comes across as a bit of a loon, not a violent one, just a real odd-ball, with strange mannerisms and an equally strange language that joins his speech from time to time. He often seems to take nothing as seriously as anyone he meets, but the smart traveler of Lordran would easily consider that, like countless other things in this land, there is more to him than meets the eye.
He bears strong beliefs about the undeadening, some which differ intensely from most groups and, while he may not have personal problems against certain groups, some of them may have issues with 'him', particularly since he is not shy about sharing his strange philosophy with whoever will listen, though he still refrains from wanton preaching.
Backround - He doesn't remember where he came from, and only a few tidbits of who he used to be that he decided were worth recreating, mainly some personality traits, especially those that set the foundation for his philosophy, skills, and useful knowledge. Otherwise, he considers his 'old self' to be dead and gone in favor of the new self, in standing with his philosophy, the process of becoming undead was simply the death of his old life, which he released to oblivious in favor of going head-long into forging a new life, one full of change rediscovery.
He does not view the undeadening as a curse, but simply another stage in life that gives him the chance to become a whole new person! In fact, he came to Lordran seeking adventure, and prophecies tended to be great guides to finding exactly that! The interesting people sure don't hurt the experience either.
What he 'does' remember is that since becoming undead, he has never felt freer, letting the old slip away in order to discover the new, ever changing as he forges new memories, finds new knowledge, and learns new skills to play with... He can't imagine why anyone would be afraid of new things!
Weapons, spells, armor, other equipment go here: Arsenal –
Bone Greatbow - An almost comically large bow, formed of surprisingly flexible bones from some unknown creatures, with skulls of some other creatures fused to it. It is surprisingly durable for it's rickety appearance and often used as a make-shift shield if anything gets too close while he has it out.
Bone Great Arrows - Giant Arrows made from the bones of some large creatures, shaped similar to lances and useless on anything less than a great bow, can also be used in melee if one doesn't mind something being more fragile than a proper weapon.
Screen of Marpu - The strange helmet worn by a mysterious man, the unusual shaping of it's giant crystal eye, though appearing solid from the outside, provides the wearer with a refracted view that shows all before him, allowing unhindered vision despite being a full helmet. It also has the added effect of being remarkably creepy to the onlooker.
Fibrous Cloak - A cloak made of an unknown fibrous material, though it appears fragile, it is surprisingly effective at 'catching' sharp objects such as arrows or lighter swords and appears to be resistant to Fire, Electrical currents, and Cold weather. It can in-fact be used to store small objects or lighter weapons by setting them amidst the odd material. Deep contents - Estus Flask, Several healing poultices, a couple of smoke bombs, some snack meats, a couple of rusty old broken swords he usually throws at things for the hell of it.
Gauntlets and Sabatons of Marpu - A Similar set of gauntlets and boots that appear to be made from the remains of some giant insect, fashioned into clawed hand protectors and sharpened boots, they are useful for climbing and clinging, as well as improvised melee, while the boots seem to exude a strange mist that the Muffles sounds of contact with various surfaces. It is possible that, like their wearer, there is more to these things than what is visible on the surface.
Magical Traits –
Magic Imitation? - There are several 'spells' he uses that resemble others while not being literally a learned/attuned spell in the same way other's know them.
Combustion - It behaves identically to it's actual pyromancy counter-part, producing a blast of flame from the hand, yet where a pyromancer is untouched by their own flame, his seems to leave his gauntlets singed and smoking.
Soul Infusion - It has an affect similar to Resonant weapon and other infusion spells, however, rather than empowering a weapon with a particular element it infuses it with a non-elemental boost. Ironically, this does not work with most 'equipped' weapons, and in-fact can only be used while un-armed, using simple natural weapons, or those with special properties such as being made of bone or 'designed' to channel it. As this uses his gathered souls, repeated use is costly, however he can choose how much to use in each strike and can even do so with 'single souls', although the out-put of power is directly proportional to how much is 'paid'. [Hint: His bone-greatbow counts and he can form soul arrows for it, but naturally this is costly in souls.]
Poison Mist/Acid Surge/Flash Sweat - Acid, poison, and sweat have been a few things he frequently displays the ability to produce in large quantities without afflicting himself with their negative side-effects, whether as a cloud or a spray, or simply 'washing' himself in it for one reason or another [like resisting fire], and interestingly enough this is one of his spells that does not appear to have a drawback that works against him when using it. [Hint: There's a reason for that :3] [Note:When I think of acid and poison, I usually imagine that different things produce different kinds, and while immune to their own, they may not be immune to different kinds of such from a different sources, perhaps resistant though.]
Iron guard - Technically speaking this one behaves exactly like 'Iron Flesh', Except that it focuses on specific portions instead of the whole body, thus restricting his mobility less than the original spell, but this is solely because there is less 'metal' by comparison, and as such less protection. In addition to 'still' restricting his mobility somewhat the 'iron flesh' is actually thin enough that it will simply break against heavier blunt or piercing strikes instead of protecting him. [Note: By specific portions, I'm referring to his 'Gauntlets' and 'boots', so body blows will still be un-hindered by the metal addition.]
Paragon of Change - Little is known about this strange power, one needs to see it for themselves to grasp it, and even then they may not realize what it means, though interestingly enough, it is actually the source of his other so called 'spells'. [There's several things under this category I would use, I'll detail them when Asta reveals them =3 but they won't even be relevant until then.]
Any relations?: Many, forgotten and not. [though in the context of the current group, I'll let everyone else decide if they want to do that XD]
Additional skills: Soul Transmutation [Specialization - Spells? Armor? Effects?], Crafting [Variety, Weapons, Armor, Accessories. Restriction - Primal materials, bones, chitin, hide, etc.], Climbing, Archery, Joke Telling, Acrobatics, Chaotic Melee... Also knows all the emotes, and Praises the sun whenever he pleases!