Avatar of Shoryu
  • Last Seen: 11 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: Shoryu
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    1. Shoryu 11 yrs ago
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Hmmmm.... I'm having the problem I always have... I see several classes that I 'really' want to play as... But I've whittled it down to two that I'm really feeling... Those being Engineer and Ranger. I'm not exaggerating when I say I 'love' being 'that guy that puts down the turrets and such' >3> I 'wish' the game itself had that setup! D:

But I also 'really' wanna do one of a guy that gets up close and personal, sneaking around and sowing a little chaos in the enemy ranks >3>

Is it possible to do 'two' of the members in a squad? >3>
AWwww, no cursing? That *Beep*ing Bull*Beep*!.... XD If I play deadpool... you better expect the Fourth wall to be his *BEEP!*... Though I have a whole array of things I could choose from that I'd have fun with... Deady pool, various heroes from various media, ponies, so on and so forth. XD

Edit: Actually, come to think of it... can we use 'two' characters? >3>
It's a bit late and I don't feel like checking past midnight, but I 'think' I got duplication too... Funny thing, it gave me this image of my character cloning herself, then 'punching' as the copy kicks off of her punch for a momentum boost that turns the clone into a giant punchy bullet...
ohhh deyyuumn... a zero costume... I dig it :D

Also thanks Western :D I think that's my last obstacle being able to finish them then >3>
I watched sailor moon once upon a time... I was a 'little' guy back then though, and I proffered the male character 'mostly' because I had a thing for tuxedo's, I thought they were really swank and such... I still remember this weird habit of imitating mercury's 'finger gun' fireballs xD

Never watched other animes of the sort I don't think... didn't even know it was called 'magical girl anime' XD

On the note of questions though!... If we get Twinned soul, is it an 'option' that, when 'disguised/untransformed' It's still one person, but splits into Two upon transformation? >3>

on another side note... I want to ask for an opinion on this.

When I first spotted the RP I did a test roll with a dice site to see if it would show me each individual roll, and it did, so I decided to try testing out what it would produce :D
I did a 'serious roll' later on and obviously came out with a wildly different result, but i'm conflicted on which one to go with >3>

I essentially have a choice between 'light based punch monkey with a sort of oracle-esque theme' and 'harbinger of not exactly evil Chaos with what seems to be a ton of perks/patron effects, but possibly lower over-all stats.'

One's fun because I like to punch things... fist weapons have always been a big favorite of mine :D but the other is fun because I 'love' experimenting with the concepts of Chaos and associated powers/weaknesses >3>

I could try doing both, but I'm not sure that's actually allowed >3>
Oh hey! a multiverse RP! I love those >3> I'm interested in joining, obviously, though I'll wait a bit to see what kinds of characters are accepted before I decide what kind I'll make.

Presumably we can use 'any' imaginable universe, yes? :D probably provided it's not an X-rated universe anyway.
Lol XD I know about all that >3> I was reffering to the 'investment style', using the gold coin as a 'mystical' currency bonus at the beginning that one could use potentially to gain greater profit through business, which could then be used once it has panned out into more than you'd get using it immediately when starting >3>

That's just me considering the 'out of the box' possibility that one might even be 'able' to talk business and finagle profit out of the magical world allowing them get more future income.. of course, it's entirely possible i'm simply over thinking it like a silly ass and it doesn't even matter in the first place ;3

Instert 'Small loan of a million thaums' joke here.
The description for the coins stated that they wouldn't be of much use outside the character creation, so it's recommended you use them all.
There's separate rules for becoming a monster girl in the Patron link.

I know about those rules XD I was just asking about the money, given this little snippet under the perks section that- oh wait... that's pertaining to 'allies', silly me!

And I thought it was stated they would have less effect on strengthening 'you' after the transformation was completed, but they could be considered currency else-where, according to what I read in the info anyway. I was curious if it was an option to save the one gold coin it gives you for use in other things. I don't even know if I 'would', i'm just curious about the option ;3
Sounds about the norm I'd say actually >3> And I had a feeling that was how the coins were meant to work... although I'm curious, could the gold coin be preserved to 'invest' later on? >3> and if the initial transformation involved 'turning monster' would they still have the coins to work with? I saw a thing saying that monsters didn't get coins, although it was less clear given that the coins are given 'before' they become a monster or not.
By default dudes are turned to little girls, but there's a perk that allows you to be a magical little boy. Also it doesn't have to be accidental, there's origin choices like Contract.

Ah, good to know then >3> weird stuff, but i see weird as opportunity for entertainment :D I'll get to work on some stuff myself here in a bit and just see what happens >w>
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