Name: Incarnatae "Rose" Roseum
Species: Sergal [Northern sub-species]
Age: 12 [Racially speaking, Sergal's biological maturity rate is around 8-10 years, so 12 is roughly equivalent to 24~ by human standards.]
Gender: Male [Although visually speaking, Males and females tend to have fewer differences than humans display.]
Height: 7'6"~
Weight: 630~
Personality: For many Northern warriors and hunters of this species this would simply be a stereotypical cold stoicism and mild disdain for smaller more fragile species... Not so much the case with Rose, who grew up out in the universe and experiencing the other species. He is still a warrior, he 'loves' a good fight, and finds glory in a battle for life and death, but he also tends to seem more like a playful gentle giant among the shorter species... In-fact, if something doesn't threaten him directly or legitimately offend him, he's practically just a big party loving Fur-ball, cracking jokes, enjoying drinks or food... He's kindof like a cheerful viking actually, Glorifying battle and enjoying life outside of it.
It was a few Decades before present when a planet, later renamed 'Vilous' once the local's name for it was learned, was found, it consisted of not just one sapient species but many [which I'm not going to burn my brain by describing!]. There was a strange balance of medieval and space-faring levels of technology, like a preference for standard hard armor and melee weaponry without being merely ceremonial, yet there was no lack of technology fitting for a space age, even if they never actually crafted such technology into a way to 'leave' the planet... Alls the better, There had been a great war in the wind when the humans and their space faring companions had discovered it.
Many species existed on this planet, strange little bird things, unusual quadrupedal creatures that seemed to be 'born' a mix of cybernetics and flesh, And Tall fluffy creatures almost as varied as humans in their cultural foci, if more divided. These fluffy ones, later known as 'Sergals', were the key-players in this world, Divided into great southern and Northern Empires that faced little challenge outside of eachother.
The Northern empire, or rather 'tribe' as it consisted of hundreds of smaller tribes dragged under heel by one particularly brutal supreme general who called herself 'Rein', was populated primarily by Sergals who, as with most who grew up in the north, were among the tallest sapient species, had a taste for meat, and a remarkably deep warrior culture that had... problems, with cooperation. That's not to say they were 'all' like the general, most weren't, but followed tradition or family, or sometimes hostages, into a war to subvert their smaller counter-parts. As a pretty thoroughly 'warrior' culture, the better warrior you were and the more accomplishments you had the higher your status, and in contrast those who pursued less aggressive life-styles were beneath the warrior class, while those who were born 'mystics' were even lower, often kept as 'healing slaves' to repair the warriors in battle until they expended themselves.
In contrast, the southern empire was comprised of many species, though again primarily Sergals who were most able to combat their counter-parts, though these were smaller in comparison, more omnivorous, they valued intellectual pursuits equally to physical pursuits as well as mystical, and treasured a strong mind as much as a strong body. It was no wonder really that some Northerners were more than happy to defect to another culture that saw them as more than weapons to throw at an enemy, or worse.
Of course, this is primarily ancient history at this point, the Northern Conquest was halted and the 'empire' status shattered when their General was killed and her closer followers tore eachother apart trying to claim the position... Effectively there was no chance of pulling it all back together fast enough to hold their territory.
To this day there's no known evidence of human intervention in the war... though, it would have been terribly easy to assassinate such a flimsy link in the chain from miles out with the right technology.
Though Vilous remains only 'moderately' safe for extraterestrial species even today, due to fringe elements of the Rein Empire looking to spite their enemies any way they can imagine, The contact with new life was welcomed by the new Vilous Empire, and though they were quite comfortable with keeping to their own world or nearby planets once over-population might become a threat, there were many who jumped at the chance to join these space faring species as they traveled the stars, for all manner of personal reasons...
One of the largest of these groups however, Ironically, Were the warriors... With no 'great' threat on their home-world and apparent 'allies' in the stars there was little for them to do but practice tradition and train the next generation, So many of them sought a life-style that welcomed warriors more readily, Many being soldiers primarily, or hunters... Mercenary or 'private security' work is culturally frowned upon, but not exactly a point of aggression between groups.
Many species existed on this planet, strange little bird things, unusual quadrupedal creatures that seemed to be 'born' a mix of cybernetics and flesh, And Tall fluffy creatures almost as varied as humans in their cultural foci, if more divided. These fluffy ones, later known as 'Sergals', were the key-players in this world, Divided into great southern and Northern Empires that faced little challenge outside of eachother.
The Northern empire, or rather 'tribe' as it consisted of hundreds of smaller tribes dragged under heel by one particularly brutal supreme general who called herself 'Rein', was populated primarily by Sergals who, as with most who grew up in the north, were among the tallest sapient species, had a taste for meat, and a remarkably deep warrior culture that had... problems, with cooperation. That's not to say they were 'all' like the general, most weren't, but followed tradition or family, or sometimes hostages, into a war to subvert their smaller counter-parts. As a pretty thoroughly 'warrior' culture, the better warrior you were and the more accomplishments you had the higher your status, and in contrast those who pursued less aggressive life-styles were beneath the warrior class, while those who were born 'mystics' were even lower, often kept as 'healing slaves' to repair the warriors in battle until they expended themselves.
In contrast, the southern empire was comprised of many species, though again primarily Sergals who were most able to combat their counter-parts, though these were smaller in comparison, more omnivorous, they valued intellectual pursuits equally to physical pursuits as well as mystical, and treasured a strong mind as much as a strong body. It was no wonder really that some Northerners were more than happy to defect to another culture that saw them as more than weapons to throw at an enemy, or worse.
Of course, this is primarily ancient history at this point, the Northern Conquest was halted and the 'empire' status shattered when their General was killed and her closer followers tore eachother apart trying to claim the position... Effectively there was no chance of pulling it all back together fast enough to hold their territory.
To this day there's no known evidence of human intervention in the war... though, it would have been terribly easy to assassinate such a flimsy link in the chain from miles out with the right technology.
Though Vilous remains only 'moderately' safe for extraterestrial species even today, due to fringe elements of the Rein Empire looking to spite their enemies any way they can imagine, The contact with new life was welcomed by the new Vilous Empire, and though they were quite comfortable with keeping to their own world or nearby planets once over-population might become a threat, there were many who jumped at the chance to join these space faring species as they traveled the stars, for all manner of personal reasons...
One of the largest of these groups however, Ironically, Were the warriors... With no 'great' threat on their home-world and apparent 'allies' in the stars there was little for them to do but practice tradition and train the next generation, So many of them sought a life-style that welcomed warriors more readily, Many being soldiers primarily, or hunters... Mercenary or 'private security' work is culturally frowned upon, but not exactly a point of aggression between groups.
Many of those who ventured to the stars with their New allies tended to return and raise their own family's on Vilous... 'many', not all.
Rose was one of the relatively few Sergals to be born and raised in space, predictably to a pair of warriors traveling with a Mercenary band that tended to wander and hunt pirates or take escort jobs through dangerous territory... One might ask, why would they be needed in such missions where it was more likely to destroy the enemy ship than to experience boarding action?
[Note: Most below this is just me trying to scientifically recreate certain supernatural seeming things associated with them, while ensuring their limited to things that aren't 'out-rageous' nor OP, and technically ties in every combat choice with a risk for the warrior >3> If preffered, I can easily scrap this 'mystic' portion and 'un-replace' it's effect with an actual environmental suit XD]
Part of the excitement was the terror one felt while walking literally surrounded by something that could kill them near instantly, which for many was the literal existence of 'nothing' around them. Luckily, Rose's parents were highly accomplished Hull runner's, and had a great deal to teach him as he grew up, training among mercenaries, with his parents, and once he was grown enough to stand a chance, against anyone foolish enough to try boarding whatever Ship he and the others were protecting.
Alas... Rose found himself feeling disenchanted with the life as he passed into adult-hood. That's not to say it wasn't exciting, but he was of a new generation, carrying out relatively similar forms of combat over and over again didn't satisfy him, yet he would not abandon his current life without something he 'knew' was a more fitting alternative...
As it would happen, a chance encounter with a ship of GAHL Hunters on their way to an unexplored world, not as enemies mind you, seeded his mind with all the ideas he'd need to know exactly what he wanted to do... Now, his parents had already spat on 'tradition' enough to join mercenaries rather than a dedicated force of warriors, so they understood his choices well enough when he elected to seek out the GAHL to sign up so that he could explore these new worlds as well... So that he could live a life of facing brand new threats, new environments, new hazards, new 'monsters' that he could face down.
Some warrior's might have griped about the idea of working with a 'team' and 'sharing' their glory, but it just gave him even wilder ideas of what creatures might require a whole 'team' of people to take down.
Rose was one of the relatively few Sergals to be born and raised in space, predictably to a pair of warriors traveling with a Mercenary band that tended to wander and hunt pirates or take escort jobs through dangerous territory... One might ask, why would they be needed in such missions where it was more likely to destroy the enemy ship than to experience boarding action?
[Note: Most below this is just me trying to scientifically recreate certain supernatural seeming things associated with them, while ensuring their limited to things that aren't 'out-rageous' nor OP, and technically ties in every combat choice with a risk for the warrior >3> If preffered, I can easily scrap this 'mystic' portion and 'un-replace' it's effect with an actual environmental suit XD]
Well, that's actually an interesting tale... With the input of different species, or 'science' the likes of which their species had never imagined, possibilities were found related to what they called 'mysticism' at home... I won't bore you with the legions of deeper details behind that, though suffice to say it became considerably less 'mystical' despite still being called such. They discovered that the source of this 'mystic power' was actually a unique biological evolution born from a strange natural energy on Vilous that had affected the species living on it. it's not understood well enough to 'spread' it deliberately outside of genetics, but it allows for manipulation of that energy... The effects were much more fantastical to see on the planet itself, but Species originating from the planet produce small volumes of this energy themselves.
The effects that were producible by these mystics were considerably less while off-world, usually little more than what qualified as parlor tricks, but through meditation or various other means it could be stored with a low rate of charging allowing rare bursts of greater effect...
There's no official name for this energy aside from being called 'Myst', though it has occasionally been jokingly referred to as magic, psychic powers, biotics, or 'freaky furry powers'... It is important to note that these are all just colorful names given by the scientifically ignorant, and not indicative of 'real magic'.
The effects that were producible by these mystics were considerably less while off-world, usually little more than what qualified as parlor tricks, but through meditation or various other means it could be stored with a low rate of charging allowing rare bursts of greater effect...
There's no official name for this energy aside from being called 'Myst', though it has occasionally been jokingly referred to as magic, psychic powers, biotics, or 'freaky furry powers'... It is important to note that these are all just colorful names given by the scientifically ignorant, and not indicative of 'real magic'.
This knowledge gave rise to what became referred to as 'Hull Runners'... It was only natural that those of a warrior culture with little challenge left at home would seek, or invent, new challenges, and becoming a Hull Runner was among the most dangerous, and by extension prestigious honors for them.
The name itself should give enough of a hint, as a Hull runner quite literally runs across the hull of a ship in vacuum, though not without assistance mind you. They use special armors designed on Vilous and 'made' from a certain Chitinous species of giant beetle that had been found to channel this energy well. The armor's are remarkably durable, and with a healthy storage of saved up Myst can be used to execute a variety of functions, though these are primarily defensive in nature due to the 'lack' of Myst out in space. Even the offensive functions require 'contact' with something in order to persist, and usually consists of things such as super-heating a blade to cut through something or producing a bio-electric effect. [that is to say, no, they can't shoot fireballs or lightning bolts, and as an important note, 'will' hurt themselves with certain effects if it touched them instead of their armor or a weapon they're using.]

Hull-runners though, use this specifically to project a bodily atmospheric shield that allows them to resist the deadly effects of a vacuum, and many other environmental hazards [though the effectiveness and length of protection depends on the depth of the hazard], And then quite literally board the external hulls of enemy ships before cutting their way in, or simply causing sufficient damage and retreating to the ship they'd originally left. To say it was 'incredibly' dangerous was by every stretch of the word an under-statement, any number of factors could lead to one dying on the job, or even floating off into space waiting to run out of gas, so to speak.
The name itself should give enough of a hint, as a Hull runner quite literally runs across the hull of a ship in vacuum, though not without assistance mind you. They use special armors designed on Vilous and 'made' from a certain Chitinous species of giant beetle that had been found to channel this energy well. The armor's are remarkably durable, and with a healthy storage of saved up Myst can be used to execute a variety of functions, though these are primarily defensive in nature due to the 'lack' of Myst out in space. Even the offensive functions require 'contact' with something in order to persist, and usually consists of things such as super-heating a blade to cut through something or producing a bio-electric effect. [that is to say, no, they can't shoot fireballs or lightning bolts, and as an important note, 'will' hurt themselves with certain effects if it touched them instead of their armor or a weapon they're using.]

Hull-runners though, use this specifically to project a bodily atmospheric shield that allows them to resist the deadly effects of a vacuum, and many other environmental hazards [though the effectiveness and length of protection depends on the depth of the hazard], And then quite literally board the external hulls of enemy ships before cutting their way in, or simply causing sufficient damage and retreating to the ship they'd originally left. To say it was 'incredibly' dangerous was by every stretch of the word an under-statement, any number of factors could lead to one dying on the job, or even floating off into space waiting to run out of gas, so to speak.
Part of the excitement was the terror one felt while walking literally surrounded by something that could kill them near instantly, which for many was the literal existence of 'nothing' around them. Luckily, Rose's parents were highly accomplished Hull runner's, and had a great deal to teach him as he grew up, training among mercenaries, with his parents, and once he was grown enough to stand a chance, against anyone foolish enough to try boarding whatever Ship he and the others were protecting.
Alas... Rose found himself feeling disenchanted with the life as he passed into adult-hood. That's not to say it wasn't exciting, but he was of a new generation, carrying out relatively similar forms of combat over and over again didn't satisfy him, yet he would not abandon his current life without something he 'knew' was a more fitting alternative...
As it would happen, a chance encounter with a ship of GAHL Hunters on their way to an unexplored world, not as enemies mind you, seeded his mind with all the ideas he'd need to know exactly what he wanted to do... Now, his parents had already spat on 'tradition' enough to join mercenaries rather than a dedicated force of warriors, so they understood his choices well enough when he elected to seek out the GAHL to sign up so that he could explore these new worlds as well... So that he could live a life of facing brand new threats, new environments, new hazards, new 'monsters' that he could face down.
Some warrior's might have griped about the idea of working with a 'team' and 'sharing' their glory, but it just gave him even wilder ideas of what creatures might require a whole 'team' of people to take down.
Weapons/Supplies: Despite his seemingly reckless Nature, Rose prefers to favor his survivability only blunt aggression, and will very rarely resort to using Myst for anything other than Environmental protection to spare himself his worries of dangers that he isn't capable of 'crushing', hence his favor of equipment designed by other species.
Micro-jet Propulsion hammer - Most sergal's favor 'sharp' pole-arms, harlberds, spears, pole-axes... While they have their uses, Rose's choice in this strange amalgamation of engine and hammer was born of combating the one true 'fear' he had while Hull-running... Helplessness, specifically during a time when he'd slipped off the hull while younger. Often times a Warrior's greatest fear is never their enemy, but suffering a pitiful death, of which few are worse than floating off into space with no control... hence, a weapon with built in propulsion.
It was actually a gift from the crew he grew up with, His parents and several of the engineer's on the ship built it, and of course he was coached on maintaining it despite being a terrible mechanic.
The design utilizes a micro-fusion engine jurry-rigged to use the charge of loaded pulse-clips, highly common ammunition for obvious reasons, to instigate short-term jump-starts of micro-rocket engines embedded into the rear of the hammer. As one could imagine, this magnifies the velocity of a hammer swing, causing much more devastating effect... As if that wasn't enough though, the cobbled together thing has a bit of an efficiency 'problem', quote unquote, as the poorly matched energy sources create a volatile by-product fluid that gathers behind the head of the hammer while the engines are running, while the prongs on the head of the hammer, when meeting pressure, are pushed into the hammer, causing the collection tubes to eject their load through the opened holes. This may cause it to just splash the target if there is no impact, yet when the hammer strikes directly the impact causes a small localized explosion, further piling onto the hammer's impact force.
It was actually a gift from the crew he grew up with, His parents and several of the engineer's on the ship built it, and of course he was coached on maintaining it despite being a terrible mechanic.
The design utilizes a micro-fusion engine jurry-rigged to use the charge of loaded pulse-clips, highly common ammunition for obvious reasons, to instigate short-term jump-starts of micro-rocket engines embedded into the rear of the hammer. As one could imagine, this magnifies the velocity of a hammer swing, causing much more devastating effect... As if that wasn't enough though, the cobbled together thing has a bit of an efficiency 'problem', quote unquote, as the poorly matched energy sources create a volatile by-product fluid that gathers behind the head of the hammer while the engines are running, while the prongs on the head of the hammer, when meeting pressure, are pushed into the hammer, causing the collection tubes to eject their load through the opened holes. This may cause it to just splash the target if there is no impact, yet when the hammer strikes directly the impact causes a small localized explosion, further piling onto the hammer's impact force.
Hull Runner Myst Armor - There's an image up there for it, but basically it channels that natural energy to provide him with protection from environmental hazards, heat, cold, fire, acid, gasses, vacuum... That said, it's quite limited in duration, ranging from a single minute to an hour depending on the intensity of the threat. It can technically be charged to protect from more direct threats, but this will drain it's reserves extremely fast.
Pirated Pulse Shotgun - He doesn't even know what the model is, just that it did some serious damage up close and he stole it from pirates... Since he prefers up close and personal, that's exactly what it's for, putting shells into things that he can't afford to go toe to toe with in melee, or that he can't 'get' close enough to... It helps that the ammo for it is compatible with his hammer.
Sergals are tall, slim, and flexible, with an increased muscle density when compared to humans, with claws, teeth, powerful jaws, strong tails, and even flexible foot-claws, it makes them terrifying predators in their own right.
That said, this puts them on the heavy side of thing, easily weighing nearly twice as much as humans even when they 'are' the same height, and meaning that surfaces or objects capable of holding said human's weight, might give way under a Sergal. Their bone's also do not benefit from the increased density, though they are adapted to handling the species' mobility without hurting themselves, it's a bit easier to break them.
this aside, their eye-sight is relatively similar to a human's in quality, though more adjustable to dark places, while their scent and hearing are considerably heightened.
That said, this puts them on the heavy side of thing, easily weighing nearly twice as much as humans even when they 'are' the same height, and meaning that surfaces or objects capable of holding said human's weight, might give way under a Sergal. Their bone's also do not benefit from the increased density, though they are adapted to handling the species' mobility without hurting themselves, it's a bit easier to break them.
this aside, their eye-sight is relatively similar to a human's in quality, though more adjustable to dark places, while their scent and hearing are considerably heightened.