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  • Old Guild Username: Shoryu
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@Icepick Nice creature designs! I personally think the first 3 will certainly be nice additions to the RP. Fourth one looks nice as well, but I see more fantasy dragon than science fiction.

There will be sentient alien races that I will control. I've already made one up for a desert planet. There will be more down the line. Perhaps a few side quests can come from the natives as well...

Heheh, Well, generally things look like fantasy until they become reality, or scientifically explained >3> I could see it as a big vine monster that just 'happens' to be in the shape of a dragon XD
I like the first and very last images!

They seem realistic and possible enough in a sci fi universe as an alien species, but it's up to @Lmpkio obviously. :)

@Shoryu You know, just because its an alien, I'll let the design choices slide. But like @Icepick, the last one looks really nice! Either way, pick who you think is the best and we'll take it from there.

Wunderbar! :D I rather liked that one as well >3> So i'll dive back in the CS work shortly. Gives me some fair ideas as well.

The second CS I was going to try [whether or not we can only have one or two, I figured i'd make one anyway cause I like exercising my imagination :D], was going to have a more insectoid theme, but the particular 'kind' I was browsing for, I could only find 'realistic' done in colored pencil style art rather than high detail art, hence why I asked about that type as well XD though I wanted to keep the actual images for that one a secret till I finished the CS and all the elaboration of details was prepared.

Also, I apologize in advance if I don't get them 'finished' today, it'll definitely be submitted tommorrow if not, today is shaping up to interupt me frequently, but i'll get everything done that I can.
@Shoryu Try to find something a bit more realistic, if not, I may allow you to use the pic you've shown me.

cool :D And I'm working on that now... I know the 'creature' I'm trying to use, and I know there's plenty of art, it's just proving difficult to find one with a 'realistic level of detail' that isn't... well, questionable... hmmm, what about realistic 'pencil style' art actually?

That said, are any of these closer? I find all kinds of images, from simpler arts demonstrating anatomical details, to 'very' detailed [if potentially suggestive] ones, and some that make me think 'realistic? Maybe if it was natural for creatures to have that color'

http://orig09.deviantart.net/f2b5/f/2014/183/3/2/com___the_outsider_by_tespia-d7owaj7.jpg Or things like this one.

Use Pinterest, it's amazing for finding pictures, when searching just put in:

Furry art sci fi

Things come up :)

pinterest huh? Never heard of it >3> I'll go look... Oh hey, you ain't kiddin... also, right on the front page when I started pinterest...
wtf? XD

Unfortunately, it's not turning up any results for the particular creature I'd been using that look any more realistic than the last one.
@BurningCold Btw, I won't be waiting forever. If they don't get them up by Saturday or Sunday, I'll have to continue without them. Don't want to hold this RP up.

Apologies for my delays >n> The last couple of days got rather bloody busy for me, but I just woke up and i'll be cranking out the CSes today sometime...

That said, It occured to me that I may not know quite how far 'realistic art' will stretch XD [That and my fascination with multi-verses and such may color my own views of how far 'realistic' can stretch] SO! I figured i'd drop an example here and see if it was 'good enough' or 'not enough'. It's a technically alien species I enjoy playing from time to time [it's also that thing in my icon XD] and the armor looked like it'd kindof fit the futury theme... hell, it almost looks like someone used bits of something's carapace and fashioned them into armor.
[Granted, it's incredibly difficult to find 'realistic art' of anything that has fur, because that usually entails insane levels of detail that actually show the 'fur detail' XD]
Of course, if that's insufficient detail, then I'll have to hunt for something more realistic looking, though admittedly the presence of thick fur to my imagination makes 'realistic' a bit more potentially colorful than it is for more human looking creatures. Still, i'm fine changing my plan.

Ok, you can use this, just try not to go crazy with all the colors. I've had to reread your CS more than once cause I wasn't completely sure what was going on. Like I said, don't go crazy with it and we should be good.

Well... it mostly gets out of hand there because I was using Deadpool's own little trope of 4th wall breaking to have 'them' talk about himself. [being Deadpool and his comical side personalities from the comics and game] with a little interference from the second character I had in mind that would probably balance out Deadpool's general blood-thirstiness. [I didn't post them yet cause I got real busy and couldn't finish them yet.] I imagine generally IC there'll be less voluminous Verbosity on their part, and the majority would probably just come from deadpool and said second character.
@Shoryu It would probably be scary if the three horrors team'd up. I think there's three? Zargoth, Mr. Chaos and Asgenav... :P

Possibly XD though that might depend on if MR.Chaos sees a benefit from teaming up with them >3> depends more on 'their' goals than his own.
It might just be between the girls in se, but if the Beacon higher ups don't sign off then the girls in it still risk getting whammied. Which naturally is ad for them.

Meh, I guess all the immediate vitriol from everyone not in beacon at the meeting has me intimidated.

oh don't feel intimidated >3> ... though the insults that Natasha slung didn't help anything, it's mostly just a natural reaction to anyone facing an uncompromising zealotous organization like theirs while being former victims of that organization.

<Snipped quote by Flamelord>

From the Beacon's point of view, they would be hurting monsters, not people.

oh, I know XD s'not gonna stop Furor from pointing out how wrong they are as often as he feels like XD
<Snipped quote by Shoryu>

Like policing to keep those in their ranks from hurting people even after agreeing to a cease fire.

Well, if they're doing 'good', then there's no reason to deny them some organized observance to make sure there's no evil going on XD furor would welcome the challenge of escaping their notice really >3>

Of course, they can expect some counter policing as well, given their own history ;3 Afterall, the idea of policing to ensure the innocent are not being harmed works both ways...

Ooooh, I suddenly have an idea for Furor to suggest IC :D

A little 'joint' policing... maybe XD

Also, It's mostly meant to be an agreement between those 'in' primrose, There'd be clear limits to the alliance, as in those who agreed are not responsible for other beaconites who attack the monster's who agreed, nor for any conflicts happening outside of the range of the primrose alliance >3>
Yep, Beacon are definitely the immediate arc villains. A good thing we don't actually need this alliance I guess.

Well, they don't 'have' to be, but if they weren't such a blind zealous religious organization more would be willing to work with them :D

Also, by 'force' do you mean like, collaring or power suppression?

Good lord it is somewhat scary, the Horror in this RP feels more Pragmatic and Good than Beacon of all things. XP

Isn't that the way it normally is? I mean, not to step on anyone religious, but the darker periods [note, I did clarify 'darker periods', some don't seem to have had those darker periods XD] of most religion's histories are painted with the blood of those who defied them while suffering from corrupt leadership, usually in the form of proclaiming holy vindication while marking those who defied them as blasphemous and evil and needing to be eradicated.

I personally really dig themes where 'darkness' isn't synonymous with 'evil' and the concepts can be explored deeper >w>
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