Avatar of Shoryu
  • Last Seen: 10 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: Shoryu
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Shoryu 11 yrs ago
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Thank god my post wasn't in the city or yes, it would be been a Disaster. LOL
Ms. Grail isn't dumb enough to go to a meeting of people since her master is literally a HORROR. XP

Furor's is kindof a horror as well >3> If a far more subtle and 'background' horror that tries to draw minimal attention his way.

Also! Post out! I am off to gorge on games for a little while! :D

Furor Entropis

'Well isn't this just a most fascinating gathering of individuals?! ohhh, if only I hadn't been asked to 'behave', heeheeeee.' He sat with a wildly delighted grin in 'her' guise, perched on a random branch in clear view of those gathered... afterall, he wasn't 'spying' he was participating! If from the very fringes of the group of course, waiting to see if anyone would stir things up or spring a trap on those who gathered or out-right break into violence.

Alas, it didn't seem that such would happen at least not so far, although a 'bit' of stir came from the one at the front of the Beacon girls and drew a massive grin from 'her' lips though, and even more so when a fellow monsterly sort responded in kind with all the reason and logic that one could ever hope for... Personally, he avoided the Beacon like the plague, he disliked the notion of murdering the misguided soldier's of a wicked master where possible, proffering to flee when discovered and confuse them unless he were to become cornered of course.

For now he decided that he'd be patient and let everyone else have a turn to speak up. they weren't the only bit of entertainment anyway. He always liked that about these 'girls', they were tough, sometimes short tempered, and not shy about smacking eachother around half the time because they knew the other could take it, and even those who didn't fit that criteria were terribly entertaining! He did have a strange kind of appreciation for the 'chaos' that seemed to just follow them everywhere they went...

At last, it seemed that fewer new faces were going to step up and he could pretty easily pick up on the rising aggressive emotions building on either side, so finally she spoke up, calling out over the group of them from her tree limb with the voice of a posh and cultured disguise "Not to Demonize? Consideration for 'your' beliefs? Unfortunately Darlings, That is exactly what many followers of Beacon 'do'. They do not learn about their targets, or give them a chance, they see a 'creature that does not look human' and follow your belief that these creatures must be terrible servants of darkness." She waved a hand for a moment as if brushing away some imagined reply "Neverminding that 'darkness' in itself is not synonymous with 'evil', that amounts to blind bigotry, and unfortunately your beliefs tend to have little consideration for the beliefs of others unless they coincide 'with' yours."

With a broad smile she thought through her transformation phrase 'Rise up Chaos, Crush boredom and fill the world with Excitement, Spread the Chaotic Furor!' and seemed to 'pour' out of the disintegrating disguise, this strange dapperly dressed impossible creature floating closer to the center of the gathering, while giving the beacon girls a 'decent' berth, if one surely too close for their own tastes, and continued in a voice that possessed an androgynous yet echoing tone "Now, that's just what I've 'seen' and 'experienced' the few times your girls have managed to ambush me... It's safe to say that my experience, as your teachings in beacon, have given me a bias against the source of that experience, as your teachings do against those the teaching's defame."

He clicked his claws together excitedly as he floated easily along off the ground, writhing or swirling a bit here, the snarky gleam in his eyes and the broad far too excited toothy grin spread across his muzzle quite possibly taunting them. "All of that said, 'my' consideration for 'your' beliefs has been a constant, and that is quite simple. Don't attack me, and I won't attack you or insert myself into the goings on of your crusade against all things 'not human looking'. I have no problem with your beliefs actually, I may think they could be worded a bit better. The 'problem' many have with beacon girls is the 'actions' they carry out in the name of those beliefs, the ignorance, the derision, the slaughter, the hatred, all born of beliefs that lump innocent victims and devoted heroes in with the sick and twisted beasts that seek to devour and destroy... To 'non-beacon' it looks totally different, It looks like a bunch of zealots making 'the light' unsafe for the 'different' so they have no 'choice' but to live in the darkness... Alas, those who live in darkness see a 'different' kind of light, one often invisible to those blinding themselves by staring at the sun."

He clicked his little claws together then before simple floating away to a probably much more safe distance from the beacon girls "I can appreciate your friend there, Janet, yes?" He cast a smile her way specifically and clasped his claws together "I 'would' shake your hand, but I'm afraid your master's would think my mere touch had tainted you and corrupted your mind." He glanced to the other beacon girl, Natasha and added "Also, Darling, 'true' Ugliness exists on the 'inside'... think about that for abit." Once more back to the girl at the front of beacon "Nobody will force you to work 'with' those you despise, whatever your reasons, only ask that you refrain from trying to murder them so long as they are operating in a way that benefits your master's goals, i.e., fighting feral monsters or twisted evils... If I have interpreted the young miss who invited us here properly, this is an alliance, not a pact to abandon our pasts for some new faction, and it extends primarily to the extent of protecting this not so little town that is so plagued by the wild monsters of late... Personally, I will not fault you for your beliefs, and 'I' have no qualms with working with forgiving the Beacon girls who've tried to murder me on sight with no evidence of 'any' wrong doing, nor 'darkness' or evil aside from assumptions about inhuman appearances, and work with them so long as they are willing to not dig a sword into my back... Though I will 'not' promise not to be a Snarky little bugger, speak my mind freely, and let no amount of intimidation of threats suppress me pointing out when someone is doing something that aids evil."

He drifted further back then, towards the position the two other girls stood on their pedestals... or, 'had', since one hopped down recently, and floated himself up in a position opposite the beacon girls and at a similar, before coiling upon himself and using his own tail as a sort of 'seat' to perched himself on while looking to Victoria "I am Furor Entropis, a self proclaimed servant of 'the great balance', though simply 'Foo' will be fine. I do apologize if I misinterpreted and the 'disguise request' was meant to persist past the midnight deadline, I'm rather more shameless in revealing 'what' I am to those I don't count among my enemies and I imagine i should help them be comfortable with that detail for the sake of cooperation." He made a playful flourish suddenly with one of his claws, whipping his hat off and plucking from within it a little vanilla milk-shake with a straw in it that he took a quick sip from " That said, I would cast my hat into the ring." Literally, he tossed his hat forward between the pillars, though anyone who watched it fall and looked back at him would find it seemed to have never left his head "with this Alliance, anything that gives me less girls to worry about attacking me on sight is a wonderful benefit for both they and myself, and I will be honored to supply my talents in keeping your lovely city here nice and safe... and 'that' said, I would not fault you if you wish to have the capabilities and resources behind the Beacon behind you instead. My desires are sated quite well 'regardless' of 'who' is preventing innocents between slaughtered on the whole, I would be willing to step back if necessary."


All things considered, this was actually 'incredibly' tame for him. One might wonder how long he'd last being so well behaved without spreading 'some' kind of chaos, but it was relatively clear that he was more than happy to float there sipping his milk-shake and demonstrating his capacity for politeness and cooperation in the face of the concept of working 'with' an organization who's members had already tried to kill him possibly a dozen times already... There was a bit of a smug grin on his muzzle though, perhaps born of self proclaimed vindication at displaying himself more willing to forgive past conflicts for the sake of the countless innocents at threat around the city.
[oops, my apologies, it somehow double posted when I told it to 'edit' D: sorry! can this be deleted? >3>]
MAke way Darlings! Furor is coming in to stir up trouble!... Well, maybe, I'm only half way through reading the posts >3> But I figured i might mention I'm currently settled in to focus on catching up and posting, incase this might entice anyone to wait and see :D
completion of the second character will be done soon, but I thought I might go ahead and get a post in for the completed one while I'm relatively fresh for the day... don't wanna fall 'too' far behind due to my college distractions @#x@

Well, someone mentioned deadpool and the idea stuck in my head!... I'm not sure if OCs were the requirement or the preference, buuuut it shouldn't be too hard for me to fix if I got it wrong ^.^

@Shoryu I'm a little leery of the Chaos powers. Just make sure they're not OP, and try to stay away from too much lolrandom stuff. Accepted.

I fully understand >3> I generally do my best not to go 'too far' one way or the other, and I like to think I have a relatively strong understanding of what 'Too OP!' looks like once i've gotten a feel for an RP... granted, I'm not 'too' familiar with magical girl tiers of power yet, but I'll generally err on the side of caution until I'm more acquainted ^.^

so thanks :D
Working on my CSes right now >3> hopefully it's sufficiently entertaining ;3
Now that Lily has made her grand appearance, it's time to bring out her meme theme.

Well that's unfortunate, it's blocked in America for some reason! XD

Also, Just quoting my own CS post, incase it was missed due to timing, i've had that happen a few times before XD where a GM'll check their messages 'just' in-time for mine to have not been visible yet, and be counted as read because they'd just checked it, then get lost amongst the other posts @x@

<Snipped quote by Western Robot>

Finally Done! or at least, like, 95% done, I'll filli n the last tweaks on the second one after dinner, but otherwise I'm ready to post them and have them either accepted or ripped apart and in need of repair XD Admitedly, I may have gone more 'monster' than necessary, but I've always had a thing for playing fluffy monsters XD Hopefully it's not 'too' big a deal.

It's entirely possible that I messed something up during the process of putting things together.

Finally Done! or at least, like, 95% done, I'll filli n the last tweaks on the second one after dinner, but otherwise I'm ready to post them and have them either accepted or ripped apart and in need of repair XD Admitedly, I may have gone more 'monster' than necessary, but I've always had a thing for playing fluffy monsters XD Hopefully it's not 'too' big a deal.

It's entirely possible that I messed something up during the process of putting things together.

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