Yeah, I noticed that as well. But that's focused stat building.
I thought as much, though I wasn't sure 'how' without using pretty much every coin for strength XD I'm not sure if it's just me missing things [cause I didn't read through 'whole' CSes, just browsed to make sure I wasn't somehow ending up with a nearly identical character to someone else XD] but I swore I saw a lot of 'uneven ratio of drawbacks' here and there, when every patron has 2 minimum except for Solo. Am I just misunderstanding something and giving mine 'too many' drawbacks? >3>
Alright, the IC has now started. If your character wouldn't be at the meeting, you can show them elsewhere.
oh my, I knew i'd end up behind a little D: Had to get college done today! I'll finish up my second character and get done >3> on which note mine probably 'would' show up to the meeting <w< if perhaps 'fashionably late' since i'm probably a bit late getting done.
on a side note, I had a feeling for a while that my stats ended up really low, cause I remembered seeing someone with a 22 and an 18 and such and I was like 'damn, that's higher than maximum'. But i'd only been glancing through and didn't realize it had only been 'one' person that had anything commonly above '12' xD
oh hey thanks >3> I'm done with one character [I'm not sure if I got lucky rolls or not >3> I have a lot of perks, and took a fair bit of patron buffs/debuffs, but my stats are really low XD], Though i'm also making the second one based on my original 'test roll' as well.
I actually wanted to save my rolls to show as well... uuunfortunately, the site I used for them lost record of the rolls when I reloaded my browser and I forgot to put them in the txt with my Characters @x@
Still, does anyone know about the question I asked earlier? >3>
Hmmm... Hey, if you roll the wing's perk, and then take the wings mutation, does that count as the 'way to fly naturally' that 'vastly increased speed and manueverability'?
If that's the case! Does it only work that way when you 'also' rolled wings for perk? or does it make getting it in a roll redundant since the wing mutation gives the wing perk 'and' counts as a natural way to fly?
I went on and 'made' my characters in Xcom 2 :D ... Ignore the sword on the second guy, I had to choose ranger to get a shotgun in the image XD
First one's done :D
Name: Pytor Gusev Age: 36 Nationality: Russian Base of Operations: North America [MURICA!] Bio:
Pytor is a living embodiment of Russian stereotypes, a beast of a man standing among the tallest of soldiers, Muscular [albeit leaning more towards lean than 'bulk'.], Grew up in the frigid North of Russia, Wrestled bears and killed wolves with his bear hands, literally! With the 'bear' hands that he had re-purposed as weapons!
Okay, that might be some form of embellishment... maybe? He behaves as a big friendly giant of a man with a habit of telling fantastical stories and who knows whether they're true or not, the entertainment is more important!
Although... this does leave the truth of his background a bit mysterious, though some could be disproved through investigation, he 'did' appear first in northern Russia, which would fit with some kind of birth in a house-hold that lived in the wild... Or, he this could simply be a thorough yet fabricated back-story to protect the identity of Former special agents serving the government, as many are wont to do when said agents leave their service.
Either way, his background shows him traveling the world, exploring many different environments and the experiences of living in them... Truthfully, America hadn't been high on his list, he may not be the best educated individual and let the many stories discolor his interest, but inevitably it became the only big country that he hadn't visited, and thus did he visit a nation typically known to have a lot of rivalry with his home-land.
Turns out, the urban jungle can be as exciting as the natural ones, though many people didn't seem to see it the way he did, in his experience it followed the same theory, if much more organized, the trees and mountains were much thinner and more arranged, the rivers and herds followed lines and pipes, and the 'predators' were different as well, both more dangerous in some ways, yet easier to deal with as well. He learned to blend in as he always had, which in an American city means shaving and cleaning up.
Who knows if it's just another embellishment of his stories or not, but he didn't actually have time to reach a point where he'd need to settle in and get whatever job would take him to survive as the Invasion itself actually interrupted his exploration of American life, or perhaps, more accurately, the 'pre-invasion' interrupted it.
The strange 'G-man cliche' looking thin men did well blending in, for a creature born of an unknown species trying to squeeze into a human skin, or whatever they were, but they behaved more like animals that he had hunted in the past that were trying to go unnoticed, and even after his first glimpse of the creatures in disguise he had a feeling of something being 'wrong' with those so called people... Of course, he didn't know 'what' they were, he only thought they were really suspicious and regardless of nationality it didn't sit right with him to ignore what could be some bunch of crooks out to hurt 'little people'... There were few things he disliked more than big men who got by picking on targets that couldn't defend themselves.
Who would ever think such a tall man would be so capable of sneaking around? Sure, they found him out, but he didn't 'know' about abilities they had that got him found out... Of course, 'they' didn't know what kind of human was sneaking after them either, and neither of them knew that Xcom had been preparing a raid in the same place...
It was a perfect occurrence of 'right place, right time', although the fight that took place before Xcom moved in to 'save the idiot civilian that stumbled into an operation' was already over. It had been loud, plasma had hit a few walls, but it seemed as if upon realizing that what he'd tried to ambush hadn't even been human he'd fallen back on his 'kill or be killed' experience and the alien's had under-estimated the lone human with a knife... In truth, if they'd just 'spit' at him immediately he would've gone down from their poison, arrogance played into his survival of that situation even though he had to stumble half dead out of the poison clouds that had poured out of the scrawny corpses.
Lucky the bugger was that Xcom moved in instead of waiting to see what happened, he received proper treatment that was directly responsible for surviving the fast acting poisons, and he woke up strapped to a bed in an X-com Facility that still looked like it was under-construction... Heeee... really couldn't blame them for tying him down, if he'd had the opportunity to jump up and find a sharp thing he might've killed the first person who'd come along out of survival instinct.
As it stood, he'd been stuck until someone showed up to explain what had happened and why he was there... Really, there's not much more to tell after that, He'd displayed useful skills and Xcom needed every able body didn't it? Granted, he may or may not have any official military training, but he got plenty with Xcom after his recruitment.
Appearance: (Images preferred but feel free to write one out)
Class: Ranger Squad: Diamond Dogs Rank: Squaddie-1st rank Utility Skills/Strengths: Bush Man Physique - He's not as 'big' as he could be if he worked on purely building strength, nor as lithe as one who'd trained solely for sneaking, but his body reflects his life-style of travel and living off of nature, strong, fast, flexible, inferior in any one field compared to a specialist, but trained life-long in using every field together to his greatest advantage.
Naturalist - He's built incredible endurance over the years, as well as a number of oddball skills associated with a love of living in different challenging environments. Cold and heat won't bother him so much, he'll tire less easily, need less to eat [though he has a huge appetite by choice it seems!], and is very much used to lying in wait for long periods of time waiting to ambush his target, as well as both observing and learning new signs of threats around him... He's also a bomb ass cook! though his current prey aren't very edible.
Brutal Survivalist - He prefers to be the hunter, to wait for the right moment to strike and take down his target and cause as much damage as possible, but when push comes to shove he'll fight like a man possessed to ensure his own survival, quite possibly fiercely enough to imbalance whatever he's fighting. In his mind, if his life is in immediate danger, especially by these aliens, he won't have time to turn and flee anyway, so he may as well tear into them and be the last one standing.
Personal Skills: Story-telling - He has a long and vibrant history of wild experiences to share with other people!... who cares if he adds a few embellishments?! Wildman - not in the 'nature' sense, he's actually surprisingly well adjusted for someone who spent so long wandering in and out of Civilization for half of his life, but he 'loves' excitement, entertainment, parties, games, drinks.
Weaknesses: Arrogantly Protective - He has a habit of looking at smaller people around him as something he can protect, as something that needs 'protection'... This is obviously less the case in a squad of soldiers, but there's still an undertone of 'I'm tougher than everyone else' with him.
Uneducated - He lacks a lot of official education that most Xcom operatives might have, recruited more for his skills than his brain, not 'stupid' per se, just lacking a low of knowledge that may cause him to question or misunderstand basic things, sometimes to comical effect.
Name: Jonas Braun Age: 28 Nationality: German Base of Operations: (Any of the seven Continents) Bio: (Make sure to describe why you were selected by XCOM) Appearance:
Class: Engineer Squad: (Names follow the rule, adjective + animal like Demon Dogs or Steel Vipers) Rank: (Squaddie-1st rank to start but this will change the more you accomplish) Utility Skills/Strengths: (Any skills unrelated to your class that can be helpful in combat) Personal Skills: (Any specific skills that don't necessarily have an application in combat) Weaknesses: (Any flaws to your character that might affect an important situation)
Be as imaginative as you want, as long as it isnt too big, too small, or that can fly. If you want to present some examples, I'll judge them.
Technically they all have hunter gear, just no need to list it.
Awww, what's wrong with flying?! XD heheh, but I think I got it >3> though 'what' is 'too big or too small'? XD I might make a couple different CSes for different species and just see which one works.
I actually got really busy the other day, and I could most starting tommorrow, but i'll get done whatever I can today >3>
Just a quick question though!... Is there any particular limitation on what kinds of aliens were can make as long as we can find some form of realistic, or semi-realistic, imagery of them? >3> I have a lot of options I could work with if that's the case :D
Also huh... It almost looks like nobody's character's has any 'hunting gear' aside from weapons XD