Avatar of Shoryu
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  • Old Guild Username: Shoryu
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    1. Shoryu 11 yrs ago
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He seemed to ponder on certain words for a moment as she continued to speak... He actually took an embarassing ammount of time thinking about it while eying up the ripped edges of the door's newest hole, and while he did that certain other words acted as a powerful que to the pink creature on his head!

Berry reached a hoof behind him and into his mane, displaying that cartoonish level of flexibility, before whipping it back out and holding it out to the strange door creature, a platter with several different flavors of cup-cakes arranged on it "Catering I can 'do'! Help yourself! And I'm"His voice shifted suddenly, turning more flat and not as high pitched [/color=magenta]"Bubblini Davinci Berry"[/color] He shook his head a moment and frowned, but quickly burst back into a proper smile "But you can just call me Berry... or Bubble... Or Davinci even! People seem to have a weird fascination with that name, but I never get it... And don't worry, they'll probably notice eventually, then they'll feel silly cause they didn't read thoroughly."

Suddenly 'the red one' released a despondant wail "Awwwww! I missed a 'here's johnny' meme! Those are always funny! Though Normally I end up shooting whoever did it because they surprised me and I tend to end up shooting at surprises..." He rubbed his chin for a moment, going from despondent to thoughtful in a seeming instant, then shrugging it off "Whatever, I'm Deadpool, And 'I' am impressed that I found someone who's never seen me before, I'm practically famous across the Multiverse!" His strangely emotive mask's eyes flattened then "I'm also everyone's favorite punching bag because I can't die, but screw them..."
@Shoryu Thank you! Finally someone who is trying to interact with other characters!

Ta-daaaaa! :D
All work and no play makes ol Deady McPool an angry, antsy, angsty, annoyed, little mercenary! Poor bugger just couldn't catch a break! If it wasn't one of the X-pajamas, It was the Hulk. If it wasn't some pissed off deity it was some pissed off demon... If it wasn't some angry little interdimensional teenager then it was that firey little girl that liked to keep burning him!... Seriously, what's wrong with her? It can 'not' be healthy to keep using someone else as live burning stress relief... especially if that someone is very close to losing their patience finally and just killing her!

Ahhh, But none of that matters now! Why you might ask? Simple...

Ol Deadpool was laid out across his favorite dirty as a rabid dog couch, at his side was his bestest buddy in the whole multi-verse because he's just so adorable and huggable and sickeningly nice that he just can't bring himself to murder the little pink monster, he wasn't even sure if that would work... It was kindof a love-hate relationship really... Oh, right, the last most important detail! The Thing that could make all the annoying interference of the last few 'years' worth it, his favorite new most holy of foods in the whole multiverse!

The Fabled Chimi-Cherry Changa!

He never had gotten to eat one, and it had frustrated him for years that he could never have the time to get back to trying to eat the glorious fusion of the previous holiest food of Chimi-changas, and the cherry-changas that existed in an alternate dimension made of sugar and rainbows!

Naturally, this required his companion to cheer him on "CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP!" in that sickeningly sweet high pitched voice of his, coupled with suitably dramatic tension as he 'slowly' raised the cherry bloated wad of food to his lips!...

"OH COME ON!" only to see a bright orange sphere shooting towards him... he tried to hasten the dramatic progress, but it seemed he was trapped in a slow-motion horror moment now as the thing only sped up towards him... Then zipped over in an instant, slamming right into his face and sucking him up like a noodle, leaving the meal behind to fall to the floor.

Except Berry caught it with his mane somehow, though looking terribly sad as the orange ball dissapeared and left him behind "Awwwww...."... her perked up a bare instant later "Oh well, I'll just save it for later again!" He had just stuffed the snacked into his mane-space and gotten up to leave when a rip in space opened up nearby and Deadpool reached out of it, a similar orange ball in his hand, though it seemed to be just a rubber ball as he surely couldn't control the same force that stole him away.

"Nuh-uh! You're comin 'with' me this time! I need comic relief if I'm gonna put up with this again!" then he touched the ball to the ponies head and... he seemed to be sucked into his mane and into the ball in some strange cartoony fashion with a squeel of "Whhhheeeeeee!!!!" Before dead-pool himself was ripped back into the hole and-


Deposited under one of the console's in a room full of people who were conveniently not looking in his direction! "OW!... Stupid Interdimensional travel monsters, Always gotta be Jerks!" He of course slowly extricated himself from the painfully inhuman position he'd been packed into, and stood up to get a bearing of his surroundings...

He counted himself lucky to go unnoticed for the moment, as it seems he had appeared here just intime for everyone else to be distracted, with a few leaving even, because this managed to be a new one for him... Different... foundations? of life were present, meaty humans, 'drawn' people... other stuff... And here he was, like a walking comic book, except 3-D of course. Not many things could get Deadpool to take a moment seriously, but inter-universal warping tended to hit him pretty hard... hence why he spent a whole 3 seconds actually figuring out what was going on instead of instantly popping off a snappy one liner.

This was all it took for his companion to catch up, the wierd floating holographic profile of him suddenly moving unnecesarily, the image on the profile coming to life and climbing right out of the hologram, bit of a tight squeeze it seemed as he popped right out and shot off to hit the wall and bounced off with an audible Squeaky toy noise, which he shook off with a sound like a rattle toy "Ooooh, squeezy holes." This one looked like she came straight out of a cartoon, if Three Dimensional as well.

Deadpool also noted that 'another' pony thing was just passing through the room, somehow oblivious of the creature that had ripped through one of the doors to say hello and was still peeking through... "Huh, I thought 'I' was the most oblivious when hunting for more Changa." This however prevented him from noticing when the pink demon had warpped his way into sitting on the merc's shoulders. "I dunno... I certainly don't know anypony who would miss 'that'... except me when I'm following the scent of a party that wasn't planned by 'me'!... Who keeps spell books on a space ship anyway? That's silly, even I don't hide random spell-books in other universes."

He snorted a little, and since nobody else did, wandered over to the strange thing that had ripped through one of the doors, pink monster still perched on his shoulders "Hi there! You look like fun, how's life?"
Did we just supposedly get almost nuked? XD
Well, someone mentioned deadpool and the idea stuck in my head!... I'm not sure if OCs were the requirement or the preference, buuuut it shouldn't be too hard for me to fix if I got it wrong ^.^

If you can play both characters and make them feel separate, then I'll let you use them. Just don't use every color of the rainbow.

Oh, no problem at all :D and no guff, from an outside perspective they do have similarities, though the primary similarity is in the fourth wall breaking and wild comedy element [the second one 'has' a deadpool costume 'because' he's a fourth wall breaker and can imitate him.] but I can guarantee they're not just a pony version of dead pool ^.^

I shall also try to minimize the excessive use of color, in the CSes that was mostly because of the, again, 4th wall breaker element, I thought it would be an interesting gimmick for the CS designs because of how it fit the characters themselves. It'll mostly be red and magenta to differentiate between the two characters speaking in my posts.


PFFT! The universe is already broken! It needs some pinkness to screw it back together again :D
Don't worry, this rp is not dead. I am currently working on the reply, but with inspection coming up at work it maybe a day or two before I get it up. Thank you all for understanding.

yo, I finished the Second CS a while back XD been waiting on a yes or no on keeping it or just going with 'only' deadpool ;P
@Landaus Five-One It took me a bit to figure out how to express Laat being Loud. I'm glad it came across well.

I read his voice in my head as a long droning on megaphone... like the one thing from... I think Aqua teen hunger force that just kept shouting "IIIGNOOOREEE MEEEE!' after everything it said.

Also, I feel like there should be a discord chat for this RP xD there's a lotta people here and the OOC runs ooooonnnnn. I haven't even read half of it.


Heh, It was odd to see a place done up like 'wood' out here in space, like some strange reminder of home where things were either built out of stone, wood, or hide originally... or, rather, the 'species' home, not Rose' home. His was kindof made of metal and grease, but it still evoked a feeling of 'home'... Even more so with the little bar that was present which instantly drew the big fluffy beast's attention, luring him over to it with a big toothy grin!

He was plenty happy to spend some time searching through the bar shameless, if it wasn't there to share while they were 'getting comfy' then why wouldn't he have mentioned not to mess with it? Hence, just after one of the girls dove over it to get something, he practically laid ontop of the bar as he picked through things behind it... upside down...

He came back up bearing a bottle of Courish whiskey, which had him grinning all the harder, it was a staple of mercenary life and frequently looted from pirates if their ship survived well enough.

He wasted not a moment plopping onto an assumed stool against the wall and laying back against it, using a claw to pop the top off the bottle and take one long audible swig, followed by setting the bottle down and letting his mouth gape a bit in a deeply relaxed sigh... a little piece of 'his' kind of home it was, it was an extremely familiar taste tearing it's way down his throat.

Of course, he snapped his mouth shut as he caught scent of someone coming closer to 'him' specifically than the rest and glanced down suddenly... Oh, it was the pretty plant lady... He'd admit he didn't know most of the names unless they'd been spoken since meeting them, possibly a nasty habit of mercenary work that was going to need changing with his new, hopefully, profession.

Either way he kept up a pleasant smile opening his mouth to reply only to suddenly close it, raise his claw to cover it and look off to the side, the thoroughly stiffled rumble of an internet belch could be heard for a moment before he exhaled and 'then' turned back "Ah, Excuse me." He'd seemed to catch on to general public courtesies well enough at least! He even raised the claw he 'didn't' just belch into when offering a hand shake. "Yes, I am. Name's Rose, and it's a pleasure. I don't believe I've ever seen a plant person before, you're rather exotic it seems."

He cocked his head then with a slightly crooked smirk "And aye, Most of us keep to ourselves or the military... Not too odd, I've heard we're pretty new out in space, hmhm. Course, I was born into mercenary work instead of military. My parents were both Hull runners, though I found I couldn't enjoy the monotony the same way they did... by that i meant always fighting the same thing, pirates or smugglers, it was always one of the two, always in-space... I wanted some more spice in my life, and when I heard about GAHL it sounded perfect... Arm up, travel to different worlds, hunts all kinds of different creatures, every job highly likely to be different from the rest. I couldn't pass up the chance to hunt 'different' prey instead of only what I already knew I could take down... there's not as much thrill there."
[quote=@Landaus Five-One]
@Shoryu Your post has an error in it. :(
You missed a [/color] somewhere... >.<

Also awesome post. I read it all too. :P

oops! D: But thanks :D
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