Avatar of Shoryu
  • Last Seen: 10 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: Shoryu
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Shoryu 11 yrs ago
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Woo hoo! I posted! :D God why can't I just not be a chatty mofo! XD I seem to be incapable of making a character that doesn't yap on and on XD

I think Alicia is being perfectly reasonable here :V

Reasonable, misguided, misunderstanding, who knows! Of course, by comparison to what it sounds like the norm of Beacon is, reasonable is exactly what she's being since she hasn't tried to kill anyone yet. :D
Furor Entropis


Furor remained where he was floating, most hadn't really reacted to him so he supplied only mild attention to the goings on the other girls... It would be rude to butt into their little personal chatters afterall. The discussion between Monsters and beacon was another matter though, he actually cocked his muzzle a bit waved one of his claws for Alicia's attention "Pardon me, but I think what has been said was misunderstood. Personally, I was addressing the assumption that everything Beacon does is 'good, and holy, and spotlessly moral' being inaccurate, as the definition of 'lost their way to their inner darkness' usually does not factor in whether or not said 'monster' actually is, has done, or plans to do evil or not. 'I' certainly didn't defend evil or feral monsters, nor deny their existence, and I would gladly fight 'alongside' a beaconite to destroy the evil ones as well... My sole 'requirement' would be that Beacon not stab 'me' in the back... But none of us have said there there are not monsters serving dangerous horrors, evil girls, or those out to harm others for personal benefit, merely that Beacon has a history of not distinguishing, or even 'considering', that these 'evil' monsters are different from others who 'aren't' evil."

He floated back down to her level, and somewhat closer, though well out of a general perceived range of aggression. "I 'will' admit, I hold a considerable bias against Beacon, but that is what one's experiences will 'do', and alas, none from Beacon have tried to affect that bias in a positive way to date, despite my efforts to avoid incurring their aggression... There is no true 'black and white' in life, and even the most horrific of darkness can end up hiding some form of good, while even the holiest of light has the potential to blind people to some form of evil. I observe the world around me and I judge on the individual, not by their association, and as the first Beacon girls that I have ever interacted with who did not attempt to put my insides on my outsides you are already higher on my list of individuals I would be willing to interact with peaceably."

A few strange gestures with one claw while the other held up his milk-shake to take a sip and he continued "Let me put forth this example... Order and Chaos, like light and darkness, are not exclusively synonymous with good and evil. there are those fighting for order who wish to help all and make them safer through quantifying the universe's dangers, and those who fight to maintain greedy control of their servants and brainwashed worshippers usually through fear or corruption. There are those who fight for chaos who wish to spread anarchy and destruction, and then there are those wish to spread 'enjoyable' chaos, like parties, mock battles, and contests, or even just by inspiring out of the box thinking and ideas, or to question what may well be a lie they were taught was truth. I like to think of myself in the latter category, My name is my essence even. Furor, An out-break of public anger or excitement, be that a massive party like Mardi-gras, or a revolution to strike back at oppressors... In a similar manner 'innocent lives' is not solely exclusive to 'non-monsters', we can be a force of good as surely as any of you, but the practice of ignoring a good monster's, or person's, deeds and trying to kill them anyway only forces 'more' of them to turn to evil for the sake of survival."

"In the spirit of what you said as well... how can 'we' trust 'you'? Since we are, afterall, 'monsters who've fallen to the darkness', you supposedly think differently from us, how could we trust that you wouldn't be equally as likely to turn on us at the drop of a hat?... My point is not to just keep stabbing at Beacon, I'm sure you all do a wonderful volume of good despite the occasional evil. My point is that there are 'multiple' sides to this matter, both have as much reason to distrust the other and resist or demand compromise."
He shuddered suddenly, reaching a claw up to scratch the side of his muzzle "Mmmph... Goodness, I hope you can appreciate this, it is actually mildly uncomfortable to try to make sense like this, I do normally have the impulse to be confusing and weird."

'Now' he chanced floating closer, legitimately into Arm's reach of 'several' dangerous beacon girls, and settled into a coil on the ground, the grin he'd had up until that moment fading considerable "I can guarantee you that neither 'my' Benefactor nor myself will target civilians and innocents, it is not in his interest nor to his benefit to direct his efforts away from sources of actual 'evil', and 'I' would be so far 'beyond' delighted to be able to freely utilize my powers to 'protect the innocent' rather than worrying about whether or not doing so will bring a sword to my throat... It is difficult to behave in a calm and 'normal' manner, as I'm sure you could guess, and even more so to allow any form of binding on a being of chaos... But!-" He raised a claw then, a bold gesture given 'who' it was being held out to, but if perchance nobody leapt at the convenient assumption of an attack, it would be pretty clearly an offer to shake "If the girls of beacon will refrain from trying to kill me without evidence of having provoked such violence, then I can guarantee that I will be of no threat to you girls and will direct my efforts towards those of evil, 'including' those who would betray this alliance, and would be more than willing to fight 'with' you instead of against you... Perhaps, more importantly from a strategic stand-point, you have an opportunity to learn a great deal about monsters, whatever your opinions may be, 'know thy enemy' will always be a valuable tactical asset... This kind of agreement, an alliance, it 'requires' trust between it's participants, trust that they won't abuse that trust, trust that if one betrays another that the others will step up against the betrayer as well, trust that when the Fecal expulsions hits the rotating cooling blades and evil is on the loose, that those other members, no matter what they are or who they associate with, that they will stand together in defense."

@Shoryu@Rune_Alchemist@t2wave@Rice Porridge@canaryrose@Flamelord
It is kinda funny that the NPC is getting drowned out in all this commotion and it is a GMNPC. lol

wait, that was an NPC? I thought that was the GMPC? >3> but she's gotta react[aka, post] before the drowning out can stop XD
<Snipped quote by Shoryu>

I told you he was OP. Plus, gravity and vacuums have no effect on that type of magic.

if it has physical mass to it, gravity and vacuums will affect it in some way. Magic defies science by 'resisting' it, not making science have zero effect. :D More magic would have to be expended to resist greater gravity, or the immense pull of the vacuum of space sucking all oxygen out of the area though a small hole and pulling on anything that has physical mass within it. Like unicorn telekinesis, it doesn't make an object 'unaffected' by science, it resists the effects of gravity and momentum to 'move' said object despite having no physical touch with it :D

I rather enjoy finding that sweet spot of balance between magic and science that makes things balanced and un-OP, but still lets people do amazing things... Sure, My ideas of it are as made up as magic itself, and typically a GM's verdict on magic in an RP is more important, I just enjoy coming up with such ideas and seeking the balance.

a thought just hit me actually... are bullets magnetic? Can magnetic effects disrupt bullets? >3> Man, imagine if a Sniper had to factor in natural electromagnetic fields messing with his bullet when taking aim too XD... Now imagine if a sniper had to factor in magical magnetic fields.

Mixing Science and magic is fun!

@RokkuHoshi sounds like you haven't watched rick and Morty yet. Go give it a watch, you wont be disappointed.

Also, I haven't watched it, I really want to, but I keep getting side-tracked from doing so.

Also also! Anyone seen the GM lately? I need an opinion on the second character in my Deadpool Duet XD hahah... I tweaked them more than I tweaked deadpool.
<Snipped quote by Archmage MC>

Balde of Many Forms. How can a portal gun get past millions of dust-sized, razor-sharp, heart-shaped blades that fly around the room at the wielder's command?

By portalling a moon and vacuuming them all out into space :D

Lets not start a 'who's mary sue-est' argument though, those are never fun and just get people up in arms about either someone offending their mary sue or 'assuming' someone is going to be trouble because they 'use' mary sues.
So who are we waiting on?

As far I know... We're waiting on GM western >3> I skimmed through the posts and didn't see anyone reacting to mine, so I figured I'd just.. keep waiting. [then again, I was tired when I did, so I may have missed something.]

Edit: Then again! I did forget to do that thing where you mention other people in your post with the @ symbol, so maybe nobody thought it was relevant yet >3>

Also, I thoguht everyone 'had' posted by now.
<Snipped quote by SirSqueakalot91>

I figured it was safer to go with my pony OC than the original Multiverse OC with his collection of magic weapons and abilities.

you mentioning 'multiverse OCs with collections of magic weapons and abilities' reminds me of the 'time loops' series <3<

Well, this is certainly different. By all means you are approved and can move to the CS and post in the IC.

Well that was unexpected to see! XD Still sorry I didn't finish the second CS i'd been mentioning yet... I was busy one day, but yesterday I found out my brother was in jail and No amount of internet searching or attempted communication seems to be able to turn up or contact someone who knows 'why'.

Not much more I can try though, so I'm gonna see about getting back to that CS.

Edit: Alright, finished it XD I updated the post up there that had deadpool in it. And don't worry >3> There'll be less excessive color in the actual posts when there's more to put in 'without' 4th wall breaking coloring it XD
Ooof, So sorry I didn't finish the second yet @x@ I got swept up in the process of cannibalizing a wrecked car for parts to fix up another car >3>... and yes, I mean IRL XD Promise i'll finish in the morning ^.^


Well it had been an interesting ride!... for a given value anyway, a little awkward of course, especially with some like that one guy who just stood in the back the whole time and didn't interact. Otherwise, Conversation had been relatively pleasant... that is to say, he introduced himself, and if someone replied a conversation started, and if not he just felt silly but laughed it off.

Ironically, the most unnerving thing he felt for the whole ride was riding 'inside' the ship the entire time with no chance of stepping out onto the hull... It was a novel experience, but something about breaking a familiar routine made his fur stand on end and caused him to feel a bit antsy, usually leading to attempts to converse with his potential companions... Of course, when Conversation eventually ran dry he had little to do but stay in his seat, cross his arms, and meditate himself through the rest of the ride...

Ironically, his meditation usually consisted of imagining himself outside the hull, where senses were dulled to the most extreme degree even while protected, where even the sound of his hammer smashing into a pirate's hull or window barely reached his ears, where there was no smell but his own under the Myst Field, and the only strong 'feelings' he had were his claws clinging to the metal under them. There were few places with less sensory distractions to interrupt one's meditation.

However, as was often the case, He lost track of time very easily and it seemed mere minutes before the transport's momentum shifted and he was woken by the sounds of the Captain's voice... With a quick shake of his head his eyes opened and snapped about for a second to reacquire his bearings... Oh dear, it seemed he was falling behind, that simply wouldn't do for his first day!

He quickly hopped up, kicking the head of his hammer to whirl it around onto his shoulder before grabbing the extra large pack containing what little else he carried for equipment, and immediately set off at a trotting pace to catch up with the other new arrivals... embarrassing, being the last off the ship like that, though maybe it'll fit better with the tallest of them in the back, where he won't block anyone else's sight?
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