Well it had been an interesting ride!... for a given value anyway, a little awkward of course, especially with some like that one guy who just stood in the back the whole time and didn't interact. Otherwise, Conversation had been relatively pleasant... that is to say, he introduced himself, and if someone replied a conversation started, and if not he just felt silly but laughed it off.
Ironically, the most unnerving thing he felt for the whole ride was riding 'inside' the ship the entire time with no chance of stepping out onto the hull... It was a novel experience, but something about breaking a familiar routine made his fur stand on end and caused him to feel a bit antsy, usually leading to attempts to converse with his potential companions... Of course, when Conversation eventually ran dry he had little to do but stay in his seat, cross his arms, and meditate himself through the rest of the ride...
Ironically, his meditation usually consisted of imagining himself outside the hull, where senses were dulled to the most extreme degree even while protected, where even the sound of his hammer smashing into a pirate's hull or window barely reached his ears, where there was no smell but his own under the Myst Field, and the only strong 'feelings' he had were his claws clinging to the metal under them. There were few places with less sensory distractions to interrupt one's meditation.
However, as was often the case, He lost track of time very easily and it seemed mere minutes before the transport's momentum shifted and he was woken by the sounds of the Captain's voice... With a quick shake of his head his eyes opened and snapped about for a second to reacquire his bearings... Oh dear, it seemed he was falling behind, that simply wouldn't do for his first day!
He quickly hopped up, kicking the head of his hammer to whirl it around onto his shoulder before grabbing the extra large pack containing what little else he carried for equipment, and immediately set off at a trotting pace to catch up with the other new arrivals... embarrassing, being the last off the ship like that, though maybe it'll fit better with the tallest of them in the back, where he won't block anyone else's sight?