Avatar of ShwiggityShwah
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1378 (0.54 / day)
  • VMs: 5
  • Username history
    1. ShwiggityShwah 7 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Done with this site for now. Take care.
6 yrs ago
Except for 1 or 2 rps and some partners, I'm essentially done with the site. Can only sit down for posts once a week. Hate to make others wait.
6 yrs ago
Im cutting down on my writing time. Other projects to focus on.
6 yrs ago
Pointless and garbage respectively.
6 yrs ago
Want to do a slice of life romance, in the MHA universe. SoL is good with an interesting backdrop.


I don't know how to make this all stylish yet. I'll figure it out eventually.

In the mean time ahem:

Hello! I am currently writing a script for a fantasy story I plan on animating (Using the program Poser) Rping really helps get my creative muscles flexing and I'm going to be incorporating some character ideas into the RPs I produce with other people. This could include Male or Female. I really try to challenge myself.

I am a huuuuuuuge fan of epic scale narrative, and breathing life into a story is a great passion of mine. Seriously I watch trope talk pod casts and how to write, just to make my script as effective as possible.

I am versatile. I love things with emotion, whether Romance, Grim, Adventure Thriller, or even Comedy. Above all else, I love to entertain. I hope to do so with you.

Discord Shwiggityshwah#6420

I also have a 1X1 interest check.

Most Recent Posts

I call guard assigned to wear Gunzosha Power Armor.
Try to peak more interest with an interest check.

Shame, again I just couldn't get motivated until I knew it was going to be popular.
New Friends! whether you want it or not...

A collaboration with [ShwiggityShwah]; @Kitty; and @Hero

”Lia. A lovely name.” It matched her. ”Like a musical instrument.” He knew he was laying it on pretty thick, but he honestly was just trying to be a gentleman, trying to remember what he heard others say. He didn’t figure himself an eloquent or poetic man. Instead he toned himself back a little hoping not to put the woman off. He has been described as being a little, load.

She asked him his own name while hanging from his arm. He could of sworn he told her, but maybe she was so blown away by his presence that she didn’t quite catch it. He was embarrassed but he found it undeniably charming. He raised his other hand, scratching his burning hair and laughing out loud. ”Don’t you remember? Hah! I guess I do talk a little fast.”

He gave her a cool look with a wink and his thumbs up. ”My name is Kyros, but you can call me…” He placed his hand gently on the hand that held his arm. ”Yours.” His smile softened and cheeks reddened. He thought that line was pretty good. ”We should get you a towel, and then find a place to wine and dine, I want to learn everything about-”


”Hmm?” He looked down to see a woman had run into him. She looked utterly in a panic, though the first thing he noticed was the pair of horns on her head. A demonkin, no, what were they called? Tiefling? He shrugged. So it was going to be a fateful day of one beauty after another. Just cause she had not risen from the sea, doesn’t mean this clumsy woman deserve any less kindness. Kyros looked to Lia for a moment with an innocent smile before he leaned over, offering a hand to her as well. ”Are you-”

To his surprise the girl seemed to run behind him. He was confused by this, his eyes looked at him, though he followed his gaze and it turned out the lady had a bit of a party following her. Kyros’ sheer size caused them to stop in his tracks. The six men seemed irritated. Kyros looked back, wide eyed. ”Can I help you gentlemen?”

”Grrr, get out of the way! That girl broke my drinking stall!”
”Why you talking to him!? They are probably working together.”
The crowd was just shaking first, one even holding bottles of booze.

Kyros had to release Lia, breaking his heart a little as he stepped forward and made sure he was far away. He’d die a thousand deaths than let a scratch befall her. ”Sirs, please. I’m sure this is just a misunderstanding, a friendly accident.” He kept his heads upturned. The last thing he wanted was a fight, especially when he wished to show his gentler side.

The offer seemed too good to be true, Lia’s imagination running completely wild. Kyros--he said he had already introduced himself? She would have to take better care to consider his words in the future. Perhaps she had let her excitement get the better of her, an all too common occurrence that nearly every resident of Thalassa could attest to. Still, he didn’t seem to mind, much to her relief, albeit before she could inquire on his offer (a towel? What is that?) someone walked into him. Or ran, or something, she had been far too busy paying attention to him to be wary of her surroundings.

The perpetrator chose to hide behind them--a wise choice as the entourage that followed showed. Frowning at the gathering crowd, Lia let out a huff as Kyros stepped forward. A kind soul, indeed, preoccupied with solving the situation with words and not force. Admirable, truly, and were it any other time she would have greatly appreciated it.

But as petty as it sounded, she was more annoyed they were interrupted. Did these peasants not understand the event of love, for goodness’ sakes?!

Narrowing her eyes, she eyed the crew warily. The stench of alcohol was strong, causing Lia to wrinkle her nose. It would be a lie if she said she had never partook in the drink, but letting oneself lose control like that was such an ugly display. She looked back and down at the one who had caused all the discord, raising an eyebrow. A hood? Hooded figures usually had something to hide, though for the moment, she would only let out a wary sigh. No need to jump to conclusions yet, she supposed.

”An entire group of drunkards chasing a lone woman…disgraceful,” Lia huffed again, placing her hands on her hips. ”How are we to believe you, hm? For all we know the entire incident happened because you don’t know how to control yourselves!”

Kyros looked at her with surprise. Maybe not so gentle. She’s… wonderful…

While she did have a very solid point in the matter, the men were drunk, belligerent and out for restitutions or blood. One of them actually threw their bottle at Kyros. He managed to swap it out of the air, the glass clattering nearby. ”You butt out of this girl! You don’t know crap!”

Kyros muscles noticeably tensed.

The yelling of all of them cutting through the crowd became a bit of a jumbled mess. A few things rung out loud and clear. ”Do you see the things on her head!? I bet they’re all in this together!” Now this was getting to be some kind of conspiracy. It was hard to talk about who they were referring, the mermaid or the demon.

Kyros glared a little bit, diplomacy wasn’t going to resolve this as well as he hoped.

”They’re all guilty! Just a bunch of thieves and freaks!”

There was a calmness, before there was a sudden gust of wind, a sudden flash of heat. The walkway they stood on cracked under the pressure as something as suddenly Kyros ran forward and was in the groups face, his hand sole gripped around the one who spokes face and was holding him in the air. Two feet in the air.

Kyros was… different. His eyes seemed completely devoid of emotion, his teeth were clenched, his hair seemed to be whipping wildly and even getting slightly bigger. Then from his hands, and around his body, little sparks of flame appeared and it seemed to coat his body. He looked at the man with utter hate in his eyes. His voice boomed like a thunder crack


There was a gasp and a scream as Kyros literally became engulfed in flame. The group wisely ran, the man being held by his face struggling to get free in the Genasai’s grip before Kyros let him go the man falling on his rear and then crawling before scrambling away whimpering, having just saw death.

Kyros didn’t chase, they weren’t worth it. He merely breathed, in and out, trying to calm himself down as the fires on him began to very slowly dissolve away. He lost his cool it seemed. He didn’t even realize what he was doing until the heat fully died down.

Both of them were helping her out, even the larger man who had caught a glimpse of her horns. Two people in one day who hadn’t instantly chased her away or tried harming her once they saw her horns, what are the odds. Eris watched as the two defended her against the group and watched in awe and amazement as she watched the large man become engulfed in literal flames. The men ran away scared and she simply stared on, that was the first time she’d seen anyone do that or anything like that.

”Well that’s a first.” Eris muttered to herself from where she stood. She walked until she was in between the two and looked back and forth between them. She didn’t know exactly what to do, she wasn’t much of someone who thanked people normally but they did just help her so she should do something. Reaching in her small coin bag she pulled out a gold piece for each of them. She walked over to the woman first and handed one to her then over to the man. ” For helping.”

Lia's jaw dropped at the audacity of the drunkard's words. How utterly rude! Thieves and freaks, the nerve of their baseless assumptions was enough to stun a court to silence. But it seemed that despite their vulgar words, they were no match for the literal fiery fury Kyros held. He wasn't just kind, it seemed: he had power that could be felt even from a good distance away. Her eyebrows shot up at the display, anger all but forgotten as she watched the rest of the thugs turn tail and flee. Served them right!

Now that the distraction was gone, it was time to go back to more important matters. Or at least, that was what Lia wanted to do, but she was quickly reminded what started this all in the first place: the hooded girl. She was grateful, at least, even if a bit odd. As petty as it was, Lia couldn't help her wariness as the woman stepped between her and Kyros, unable to hide her displeased expression. As she was handed the coin, Lia inspected it. It looked like the ones Undine had given her for the festival. As fascinating as it was, there was the matter of the unwanted company at hand.

"Your gratitude is appreciated, but…" Lia slowly stepped around the woman, taking the chance to be close to Kyros as she flashed a smile. "I believe your thanks should be reserved for this one." She declared, throwing him a look of approval.

Kyros held his head and then threw his head back. ”Gah! I didn’t want to do that!” He exclaimed almost letting the two girls behind him go ignored for a moment. He turned, his eyes averted, and his chin pointed down. He looked… ashamed. ”I apologize, Lia… to both of you.” He tsk’d, clenching his teeth before looking Lia, a sorry expression. ”I hope I didn’t scare you…” He then looked at the hooded girl, she had gold in her hands but he seemed embarrassed. ”Or make things more difficult for you.” His hands ran through his hair. ”I hope those guys don’t decide to try and get the guards or something.” He honestly could get in trouble with the law, and what would that lead for Lia, and worse, this poor innocent stranger.

Eris was off put by the woman now slightly based on how she acted with the man, but simply shrugged it off. The two were probably destined? Although they seemed strangers still. She didn’t care enough to ask. As the man spoke, her focus went to him. ”Yeah no, your little thing you did. Not scary at all. Nor could anything make things more difficult for me.” Eris told him, her coldness beginning to come out as she spent more time around these strangers. ”Also those cowards won’t dare get the guards involved, too drunk to be believed.” She’d had a run in with people like them before, guards rarely listened to drunken ramblings from men like them.

”Can you just take this gold coin so I can go?” She asked the man after having held it out to him for a while without him taking it. She had fallen in shallow water and was still too close to said water for comfort in her book. Not to mention she’d had her horns seen by two people today and that just had her uncomfortable on a lot of levels. So she just wanted to get out of this situation, but not until the man took the coin.

The northeastern coral kraken was scary, though Kyros' display of power was more exhilarating than frightening. Still, she couldn't enjoy his response for too long before the woman seemed to be losing patience. Lia wrinkled her nose at the woman's insistence that Kyros take the coin. Goodness, someone was being quite testy all things considered. Did she forget that she was the one who came to them? Honestly, she was getting a bad impression of the common populace. As much as she wanted Kyros to take her offer so she could go, her more royal duty to her own people gave her some compassion. Or something like that, who knew. Either way, she couldn't exactly shoo her away without looking bad.

Deciding to take another approach, Lia gave the woman a shrug. "Now, now, that's no way to talk to someone who helped you out. Kindness is free," She stated, a hand on her hip. "If you really must be going, I believe a 'thank you' may go a longer way than coin would."

”More difficult?” He repeated. The woman’s words did make the man turn with an odd look about her. Everything she had said had left him with a cold feeling, a cold chill. Horns? Paying for kindness? A disposition of mistrust? He could relate. She probably had so little to rely on, and yet she ran to them. This was the festival, destiny is supposed to happen here. He had found his one and only, but no one deserves to be alone.

He turned and smiled as Lia took the words out of his mouth. Then to Eris, his hands on his hips and smiling broadly, thinking himself clever. ”And if a thank you is too much, you can always show your gratitude by offering a bit more of your company. Perhaps join us for a drink, or lunch?” he suggested, actually inviting the hooded girl to enjoy the festival with them. ”Its a festival right? You’re not allowed to have a bad time.”

Glaring under her hood towards the woman, ”You took your coin so you can stay out of it.” Eris cooly told the woman before looking to the man once again. ”Just take the coin. I’m not someone to hang around so take it and we can all go on our merry little ways. I think this festival is dumb anyways. Destiny is a load of crap. So let’s get this interaction over with so you two lovers can go get married or whatever.” She didn’t understand why this man just couldn’t do what she was asking of him, people couldn’t be that oblivious right?

Puffing out her cheeks in irritation, Lia had to remind herself to hold her tongue. Why was Kyros inviting her along?! What happened to getting to know one another?! As much as she wanted to put this peasant in her place, it was not up to her to do it. Kyros' kindness was wasted on such a rude person, and despite his insistence, she refused to just thank him and be on her way, claiming he was trapping her. Lia returned the glare with much gusto, albeit she was about as threatening as a pufferfish considering she was more pouty than anything.

But when the woman mentioned that she thought the festival was dumb, that was when Lia felt herself understanding somewhat. So the woman was alone? Was that why she was so cold and grumpy and rude? Oh, the poor thing, everything made sense now! Her heart splintered, torn between wanting to encourage Kyros to take the coin so she would leave already and wanting to assist the unfortunate soul. This, too, must have been fate, though it felt cruel to deprive her of her alone time. But it was her duty as both a woman in love and a (self proclaimed) matchmaker to assist the less fortunate. Even if three was a crowd.

"Oh come now, you don't truly mean that, do you?" Lia asked, suddenly changing her tone and barely containing her blush at marriage--marriage--being suggested. "This entire festival is supposed to be about finding true love!"

”There’s an idea. Marriage, but we’d need a witness.” Kyros teased now finding humor in Eris’ sour note. He was thrilled that Lia had agreed, he felt it deep in his chest that she’d protest, but she was every bit the spitting image of an angel in his heart that he thought. He crossed his arms. ”Besides, Destiny, True Love. The gods. All that pales in one simple fact.” He held up a single finger while walking over to Lia’s side.

”No one should be alone. Come on, I’m stubborn as an ox, you live by a strict code of your own personal honor, and you have nothing more to lose.”

”Love doesn’t happen for everyone.” Eris scoffed at their positivity. ”I meant exactly what I said and actually I do have more to lose. It’s called my life. So if you aren’t going to take this then I’ll just keep it.” Shaking her head at their ignorance and overall positivity she muttered to herself, not so softly. ”Why do I even try to be nice. Now people are pushing the stupid festival on me and trying to befriend me. I swear…”

How anti-social! But then again, she probably shouldn't have come running to them for protection if she didn't want to interact. Just as that thought crossed Lia's mind, however, her eyes brightened up. Ah, of course! Why didn't she think of this earlier? She flashed a mischievous grin at Kyros before stepping forward, her hands behind her back as she came up with a solution. Regardless of what she would choose, Lia would be happy either way.

"Well, I suppose the right thing to do would be to send you on your merry way, but may I ask one more thing?" Lia had a glint in her eye as she spoke. "What will you do if you run into further trouble? Will you continue to hide behind people and possibly expose yourself to more danger? You can do that, or--" She took a step back and looped her arm with Kyros'."We can be your bodyguards!”

”Seeing as I’ve been running into and away from trouble my whole life without help I think I can handle it. I just happened to literally run into you both while running. So I used you both to my advantage.” Eris shrugged, she didn’t care she was coming off rude one bit. ”Besides. Like I said. I’m not the type of person you want to hang around.” She reminded hoping they’d give it up, these two seemed to persistent for her to be able to simply walk away from this conversation. At this rate she was thinking of robbing them for all they were worth but she wasn’t at that point yet.

”Oh I dont know, I’m having a lot of fun talking to you. You have this adorable way of pouting.” He laughed shoulder to shoulder with Lia. ”For someone who doesnt care about others, you’re spending alot of time explaining that you don’t care.” His laugh settled.

”wouldnt it be nice to not have to run for a single after. A change of pace. And variety is the spice of life." Ultimately it was her decision. Just a bit of cheer hopefully to remind her that she could be welcomed. "In any case feel free to use me as your shield from harm whenever you need to. Though I think we would like your name. It’ll make each rescue a bit less formal.”

It was difficult to admit that there was definitely a momentary lapse in her cheerfulness, not having missed that little compliment thrown the woman's way. Argh, why must the gods test her so?! No, no need to panic, she seemed adamant on staying her way. And Lia was very happy about that.

"He's right, you know," Lia cheerfully agreed, delighted that the stranger seemed intent on staying just that: a stranger. Still, no matter what she decided, Lia would be alright with. Either she'd cave in and agree and they would go forth and partake in the festivities, or she would finally take her leave for good and she would finally get some alone time. "I am Lia, and this is Kyros.

”When others won’t leave well enough alone, you have to explain it a few times to get it through their thick skulls.” Eris coldly informed the man who she now knew had the name Kyros. She scoffed at giving these two her name. Like she wanted them to know such privy information that would allow them to acknowledge her elsewhere. No, that wasn’t happening. ”And I’m... “ Eris began to take a few steps back. ”Leaving.” She turned sharply and left the two where they stood. Going back to the busy areas to no longer be alone with such cheery, positive, annoying people.

Kyros shrugged. ”You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.” Kyros wished the girl luck without words. She’d need it. He’d been there. It was a cold path she was walking.

Distractions gone, he turned back to Lia, finally alone again. ”But you, you have such a big heart.” Honestly her words for strangers, the bravery and compassion. He felt such a kinship. He put his hand over hers while she hooked her arms with him and looked down to get lost in her eyes.

Interaction with Lia @Hero

Kyros' concerned face turned into a one of shock. She looked up at him, and immediately Kyros' mind went to a few things. Gemstones. Her hair cascaded around her face like the soft hues of turquoise. Her skin held a delicate sheen of white with pink, reminding him of polished pearl. She had fins, fins of cut amber or topaz. But what got him most was that she flashed two gleaming eyes of the most brilliant sapphires he had laid eyes upon. He was taken aback by the beauty before him. Save a little marring on her face, a little speckle of red from where she face planted, the woman took his hand and looked back. She stared as well, though aside from the fire in his eyes and his hair, there was nothing delicate about him. Nothing that would take breath away the same as this one had. He must have looked even more unsightly. Her eyes had left him without words, and made his heart thump, the blood pooling in his cheeks. "By the dawn..." He uttered in amazement.

She gave him a curious look before she looked down again to take his hand. He of course, felt positively small against her gaze. He almost felt bad just by asking if she was alright. Still she seemed to require his assistance. He nervously began to speak, his deep mighty voice almost failing him a few times. "I mean... I'm sorry to catch you in such a state, it seemed like you might have, fallen off a ship and struggled to get to shore."

Suddenly she looked at him with eyes brighter then the sky on a cloudless day. He couldnt read her face. Had he said something? Did he suddenly frighten her?

Kyros looked back at her, he gulped, his hand still extended, and his thumb on the back of her hand to provide support. He animated under such a stare. "Not saying you are clumsy or anything- like that- its only I wanted to make sure you weren't hurt..." Her staring never wavered. "Oh... Oh please, please forgive me for my presumptuousness. I'm unfamiliar from where your people hail. You are probably excellent swimmers, judging by- the- fins." He smacked his face, feeling particularly stupid.

She was still staring.

He decided to laugh it off, his other hand on the back of his neck. "Please you have to forgive me, Genasai are impulsive creatures. We always speak our minds. And your fins look lovely... I mean" He turned his gaze, scratching his cheek. "All of you... looks lovely."

She started to give him the barest of smiles.

Her look did wonders for putting him at ease. He laughed nervously. "There I go again, hehe." He winked and put a hand infront of him, as if praying and bowing his head. "Please fair maiden, let me start again." He realized he was still holding her hand, and he quickly released his thumb, he must have been creepy, holding her hand for so long. He looked at her hand... steady as a rock on his... then back to her.

Her smile got a little bigger. Okay so she didn't mind.

Her smile just made her look more lovely. "I uhh, oh...dear I Cough" He smiled broadly. "Anyway, please. My name is Kyros. It would be an absolute honor and pleasure to get you something or escort you through this fine city. It is the least I could do for acting so inappropriately. But just-" He blushed a little more, covering his mouth. "When I saw your face, I thought I was looking at the face of a goddess. The moon herself must hide her face in shame when she looks upon you. Mere mortals are not worthy." He realized his mistake, he berated himself and then looked back, a big toothy grin. "There I go again haha... oh wait I already said that."

Her smile got a little too big.

Kyros looked back, a look of honest to the gods worry. "Is that a yes?" Several very still and awkward seconds later. The maiden finally spoke, the tension released like a snapping spring.

Her tongue was as flowery as her face, and immediately she seemed to be not only okay with Kyros' blunder but she admitted to one on her own. Kyros laughed when she mentioned her legs. "They look fine to me. Better then most infact." He wasn't quite sure what her species was but he was willing to play along. Her spirit and words were infectious and even he felt her own excitement. Her proclamation of the fated day was the cornerstone of it all. Announcing proudly "I like that idea! Seems like you really have gotten into the spirit of the Festival!" He closed one eye and held up a finger with a huge smile. "But fair maiden from the sea, the day has only begun. If you allow me to escort you, I'm sure it will be a day that sages will recite and bards will sing about." He stood at her side, offer her his rather large arm. "Shall we." He was unaware of her awkwards or clumsiness. He merely played the part of gentleman.

"Though of course, I must ask my fair sea maiden her name. How will our story be told without it?" He was getting a kick out of this destiny talk.

Interaction with Lia (towards the bottom)

Of course as multiple thefts have already attested, alot of people tend to attract alot of problems.

Showing off a birthmark on his neck. "C'mon baby. This is my mark. We're destined for eachother." It was a gaggle of four guys, all of them wearing leather and chain over tunics and equipped with swords and knives. Though still sheathed their intentions were made clear when one of the first guy's lackeys coped a feel on one of the three girls they were staring down. An elf in a rather fluffy dress stood her ground while her friends whom were not quite so brave were shaking behind her.

The elf, Valara happened to be a pretty capable shield maiden, and in any other instance she'd wipe the floor with these guys. But she only had a knife on her ankle, her mistake for letting her friends dress her up for the festival. She stood with her arm crossed and head up. It was four against one... not good odds.
"Funny, your mark looks like you stabbed yourself with a branding iron." Said the confident warrior. "That's pathetically desperate."

The thug was undeterred. "Still doesn't mean we can't be friends. Enjoy the festival."
"Find a lil love and all that."
One of the other thug comes forward and tries to grab one of the fearful girls behind Valara, she screams. "Im feeling something kinda special about this one." Valara gives the thug a knocked out tooth for his grabby hands. He of course responds with force. Drawing his sword and cursing at her.
The leader just crosses his arms. "If you want rough, we can do-"


"It's good to see you again Valara." Came a might voice from behind the group of thugs. Kyros had stood there, his chest out, his eyes aflame and his hair whipping as if in some kind of wind... but if anything its him doing it, blasting out puffs of heated air as he got pumped, his fire elements made manifest.

Valara immediately recognized her friend from the Battle of Astanore. The man hadn't changed a bit, and still without a shirt. "Hey there golden boy." The thugs all looked at him, not exactly keen to take on something that big.

"These guys troubling you?" He cracked his knuckles.

"A little." She smirked. The tables had turned very quickly, and she could use this distraction to reach her knife.

"Three and one?" "As long as I get the three." "Half." "Half." They reached an agreement.

Valara had gotten two of her harrassers on the ground and was beating the living hell out of one of them, the other's face looking like a swollen tuber. She was now on the leader, each hit, promising another bruise as she held him up by the collar.

Kyros in the meantime was dragging away the other two assailants. Their weapons broke again his semi magical techniques and a few other moves bit them in a painful daze. "Looks like these gents need to cool off. Catch you later Valara."

"Next rounds on me. See ya." She then gave her victim another good punch.

Kyros was heading towards the docks nearby with his two thugs, no doubt attracting some onlookers who were very puzzled by what just conspired. The whole time. "Let this be a lesson to you about respect. Women are delicate flowers, and should be treated as such."
"You look at me when I'm hitting you, you filthy pig!"
"After all, this is a festival celebrating the sanctity of romance and partnership. We are nothing if we live for ourselves, but we all find happiness in the sacrifice of ourselves for others. That is how we become heroes." They just groaned in response, and minor pleas to let them go as Kyros reached the edge of the walkways, near a bridge that reached towards the piers, the cerulean blue water shimmering beneath them. "Know that I do this to hopefully have that lesson sink in. You'll be better people for it. Good luck on your new journey my friends!" With a great yell, Kyros then hurled the men into the water, clearing the walkway and landing them safely in the deeper water. A second or two later, they both rose to the surface, most assuredly humbled. Kyros laughed, proud of a job well done.

But peaking over the edge- he was rather shocked to see a woman, her face down on the marble pathway @Hero. From this vantage point, she looked as if she fainted. She was wet, maybe she fell overboard and swam back. Maybe she's clinging to life this very moment. No time to waste. "By the gods!" He announced before bounding over the railing and into the water beside her, no doubt splashing her with more water. He was very quick however to climb up onto the walkway, the water quickly steaming off of his hotter then normal skin, and he knelt at her head. Thankfully at this point she seemed to have recovered.

While she looked at the ground, a hand would come into view. A hand to assist. Mame? Mame? Are you okay?" Kyros would be silhouetted by the sun when he offered to help her to her feet. A look of concern, even with his eyes flaming as they were.
Ill adjust


A rawkless laugh echoes through the city as a single man stands at the gates of the city. His hair whips behind him as if a wind has formed right in his face, in order to make him look dashing, larger then life. He is literally burning. His hair, his skin, crackling with harmless flame to show off his Genasai origins. The city took all kinds, and now it had a hero, a living legend in its midst.

Kyros, the Phoenix Dawn has come for the Festival of Destiny. And he was going to make sure everyone knew it.

He walked with wide steps, hands balled into fists, nothing but pants and sandals and his backpack. His shouting caused alot of people to stare but when he noticed he immediately shot them the biggest smile he could muster. "Good day my friends! I hope you enjoy the festival. I certainly am." The townsfolk didn't really know what to say to that, so they just waved, a woman laughed, another man shrugged and kept getting his cart together.

In fact that was the start of his magnificent day.

He would find some pretty women (A halfling, dwarf, elf, half orc, didn't seem to matter) and ask. "My fair beauties, have any of you bare this mark?" He'd show off his muscles with a flex, the mark of a bird on his forearm. This would cause them to giggle but decline. "Oh, truly the gods are cruel to me. Maybe that wont stop us from having a dance later." The fire elemental would wink at them.

He would go from stall to stall, one hand holding three flagons of different kinds of Lager and Ale, his other arm would have a turkey leg, corn on the cob, a shish kebab, and a sweet roll. He had a problem juggling it all, but there was so much food, so many stalls and so much things to sample and try, well, he just couldn't settle for just a few.

A flagon of ale in one hand, he's sitting with a bunch of musicians and a small crowd of people of all shapes and sizes leading them in a famous bar song.

"To all I’m just a Bard man a singer and a bar man
A man who has a penny when I sing a song or two
But to my friend’s The Party I’m someone and I’m hearty
A Bard they know and love and for a penny I’ll sing for you

Fill up yer mug and please don’t fall down. We all fall down together or we’re paying all around.
So drink up friendship and leave and go on the town. For my friends the party I’m buying the next round

To some they’ll find a reason to beat ya for Treason
The treason is to oppose them when they’ve had a pint or two
Yet never have I ever on roads or in bad weather
Seen a more intrepid group then these noble few
(Chorus )
One is quite barbaric, another, a cleric.
One way or another they’ll have a fight or two.
The elf is not quite elfly and some of them are stealthy.
But a good pint of ale they never can ashew"

Then the crowd started laughing as they raised their glasses together, boisterous laughing rising over the rest of it.

That was the first two hours, and Kyros was already making a name for himself as a loud if generous spender, but he seemed to really get into the grove of things, really live it up among the townsfolk. Maybe he was actually having fun, maybe he was trying to make sure that whoever had the mark for him, they could easily do so. Maybe he was trying to spread his word and legend. He did seem to flex an awful lot. In fact, he was hoping there was a good fighting arena in this city, maybe make back some of the gold he spent already. In any case Kyros was having a ball!

Yang @Restalaan; @PaulHaynek

He rubbed his shoulder when she mentioned it. "I think I saw enough action for a good long while." He agreed with her, he'd still be able to fly but its going to hurt for a little bit. She mentioned that they weren't there. "Easy, no agreeable jobs available, we set out to find our own work. It was a wash, so we trained for a bit." He sighed. Always have to lie, still didn't sit right with him.

Yang opening up to him about her people had a very profound effect on him. It helped him break out of his funk. It reminded him that it was only some people. Not everyone. Even people that knew how to fight didn't really need or want to. He asked her, her master asked her, and her masters master before him. He wasn't weak or wrong by questioning the flaws of the world. He gave her a look, a glimmer in his eyes showing he was brightening up a little. But then even her culture's founding couldn't really answer the question either. He hummed aloud before looking at his hands. "I hope I didn't ruin my karma today." He said, only kind of getting it. People fight for what they need or want. He closed his eyes, putting a fist to his chest. His parents dream. It would stop all of this. Or atleast, it will help.

Yang got him out of his head again, rubbing his head like she was an older sister. He wasn't exactly bothered by this. He smiled back kind of nervously. "Some people call bravery stupidity. If it keeps my friends safe, I'll do it every time." he responded actually kind of proud he didn't freeze in the moment. Maybe there was hope for him. Then Yang really lifted his spirits. He gave her a wide eyed look, stopping. He looked at his legs. He looked completely human cause he wore what looked like boots but spreading his toes revealed it to be more like a covered sandle. He turned his ankle and flexed his talons. "You think?" and she told him get stronger. He looked back, appreciative and almost blushing. "With your training, definitely!"

The rest of the road trip was Ozzy talking as usual, asking questions, kicking the air, and generally being his usual plucky self.

Back at the Guild, and after he removed the make up and the additional clothes, Ozzy was infront of Bart with his wings folded in front of him. He was bowing, and actually pleading and begging forgiveness.

"Im so sorry Master Bart!" He said, before bowing. "All of the good jobs on the board were taken so me and Yang tried to go find some work ourselves and we couldn't find anything! Yang's been nice enough to atleast train me so I can be of better service to you!" That would explain the wounds. He bowed again. "We're so sorry! We promise we'll work extra hard tomorrow!" His head dipping towards the floor.
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