Avatar of ShwiggityShwah
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1378 (0.54 / day)
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    1. ShwiggityShwah 7 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Done with this site for now. Take care.
6 yrs ago
Except for 1 or 2 rps and some partners, I'm essentially done with the site. Can only sit down for posts once a week. Hate to make others wait.
6 yrs ago
Im cutting down on my writing time. Other projects to focus on.
6 yrs ago
Pointless and garbage respectively.
6 yrs ago
Want to do a slice of life romance, in the MHA universe. SoL is good with an interesting backdrop.


I don't know how to make this all stylish yet. I'll figure it out eventually.

In the mean time ahem:

Hello! I am currently writing a script for a fantasy story I plan on animating (Using the program Poser) Rping really helps get my creative muscles flexing and I'm going to be incorporating some character ideas into the RPs I produce with other people. This could include Male or Female. I really try to challenge myself.

I am a huuuuuuuge fan of epic scale narrative, and breathing life into a story is a great passion of mine. Seriously I watch trope talk pod casts and how to write, just to make my script as effective as possible.

I am versatile. I love things with emotion, whether Romance, Grim, Adventure Thriller, or even Comedy. Above all else, I love to entertain. I hope to do so with you.

Discord Shwiggityshwah#6420

I also have a 1X1 interest check.

Most Recent Posts

Its cool man, no worries.

next post is 1000! Gasp!

I would like to play a Mechanicus Explorator if able.

The scene before him really did give the owl harpy pause... This was way heavier then just a stalker girlfriend and someone not interested. This was a guy with problems with a girl going to greater lengths to try to save them. Logically, it didn't make sense, but it was more then logic. He meant to come up with something, but had to hesitate... his mind scrambling as to some kind of resolution. He hoped the man would reject her but there were more things at stake. He didn't have a clue. He found alot of girls cute but never loved... He never got that far.

Then Kira... Kira spoke with a surety and understanding that could bring the attention of the room. He had talked most of his life, could feel the empathy, the anger that lead to a kind of profound sorrow. He saw her face go red. Her voice crack. Her hands shake into fists as she poured her heart out, and an emphasis made him realize. Did she lose someone? Was she here before? She took off before it could be elaborated upon. Ozzy's eyes followed her disappearing form.

Yang stepped up, a deeper wisdom as always then Ozzy's meager understanding. Ada attempted to add some charm, some levity which even he had to admit would probably be more effective then anything Ozzy could say. Freyr also gave his sense, his perspective. They were better at this then he was. They could handle and resolve this. But concern came for Kira. For a split moment, he felt such anguish with her words. He flexed his wings, knowing, feeling like it would be right to follow her. It was supposed to be a day of joy and this tiff was splitting them apart.

He looked to Margaret. For a brief shining moment, events conspired to have them meet, and before this strange story of unrequited love, he had a day planned of enjoying the festival, talking the world, its people, its beauties. He would have wanted nothing more then to share a funnel cake with someone so brilliant, so beautiful. The universe had conspired against it, and his own martyrdom wouldn't allow one of his friends to be alone. "I know I promised you a day, but the Guild's family." He stood up straight and bowed his head. "I'm so sorry, Margaret. Hope to see you again." He then turned, his wings unfurling as he flapped his wings, going after Kira. It's true they never had more then a passing conversation, maybe saying only a few sentences to eachother outside of the pleasantries of a previous night. "Counting on you Ada! Sensei!"

But it spoke for how much he cared about the Guild. How much it and the small hand full of people meant to him. She seemed to fly off in anguish, in disgust. She might want some peace, a moment to be vulnerable, but he knew that in his moment of need he'd want someone there. Even if its just someone to listen to. He thought how Sensei Yang had been his rock after the battle. How Ada had been a moment of innocent joy. How he poured himself to Ditzy and Haley which encouraged him to be more bold and brave. Could he be that for someone else?


Ozzy wasn't exactly stealthy, but as Kira flew, he'd keep his distance behind her, flapping his feathery wings with a concerned look on his face. His intention, follow her, be nearby if she needs it. He hoped he wasn't completely off base. He felt a droplet on his cheek like a stray drop of rain. He opened his mouth a few times, wanting to call out- but words failed him, for the first time in his life. He wasn't going to tell her to come back, to not worry about it. Those emotions, were pure, were real. It wasn't really sympathy, it was more concern... and strangely, respect.
Ill have a post tomorrow.

"You've no idea what I've gone through, Harpy boy! Noble, gallant Sir Nero has saved me from nasty bandits and it was that time that I knew he was my destined. Yet, he refuses all of my advances. Years I have courted him, tried to comfort him from his dark past but he tells me he is not worthy of my love. Well, I care not if he's worthy, it is my love to give!"

"And lately, he's been wanting to go and throw his life away fighting Varjans. He had already narrowly escaped death during his last great battle against them. And now, he intends to risk his life again!"

"So you're going to deny him the virtue that you fell for!? I know exactly what that's like! I friggin fought the Varjans!" He stamped his foot. "I did it to protect my friends! And maybe he's doing it for you!" Ozzy was screaming right back, finding the whole thing absurd and ridiculous.

His sensei seemingly looking at the whole ordeal and apologizing kind of confused Ozzy, was there something going on between them.

And then Ditzy spoke up, and what he said made the harpy blush. He raised his wings in defense. "HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT!?" The insinuation was that somehow Ditzy managed to get himself into a romantic correspondence. It made him feel even worse that it seemed the universe was conspiring against this.

Ozzy crossed his arms, and seemed to fidget. "Well whatever. Sir Nero, you see how much this girl is willing to go for you. Either accept those feelings or not. Put an end to it once and for all." Matters of the heart weren't matters of the brain, but considering how dancing around the issue led to kidnapping, this was the only way.

The Beast arrives in Old New York...

Things have gone wrong in the South. There was was a group called the Patriots in old Washington, modelled after the old tribes of the dead world. They were the guns of the city and penninsula, holding up boats and road ways. They claimed they were the peace keepers. The wardens, but they were just a bunch of thugs, demanding money for their protection. It was a racket and everyone knew it. Atleast they looked the part, stupid hats and weird boots and the like.

They made a big mistake when they heard about the Beast. A dragon, one of them among mere mortal folk. It seemed inconceivable, but there he was, earning his money breaking legs for the free booters of the Orleans. A real terror but the Patriots saw potential and strength when they saw it. Sure, the Beast gave them a few months of carnage, his white frame and jaws enough to make entire crews tremble. They made the mistake when they filled up a ships hold with missing children, ready slave labor for more disgusting folks. Even tried to lie to him about the cargo he was protecting.

They didn't know the Beast had a soft spot for kids. The Patriots lost a couple of ships that day, and alot more men.

In retrospect it might have been a mistake on the monster's end, as he had to high tail to the next town, get himself in with a gang quick before the Patriots muscled up enough manpower to finally put him down. Good luck.

Good thing about old New York, plenty of hallowed out buildings to hide in. Most of them were collapsed, sunken in on the island, but there were still plenty of ruins outside of the 'city' that could house a monster and some of his minions. Siraki saw the wrecked nature covered interior and finally set his bag down. He breathed a sigh of relief. "Come on in. Is clear."

He had picked up some hangers on. Three kids from the boat, Boy, Girl, small one. There was also Scrap, a bald headed bloke who had alot of debts with the Patriots and figured following the big scary dragon was preferable then trying to ask for a few more weeks more. "This is New York? Expecting something a bit more rowdy." He sat his portly side down and began rubbing his feet before fumbling with the laces.

"We're not there yet." The girl was the brains of the outfit. She managed to get herself snatched up with her little brother, but her parents were apparently merchants at one point, traveling between the hidden cities. The motley crew followed her sign, and her little notebook. "Old New York is under the fallen spires. The cracked ones."

"So that's where we're going." Siraki knelt down and pushed his hands into the puddle that formed over the years. He washed them before taking a drink, uncaring of how dirty they were. Flicking the excess away. "Fact, think we should part ways here. Things get loud when I show up."

The kids looked at the monster with worried eyes. "You're leaving?"

Scrap didn't seem to mind. "It's for the best lass. He does stand out and we don't want to be anywhere near em when word spreads." Scrap seemed to look at his companion with a knowing look. "And I think we cramp his style. Not exactly scary if he shows up with three kids and an old codger like me."

Siraki gave a toothy grin. "Have to make a good first impression."

Screams erupted from the corner of the bizarre. This led to confusion which led to shock as more and more eyes saw the white scales and yellowing eyes of the monster that somehow had casually walked into their city. He had been stopped, or some have atleast tried, and other districts have went through the same amount of pandemonium as the bizarre. The Beast moved with purpose and seemed to be uninterested in the commotion he was causing. He'd been through this before, dozens of times. He was a freak. An abomination. A monster. He heard it all before, and he was going to friggin own it. He brings terror and terror brings respect. Most of the time just making himself known would usually lead to something happening. The smart ones knew about his reputation, and usually the jobs flooded in. Then came the money, then came the food and booze. The dumb ones would just attack him, try to carve a reputation out of his hide. This usually did the opposite, keeping the dumb ones away until the smart ones came out.

But first the panic, the murmurs, the screams. The dragons were here. They dragons were invading. Idiots. Why would a dragon be in this crap hole? Why wouldn't they be hiding themselves?

His eyes went from side to side, viewing the pictures and fliers and people that scampered to get distance, grouped up for security, hid in their homes and stalls, or remained motionless on the spot. It was all the same, and sure enough he found some dumb ones.

Two guys with blades at their hip didn't notice the cause of the commotion until the crowd cleared, the Beast, holding onto one strap of his backpack, makeshift armor and tattered pants, a bone necklace around his thick throat. They brew their swords, more like sharpened metal slabs, one dropping something colorful. "S-stop right there!" one shouted. The Beast ignored him and continued walking. The man tried a swipe. Siraki reached out and grabbed the man's hands at the hilt and simply pulled, the man went off balance and fell onto the pavement behind him without missing a beat. His companion was demoralized and raised his blade in defense, arms shaking. Siraki was going to go through him before he noticed the piece of paper that had wofted onto the ground infront of him.

The Beast paused, leaning down and picking up the flier. His yellow eyes scanned over the page, but he didn't understand the local written language. He held it up to the other armed man who flinched and dropped his sword before cowering. The beast figured these 'warriors' were looking at it for a purpose. "What's this?" He asked, his voice more a growl.

The doors to the Leaky Grove Tavern slammed open, enough that the hinge of the door might have cracked and a mark was left where the knob hit the wall. The CRASH and clunk cause the bar to turn its attention to the figure, the words stopping in their throat, the music going off key from surprise.

The Beast's tail swayed a little before the towering hulk of horns, claws, and teeth walked into the room, the flier clenched in one fist while the other remained on the strap of his bag. The nostrils of his snout splayed open, taking in the rank smell of differing alcohols and sweaty unwashed bodies. There was a tense moment, quiet, silence, then the Beast looked to the bar tender, before holding up the flier. The barkeep pointed to the corner.

There was a dark haired man there, one standing with his glass in the air, another seemed to be getting up, light haired male about to walk away with a dark haired woman. He wasn't impressed, but he looked to the table, seeing a pile of the fliers. The Beast raised his snout and approached, placing his crinkled flier on the top of the pile before eying the bigger of the two men, seemingly the more dominant, if flamboyant one. "Heard you had work." He said simply.
Is there a particular posting speed you'd prefer?

My week is going to be on the busier end due to Halloween and some online engagements after work.
Can we create non essential NPCs to interact with. I see my character having a goon or two as a hanger on when he enters Old New York.
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