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used to be 'loony' on here. i'm just some guy.

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@Psyker Landshark Same picture indeed.

Also, just to save us a potential extra round of posts, Iraleth has no plans for Hildegunde, does she? Hildegunde gets a free pass into the Plaza?
@ERode If Chloe tries that, she's proooobably going to die.

Iraleth is welcome. Hildegunde feels like she's going insane.

Not if she tries to get Chunji though. Sorry, Chunji, but you scare Hildegunde. Iraleth is a big ball of idiotic heroics to Hildegunde right now and she'd rather have her as a classmate than you.
Haha noooo don't leave her fate in the hand of the others you're so sexy aha.

By all accounts, Hildegunde had no right to be angry at this stranger. But watching her jeopardize her spot, then her life, only to try and leave like that? For better or worse, Iraleth is going to plague Hildegunde's mind for a long time.

That wasn't important right now, however. What was important was that Chunji and Iraleth have the two big threats distracted, and she might not get another non-lethal chance at crossing that bridge. Chunji being behind instead of ahead of her would be a problem, but he at least seemed reasonable, unlike the half elf. She can deal with him by giving him space - and that was assuming he survived at all.

She inhales and makes a mad dash, hoping to get ahead while the others are distracted. Hoping that it would be enough.

If it weren't, however, she was prepared. Prepared to do the heinous, and prepared to come up with her defense. She needed not point her rifle; the bullets would always find their mark. While she couldn't be sure how the half-elf's ethos might interact with her own, it was her best bet at guaranteeing safety. The thought becomes a mantra as she dashes, muscles burning, heart racing.

Chloe. Brainstem. Freikugeln. Chloe. Brainstem. Freikugeln. Chloe. Brainstem. Freikugeln. Chloe. Brainstem. Freikugeln. That last word feels like a caged animal, bashing against iron bars, begging to come out, to be said. And indeed, the moment Hildegunde perceived any threat towards her - or Iraleth - she would utter it. Along with a few other choice words.

Quickly capitalizing on the confusion and fear she had orchestrated with her false threat, Hildegund rushes past the stalling crowd. Briefly, she considered cutting time by going through the crowd, before deciding to stick to the perimeter. This was probably the right choice, she decides, given the abject chaos and violence that has followed her little stunt. She keeps a particular eye on Chunji, who seemed to cut through the crowd with ease and silent determination, marking him silently as a large threat. She would not turn her back on him; indeed, she even slowed her progress, so as to keep behind the man, and not in front. After all, the safety of the border would dissipate on the bridge.

As it was right now, Hildegunde silently enjoyed her relative safety on the perimeter. Free from the brawl, the most Hildegunde had found herself having to do was occasionally duck and weave the occasional blast or flailing arm that would find its way past the crowd. The woman would soon, however, come to a fearful halt herself before she reaches the bridge. She watches the half-elf with narrowed eyes, observing her carefully. The joy she took was equal parts horrific and confusing - she was surely loosing leeway by staying behind and doing this. What was she trying to accomplish? A total monopoly on seats? Did she even care, or did she just want an excuse to revel in her own power?

Then, another equally mind-boggling half-elf joined the picture.

Stupid. She is so stupid. What is she trying to do? Get herself killed? That girl had the opportunity to gain a headstart, and she just wasted it. Turned back, and for what?

She glances at the lack of ink marks on her hand for a split second. The words Freikugeln threaten to leave her lips, but she bites down on her tongue. She only has two controlled shots after all; she best not waste it. As it were, no one was crossing the bridge yet, and who knows what lay ahead. Besides, she still wasn't sure what sort of test this was, and if it were a test of character, she doesn't want to blow it.

She waits and watches as Chunji's stolen dagger flies, breath still.
@ERode Assuming Hilde and Chunji don't Fucking Kill Her I'm sure he'll have an opportunity to interrogate her later :P

Anywhom, gonna wait on AThousandCurses before I reply. I don't know if we're following any strict post order but yeet
Alright, hopefully that little use of magic outside of ethos is fine and can reasonably fall into primal usage. I did consider her actually shooting someone in the foot or something, but I think Hilde's trying to keep herself from being a little too chaotic until she has a good grasp of what the rules are before she goes about breaking them.
From the sidelines, in the shadows, Hildegunde watches. Such is her domain as a huntress. Even if not on the job, it is where she finds herself most comfortable. Unseen, unnoticed, until she is ready to strike.

The open chaos is strange; equal parts enthralling and confusing. Her eyebrows furrow as she thinks. 'Proper' society is such a strange beast. This feels like a test of some sort, but she is too out of her depth here to figure out what is being tested. This place is supposedly for heroes - does this mean those who have resorted to violence to secure their spot are already being marked? Or is it truly as it seems - a simple measure of determination and punctuality? Questions, questions. Questions and not enough actions. Whatever the answer, she needed to move, and fast.

Pulling her hood up, she uses a simple codeword. Obscure. She can't imagine what she's going to do is particularly terrible, but just in case this is a morality test, she'd rather not be easily identified. It's not illegal if you don't get caught and all.

She inhales. Points a rifle to the sky. Shoots. Trips someone.

She does not wait to watch her results. She's too busy concealing her rifle and hurrying off.

It's all showmanship, but she hopes if nothing else, it'll cause a ruckus for those who are dumb enough - or, perhaps, smart enough - to care. And that the poor sucker she tripped will be okay. He, like her, was furthest away from the belly of the crowd - it's unlikely he'll be trampled. If nothing else, the sound of a gunshot alone will inevitably cause just enough panic -even if for a moment - that it'll give her leeway.

And a moment is all she needs.
@ERode The scary thing about Hildegunde is that if she WANTED to go full murder mode, her Ethos would make her scarily effective at it. Being able to make every 2/3 bullets a headshot and 1/3 hit something indiscriminately regardless would be pretty damn scary.

Good thing she usually only points her gun at animals, without evoking it :P Someone needs to be her friend quickly so she can avoid using it recklessly in fear of that third shot hitting them.

Sorry for the wait everyone, writing up my post now.
Hi, going to be off for like a day or two,
Just wanna give a heads up so it doesn't look like I just, disappeared.
Hildegunde Nachtnebel

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