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used to be 'loony' on here. i'm just some guy.

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@Psyker Landshark let me know if you want me to edit the post so as to have Iraleth be awake
School faculty is a much more strenuous and mentally demanding task than Shaktan politics. At the very least, I can predict when a council member wants someone dead.

"Fucking tell me about it. Whatever I thought I was signing up for, it wasn't this." The comment was probably not meant for Hildegunde to add onto, but the sentiment still carried over. Neither of them were ready for this school, from the sounds of it. The giggle takes her off guard, but she makes no comment on it. Nor does she comment on the idea that she brings balance to the duo, but the look of confusion on her face says it all. A thought occurs to Hildegunde; she had been so preoccupied during the last few hours that she forgot to mark her hands. As Nicole talks, she takes a pen from her person and uncaps it, putting down a singular mark on the back of her palm. A few faded scribbles accompany it from days prior.

"That's the key word though, ain't it? Believe. You don't take shots at prey bigger than you unless you're confident you can take the thing down. Best case scenario, you cause unneeded suffering. Worst case, you end up the one dying."

There's a small silence that follows. Her own words remind her briefly of her brother.

"I've seen these two in action; you haven't. I don't think anything I say or do will stop either of them; it may very well escalate the situation. But if only to appease you, I'll do my best to temper the fires. Worst case scenario, and perhaps the only promise I can make; I'll stop them from murdering each other."

Her eyes darken. She does not like the implication that others might be aware of her own cover. She debates, for a moment, asking Nicole about anywhere isolated on campus, but...no. If an accident does happen, the last thing she needs is for school faculty to be aware that she was there.

"On that note, I will excuse myself."

Before leaving the room, she gives a dip of her head.


Hildegunde weaves through the dense underbush in the heart of the forest, her obscure and silence spells back in full effect. She has ventured into the most remote, rough part of the forest, to avoid the potential of any human causalities. She inhales, choosing inanimate targets in the vain hope that focusing on a non-lethal usage may prevent the uncontrolled bullet from hitting a living target.

Nearest silk oak tree. Topmost branch.


The second magic bullet flies harmlessly through the air, silently meeting its mark before dissipating.

Nearest silk oak tree. Lowest branch.


Predictably, the third...doesn't. It goes long out of eyeshot, and while it can't be heard, Hildegunde knows that it will eventually be hitting something, somewhere. And frankly, she doesn't want to stick around and find out what it hit. Experience tells her the target will be living, and to the heart. In all likelihood, with how isolated she is, it'll hit an animal, and not something with sapience. Free food for the scavengers and decomposers. If she's not...

She begins chomping down on some of her dried venison as she moves to leave, knowing she'll probably miss dinner. Praying no one will follow her and delay her trip back. She vows to move silently and steadily; as much as she yearns to run, fleeing in a hurry will only draw suspicion.


With Iraleth asleep, and Ciara nowhere to be found, Hildegunde finds herself laying wide awake on her bed. Her old worries about which faction to choose has left her - she's now trying to figure out what, if anything, to say to the duo. So frustrated with the dilemna is she that she considers evoking Freischütz, but Ciara enters the room before such a thing can happen.

If Hildegunde planned on giving Ciara a mouthful when she walked in, she showed no signs of it. She gives the girl a casual salute at first, before her face softens, realization dawning on her.

Ciara's eyes are still red. She sits up, concern on her face.

"Hey, you okay?" Hildegunde whispers, so as to not disturb Iraleth.

"Don't gotta tell me what's wrong if you don't wanna, just...checking in."
@Nanaya Another question, is there anywhere on campus that's fairly isolated? Hildegunde might want somewhere relatively clear to try firing, so that she can reset her controlled bullets back to two.
@Nanaya Post is up, apologies again for the wait.
"You're asking me?" Hildegunde asks, a bit taken back. By the pity, the ice that could've nearly speared her, and more importantly, the fact that she seemingly was included in this discussion at all when she had quite literally backed away from the whole ordeal. Most alarming of all was probably the fact that the archmage was still humouring their request. Hildegunde briefly wonders how the conversations with the other students had gone.

You don't get it. She doesn't, and she won't pretend otherwise. She gives a small shrug, running a thumb against the icicle that had nearly struck her hand, before watching her go.

Don't leave without a key. She never planned to come here at all. Evidently it had been a bad idea. A soured idea now, even. She silently vows to speak up next time, even if her idea would likely be rejected. Had they just done things her way, this conversation likely would've not happened. But all the same, she supposed Iraleth would've confronted Ciara eventually about her suspicions.

The woman sighs, running another finger against the icicle, then a hand through her hair. So many outs. So many outs, and Ciara still wanted to fight. And moreover, Iraleth was still down to do so. The two of them were mad, she decided. Admirably mad, but mad nonetheless. Hildegunde leans against the wall, watching Iraleth leave as well. She shakes her head.

"I'm just a gal looking for a place to sleep. I've no part in this now, do I?" Hildegunde tells Nicole.

"I find the whole thing deeply disagreeable and a tad alarming. But it's not my decision to make, or my battle to fight. So I don't see why what I think should matter."

She straightens her back, hands in her pockets.

"That said, if you have a message you'd like me to relay to the others, or some other concern you'd like to bring up to me, go ahead. As invasive and unpleasant as this has been, I'm in no hurry to leave."
Hey sorry, real life is kinda overwhelming rn, especially with helping my parents with COVID while trying not to get it myself before my new job starts up and all of the hellish miscommunication juggling issues I've been having. When I said earlier that it might take me a bit, I was expecting a day at most.

If you guys wanna skip me I understand entirely. I want to say I can promise a post for November 2nd once my job is actually starting, it should at least give me time to draft something up in between busing.
Gonna wait a bit for my response, heads up
Hildegunde losing her mind rn. She's laughing a little.
@Estylwen Just happened to be good timing. I wasn't busy and when I checked RPGuild your post was two minutes old :P That and the post was short

An yeah, sometimes it be like that!
Ciara off the shits <3

Very short post from me
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