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used to be 'loony' on here. i'm just some guy.

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Hildegunde was one of the last to enter the room. Like many of the students in the halls, she was a certifiable mess; her hair stood up in various spots from running, her jacket still unzipped. She was more relieved than anything to find that their professor wasn't here yet, only to immediately feel a new sense of dread. There was hardly time to breathe in the familiar essence that flowed freely here, or bask in the mundane nostalgic scent of eraser shavings.

Indeed, even her worries about the upcoming fight were swiftly replaced with a much more immediate anxiety.

Seating arrangements.

She spots her place almost immediately, right next to where Outis would be. A place that the Strigidae was trying to swap with her. Why was that damned half elf everywhere?

No matter. Chloe or no Chloe, she'd have done what she's about to do all the same.

She seats herself on the floor, in front of the furthermost row. The ground is more comfortable to the hunter. Furthermore, she wouldn't have to deal with any of the students acting up and distracting her if they were all behind her. Some teachers would object to this, but in Hildegunde's experience, it was usually students who paid this more mind than instructors. And she did not particularly care what the students thought.
Still here! Going to need to play some catch up, but I should have a post up later today.
@Nanaya Yeah, feel free to skip until the classroom comes up.
Hildegunde awakes alone. Confused. Bewildered. Long after Iraleth and Ciara have left.

It takes a few moments for the events of the previous day to come back to her. The announcement. The bridge. The auditorium. The head advisor's office.

She grimaces. The advisor's office - it was a baffling series of events that by all means didn't have to happen, and now here she was, trying and failing to play peacemaker for the two younger girls. She wonders, briefly, if her brother felt the same way about dealing with her in her youth. It is both a comforting thought and a saddening one.

The blankets fall haphazardly to the floor as Hildegunde gets up. The ping was missed on account of the silencing of her Adapa. Nonetheless, sensing that she is running behind, she begins to dress herself as quickly as possible, the door practically slamming behind her. Had the duel already started? Is she too late?

Time, Freischütz.

8:45, Fräulein Nachtnabel.
Hildegunde's pace slows for a moment. She's got over an hour for the duel.

Then, he breaks the news.

[color=0000000]You have class in room 103 at 9:00 AM.[/color]

"What?" She is so taken back by the news that she speaks this aloud. A few students stare at her. She pays them no heed.

[color=0000000]You have class in room 103 at-[/color]

"Yeah, I got that! Where the fuck is room 103!?"

The duel slips her mind entirely, panic having set in. She quickens her pace once more, practically running through the halls. She feels a grin - a far more playful one than usual - in her mind's eye. She holds back a groan at the news.

Chloe will be there.
@Nanaya I can get one down, sorry everything has been so much forever.

EDIT: I've set the post close to when class would start, so if you wanna do shenanigans before class time, that can happen, and you can also reasonably skip me until class starts without asking. Felt like this was the most responsible way of going about it with my schedule being what it is right now.
@Nanaya Hi I'm so sorry, life is real hectic rn. Full permission to skip me, just assumed Hildegunde is going to head to class. No detours.
Yeah, just me now. I'll try to get a post up after work
"It was a simple yes or no question, y'know," Hildegunde says, shrugging as she flops into her bed. Strangely exhausted. She inhales, closing her eyes. She holds it for a good while, letting the blanket of calm quell her own frustrations. Not just with the two of them, but with the world itself. A world that has become much more complicated and scary since she had left the WNT. She longs, for a moment, to be a child again. To have her greatest worry be besting her brother in a childish display of insecurity. To have her world be her house, the forest that surrounded it, and on occasion, the busy markets of Seer's Loft.

But of course, that's why she's here.

Because she can't.

"Well, at least do us all a favour then and try not to kill each other, yeah? Fair fight tomorrow?" Hildegunde says after finally exhaling. She sighs and turns over, pulling the blankets around herself. Despite her fatigue, her calm, her last words are cold and sharp. Like a knife threatening to piece skin.

"Because we do not want me to intervene. So please stop yourselves before you force my hand."

With that, Hildegunde closes her eyes, and finally gives in to sleep.
I uh, made a lil' something with Ciara :)

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I probably won't be able to post until Sunday. Work is being really rough.
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