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used to be 'loony' on here. i'm just some guy.

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Hildegunde watches Chunji go, giving a low hum as he exits the classroom. His words hang in the air, heavy on Hildegunde's shoulders, even though she was not the subject of them.

"If you're sure, professor," the hunter says simply, shrugging her shoulders all too casually. Chunji had more or less said what she had on the mind, and seeing no reason to stick around or add insult to injury, she follows suite and exits the classroom.

The original plan was simple. She was hungry before class, and hungrier now still; she would leave to eat in the precious few minutes left.

But without particularly meaning to have at first, Hildegunde finds herself following Chloe, a few dozen paces ahead of her. With her usual aversion to the girl now overpowered by pity and confusion, the hunter's curiousity wins over her hunger. She retains her distance and follows the misty eyed girl, so as to give herself plausible deniability that she is not following if noticed. All the while, she tries to make sense of three things:

1) Where Chloe is headed off to

2) If she should even approach Chloe

And, more importantly

3) What the hell she was going to do next once and if she actually approached. Or, more aptly, how to talk to her without further angering her and getting pruned.

Her mind draws a blank. For now, she simply observes, all while pretending she has elsewhere to go.
I didn't get cake but I still had fun C: thanks everyone

@Nanaya, quick question before I finalize my post. Do you mean to have Chloe meet up with Otis and co? Or is she heading elsewhere?
Sorry, last couple of days have been busy and yesterday was my birthday.

Should have a post up later today
Post is up. Short one but I'm eepy.
Would Davil be fine? Hildegunde didn't feel at all eased by Alto's words, but she had greater worries. Partially, her reignited wariness of Chloe. Mostly, the upcoming fight between Iraleth and Ciara.

And, of course, most pressingly, if not as importantly, Alto's new injury, no thanks to her.

The bullet would dissipate after a few moments of being fished out. Apparently, whatever Hildegunde shoots with her Ethos isn't the same as her normal bullets. Once its job was done, it was gone.

"Sorry professor. You know how it is, can't un-shoot a gun," Hildegunde mumbles. Very thankful at the moment that she had shot it after all. If she hadn't, she might've gone with Otis's plan. That probably wouldn't have gone well.

She moves over to look over Chunji's healing, and makes a face. Oh, that's an artery. Did she hit that? She was specifically going for a nonlethal hit. Of course, it wouldn't be the instantaneous death a shot aiming for the brainstem would be - there were more than enough healers to prevent death, but nonetheless. This was a fact she'd keep to herself.

She felt a little bad, mostly because now that the lesson was over, this was a completely unnecessary pain And she was down a bullet for Ciara and Iraleth - not that it'd help now that they all knew about PBs. She'd have to be more careful in the future. Especially if, when the time came, she'd have to follow a plan like Otis's after all. Something like that could not allow for a margin of error. She makes a silent vow to be more careful.

Speaking of. Exit Otis, then Ciara. Was class even dismissed? No matter. Not like Alto could teach in this condition. It'd probably bite her in the ass if she followed, as much as she wanted to. Awkward situation and all, but he was her professor. Bad person to have a grudge against her.

"Do you want help getting to a proper healer?" Hildegunde offers.
Hi everyone, I'm back now but I'll need some time to play catch up.

Edit: Catch up done. Expect a post sometime today if not tomorrow.
I straight up can't have a round for the forseeable future. I'm so sorry everyone, design week is murdering me and it turns out it'll be 3 weeks. AND my keyboard is fucked.

EDIT: To add to that, if you need to write Hildegunde out of the plot because 3 weeks is a longass time, I understand entirely. My program is exceedingly strict (you can fail an assignment you got a 69% on if they decide you weren't hitting bench marks quick enough despite your final mark) and I am struggling hard. I really hate to do this but I gotta do what I gotta do.
@Nanaya Literally take as long as you need.

As a heads up on my end, Design Week, the heaviest part of college for me, starts Tuesday, so I might need to be skipped. We shall see.
Post up. Apologies if anything is incoherent, it's late, but I wanted to get something up while the brain juices were still going

Rio successful in intercepting. Archer down. It's hardly of importance to Hildegunde - not with the sight of her bullet before her. This was the first time Hildegunde has actually witnessed the bullet. While her rifle seems to have expended a bullet when it fired, it visually does not match the rest loaded in her rifle - it's a blueish silver thing, and were it not in motion, Hildegunde would've been able to see it as strangely ornate.

"Your Ethos? I'm impressed."

You should be. For the wrong reasons.

"It appears it'll keep going like this, until either it breaks through, I let it through, or I deflect it. But in the time it'd take to remove it, it could be just the second needed to find an opening in my perception. Attempting to deflect could, maybe, be worse than letting it dig through my essence."

It won't be deflected. Not permanently, anyways - she's sure it'd find a way back. Hildegunde is almost certain of this much, now that the bullet refuses to cease its forward momentum, even with the seemingly impossible barrier before her. Of course, why wouldn't it? That seems to be an immutable law of her ethos - the bullets always find their mark, some way or another. This one just might take its time.

Still, she wonders, what would happen if he did try to move it. Would it burrow through his hand the way it currently attempts to burrow through the PB?

Then, something changes.

Even over the piercing noise of metal on metal, it couldn't be drowned out. Hildegunde needed not to turn around to recognize the sound of breaking wood - the forest was, after all, her home. Needs not pay attention to the shadow increasing before her for more than a split second. She immediately makes a dash for it without so much as a glance behind her. She feels the ground rumble on its impact, a few feet away from her. Hildegunde keeps her senses sharp for any other incoming threats.

Otis knocks. A question is posed. Hildegunde looks at the bullet. Alto. Left eye.

It does not budge. Seems like once a target is decided, there is no swaying it. There's more Hildegunde has learned about her ethos today - even if it's knowledge that doesn't surprise her.

Otis, buddy, they are not buddies and they both know it.

I hate to break it to you, but as of right now, I can only guarantee your safety and everyone else's with one eye, she admits, being deliberately vague. Otis can probably piece together why though with fair ease. He seems a smart man to Hildegunde.

If you want two, in the worse case scenario, someone will die. Until I think my own life is in danger, I don't think this is worth that risk. So I'm either going to need different instructions, or you're going to have to settle for one.

Moreover, she did not like the idea of possibly blinding - permanently blinding - her professor. One eye, though?

He could manage.

Another thought occurs to her. She never had a reason, to try and further channel her ethos before. Bullets were too fast and generally too effective to bother attempting it. But now she wonders, if there's a way to infuse the bullets with further power. Never before has Hildegunde had to strain for her ethos, so sparingly used as it is, that she is at a loss for how to push it. Could she move the bullet with the same sort of

Maybe coming to this school wasn't a mistake. She's not sure where else she'd be thinking like this.

It must be like a muscle, Hildegunde reckons. It stretches and pulls and eventually fatigues. Hildegunde focuses on the bullet, which whizzes through the air, which she breathes, and mentally pushes, in a manner not unlike how she'd go about primal magic. Would such an application do anything - could it move with any more force? Or was the bullet truly fixed?
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