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New Hollywood
Marine Assault Ship Yankie

Within the command and control center of the Yankie, the designated flagship of the 401st Rapid Response Regiment, or the "Saving Graces" as they've come to be called, Colonel Miles Bisson along a dozen of his top officers gather around a table with a holograhpic image of New Hollywood in full display, countless green dots on the surface representing the confirmed citizens planetside. Having just received the message from the Matuvistan Commander, the Colonel was swift in his decision. "As you are aware, the Matuvistans have offered to work with us for the time being in evacuation efforts, and are kind enough to let our birds use their main base for our own uses. This'll save us the trouble of setting up our base of operations, and skip to the fun part."

"Just tell us where you need us, Sir." One of his captains spoke up, Colonel Bisson nodded to the man.

"I've marked your designated region in your personal datapads." The Colonel said. "Blaze and Ashen Companies are responsible for citizens trapped in the countryside, concentration there is less dense and fighting is subdued, so you'll finish up in no time. The real asskicker will be New Beijing and Neo London." He paused as holograhpic models of the two cities materialize in place of the planet. Both cities a mix of green and red. "As you very well aware, both cities are deep in heavy fighting between the White Flowers, ECU Protectors and Matshies, and our people are caught in the crossfire." Bisson paused once more as he starred at the holoprojections, he than turns to a trio of officers in one corner, two humans and an Aldzir. "Crawford, Sanders, Grrish, you're men will be tasked with Neo London. Walton, O'Brian and Lee will be tasked with New Beijing. The rest of you will remain on standby in case shit hits the fan."

"And what if the locals get..antsy?" Captain O'Brian asked hesitatingly.

"I'm glad you asked." Bisson replied. "Current orders are to avoid engagement if possible, we're not here to kill civvies, we're just trying to get our own people home, understood?"

"Sir!" The officers replied in unison.

"Good, commence with the Operation." Colonel Bisson said, most of the officers leaving the room, only a few remaining. "As for the rest of you, the Matuvistan Commander has invited me aboard her ship, you're more than welcome to join me."

"Chug! Chug! Chug!" A group of crew members and Marines chanted in unison, encircling a singular table were two marines sat on opposite ends. Omar Halim, a member of Raven Squad, starring down a rather imposing Dhulrak, Kezil of Hwahg, heavy weapons specialist of Raven Squad. Both men made playful grins across their faces. Below both were glasses filled with some sort of strange concoction, whatever it was....it was purple, and literally fuming, and had a very unpleasant odor to boot. "First one to toss his guts owes the other a hundred bucks.” Kezil challenged Umar.

“You’re on.” Omar accepted the challenge, being the first to gulp down the glass. The urge to gag was strong, it was unlike anything he had tasted before. The sailors and fellow marines continued their chant and wooing as Umar drunk the last drop, gasping for air, breathing rapidly. “You’re move…”

Kezil was quick to gulp down his portion, barely making any indications that it was as bad as it looked. Kezil slammed the glass on the table. Both starred at one another for a brief moment, both fighting the urge to vomit. Unfortunately for Omar, this would be fight he would lose, making a nasty mess on the floor. Kezil let out a warcry of victory as the others cheered, a short-lived victory as he vomited all over the floor. “Ah shit..”

‘We got a tie!” One of the crew members announced.

"And yet another unsatisfying entry in books for Raven Squad." Another squad member quipped. The mess hall was erupted with laughter as Captain Crawford strolled in, looking at his men with mix of amusement and at the same time, disappointment. It was by mere chance one of his men took notice of the captain, prompting him to let out a loud whistle, the mess hall fell silent.

"Captain on deck!" He announced, all present members of Zephyr Company standing at attention. Captain Crawford giving a small nod to the troops as he tours the mess hall, inspecting his men, Omar and Kezil struggled to stand, but managed to at least look presentable, although there was a very big problem on the floor, and right in the captain's path "We're fucked.." Omar muttered to himself, Kezil well within earshot range. "Just got back from briefing, we're to deploy to Neo London within the-" Captain Crawford paused as he passed Omar and Kezil, an cringe-worthy "squishing" sound made underneath his boot, the captain looking down at the nasty sight. "Oh for Gods sake..." Crawford snarled, well aware who made the mess as he turned his gaze to the accused pair, before letting out an audible sigh. "...Quite frankly, we don't have time for this shit..but your little "games" will be discussed." He said, somewhat letting this slide for now, much to the pair's relief.

Crawford cleared his through as he continued. "As I was saying, we're to deploy within a couple of hours, pack your gear and be ready by than....and clean this mess up."
@Jangel13 Sheet is approved!
@Jangel13 Do you mean like a nation with humans and xenos? Or Human/Xeno hybrids? If the second one, We don't have one, although I do recall the GM saying natural crossbreeding between humans and xenos would not be possible, sorry about that. If you want, hop in the discord chat so we can discuss it further.

Edit: After further elaboration, the Idea is good with me!
@Jangel13 Yup! We're always open to new players :D
If I remember correctly I was supposed to set that up with the URC and Xandalia. Of course, for the mechs. But I can foresee other people wanting to get in on this just because they may mistake Hubert's leniency for stupidity. Which... I can very much see happening.

Right, I remember that. That'll prove to be fun subplot :D
So far no one's using Zakus, and I mean, if they are what you like, I'd say go for it. For the URC I'm mostly using non-gundam mechs, and for the Gaians, a mix of non-gundam stuff and this.
Do it!!!!! :P

Already using them for the URC and soon for the Gaians. :D

Mad Scientist mecha hooo!
@Oraculum Sheet is approved! Good work man :D
@Irredeemable That can work as well.
<Snipped quote by Irredeemable>

We named our gaming group Troglodyte and we shortened it to Trog. I should use "Trog" as a name for something or someone at some point.

Could be the nickname or just the name for an alien animal or primitive native.
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