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4 yrs ago
I have a rough draft for my final due this week and the final is due next week. My replies will be slow for a bit. Bare with me.
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Dean revved his bike again, deciding he would stick around. With Judas here, this would be quick work, until the dumb bitch dropped being shock by a taser dart. Fuck. At least they won't have to answer to the cops why a grenade launcher went off at one of their places of business. He didn't know what the hell was going on. He looked in the direction of where the dart came from and saw a sniper. The ground rumbled under him like a mini earthquake. They didn't get too many of those around here. The fuck?

It's when Valjean took the next dart that didn't faze him and shouted,

That Dean got clued into what the fuck was going on. Shit. They could pay off the cops, but ain't no way they had connections with the Feds. Valjean grabbed Elodie and they were gone down the street.

He would've road after them, but he didn't have time to think. The next dart came for him and instantly turn him and his bike into smoke, before transitioning to a shadow and traveling far from the strip club in seconds. Judas can handle himself. He's not fucking with the Feds. That would ruin everything.

He popped back up on his bike several blocks away and gunned it down the street back to his apartment to settle the accounts before his time was up.

Mention: @Punished GN

"Why are you being such a bitch, Dean? What? Did that lil' junkie make you soft? St. Portwell's full of whores that'll fuck for their next hit, Dean! Stop being such a pussy!" Elodie said an eloquently as ever.

"Look dumb bitch, if you want to die today that's your prerogative. Too big a word. I meant do whatever hell you want, crazy bitch." He turned the key in his bike about to peel off, when


Judas called for the pack from the roof tops with the Curs on their leashes.

So dramatic. He stayed on his bike, but he didn't turn it off. Judas being here meant shit was about to go sideways for the Greenwood hoes and the Coven bitches. He didn't care to be here for the carnage, but he also didn't want Judas on his ass for not sticking around. He's still ready for a quick escape though. He leaned on his handle bars, making himself comfortable.

Elodie accused some girl of killing Joe and Victor. "When the hell did Vic die?" he asked her. He knew it was chaos, but he could've sworn he'd just seen him. Just seen him as in confronting the girl Elodie accused, before all hell broke loose. Probably did kill him. Can't say he'd miss him, but now they're down a person. Great.

Judas attacked the girl and half the group they were fighting started fleeing. They were dumb fucks, but they weren't that dumb it seemed. They could finally go home and he can prep himself for the next four hours of pain.

"About damn time, Jude! I got accounts to balance. Let's get this on, so I can go back to the money before I'm indisposed," he yelled at him, projecting his voice so he could hear him from below. He revved his bike to make a point.
@EstylwenOh shit. I missed that. Thanks
@Punished GN Not like you asked me if my character could get dog piled on. Yours shocked him and poisoned him to the point he would've died if your other character didn't heal everyone. I don't see any problem with him using his Abstraction within the way I explained how it worked when I sent you the character sheet. I mentioned in the post that he doesn't know if the objects will come back or not. I left it open to interpretation. If you don't want them gone forever, then they won't be. I'll ask Atrophy if they want me to make changes.

Mentions: @Atrophy@Punished GN

The man he held at gun point gave him a bullshit monologue about getting some beers and playing pool to chat about which Tayla he was asking about. Dean wasn't a dumbass. He knew this was all a distraction ploy and he was prepared for the talkative prick to tackle him. He wasn't prepared for a fucked up corpse to land between them. He shot off his gun the moment he was jumped, trying to get his gun in his abstraction. He was a second away from slipping back into the shadows when a Greenwood bitch hit him with lightning and another bitch wrapped him up in painful vines. He screamed bloody murder, the pain so intense he couldn't think. He felt the poison in his veins and it burned. It was all he could do not to pass out.

All of that lasted for several seconds, because there was no cohesion in attacking him with the girl singing in a foreign tongue. All his wounds and pains were healed instantly when her power washed over him. He turned into smoke, then turned into shadow and disappeared from his attacker's view. He was right pissed. With their attacks off of him and him feeling brand new, he went right for the jugular on his attackers.

He popped up right in front of the man that shocked him. He grabbed his axe and turned it into shadow making it disappear. "Maybe you'll get that back later," he said, punching him in the stomach, then right under his chin. He sank back into shadow and went after the girl with the vines. He punched that girl right in the face, he felt and heard her cheek bone crack, laying her out.

He'd been quick about it attacking them, keeping his time in the shadows under 20 seconds. He disappeared again and went back to the man he held at gun point before. He had lost his gun after shooting it. It disappeared into his cup, but he didn't need it. His fists worked out for him just fine. He grabbed the man's cup and turned it into smoke, before kicking him in the face with his boot. "Dumbfuck. All you had to do was answer a simple question. Best hope I don't catch up to one of your other little friends, because they won't see me coming when I do."

The girl with the song was still going. None of them would be down for long after he hit them, but other than the girl the other two didn't have their channelers or their agents, however their abstractions worked in relation to an object. He didn't know if they would get them back either. He's never made an object he didn't have on him or didn't intend to keep, completely disappear before. They'll be less of a threat. What they needed to do was the get the hell out of here. They were outnumbered and with someone that can heal everyone, they could be at this for another hour or so. He didn't plan on sticking around.

He kicked the man he questioned in the face one last time for good measure, before disappearing to Elodie. She was the least in a fucked up situation and like hell he was going anywhere near Valjean. "We need to go. We're outnumbered and with healing bitch over there nothing we do will stick. We know Greenwood and the Coven. We can get them back later. For now, we better go while we still have our lives." No sooner had he said that, he disappeared to his bike, prepared to ride off without them if Judas didn't show his face soon.

Veni Vedi Veni

All hell broke loose when Maggy lost her damned mind and shot a kid he hadn't even seen in the group. Great. He's a lot of things. Done a lot of things, but child murder wasn't on his resume. It was now. Fucking great. They got attacked by the girlies and guys. He drew his gun when Valjean told him and started firing at whoever was in his line of sight. There were a lot of targets he could riddle with bullet holes. He focused a lot of his attention on the girls by the cars. The men got rounded up. One with shields teleported away and Elodie got one with a gun down his throat. It's in the midst of the chaos that he heard someone yell they were part of the Sycamore Coven.

"Oh ho ho, Christmas came early this year. Capture one of them alive! I got questions." Namely where the fuck his doll's been these last two years. St. Portwell ain't that big, but if it wasn't his circles he didn't know who to ask about Tayla. Knew her daddy worked down at the docks, but the fishermen in this town were important. Respected. Didn't go down there looking for trouble, unless you wanted guns drawn and bullet holes. They protected their own, and if Tayla's one of them then she's not an easy catch. But these Coven bitches would know. He could do whatever he wanted to them for information, and he planned on it.

Elodie's sand was getting every where and he was fucking hot. He hated her abstraction like he hated the beach. He couldn't take off his jacket right now. When the counterattacks came, they came hard. A car came and crushed Valjean, followed by Greenwood bitches come in out the woodwork to beat his ass. Elodie's hand was crushed, then her sand neutralized and the weather cooled down enough for him to think straight. He's had about enough of this.

He sank into his shadow and rushed forward to the Greenwood kid with the lightening. There were plenty of shadows around for him to work with. He appeared in a shadow behind him and cold cocked him with his gun in the back of the head, knocking him out. He was gone as soon as he arrived, doing the same to the girl next to him that controlled webs. He saw them as the biggest threats. He kept conscious of his time. So far, it's been 30 seconds. He reappeared on the side of the building out of the way and in the dark. He's doing good with on time. He would go back in, attacking who he could a few seconds at a time from shadows next to their enemies. He just had to hold out, until Judas showed up. He could swing that.

On one of his breaks, he stopped by a man crawling on the ground like a worm. He's the one that had a gun in his mouth. He as weak, down, and probably wouldn't put up much of a fight if he's trying to escape the conflict. Fucking perfect. He danced his way through the shadows and appeared out of the ground right in front of the man. He crouched down to his level. So far, he's got about two minutes worth of his abstraction in. Not the most terrible.

"Hey, man. Gotta question or two for you. Play my way, and you'll see the sun tomorrow," he said, his voice deep and gruff. He flipped his gun from the barrel to the grip, finger on the trigger. He pointed it right at the man's face. "Tell me where the fuck I can find Tayla Choi. And if you don't know, point me at who does."
@Punished GN fixed it

@Punished GN

When Judas called and told him there was trouble at the Veni Vedi Veni he couldn't have cared less. He didn't want to go on over and deal with whatever was going on. He had books to finish settling from this week's drug sells. He suspected someone might be skimming some of the money, but he couldn't be sure until he crunched the numbers and noticed a pattern. He'd been keeping an eye on for the last two weeks. He needed this week's numbers and next weeks to be sure. Couldn't bother Judas without evidence of some dumb fuck kid stealing their money. It'll have to wait though. Judas wanted him with the rest of the crew to the club. He locked up his office, then headed out, meeting the pack halfway there.

He rode in the back and arrived at a clusterfuck of abstractions. Some people he didn't know were causing a fuss.

"Fuck me." He sighed. He got off his bike and joined the crew in a group. He stood in the back, towering over most of the crew other than Valjean and Shayton was slightly shorter than him. He pulled his cigarettes out of his pocket with his match book. He kinda hated lighters. Didn't know why. Maybe it's the way it felt in his hand. Sometimes the shit didn't light without a few clicks. He could strike a match and his get his fix right away. He stuck a cigarette in his mouth, lit the match, then lit the cig. He took a pull, then blew it out.

"Now, can someone tell me, who the fuck here killed Joe Skinner?! Don't give me any of that "Aw, we didn't do it, believe us" bullshit! Shit ain't happen until you motherfuckers showed up, thrashing the place! So, you guys have one fucking minute to decide who the fuck killed a member of our pack before we send all of you to your God!" Valjean yelled.

"Damn. Joe's dead? Well fuck me. He was good for business." He didn't keep the club's books, but he knew when money was good.

He got a little closer to the chaos, keeping his gun under his jacket. He rarely needed to pull it out. His size was enough of a deterrent for most folks. Plus, he wouldn't need it when Judas showed up. That's the go ahead to use their abstractions of if everyone here was gonna end up dead anyway.

Up close he got a better look at the people he didn't recognize, eyeing the girl Victor called up. Probably his type. He felt something dangerously off about her. He didn't get too close. There were several other guys there he didn't know either. Strange thing about all this, is that they knew all the abstraction users in the city. At least anyone that's a major player anyway. This folks mixing up with their business was a death sentence. He expected this shit from 8th Street. None of those bitches were here. So who the hell are they?

"Ey, Val, something 'bout these no names don't add up. That girl, those girls, and those guys." He pointed at the one Victor called forward, the other women and men he didn't know. "That's a lot of fucking people signing their death warrants tonight. You reckon they new or we ain't notice them till now?"
Ewww. A Van Buren is a townie. Gross.

Mentions: Auri@Punished GN

After Auri and Kali went to talk in private, the flower shop became a clusterfuck. More members poured in. There was a lot more talk, a lot more noise, random bits of magic, and Tayla wasn't coping. She slipped back to a time where she was at a club not too far from here with the Wolfpack. The music loud, laughing, cussing, fighting, fucking going on all around her. Many of those occasions she'd been doing the fucking with whoever paid for it in oxy or money to afford the oxy. All of it blurred together and it was getting too much. A sensory overload she supposed. She sank far into her seat, tuning out the noise and focusing on what she could see. Paintings on the walls in vibrant colors. She felt the chair under her butt and the floor under her feet. She smelled flowers and cigarette smoke. She could go for a smoke right now. And she would've, if Auri and Kali didn't come back right then.

She thought they could get this shit show on the road, but Kali got real weird. Like thought he was going to shoot himself in the head weird. She couldn't be around threats of suicide. That's the last straw. She pulled out her phone. It's about 10 passed 7pm. She ordered an uber to drop her off at the ferry, so she could get a boat ride home. She knew she shouldn't have come. Thought she was strong enough to deal with any possible triggers, but there were a lot and she wasn't sticking out to slip up.

"If Kali doing weird shit like that with the gun, then he can stay from a distance. Like he's in a hotel and we talk via FaceTime. If that's not good enough, he can take a hike," she said. She kept her gaze on her phone, watching the uber driver get closer and closer. It helped for her to concentrate on something that's not this. They were a minute away. She got to say her last goodbyes just as Britney walked through the door. She's happy she's about to leave.

Britney was only memorable, because of the numbers she brought into the Coven back in the day. She heard about the falling out, didn't know the details, didn't care to know them.

"Hi Brit, bye Brit." She pointed her finger at Auri. "Text me when y'all figure out what y'all are going to do. I refuse to get involved with the Wolfpack. Have me do something else." She checked her phone. "My ride's here. See y'all whenever." With that, she took her leave.

The ride to the port was ten minutes. She made it with thirty minutes to spare. The ferry man, Jerry, stood at the bottom of the gangway, hand out for tickets. His route was to take passengers to the fancy hotel on an island 20 nautical miles off the shore. He had to pass by her island to get there and on occasion he'd give her a ride. She hasn't asked for one in nearly a year. Keeping to her routine was paramount. These damn murders might be the thing that slips her back into her addiction.

She asked him if she could get a ride. He told her to come aboard and that was that. On the way home, she smoked a cigarette. That was her second one of the day. She tamped it out and put it in the public ashtray. It was a little after 8 when she got home. Siwan wasn't a sleep yet, even though he should've been. Her father was a softy and couldn't resist his cute little face. She got him ready for bed and put him down to sleep, before eating and going to bed herself. She hoped something not Wolfpack related came out of the meeting. She wouldn't be useful without it.
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