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4 yrs ago
I have a rough draft for my final due this week and the final is due next week. My replies will be slow for a bit. Bare with me.
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@TheNoCoKid I'm not. My muse isn't in it.

Whatever Shayton wanted to talk to her about wasn't going to happen with the racist kid interrupting. Something about him was off. Like magic off and she wanted nothing to do with it, especially not with her baby around. She grabbed his coloring sheet and stood up, adjusting Siwan onto her hip. He started crying and kicking his little feet.

"No! Cayon!" he cried. She hated that they couldn't have their peace. What's supposed to be a good day for them was interrupted by assholes that couldn't leave them the hell alone. She snatched a purple crayon off the table for him, then they made their escape, heading for the Ferris Wheel.

Seunghoon was just coming back with the popcorn and corn dog. She shook her head and ushered him back the war he came. It was 4pm now. Just an hour left before the sun would sink beyond the horizon.

Her father looked at her questioning. "Bad vibes," was all she said.

He wouldn't understand, but he didn't need to. If she's leaving in a hurry, then that's all he needed to know something wasn't right. They got in line for the Ferris wheel. She gave Siwan the crayon. She didn't feel bad for stealing it. Inconsequential in the long scheme of things.

The line wasn't too long. They waited 15 minutes, before they boarded. She pulled baby wipes out of the baby bag, wiping Siwan's hands, then her own. She fed him popcorn, watching his little face turn funny from the crunch. She gave him another all while looking at the amazing view of the ocean and the mainland. She pulled her phone out and took a picture, then a selfie with her father and son. All of them smiling. Though she had to poke Siwan's cheek to get him to give her something then the 1,000 yard stare into the camera.
@Punished GN Good! Siwan's adorable. Everyone should doodle with him~
@Punished GN I ate got nothing to do. Lol

Mention:@Punished GN

Tayla had gotten her own coloring sheet and some color pencils, joining Siwan in coloring. He stopped what he was doing to look at her work. She smiled, drawing a little eyeball on the corner of her paper just to play. Siwan mimicked her, trying to draw a circle, but it came out disjointed and too far apart to connect.

[color=DE198A]"Wow, you're so good," she said, pitching her voice high. She used to have a hard time talking to him like that. When he was born, she would speak to him like he was an adult. No in language, because she didn't want to say anything inappropriate, but not with her voice high pitched either. The more she got used to talking to him and watching children's programs, the more she spoke to him like the actors on TV.

She leaned in to kiss his cheek, when a wind blew by, ruffling the papers on the table and Shayton was suddenly standing there. She jumped out of her skin.

"씨발," she cursed.


Tayla covered Siwan's mouth. "Don't even," she said.

She glared up at Shayton, pissed that he wants to do this now, during her bonding time with her baby. Not the right time. "As a matter of fact I do mind." She grabbed a color page and a mix of colored pencils and markers. She put everything on a spot across from her. "Join the fun."
What's Vashti doing out of her swamp? Don't she miss the Florida rain?
Not Petty Patty being hated by Adora. Lol. Georgie's not the only one to think she's awful.

Mention: @FernStone

Tayla was enjoying the conversation, getting good knowledge on motherhood going forward, when some kid in a KKK costume passed them. Lihn felt the need to be the one to talk to the little brat. She wasn't sticking around for the racist parent that would come and get their kid. She got up and went to the story time circle. Her approach didn't interrupt the storyteller at all. She figures with kids this young, they have experience in continuing through anything that would be seen as an interruption.

Siwan looked at her immediately, smiling and waving his arms to go up. She picked him up, then helped her father off the ground. He's too old to be sitting on concrete. She led them away from the story time, it was almost 4pm, so it would be ending soon anyway. Led them to the crafts table. She sat with Siwan in her lap and handed him crayons and a coloring sheet. He went town scribbling all over the page, the lines were merely a suggestion to him.

"배고파?" her father, Seunghoon, asked.

"아니요," she replied.

"배파!" Siwan said, slamming his arms on the table and wiggling in her lap.

She fed him before they left, but anytime food or being hungry is mentioned, he'd always say 'yes.' She rolled her eyes and reached into his baby bag for her wallet. She pulled out a few dollars, but her father shook his head. He waved away her money and asked for her order.

"Popcorn and a corndog." That shit would be expensive, but at the same time she wanted Siwan to have a fun first experience and that meant festival food too. They'll eat, then ride the Ferris Wheel and get out of here by 5. That's plenty of time to get home and have their evening routine.

Seunghoon walked away, going to get their food, and she resumed her focus on watching her son color. She did keep an eye for Lihn in case something bad went down.

Totally distracts from the conversation.
Not Clancy cosplaying the kkk for Halloween. Lol
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