Avatar of Sinerathin
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    1. Sinerathin 11 yrs ago


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You don't realize what events you have just set in motion, Rae...

I suppose trying to stop Rithy and her pictures if she ever learnt how to do them would be like trying to stop a tropical storm!

Pictures are okay. Just don't get so excited you two that you end up bringing the mods down on our heads, I do not know how much they would approve of Rae'liel+Serphia fan-fiction :)
<Snipped quote by Sinerathin>

Pfffshh, we all know that our OOC has always been reserved for senseless gibberish and cat pictures, Shar ^_^

(if only I could remember how to post pics!!)

Hah, you are certainly right by that, Rithy.

It's nice to see some activity in the OOC. It used to be a graveyard. You two are definitely getting along!

P.S Thank god she hasn't figured out how to use pictures, or I dread to imagine what this thread would look like :O
Look at this.

Here I leave the OOC for a few days and already you two ladies manage to fill it to the brim with multiple pages of ceaseless ramblings! :P

To keep this OOC alive in the absence of Liaena, I think I'll host a small contest :)

Whoever can find the song that suits the fight scene of Rae'liel & the blood elves vs the White Hand and their Death Knight will get 1 favor with the GM!

Feel free to pick songs and theme-songs from movies, video-games or composers; whatever sounds the best! To make it a bit difficult, only rule is; you can only choose one.
Don't worry, it looks good, Saltwater ;)

About the only little detail that I would point out is that the White Hand tend to primarily train mages on a more advanced level within combat oriented magic. Although they sponsor the training of future recruits, the mainly let the other magical academies in Stormwind teach the students the basics and mid level before they finally join the more advanced courses available in Honor's Watch.

Edit; and yes, Rae is definitely OP! Unfortunately though, she must have spent all her points in combat stats, while not so much in strategy & tactics :P
"And just what is the meaning of all this?"

"We were attacked." Answered one of the Chevaliers standing next to Icarias, the man motioning with his eyes from behind his steel mask towards Rae'liel who was sitting on her knees before Sherpa.
"The attackers have been dealt with, but not before that vile harpy and her minions murdered many good men and women defending the fort!"

Further away from them, the Captain had managed to pull the demonic sword out of the peculiar chevalier and Death Knight. The death knight's body was now lying motionless on the stone floor, flies already having gathered across his festering wound which revealed flesh that had long been dead.

As the Captain picked up the body of the Death Knight to carry him away, another figure had appeared to the scene as well. It was someone Icarias knew, Sathrielle DeLuve, a battle mage, senior enchanter and ritual expert. With black hair running into a ponytail behind her back, and a slightly pale skin, she had always been rather silent when not teaching her students, and was commonly known as a night owl, preferring to host her sessions between dusk and dawn.

She was wearing the plate and lemellar armor that so often characterized the White Hand's chevaliers, alongside silk white cloak and tabard. The main thing that distinguished her from that of an ordinary chevalier in her uniform was the staff that she carried around, as well as some books, scrolls and potions hanging from her uniform.

Sathrielle seemed unconcerned with the destruction around her as she walked across the battlements, heading over to the scene where the Death Knight had fallen. Carrying a bunk of cloth, she reached down and began to collect Rae'liel's demonic blade, Apylon, alongside the runeblade left behind by the fallen Death Knight. Picking them up, she folded them into the blankets, which seemed to be doused in some liquid of sort. Whatever magical aura that they had emanated before, it ceased when they were tucked into the blankets.

Around them and across the fortress battlements, more chevaliers and servants had shown up to extinguish what fires remained and carry off the corpses as well as tend to the wounded. The chaos and smoke that had originally filled the fort was slowly dissipating as the inhabitants moved to return it to order.

"Over there, the white haired elf, that's Sherraine Silver-something." The chevalier then pointed at Sherpa for Icarias.
"He's an investor of some description and friend with the High Master. I don't know why he's here, but it's probably a good idea to give him a wide berth."


Outside of Honor's Watch, about to traverse the bridge connecting the rest of the harbor fortifications with that of Honor's Watch, a host of knights from Stormwind rode across! Wearing heavy polished gold trimmed and truesilver armor, they were donned in deep blue cloaks and tabards depicting the seal of Stormwind's order of knights.

But the host of knights all came to a stop as they were met by one of the White Hand watchmen who greeted them halfway across.

"What is the situation, soldier? Are we under attack?" Asked the knight commander leading the host as he looked down at the Chevalier who now stood in front of them on the bridge.

"Yes, we were. But the White Hand have dealt with the attacks." The Chevalier informed the knight commander and his knights before him.
"There was a strike team, but they are all dead or captured now. The fires are under control. We thank you for the help with those copters, but we require no further assistance."

The chevalier explained, and the knights exchanged looks between themselves.

"Stormwind Strategic Defense Headquarters and King Varian Wrynn will receive a full report of the attack within four hours, and the bodies of the attackers and their equipment will be handed over to your commander for autopsy, identification and inspection by tomorrow morning." The chevalier informed, speaking with a calm and confident voice.
"But, between you and me... thanks for showing up anyway. It's really good to see that we can count on the fine knights of Stormwind to help us should we ever need it."

The chevalier added with a smile, and the Knight Commander nodded in return.

"We are only doing our duty. It is good to hear that you have the situation under control. Do not hesitate to call us if you should require any further assistance." The Knight Commander answered, before he turned to the rest of the knights and they began to turn around on the bridge, heading back and away from Honor's Watch while the chevalier waved them off.


"I came here to die, killing you, an abomination."

"Well... that seemed to have worked." Sherpa answered sarcastically with a smug smirk, not withholding a small snicker as he gazed down at Rae'liel.

"But no. I will not give you the pleasure of dying so soon.... Sathrielle?" Sherpa then spoke, turning his attention to the black haired battle mage who had just collected the weapons and was carrying them under her arm. Turning to look at the High Elf, Sathrielle then moved a hand down to retrieve that looked like a pair of thorium handcuffs. Tossing them over, one of the chevaliers behind Rae'liel catched it, before locking her hands together behind her back.

"I miss the time just simple rope was enough. Apparently it isn't in your case." Sherpa commented as the chevalier locked the handcuffs tight, before pulling Rae'liel back up to her feet.

"I intend to say hello to my brother, who I hear have come for a visit. Care to join me, Rae'liel?" Sherpa asked with a smug grin as he extended a hand to the tied Blood Elf almost mockingly.
On the bright side, Rae did a pretty good job distracting the White Hand ;)
so much so that she got the mini boss encounter that I had originally planned for the main group! (even if she ended up having to 1vs1 him, as opposed to the group who would have had a 1vs12)

also, any news from Saltwater?
"A death knight?" Sharon responded to the recent information from Liaena.

"This is troubling news."

Indeed, Sharon had anticipated some undead and a Death Knight, but the Death Knight that he had anticipated was his brother, Sherpa only. Now there was another Death Knight it seemed! Fighting one would be bad enough, and if they ran into them both at the same time, the High Elf preferred to not even think about what would end up happening if they did.

"By the way, next time you see a coffin or any woeful object come flying towards me, do try to do something other than just watching."

Sharon had already fallen into deep contemplation where he sat in Serphia's cowl, until he suddenly heard the Captain addressing him.

"I thought Night Elves were supposed to be agile... " He muttered without thinking, too focused on the plan.

However, he soon realized what he had said, and looked up at the rather unimpressed face of Serphia that now glowered down on him.

" ... sorry, you have my spells at your disposal." He was quick to add, nodding apologetically back at her.
"But we need to move fast, the longer we tarry; the more time the White Hand has to regroup and mount a proper counterattack. I do not expect any resistance through the catacombs ahead."

Sharon explained, before a thought struck him.

" ... where is the White Hand response? You would think we'd have a whole platoon chasing after us by now!"

But as he contemplated on the lack of White Hand reinforcements, a distant tremor could be heard throughout the reef, emanating from the castle further up. What was causing the deep tremors, he did not know. Perhaps it was something that were keeping the White Hand preoccupied? That was only speculation. The thing he knew for real was that they couldn't linger.

"Let's go." Sharon said, as he motioned for Serphia and the rest of the party to venture through the catacombs up ahead.


The room shook from the deep vibrations coming from further up in the castle at the top of the reef, but none of the cultists seemed to pay any attention to it. They were all focused on the ritual at hand, their eyes now focused on Kathlin as the girl was being brought to the middle of the circle by Sevarian.

"Most people live cold, static lives." Sevarian said as he positioned Kathlin in the middle of the summoning circle. Taking a couple of steps back, she soon found her limbs being held in place by the magic of the cultists as they began to channel on the spell.

Up above, the darker cloud of spirits swirled ever closer around the air above Kathlin. Some amorphous eyes and faces could be seen forming in the spirit host, gazing down with baneful eyes at the people below them.

"But then they are touched by critical events, events that change their lives forever. Your life is about to change, and you will become a catalyst of change to that of many others as well." Sevarian explained with an eerie calm.

"All I need, is for you to relax, and open your mind..."


It was a quiet journey through the catacombs, the only sound accompanying them were their echoing footsteps and breathing which could be heard through the quiet corridors and hallways.

As they passed, there were nothing to stand in their way. There were no chevaliers whatsoever in the catacomb. The only significant presence came from morbid and henious statues built into the walls and columns, glaring down at them through their empty stone eyes, as well as the eerie quiet that surrounded the coffins located throughout the necropolis that they were now walking through.

Sharon had no idea where he was leading the group. For all he knew, he could be going the complete opposite way of the dungeons!

But his doubts were suddenly dispelled when further up ahead, he heard a set of voices; followed by two figures appearing around the next corner! Two chevaliers were standing outside a runic stone door around fifty feet away from the party, each carrying the corpse of a troll with them that they were dragging out from the room that they had come from. But they were also quick to see them in return!

"There, monkeys!" Sounded the late announcement of one of the sentinels. Sharon was quick to respond, raising his staff where he stood beside Serphia's head to fire out a bolt of lightning the nearest chevalier! The chevalier, however, was quick to drop the corpse that he was carrying and duck; the lightning bolt passing over his head and dissipating against the stone wall behind him! The second chevalier reacted as an arrow came flying through the air from the sentinels, acting by holding up the corpse of the troll that he was carrying to use it against a shield!

Thud, thud, thud!

The corpse of the troll catched all three of the arrows fired from the sentinels, before he dropped it and raced back into the room from which he had come from. The other chevalier was standing further away from the door, and decided to instead leg it the opposite direction, disappearing down a pathway to the right and leaving the fight behind!

"Trolls... what are trolls doing here?" Sharon asked as he threw the bodies lying further up ahead by the door a perplexed look.

It looks good, Saltwater :)

Now is the question about how you wish to enter the RP. There is after all a battle going on in the RP at the fortress, and a number of White Hand magi were involved in fighting off Rae'liel's assault.

Actually, what came to my mind just about now was if you perhaps wanted to enter as one of the unspecified mages in the recent fight, if you want to get right into the action.
During the fight, there was one magi(who never really got a description) who tipped the scale between some White Hand knights versus Rae's blood knights, gaining them victory. Although the mage did suffer a case of being stabbed by a ill-tempered Blood Elf, it was not necessarily lethal, and if you want to maybe have that mage be Icarias, you can decide just how much damage you suffered.(don't worry, the White Hand have medics!)

If you want, you'll then be starting very close to where Sherpa and Rae'liel currently are, and probably witnessed the fight as well :)

I don't think Sharon's group will ever really reach that scene, considering that they are currently inside the reef below the castle and it wouldn't surprise me if once they got their hostage, didn't return to the surface whatsoever and instead used one of the lower exits to escape.

If anything, it'll probably be Rae'liel and Sherpa who have to catch up with Sharon's group :P
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