Avatar of SirBeowulf
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  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1012 (0.25 / day)
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    1. SirBeowulf 11 yrs ago


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10 yrs ago
Current It might be three inches, but it smells like a foot.


Most Recent Posts

Warren. Again. Let's just keep it as Warren as the title or something.

Warren ignored the call sign, he had come to grow used to the derogative nickname given to him by the rest of the team. "Well, as much as I'd love to play dress up with Howard, I don't think the people here will see him in a baseball cap as another person." As if in response, Howard beeped, turning back and forth slightly. Warren chuckled and rubbed the little bot on the head. He began setting up a small path for the bot as the others readied up. "I'll have Howard stay close, but he'll be limited by the alleyways a little bit since he can't directly follow us without getting spotted." He attached the tablet onto its normal spot, resting on his rucksack in an easy to reach location. "You've been a little quiet, doc. Any ideas from you?"
Wes Shanks, Rescue Team.

"Ooh, thermite!" Wes said with a hint of glee as the nearby soldiers passed them a few hefty sticks. "Ain't that a surprise, 'ey Fräulein?" he said with a bit of a condescending tone. "Now we get to rescue the big man of the company AND burn a high tech piece of military equipment! Two birds with one stone, I say." He switched the safety off of his weapon as the city was probably now classified as a Warzone. He tore his gaze away from his weapon to take a good hard breath. "Smells like gasoline and burned corpses. Man, I sure hope the smell dissipates by the time we get there. I had a chili MRE this morning. Not good for the indigestion, me thinks." He looked back at the Kaiserin.

"Got a plan, Fräulein?"

Warren, chatting with the lads through skype.
"Its a good plan and all... but a heckuva lot easier said than done, ma'am." He scrunched up his face as the smell of gasoline and burning bodies reached their position, tickling his nostrils as he stood up from checking on Howard. More than once he would've given up all the pudding that came in their rations for a fully encompassing helmet. There was nothing worse than the smell of burning bodies. Suffice to say, it smelled a little bit like chicken. "If you'll give me a moment, I'm pretty sure we've got some UAV's up in the air. Shouldn't be hard to tap into one of them with this little thing," he said, wiggling his tablet. He used his magic fingers to send out a signal, linking up with the drone that HQ was no doubt using. After a few seconds of pinging, an image showed up. detailing a map of the area. "You can thank me later when we're not sniffing roasted meat."
How's that work as IC chatter? It makes sense to me.
Like a hooker goes through food stamps?

So from what I've collection, this is the whole thing broke down. There is the Extraction Team, consisting of Loviisa, John, and Warren who's role is to get LOKI the hell out of there. And then Rescue, Wes and Kath, whose goal is to rescue Belroth and pull him out, as well as destroy the helicopter. Am I right or am I right?
I wonder if we can get 100 OOC posts by the time we make the first IC. COME ON LADS.
Except for Virgin! Well, he kinda cheated to get it, but whatever. I was talking about the passive ones, though. Having the perks Bench Press and Force Multiplier would give you a +2 to your Brute Combat skills. Are those already added in or what?
I got a quick question, have the bonuses from the perks been added into our actual stats or do we have to do that manually? Also, I laughed. A lot. Especially at the skills and perks given for Wes. The 11 INT guy sounds like he would answer 42 as the answer to life.
Unless you're dancing on the corpse of some random Lost, I somehow doubt you're at her grave. She was eaten and then likely shat up somewhere.
So.... how's everyone doin'?

jumjummju said
Don't feel bad about the delays. When was there ever an RP that DIDN'T have a delay?As for Catherine's starting point, as she is essentially a wanderer she could be literally anywhere, though possibly I might start off in a city, doin' some scavenging.

I'll scavenge u babyyyyy.
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