Avatar of sirena
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  • Posts: 63 (0.02 / day)
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    1. sirena 8 yrs ago


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Alexandra “Alex” Lee

Location: Room, then underground target range
Interacting With: Mostly with Professor Latour (@Ace of flames01), but anyone can respond

As Alex's blaring alarm clock woke her up from her slumber, her arm reached out instinctively to stop the incessant beeping. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she looked over to check time. The numbers 8:00 glared at her in bright red. Okay, that gave her a good 30 minutes to shower and get ready. After going through her morning routine, Alex was met with a big decision: her outfit. Today was an important day after all, and she wanted to make a good impression. After sorting though her closet she finally decided on a flowy, floral tank top and a pair of denim shorts. Cute, yet comfortable. She wanted to be prepared, because she wasn't sure what the Professor was planning for them to do today.

With a spring in her step, she made her way toward the underground target range where the Professor had told the group to meet. Alex was excited, but at the same time quite nervous. She had always wanted to use her powers for something good, but also wasn't sure she was capable enough to be a part of something like the X-Men. As Alex continued walking, she was confused as to why she wasn't at the target range yet. She was sure it was a left, two rights, and then another left...and another right, and another right? Or was it two lefts, and then a right, and then a left, and then... Oh god, she couldn't believe that she was lost on her first day. Slowly, she began retracing her steps and racking her brain to remember the directions the Professor had given to get to the range. Eventually she found her way there, but way past the designated meeting time.

Practically sprinting into the room, Alex's eyes searched for the Professor and immediately turned to him with her head bowed. She wanted to introduce herself to the other students but that would have to wait. "I'm so sorry Professor! I-I got lost on my way here. I know that's no excuse, but I promise it won't happen again. Really," she exclaimed. God, she was such a disappointment. Clenching her eyes, she awaited for him to reprimand her for her tardiness.
@BlackPanther@Ace of flames01 Ah, okay. Thanks! :D I've finished writing my first post, so I'll just go ahead and post it now.

Is there a posting rule? I'm just assuming we take turns?
Hi! I'm a bit late in joining, but I'm excited to roleplay with everyone. Will be posting my character once I finish the relationships part.
@Nightfury Kat Oh thanks for the info about about the merpeople! I didn't realize their were more tags underneath the fae entry, lol.

Hmm. I guess we'll see what I get the most inspiration for, and I guess I'll go with that? :)
Hi! Thanks for tagging me. I was thinking of making a witch character, but there seems to be quite a few already. Quick question: If I were to make a mermaid character, how do mermaids go to school? Are they the type that transform in the water and have legs on land?
We're both pretty chill, and we promise you'll have a good time! We just want everyone to have fun. :)
Hi! I'm interested in applying if you're still accepting new players.
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