Avatar of sirena
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    1. sirena 8 yrs ago


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@BlackPanther Yeah, out all the things to remember that isn't a particularly great one. xD
@BlackPantherPoor Loki. What a hell of a first day.

This will work in very well with what I was planning to post.
Still looking for more interest! :)
Thanks for tagging me! Do you want the CS PM'd to you or just posted in the OOC for approval?
@Emma I think I've settled on a female witch, but I'm still working on her backstory atm!!
@Damo021 Looks good to me! :) I'm just hoping Alex gets to know everyone more.

Alexandra “Alex” Lee

Location: Underground target range
Interacting With: Katherine (@Wicked Sweet), Loki (@BlackPanther), Sophie and Professor Latour (@Ace of flames01), and whoever is closest to her (can be anyone tbh)

In her haste Alex hadn't managed to see the commotion going on in the room. Eyes still clenched, it wasn't until she felt a body bump into hers that she noticed the students gathering around some sort of animal. She was too distracted to hear the girl's apology or else she would've reassured her that it was no big deal. There seemed to be a much bigger matter hand. ...Was that a panther? She saw a brunette hold out an arm to signal something, but she wasn't sure what. Hearing Professor Latour address her, she nodded in response. "Yes, professor. I swear it won't happen again." Obediently Alex took the closest seat she could find, still feeling extremely guilty about her tardiness.

Alex had no clue what was going on and was extremely worried that someone was going to get hurt. If someone got injured severely she wouldn't be able to help them. Her powers weren't that far developed, as of yet. She continued to watch the scene before her but couldn't make sense of it all. Why was there was a panther? And why did Professor Latour address it as "Loki"? Although she could see the appeal, she didn't think it was anyone's pet. Turning towards the person closest to her she asked, "Why is there a panther here? Is it for some kind of training?"
Alex is literally going to be the medic on standby just in case.
Bumping for more interest!
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