Avatar of SkeankySnack


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Dear diary:

Today I woke up and saw at least 50,000 characters worth of text in the IC section.

I fear for my own mental health that I'll go crazy from reading it all.



^ What Delta says

^ How Delta actually feels

That's right non ooc-ers, let's move this party to the discord channel!
@BeastofDestiny lies. are you sure he won't have a drunk time with someone like Shou

Nina is confused and just wants to be married again (find love) and have a baby before her clock is up xD

I already told you, it's going to be a dream sequence the two will share and at least Kyle will wake up horrified XD
Seriously though, with all the yaoi/yuri talk that goes on in this, I'm pretty sure Kyle will be the only straight man left in shine city
<Snipped quote by BeastofDestiny>

She likes them just fine xD she just has 0 romance experience. She just likes cute girls cause she can't be 'cute'

Though she probably leans more toward girls, she probably would be fine with either, or any gender.

Time to commence planning for stage 1
@Silver Fox Ash is pretty cute, too bad she doesn't like guys
@Silver Fox she's a red head, are you sure she has to be a side character?
@lovely complex we should specify then, I'm Kyle 1 cause I'm the coolest and the other one is nerdy faker Kyle
<Snipped quote by lovely complex>

Ah ew. Never mind. Kyle doesn't go for the same chick as everyone else like that. Kyle doesn't have the energy for that. Still she is cute af

@dabombjk I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks red heads are hot they're just so fiery
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