Name:Blusey Fluesy
(Just goes by "Izzy" for obvious reasons)
Age:Unknown. She appears to be of high schooler age, however, due to her Seal power's side affects, she is forced to be forever young. Thus, she is most likely in her late thirties, early forties.
Standing at around 5'6, Izzy has a very athletic figure thanks to her rigorous daily training routines. She typically wears her trench coat over her uniform, most likely to hide the fact she's carry several large knives and a pistol on her person.
World of Origin:Taboo Tattoo
Powers/Equipment:"Power Crest Airburst"
The Power Crests are ancient objects developed into powerful weapons by the United States. They appear in the form of permanent tattoos that give the user supernatural abilities. As somewhat of a standard, every Power Crest gives the user superhuman strength, speed, and senses. Users can react faster, hit harder, and move swifter than any normal human. On top of that, however, the Power Crest grants the user a unique ability. For Izzy, she can control the air around her, giving her a wide range of attacks. She can make a grenade by filling a piece of rubble with incredibly pressurized air, enhance her jumps, use pressure/shockwaves to burst a victim's organs (much like an explosion), ect. However, these powers come at a steep cost. First, most Power Crests require a "Trigger" to activate. In Izzy's case, she has to hold chalk in the hand that has her tattoo. The chalk would be absorbed, the Crest activated. This is why Izzy always carries a specially made holster of chalk on her legs. Secondly, there are side affects of using a Power Crest. Izzy was unfortunately freeze at a young age, leaving her forever young. To some, this may actually seem like a benefit, but to Izzy, being treated like a kid for the rest of your life hasn't been fun at all.
"A Master of CQC"
Without her Power Crest, Izzy is still an incredibly capable fighter. Her close combat skills and athletic abilities usually put her leagues above most normal martial artists. Now when you do combine that with her powers, well, let's just say those punches are usually her final word in a conflict.
"Guns and Blades"
Being a member of the US Army, Izzy is fairly adept, but not an expert, in firearms. She usually carries a semi-automatic handgun on her. She is, however, quite skillful with a blade, and typically carries two fixed blades.
Brief Backstory:In the modern world, there exist two superpowers. First and foremost is the United States, with the worlds largest GDP. However, very close behind, is the Kingdom of Selinistan in Southeast Asia. These two world powers in recent years have started butting heads more and more often, with the threat of war looming in the distance. The US needed a trump card, something that would incredibly boost there strength over the mighty Kingdom of Selinistan, who was leading the world in various technologies. The US found their trump card, in the form of power ancient artifacts. The US Army began studying the powers of these artifacts, in hope of unlocking their secrets. However, the Kingdom had also begun researching these Artifacts and began making their own soldiers infused with Power Crests.
As the US began to learn more about the Power Crests, a researcher stole some of the stones that are used to infuse the user with the Power Crests, fleeing to Japan to sell them to the various criminal elements there. Thus, the US military discretely dispatched a team of Power Crest users and Special Forces to hunt down and recover these artifacts.
Izzy, a lieutenant in the Army, leads one of those teams of hunters to track down and "recover" the stolen Crests.
Personality:Generally speaking, Izzy is a friendly individual who can sometimes get ahead of herself in terms of combat. Occasionally she can be very intrusive and nosey, but overall it's usually because she wants to protect her friends. However, when one tries to get her to talk about her own past, she gets very standoffish and angry, typically never revealing anything that happened long before. It seems Izzy doesn't want anyone to know about her past, and wants it to stay that way.
Other:(Finding a suitable theme song)