Avatar of Skepic
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    1. Skepic 11 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Been practicing drawing for a few months now. Biggest tip I can give so far is copy, copy, copy. It really helps you learn the basics in a very hands on way,
8 yrs ago
Finally caught up on Rick and Morty. Pretty good shit. It's not every day a cartoon reminds me of my existential crisis.
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8 yrs ago
The Boarder Patrol in Vermont has more important matters than illegal Mexicans. They have to stop the White Walkers.
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8 yrs ago
Unborn babies are essentially mech pilots, right?
8 yrs ago
You know what's worse then radio Country Music? Country Music Radio hosts.


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Today, was a bad day for Ava.

She is a highly skilled, incredibly talented pilot, someone who earned her Ace rank at such a young age, deserving of her title "Night Witch". She has fought her way across Europe, flown over the barren and harsh wastes of France, going up against the best of the best.

And to what end?

Now she carried a Ukrainian dog, helped by someone who only just grasps the concepts of "English" following a Canadian Scanner to an unknown hut in the middle of god knows where, Iceland, freezing her god damn legs off. Exhausted, cold, hungry, and with only a basic Luger as protection as she hefted her squadmate towards the shelter. And low and behold, it was occupied. In fact, the moment Ava noticed the lights in the cabin, she yelled "Gott Dammit!" After some, in what she would call, prolong negotiations, Roland was was able to get everyone inside. Ava simply muttered "Danke" to the strange Caribbean soldier as they made their way in. She and her squadmate Ashikaga lowered their beleaguered comrade into a chair, finally allowing Ava to observe the cabin with more freedom. It was simple, almost quaint if it wasn't for the now large group of veteran pilots standing inside, trying to warm up from the walk. Glancing around, her gaze came to rest on the stranger who had helped them.

Finding a spot on the wall, she leaned back and stretched, "Mein Gott that was a long flight...." she muttered as she stretched. Now leaning against the wall, Ava finally had a chance to size up the helpful stranger. He was young, muscular, a strapping young man to say the least. It caused Ava to laugh a little inside, as he reminded her of some ad in a prewar magazine she had once found. "So... Mr. Caribbean, you said you flew this far north for.... imperialistic purposes?" Ava started, trying to get some more information out the guy. She found it odd that the some organization based so far south go so far north, and east, for that matter.

Ima here. I got an idea of a nation starting off in a massive civil war of ideologies. That way we all have something to "talk about" once things get started.
<Snipped quote by Ophidian>

No i havent actually touched on the carribean yet, which would actually allow you to sort of write in your own ideas as its currently a blank slate :)

By the way, this bomber-fighter is pretty cool

The fuck is that? It's like.... someone taught a retarded squid how to fly....


@Skepic No, no starting 'fresh' we got too cool of an established story. Do you not remember Ava's cool entry in the Broken Birds Battle? We will carry on with our journey!

Oh you know what I mean! I'm fine with us just going off of where we were. I'm just sayin I'm also fine with attracting new blood tis all. :D
*Door flies open*

"@Dynamo Frokane you son of a bitch! I've been waiting so long for an RP like this, I have LITERALLY grown a beard on my gas mask! WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN, HUH!? HANGING OUT WITH YOUR COOOOOLLLL NEEEEW FRIENDS!?"

*Drunkinly throws bottle*

I'm all for just starting fresh with some new people....
There, that was my raggdy baggdy post. Finally. XD

For those who are TL-DR. here is a summary:

-Katrin, The Hunter-

Gourd Lake

"I don't you seem to understand, I am NOT you! I don't hurt people the way you do, and certainly not my own family!"

A muffled voice filled a young woman's head.

"This is my ESCAPE! This is my world, not the old one!"

Who was speaking? What was this voice? The young woman's eyes suddenly shot awake. Her breath was ragged and she felt as though she was covered in a cold sweat. For a brief moment, it was simply white noise. Nothing came to mind, nothing was thought of. Then, suddenly, everything came rushing back to her in an instant. Her memories, her senses, her thoughts, all came crashing into her head. This woman now knew, or at least, somewhat knew who she was and why she was here. Her name is Katrin, and she's a Hunter of the Healing Church.

Katrin strained to hold onto those voices she had heard earlier. Where they from someone she once knew? Someone from her clouded past? She shook her head, slapping her face. "Come on, get it together, let's figure out where the hell we are, then we'll go from there." Katrin thought, now finally observing her surroundings. She was sitting on the shore of some sort of....

"Oh my god... IS THAT THE SUN!?" Katrin exclaimed aloud. Indeed, she had somehow left the blood moon that had hung over the city of Yharnam and now found herself sitting on the relatively sunny shore of a lake. Frantically glancing around, she was on her feet in an instant, blade drawn. Yet not a single living thing seem to stir. Sighing, she sheathed her blade and began to walk along the shore. Many questions plagued her mind, but, as per usual, she found the only way to truly solve any mystery in her experience, was to explore her surroundings. As she did though, she thought.

"Am I in another 'Hunter's Nightmare' of sorts? Perhaps when I warped from the Hunter's Dream, something went wrong? Hmnnn...."

After some time had passed, she came across a shack that sat on a dock. Detecting movement she quickly hid in among one of the many trees and observed. Suddenly the wall of the shack crashed open, revealing a very.... odd sight. A man dressed in the attire of... well... Katrin didn't really recognize the garb, however, she had only met fellow hunters, mad or otherwise, in her brief experience in the waking world, so perhaps this was just normal civilian attire. Anyway, the man was getting dragged down by what Katrin could only assume to be some sort of humanoid, however, she refrained from referring to the figure as either human nor beast. Clad in all metal and with a bloodlust to rival any crazed beast, this creature almost terrified Katrin down to her core.

Being an experienced hunter, one learns quickly how to gauge both her own and other's bloodlust. A natural sense is built within the Hunter's mind for this, and it was because of this made the Hunter scared. She had faced down countless abominations, beasts, and real Lovecraftian horrors, but this creature before here was unlike any other. For he gave off an horrid, yet in intoxicating stench. He was dangerous not because of the bloodlust she sensed in him, no. He was dangerous because of how it radiated off of him, nearly driving Katrin herself to leap out of cover and just start swinging her blades madly at whatever moved.

Yet her famed self control prevailed and Katrin was able to get her Old Blood under control. For now, she was determined to wait and watch, hoping to gain some sort of insight as to what exactly was unfolding before her.

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